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Our Little Secret - Gossip Girl (M/F)


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The upper east side welcomes you.

That is - if you are ready to enter the world of the Manhattan's Elite.

Secrets aren’t good, unless they get you what you want.

Who’s going to learn the hard way?

The background noise of the city was all but part of life in the upper east side. Jenny and Eric had met for lunch although neither had much to eat, as there was far too much to talk about. “So what are you going to do?” Eric was a sweet boy, and Jenny was a sweet girl. But boy could they get themselves into trouble. “I don’t know what to do. This is a big chance for me, and I really like Nate. He’s just different. Sure, he’s older but age is just a number. Isn’t it?” Eric shrugged giving his classic ‘I don’t want to hurt your feelings’ smile as he gulped back some now chilled tea. “I have to say yes, don’t I?”

It was hard to have a conversation when one of the two participants chose not to spoke. Jenny picking up on this discomfort decided to change the subject. Opening her mouth to speak, “hehnnxt!” she quickly brought her hands over her nose to conceal a single sneeze.

“Bless you, here.” Eric extended a napkin from the table as Jenny held both hands over her face. She accepted the tissue and placed it into her jacket pocket for later. The way her nose itched, she may need it.

“Getting a cold?” Eric gave her a concerned look, observing the bags under her eyes. Jenny shook her head. “Must just be allergies.” She tossed all but her phone into her small purse and packed up her things, leaving money for Eric to pay on the table. “I got it.” He said extending the money back to her. She shook her head and exited the patio tables, flipping to Nate’s name in her phone.

*Tomorrow sounds good, can’t wait.*

Oh Little J, what have you gotten yourself into.

We know your secret, all your secrets.

The heart sees nothing wrong with love; but we do.

“I’m really glad you said yes, you look amazing.” Nate pulled open the door of the limo for Jenny, a smile beaming on his face as he followed behind her into the luxury vehicle. The start of the ride was quiet, not awkward, just nice. His hand over hers on her leg felt so right. Coughing lightly against her fist before beginning a conversation, she was relieved that Nate did not seem to notice.

Sporting a dress she had designed, she snuck a glance into the mirror on their way into the restaurant. They looked pretty great together. Nate always looked great, but she felt as though he made her look better just by being seen with her.

The painkillers had taken effect and she was so thankful that the pounding headache resigning in her sinuses earlier that day has subsided, at least, for the most part. Nate pulled her chair out before taking his own and pulled her hands into his on the table. “How was your day?” Jenny was not about to tell him that she spent the morning in bed on cold medicine. “Great. Just getting ready to spend the night with the ever so charming Nate Archibald.” He retracted one hand and ran it along his cheek. “Well you look absolutely stunning.”

The conversation had taken off by the time the main course had arrived and Jenny was feeling beyond confident with her choice of being out with Nate tonight. Hating herself at this moment she turned away to cough politely into her napkin. Of course, the cough was not just a slight one but holding back all the tickles in her throat came with a vengeance. Regaining her composure she turned back to Nate and placed the napkin onto her lap.

“Are you alright?” He looked concerned, waving the waiter over. “I’m fine.” Jenny whispered at a man shuffled to the table. “Can we get more water please, right away.” Nate spoke while slipping the man a generous tip in attempts to hurry him. As the elegant music gained a slight beat, Jenny winced at the sound and brought a hand to her temple before sniffing. Because why not show all the symptoms at once.

“I’m sorry I didn’t want to say no and miss my chance.” Jenny spoke quietly before taking back two pills with the fresh water. “I asked you to come to dinner with me because I am interested in you Jenny. I feel awful.” Nate waved his hand once again for someone to come cater to us. “I’m totally fine Nate, please don’t worry at all. Just a little cough.”

Jenny now feeling rather ill, prayed that the limo ride home she had been looking forward to for two days would come and go so she could get home to bed. She tried to ignore the growing pain in her head and keep the conversation going with Nate. He rushed the waiter with the bill in hopes of getting Jenny back home as soon as possible. They both gazed around periodically to make sure no one they knew could be keeping tabs on them for gossip girl, or dan.

Try you may, but never underestimate the great and powerful.

We are always watching. Always.

X.O.X.O Gossip Girl

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Another glorious day on the upper east side.

Well, as long as you’re not Jenny Humphrey that is.

Poor Little J.

Stuck in bed with a cold, and no one to care for her.

Where is Nate Archibald at a time like this?

