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family(thranduil,Legolas) part 1/?


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Alright guys this story takes place when Legolas is still a teenager …a rebel one ..and his

father..well… a much younger version of THRANDUIL who tries to entertain his beloved son with

this new guest…………..

Hope this one goes well …it’s going to be …ummm.. actually I still do not know how many parts will it

take before I lose interest….what a pity

Hope you enjoy it and comments would be appreciated .… to help me keep up with the plot

Disclaimer : these character are not mine

The sun is shining in the Mirkwood it’s summertime every part of that land every single spot of

that kingdom is sparkling so bright birds singing and lights glows in the windows of Elves king


Thranduil just woken from his sweet dream he shifts on bed tries to not get completely cut from

the joy that he was experiencing a moment ago in his dream he casts a quick glance at the window

but before he could enjoy the warmth of summer sun on his skin his elegant nostrils twitches and

his breath starts to hitch “ heh..no..hehhhh..not again…hehiptchuuuuh” … uncovered.. he sniffs

wildly afterwards and makes a face of disgust it’s seems to be very inappropriate for the king to

lose control like that every morning after looking at the sun …..”it is a flaw…hehhhhh…I don’t ehhh

accept any…eh Tshhhhh…heTshuuuuh” bed shaking with the power of his sneezes and eyes

watering he looks around to make sure no one is hiding somewhere in the room then he uses his

silk bed sheet to give his nose a hearty blow

“ oh that one was satisfying” he lets himself to have the joy of this sinful act, as a man of

impeccable manners, charm and power .

he runs a hand in to his blond hair and secretly admires the softness of it

gets out of the bed and studying his reflection in the mirror his sleek blond hair reflecting sun light

covered his broad shoulders like a halo

“Legolas has the same hair” he thought …

Thinking about his son makes his heart aches ….for Legolas sadness, his loneliness and how bitter

he got after his mother death

that sweet, calm and sociable child turned in to a rebel ,unpredictable sometimes insufferable


“oh my child ..so sweet” his eyes glistened with tears..he knows deeply what they need in this

palace “ A FAMILY”

he brushes the tears from his eyes ‘’no ,no not today ,I am not about to waste my time on crying

again “ he wears his green silk robe steps out of room in to the dinning chamber sits beside the

table and waits to hear his son’s footsteps. after few minutes of deep silence he gets worried and

asks one of the guards about Legolas

“where is the prince?is he training?”

“not ,my lord ,he is sleeping”

Thranduil raises a thick brow in surprise it’s very unlike Legolas ..he barely sleeps let alone being

sleep until this time of the day

“wake him up” he commands

“ but my lord knows the prince will react to this as an insult”

“WAKE.HIM.UP” Thranduil shouted

“I would not let him ruin it” he says more to himself

The guard rushes toward prince’s chamber.

Few minutes later Legolas is standing in front his father bare footed ,only his trousers on and HIS

HAIR: his tousled hair that hung untidily over his collar

Thranduil could stand anything but that messy hair he is sure that his son do it on purpose to drive

him mad

“No ,I am not going to be angry” he says to himself close his eyes briefly and tries to relax ever tens

muscle of his forehead takes a deep breath and focus his mind on the subject that he is about to

mention….but this sound …what is it ”snrrrrf” every few sec

“snrrrf” he opens his eyes and looks at Legolas who is attending to his nose by using the back of

his hand

“ what are you exactly doing son?”


“ and might I ask why you do not use a handkerchief to attend to your nose?”

“ because my lord ,mine is in the prince chamber ,so the back of my hand is a much available


Thranduil makes a face in disgust and offers his own ,watches as his son blows his nose with a

gurgling sound ,he forces a smile afterwards and sits next to his father

“are you coming down with something?”

“I assure my lord that I am perfectly fine”

“ I hope so ,because today you have a very important visitor”

“might I ask who is it?”

“Gandalf the gray”

“oh,that was not much surprising”

“but he is not alone , someone special is coming with him a boy around your age”

Thranduil waits till his son digest the sentence he wants to see how he would react to the presence

of somebody else around the palace ….a boy…around his age

The king studies the prince face features, waits for that glorious moment of seeing his son being

delighted, but something is wrong :Legolas eyes closes, his nose twitches ,mouth ajar ..he let lose

three wet sneezes directly in his lap “ hhhehhh …ahptchooo…tchooo…ahtshhhhhhh”

Thranduil surprised by his son powerful sneezes thinks ”always in three”

Prince being recovered from the fit sniffs and says” I do not think every thing that follows Gandalf

would be normal my lord ,so if you excuse me I should go and change”

Legolas caring about his appearance was not a common thing recently ..so that was a good sign

Thranduil still shocked from what has happened reclines and watches his son as he running to

his room and a smile takes shape on his lips

should I continue?

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Yes please continue! This is wonderful; I just love a sneezy elf!

