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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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This is my first time writing so bear with me please

Justin woke up feeling all stuffy he climbed out of bed gently trying not to wake selena who was sleeping next to him. Justin went into the bathroom and washed his face suddenly he felt a strong tickle in the back if his nose ahh ahh the sneeze went away but his nose started to run he grab some tissue and blew his nose he climb back in the bed selena woke up and kiss justin on the forehead she said jay are you okay you feel warm. He said yes sel you just make me so hot. Selena hit him with a pillow Justin said do you want to go with me to a movie premiere selena said sure what time justin said nin aachoo cheww nine babe selena look at justin to study him she said bless you babe are u sure your okay justin changed the subject and turn on the tv to fear factor on of his favorite tv shows his nose began to run which made him sniffle every 10 seconds ntxcho justin sneeze in his elbow trying not to gross out selena achoo achoo ahhhh chew justin when to grab the tissue on his night stand but selena grab and it behind her back she said admit that your sick justin who nose had became stuffy from sniffling so much said sel ib nodt siccc achchew selena grab a tissue and wipe his pink sore nose she put her finger under his chin to lift his head up she grab another. Tissue and said blow jay and he did she wipe his nose and said yea your sick I will take care of you justin said in that case I feel very sick some snot started to escape his nose he wipe his nose on the back of his had ewwww sel said Justin it called a tissue justin smiles

Im sleep now but more to

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