"Nate." Shit. He's been spotted. He slowly returned the tea to the counter before turning to face the older brother of girl he's been seeing. "Oh, Dan, hey! How's Jenny?" Shit. Again. Why did he say that, maybe Dan wouldn't pick up on that fact. "Uh, you heard she's sick I guess?" Nate's expression disappeared from his face. "No." Followed by Dans expression. "Yeah. I mean, yeah Serena mentioned it. Jenny must have told Eric." He broke his eye contact with Dan and returned his attention to the cup of tea in front of him.

"Right. Well, she's miserable. She'll be on her own tonight but seeing as she's kept herself locked in her room all day, I'm sure she won't mind." Nate simply nodded, not wanting to say anything else to very clearly blow their cover. "Well I better run. Serena is meeting me for lunch. See you around."

Nate scooped the tea up in his hand and added a giant cookie and bowl of soup to his order. Dan said she was miserable, so he should come with gifts.

Silly Nate, you can't buy love.

Or can you?

"Aw Nate you're so sweet! You didn't have to?" Jenny squealed through a congested nose as Nate entered with soup and tea. He smiled before exiting the room momentarily and re-entering with a giant pink teddy bear. "Wow you're something else." The smile stuck on her face as Nate came and kissed the top of her head. "Feeling any better?" Although she did not, something about Nate Archibald put a calm over those around him. She nodded quickly before stifling a sneeze against her wrist. "Heh-nxxttt". Nate's hand found it's place on her back as the tea found it's place in her hand.

The front door slammed causing both Nate and Jenny to stop in their tracks. "I thought no one was coming home." Nate whispered slowly sitting up in the bed. Jenny shrugged as the footsteps grew near. "Well...." She said looking to him as if he was an expert in the department. "Well what?" He shrugged truly confused on what to do. "Hide. Closet." She spoke in a frantic whisper before throwing his jacket under her blankets and setting a book in front if the soup and tea.

Laying down and closing her eyes, she pretended to be asleep. "Jenny?" Dans voice echoed through the door. Jenny remained still. "Hey, Jen." Dan creaked the door open and knocked once again. "Dan, hey." She truly sounded as if she just woke up, god actress. "I forgot my laptop and just figured I'd check in before I left for the night. You okay?" Nate peeked through the slit between closet doors as Jenny shot the thumbs up sign. "Did you mention to Eric that you're sick?" Praying she would realize the answer needed to be yes, Nate held his breath within the closet. "No." Jenny responded quickly, coughing after the words escaped her. "Oh, weird, Nate had said--" He was cut off by Jenny sitting up in bed and gasping into a sudden sentence. "Oh, did I say no? Ha. I meant yes. Must be the fever. I'm delirious."

Nate rolled his eyes, a smile on his face but concealed the laughter from between her clothes, pulling a sweater over his mouth. "I'm sure, alright well I'll let you-- hey, where'd you get the bear?" A look of horror crossed Jenny's face, as well as Nates. "Um. Blair. She dropped it off not too long ago. Sweet right?" Dan shrugged and took ahold of the door handle. "Yeah. Well, I just wanted to check in. Give Serena a call if you need anything."

Nate waited for Dan to leave the room, and for the sound of the front door of the loft close before he exited the closet."Next time, let's get our stories straight before I'm sent to hide." Jenny let a smile cross her face before covering a harsh cough with her blankets. "You sound awful." Nate brought a hand to her face and moved back and forth from her forehead to each cheek, not exactly sure what he was doing. "You must be delirious from the fever alright, you're burning up." Nate joked, although concerned.

After sneaking to the kitchen and fetching a damp cloth he pulled the blankets up over Jenny's stomach and took a seat by her side. "Time for some rest." Jenny moaned and pulled on the collar of Nate's shirt to bring their noses to touch. His lips met hers but before that moment could flourish, Jenny was pushing Nate away. "Not today, you're going to get sick." Nate laughed and held her hands against the bed before kissing her in a soft yet passionate fashion. "I don't get sick."

Oh. What a tangled web we weave.

Don’t get too caught up Little J.

X.O.X.O Gossip Girl

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Nate laughed and held her hands against the bed before kissing her in a soft yet passionate fashion. "I don't get sick."

Famous last words, Nate. Famous last words.

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Here is your daily dose of the lives of the rich and famous.

Manhattans Elite seems to be getting into some trouble.