As you wiiiishhhh

By the midday Thranduil is starting to get worried about his special guests "They supposed to be here before noon"

"Gandalf and his companion , my lord" Thranduil lets out his breath and checks his reflection in the marble floor

Tries to act cool and not act like being offended , fixes his flowery crown and fakes a smile

"Gandalf , my old friend" when he sees Gandalf expression change says:"No ...I did not mean old in that way , I meant we have been friends for a long time"then he notices that boy with dark hair and blue eyes "Aragon" the boy comes forward and bows down gently "my lord Thranduil" the king touches Aragon's head "you have my blessing" Thranduil looks in those eyes and somehow feels terrified of that power he feels "he is the true inheritor" he thinks

Gandalf clears his throat to catch the king's attention "well my lord, apparently it is the prince of Mirkwood who is now staring at us with those wide open eyes"

Thranduil turns around just to find Legolas in that (being shocked) possition with a horrible jaw dropped expression on his face

"Well....ummm...this Is my ....SON.....Legolas ...LEGOLAS" the king nearly shouts his name to bring him back to reality

"A human being" Legolas says while pointing his finger on Aragon

" ooh ..no .this is not okay ...now he will be terrified and will scream his head off" Thranduil says to himself and runs to his son to prevent further consequences

"YES ...son ..but they will not bite or do not infect us ....all the stories that I have told you about them were not true"

Surprisingly Legolas gets close to Aragon and touches his ears" no pointy ears , a mass of hair on your head ...and...ewww ..elsewhere ...minimum hight...and...(at this point he lifts Aragon's arm and takes a sniff) you definitely smell like them " Hey...I do not stink " Aragon protest

"I have read some books about your kin"

"You did?" THRANDUIL asks in surprise

"Yes Ada I am not as stupid as you think I am"

"I do not consider you to be stupid son"

"Oh ...really ? Like the time you....hehhhh..tried...ahhhh.....to....hahaaa....heigtshoooo....iktshuuu...haaa ...heeee" the last one stucks and makes Legolas looks stupid with his streaming eyes and ajar mouth he rubs hisnose so harshly and sits on a chair near the throne and looks so pissed off about it

"Blesses ..Legolas ..prince of mirkwood ...may the king give me few moments to share some important information about the unknown activities. ....." Thranduil brings up his right hand and makes Gandalf to leave his speech unfinished then with his eyes fixed on his son , folds his arms like he is waiting for something to happen ,Gandalf fix his gaze on the prince too , Legolas breath hitching widly , nostril flares and finally the last sneeze comes out forcefully"hhhhhehhhh...ahhhhhshooooo"

Thranduil faces Gandalf and says: now ...we can keep on talking ..what are those informations about?( meanwhile Aragon is answering the questions about are the human beings capable of eating dwarves)

"Orks , my lord" suddenly it felt like the whole palace is dead , no sounds , not even one footstep ...it is like even the birds in the sky

Are horrified by mentioning the name of those filthy creatures Thranduil takes a glimpse of his son that being silenced by fear

He grabs Gandalf's arm and some how drags him to the courtyard being so mad that he forgets about his reaction to direct sunlight he feels this fierce tickle at the back of his nose his breath catches , feels the urge of a sneeze but he pinch his nose shot to contains it "No... I am so angry ...and I need to make him aware of that ,if I sneeze now I would sound so ridiculous" he thinks

"Gandalf....I have told you to keep me and my family ....hehhhh....out of...ahhh...it.." Thranduil can not hold it back anymore lets out one wet sneeze .....haptshuuuu.....

"You...alright Thranduil? "

"I am fine just that stupid thing again....do not even try to change the subject why did you bring that up infront of him? What exactly do you have in mind? "

"NO special reason just slipped out "

Thranduil narrows his eyes and says :" they may call you grey but for me you are as clear as a paper sheet I can read it on you ...."

" what exactly are you implying? "

"Trying to take him from me too....like my eldest son( at this point his voice trembles he fist the robe cloth on his chest ) like my wife"

He sobs and cries out in pain ....not a physical wound but a wounded soul

This kind of control loss even shocked Gandalf the man that could claim he has seen every possible odd thing in the world

He tries to condolence the wounded king but being so unexperienced that he just pats his head "it's going to be alright Thranduil ..it will pass ...it was not your fault"

Hearing these things makes Tranduil loses his temper and pushes Gandalf away

" NO ...IT'S NOT ALRIGHT .....and not going to be..... he blames me for his mother loss and does not even know about his brother....have not you just seen him? He is not himself any more.....it does hurt sore I tried five hundred years to wash it away .., but no..... Its still here(he points at his heart)"


Thranduil tuurnes around to face his son widen eyes

To be continued?

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Thought there is going to be more feedbacks but since no one seems to be interested

I am going to quit it despite having thousands of different ideas for making it perfect

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