"I'm getting sick." Nate croaked, tossing his jacket down on the couch as he entered Chuck's bedroom. "Keep that to yourself Nathaniel. Ive got..... things to do tonight." Chuck threw a wink in the blue eyed boys direction as Nate rolled his eyes. "I had reserved all three for myself, but I can spare one if need be." Chuck's voice sounded so far away, but so obnoxiously loud at the same time. He threw his friend a disgusted glance and rolled over putting his face directly into the cushions. "Come on, let's get a head start." Nate turned his neck to a glass of scotch being held in front of his face. He replied with a cough before turning back to the darkness.

Loud footsteps echoed through the room as Nate groaned. Blair had showed up. "Bass. Nate." She spoke in one breath before making her way around the bed and pressing her lips firmly against Chuck's before reacting to the fit of coughing coming from the couch. "Are you sick?" She slammed her heels against the floor, making her way to the head of the couch. "You never get sick." She turned back towards Chuck. "Whats going on here?" "My friend has succumbed to his yearly illness. However, I am healthy. And my beautiful girl is here.... however, so is my best friend" Nate looked up to 2 sets of eyes on him. "Seriously?" He flipped his legs off the couch and pulled his jacket on, exiting the room.

Poor Nate.

Let's hope no one puts the pieces together.

Our innocent Archibald isn't so innocent after all.

"Sure come on in." Jenny rolled her eyes as Blair flew through the door tapping her foot at her foot at Jenny's bedside. "Hi Blair how are you?" Her voice scratched as she spoke in an annoyed tone. "Cute bear." Blair said looking towards the obnoxious pink stuffed animal at Jenny's side. She smiled. "What are you hiding?" Jenny looked towards the bear and realized Dan had to have asked her about it. Dammit. Jenny shrugged and coughed into her fist. "You told your brother that I bought you that, stupid fluffy thing. Being me, I know I did not. So, you're hiding something." The pale blonde tried to ignore the question but knew Blair would not get off her back until she got some interesting gossip. "Just some stupid guy at school gave it to me. It's embarrassing. I didn't want Dan to bug me. You'll cover for me, won't you?" Blair nodded? Upset that the story was not too intriguing.

"Sure whatever. I need to get out of this germ pool though. I have solo shopping to do since Chuck is being, well Chuck, Serena is out with Dan, Nate's sick an-- Oh. My. God." Jenny felt her cheeks warming up as Blair's jaw hung open. "You little skank!" Jenny adjusted the blankets around her ad she waited for Blair to throw some other comments at her. "You kissed Nate! When? Where? Why...." Blair stopped and thought for a moment. "Scratch that last one." Jenny exhaled. Maybe Blair wasn't onto her. "I didn't kiss Nate, he just took a sip of my water a few days ago. Germs. You know." In hoped of Blair leaving Jenny coughed harshly uncovered in her 'friends' direction. "Ew. I'm leaving now."


As Blair exited the Humphrey household and began walking down the streets of Manhattan, Nate walked with his head down in her direction. "Archibald. Well well, where on earth could you be headed?" Nate looked up and tried to come up with a good excuse at the last minute. "Headed? No where. Just clearing my head on a walk." Blair's expression perked up. "You sound better." She observed, looking his calm composure and bright eyes. "Yeah well, must have been allergies. I'll see you around." Truthfully, he had loaded up on every possible cold medicine and had taken a Hot shower to alleviate his symptoms. He walked past her leaving a confused Blair before she entered the road and hailed a cab. She watched Nate glance toward the Humphrey's residence as he walked right past it. "Take me to see Chuck Bass." She spoke confidently as she opened the door to the cab.

Try as you may Nate.

Sooner or later, someone will catch you.

Maybe they already have.

"Knock knock." Nate whispered as he slowly pushed the door open to Jenny's bedroom. "Heh-hii-chnnxt!"

"Good morning to you too, bless you." He sat by her side on the bed and she slowly peeled the blankets back. "Ugh thanks." The congestion filled her voice and Nate chuckled at her exhausted appearance. "You look beautiful." He smiled through a concerned expression. "Lying is a sin, Nate Archibald."

He laughed the comment off and held out the tea that just hadn't noticed sat in his hand. "You didn't have to go over to the cafe to bring that, I thought you were at Chuck's." Jenny wondered why he was walking all over New York for her. Although she loved it. It seemed out of the way. "No anytime, that's my job isn't it? I was over there anyway." He trailed off at the end if his sentence showing he had no interest in further explaining, so of course - "Why were you over there?" Nate debated on lying, but figured the truth wouldn't hurt. They were both hiding their relationship. "I ran into Blair, and I just had to avoid her. She couldn't see me coming in here."

Jenny nodded, pulling her phone off the desk and flipping through it. "Yeah, uh Blair said you were sick. Or something." She didn't make eye contact, not wanting to feel guilty. "Me? No. You know Blair. Always bending, and just about mutilating the truth." Jenny nodded before turning her phone in Nate's direction. He winced as he say the Gossip Girl screen and rolled his eyes at the picture and heading.

Below of a picture if Nate bent over with both hands cupped around his mouth, a paragraph about stress and locking lips explained that he had caught a cold and the giver of those germs would be easily spotted. They both tensed as Nate finished reading the post out loud.

"So maybe I sneezed? No exactly a headline." He rolled his eyes at the stupidity of some people. "Well apparently... hehh- it.. hiitshessh! Apparently it is." She finished after pulling her blankets up over her face to shield Nate from he wimpy sneeze. "Bless you." He smiled sympathetically and picked her tea up from the table holding it out to her. "God all I seem to be doing is sneezing." She sipped the tea before crossing her arms over her chest and pouting. "Hey come here." Nate pulled her against his chest and lightly pressed his lips to her warm forehead. "You'll feel better soon. I'll make sure of it. Plus, the pathetic girly sneezes only add to how incredibly cute you are." She sighed either in relief or annoyance, although he could not tell. He pulled away to cough against his fist and mouth a curse word before turning back to her. "Sorry....." She sighed, the faintest smile on her face. His reply was a simple sniff as he shrugged.

Uh oh.

Little J is looking less innocent by the day.

The evidence? Nate Archibald.

You can't hide anything from us.

Good luck hiding this from the world.

X.O.X.O Gossip Girl.

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Nate laughed and held her hands against the bed before kissing her in a soft yet passionate fashion. "I don't get sick."

"I'm getting sick." Nate croaked, tossing his jacket down on the couch as he entered Chuck's bedroom.

I thought you didn't get sick, Nate

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Poor Nate stuck in bed while his girl is back in Brooklyn.

Maybe it's best that way.

Word travels fast on the Upper East side.

"Why bless you, Nathaniel." Chuck teased as Nate rolled his eyes and sneezed for what felt like the 80th time that day. He pulled open a large drawer and tossed a blanket from it over to where the shivering Archibald had been laying the past 4 hours. "Thanks." Nate rasped, his mind miles away. He wondered how Jenny managed to look so good if she felt as bad as he did. He reached for the box of tissues to find it empty. "What's the problem friend?" Chuck spoke observing the frustration in his friends eyes. "Don't worry about it." He cringed at his own voice, how was he ever going to hide the symptoms from Jenny now. "Tell me what you need and I will pay someone to assist you. I'm Chuck Bass." His classic line. Nate faked a smile and gestured towards the tissue box. Chuck nodded and exited the room for a quick moment. "Chuck Bass will personally handle that one." He re-entered with 3 fresh boxes and dropped them against Nate's lap.

"I'm heading out. Business to attend to. Buzz someone if you need any assistance at all. Or company." Nate nodded in amazement of how kind his friend was. It was a side of Chuck he only saw when he was faking the nice guy act in the event of a girl looking past his money and wanting personality. Looking down at his new tissues, he didn't care whether his act of kindness was fake or not.

He coughed and groaned deeply trying to adjust his voice as his phone rang signaling a call from Jenny. "Good Morning." He tested, a smile on his face finding that he sounded quite normal. He answered the call and tried to keep his voice the same. "Good Morning." He repeated waiting to hear her voice. "It's actually the afternoon." That was not Jenny. "It's Dan." Nate's heart began to beat faster as he struggled for something normal to say. "Oh, yeah, I wondered why Jenny would be calling me. What's up?" Hopefully that covered it. "Right. So Jenny isn't at home, she left her phone. I don't know where she went. You wouldn't have happened to see her today I guess?" Nate sat up on the couch, his heart beating fast again. "No-no I haven't. Uh. I'll take a walk around and help you--" He was already pulling his shoes on as Dan cut him off. "No don't worry about it. You wouldn't know where to look. Thanks anyways." The call ended as Nate finished pulling his jacket on. He knew exactly where to look. Not bothering to change from his old hoodie and sweatpants he ran out of the Bass residence and headed toward the café.

Time for real life Hide n Seek

Let's hope finding your prize doesn't ruin your game, Nate.

"Jenny!" Nate gasped as he made his way to the back of the café. "Nate? What are you doing here?" Her nose was tinged pink and her eyes dark. "What are you doing here?" He echoed. "You're sick. You should be resting. Your brother is worried about you. He called me." Her eyes shot a look into his, horror crossing her face. Nate shook his head assuring her it wasn't what she thought. "How did you know I was here?" Nate smiled and looked towards the cup of soup on her table. "You said you had never heard of this place when I brought you soup from here. I figured you'd come where no one would expect you." She took a seat and kicked the one across from her outwards, hoping Nate would take a seat. "I wasn't really hiding from anyone. I just wanted out of the house and had to be sneaky." She winked as he removed his jacket and took a seat.

Nate nodded as he turned his attention away from her, scrunching his nose trying to ward off a sneeze. He coughed lightly against his fist as the tickle moved to his throat. "You okay?" Jenny asked as her eyes met back with his. He opened his mouth beginning to answer but turned quickly pulling a napkin from the table over his nose. "Hetchhoo!" He stayed bent over the table for a moment squeezing the tissue against his nose before crumpling it in his fist and clearing his throat. Jenny had an apologetic look on her face as Nate met her gaze. "You're sick." She said crossing her arms over her chest. "Sick? No. Pepper on the table or something." He shrugged flicking his wrist under his nose. Jenny nodded and looked back down towards the noodles swirling in her soup. "Whatever you say. But since we are out we m--" "Hehhtchhoo!" She jumped and looked up to see Nate's eyes peeking out from the neck of his sweater. "Sorry." He sniffed. "Since we are out we?..." He questioned the sentence he had interrupted. "Since we are out, we should both get back to bed." Nate sighed knowing that was not where this story was going before his bodies sneeze of betrayal.

Jenny rose to her feet and headed towards the door of the restaurant. "I'll take you back." Jenny stopped and turned toward him, a smile crossing her face as she observed his sweatpants. "Don't say no." He added as she opened her mouth. He continued to walk, her catching up with him after a moment. He held his fist against his mouth coughing harshly, his breath visible in the frigid New York air. Jenny tried to ignore his muffled breathing as they walked along the busy streets. "Heitchoo! Hetchhoo!" Jenny giggled at Nate's adorable habit of sneezing into the collar of his sweatshirt. "Bless you." She leaned against his shoulder pushing him playfully. "Thanks." He spoke softly, the raspiness in his voice returning. "You're sneezing an awful lot for not being sick." She looked up at his serious expression, a smile fading from her face. "Yeah. It must be something in the air tonight." She rolled her eyes as his refusal to admit defeat. Feeling as though they were in the clear, Nate wrapped his hand into hers and pulled their palms against his leg.

Carful kids.

Someone is always watching.

Lucky for you, not all New Yorkers are craving the gossip.

Jenny raised her arm to hail a cab but Nate's hand grabbed her arm and pulled it down. "Stay with me tonight." He suggested. Knowing it wouldn't work out. "I can't. Dan and my dad will wonder where I am." Nate nodded knowing she was right, but hoping she would find a way to stay with him. Just as they seemed to be getting away with this relationship, a voice shattered through his mind. "There you are!" Jenny and Nate both turned to see Eric rushing down the sidewalk towards them. "Your dad is losing his mind." Jenny sighed and dropped Nate's hand. "Sorry. I just needed a break from him. I uh. Just ran into Nate." Eric rolled his eyes and motioned the zipping of his lip. "Secrets safe with me." He said before turning to face only Nate. "You're lucky I like you." He said pulling his phone out and dialing Rufus's number. 'Hey I found her. Yeah. No she's perfectly fine. She uh, she's staying with me tonight. Yeah. Don't worry. She's in good hands.' He hung up and smiled at the two hailing a taxi for them. "Take care of her." He warned looking not so intimidating before confusion appeared on his face as Nate twitched his nose and inhaled sharply. "Hehhtchhoo! Hatchhoo!" He hovered his wrist in front of his face waiting for a third sneeze before exhaling and relaxing his muscles. "Gesundheit." Eric spoke looking puzzled. "Maybe she should come home with me if you're sick as well." Nate shook his head clearing his throat. "I'm not sick." Eric shrugged and waved as the taxi pulled up and the two entered it. "Take care." He joked before shutting the door. Jenny and Nate coughed in unison as the taxi drive pulled off the side of the road. It was going to be a long night.

I guess Nate's pride is more important than his health.

Jenny will put up with his denial for now, but will he crumble in the end?

Until next time.

X.O.X.O Gossip Girl

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