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A different application of spooning - free!, makoharu, oneshot


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Hey everyone! ......WOW it's been a while since I've posted anything hasn't it. :lol:


Ahaha the reason for that being I haven't really finished anything worth posting in a while tbh. ^^; But hey! Here I am. :P And I come bearing a piece of writing, if you like. xDD;;


ElementsofGray and I have been playing a game where we give each other scenario prompts (for the MakoHaru pairing from Free!, surprise surprise xD;; ) and then we write things from that list when we feel like it. This little oneshot is from that list, and may be followed by others if you like it?


So yeah! These are a bit long to be drabbles, so I've decided to post them individually. Let me know what you think!


Without further ado!


Title: A Different Application of Spooning

Fandom: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club/Eternal Summer

Disclaimer: I don't own this beautiful anime. If I did, boy I TELL YOU...*insert rant about having a REAL sick episode*

Characters: Haru, Makoto (m)



1.) I ship MakoHaru very hard, and this fic shows it. It's 100% fluff, no hardcore and I suppose it could be friend-shipping if you prefer, but you have been warned. :P 

2.) MakoHaru in Tokyo is like my favorite setting ever because it's not an au anymore sdjfkldsdfsf ....excuse my fangirling. xD;; So yeah, this takes place after Eternal Summer, when Makoto and Haru are both going to university in Tokyo.


Prompt: Haru spooning sick Makoto to keep him in bed because he’s dumb and would get up otherwise.




It’s five o’clock in the afternoon, and Makoto feels no better than he did when he went to take a nap at eleven this morning.


He rolls onto his back with a groan, staring blurrily at the ceiling of his tiny bedroom. There are so many things he could be doing – should be doing – right now. Studying for his philosophy exam, cleaning his apartment, catching up on his reading homework, making dinner... and he has so far accomplished exactly none of it, given that he’s spent just about the entire day –


HuhEGHJSSH’u! Hh-hh..! ‘IGHSSHHh!”


– doing that.


Makoto curls upward with the force of the sneezes, then flops back again, head spinning. He exhales heavily and rubs his eyes, wincing at the spike of pain in the middle of his skull. He’d managed to stay healthy for so long this semester that he’d begun to think that maybe he’d avoid getting sick altogether; but now, here he is, right in the middle of his freshman year, knocked flat (quite literally) by what feels like the mother of all head colds.


He’d felt it coming for several days, but successfully ignored it all the way up until this morning, when he’d slept through his alarm, then woken up so congested he could barely breathe, a throat scraped raw, and a raging headache that seemed to be channeling pain and discomfort to every other part of his body. After stumbling dizzily into the bathroom to brush his teeth, he’d taken one look at his reflection and went straight back to bed.


Makoto sniffles, producing a totally disgusting and basically useless gurgly sound, then wearily shuts his eyes. This lying-in-bed-doing-nothing-but-be-miserable is probably a poor choice that he will regret later, but right now, it’s all he feels capable of.


The room is uncomfortably light, even with his blinds down; and the thin walls of the building allow him to hear the Tokyo traffic far clearer than he’d like. He really, really, really wants to sleep – but then again, he just dozed for roughly six hours and it’s done no perceivable good.


“hehh...” His breath shudders, prompting him to roll over again so that he can bury his face in his pillow. The angry buzzing at the back of his nose has refused to leave him all day, and he rubs it futilely against the material, anticipating yet another flurry of sneezes.


“h’EGSHKHMfh! hehEIGHSHMmf! Hh-heh..! ‘IISSCH’kh!...hhn...” Despite the relative low number of sneezes this particular cold is subjecting him to at a time so far, each one is somehow utterly exhausting. He keeps his face pressed into the pillow for a while after the last one, too winded to move.


Eventually, though, he pushes himself up on one elbow, shakily, because he needs to blow his nose.... only to discover that his tissue box is empty, and the only new one he has is on his kitchen table – much too far away. So he settles for wiping his nose on his pajama sleeve, countering his repulsion to the idea with the reasoning that no one is there to see him anyway.


He’s just starting to doze off again when his phone vibrates. With a tired groan, Makoto sticks an arm out from his multiple layers of blankets to feel around on the floor beside his bed until he finds the phone. Once he gets it, he holds it a couple inches from his face and blinks, the bright display making his eyes water.


Are you still at school?


It’s from Haru. Makoto frowns, racking his brain for why he would be texting him now. After a moment or two he gives up and just texts him back, fingers fumbling drowsily over the keys.


Ahaha, no, actually, I stayed home today. I’m kind of sick.. ^^;


HhESSCHih! ‘IiGSSHk!” His nose decides to remind him how much of an understatement that is, and he grimaces, swallowing thickly through the stabbing pain in his throat.


Not two minutes later, his phone buzzes again – Haru is getting much more reliable at responding, Makoto muses with a tired quirk of his lips.


I’m coming over.


Makoto pulls the covers over his head and lets out another groan, the comfortable darkness dispelled by the light of his phone.


Haru, no, I’m contagious and gross, you shouldn’t. It’s okay, you need to stay healthy, I’ll be fine. It’s not that bad, I’m just really tired.


He gazes expectantly at the screen for several minutes, but Haru doesn’t reply.


“Mbaybe he’s actually listedi’g to be for odce...” he murmurs aloud to himself. He’s hopeful that this is the case... and yet, somehow he’s also disappointed.


He falls asleep thinking of Haru, lulled by the warmth and snugness of his makeshift cocoon.




He’s roused what seems like a matter of seconds later by someone calling his name, and a wave of disorientation crashes over him – he’s in his bed at home in Iwato – no, the den in Haru’s house – no, his apartment in Tokyo, the voice is Haru’s, he sounds so far away, Haru’s outside – no, he’s in his room, he’s –


Standing over him, gently shaking Makoto’s shoulder through the mass of blankets.


Makoto pushes them down with a ragged gasp, hit by a rush of cool air that feels amazing on his sweaty skin. The room is dim now, but he could recognize Haru’s features anywhere.


“Makoto..” Haru speaks much more quietly, leading Makoto to wonder if he hadn’t dreamed him speaking with such vehemence a minute ago.


“H...Haru...!” Makoto groggily struggles to sit up, but only makes it about halfway before he collapses limply back. “What... I thought.....”


Haru gazes at him in silence for a moment, his sharp blue eyes roving up and down Makoto’s form. Then, he snorts softly. “’...kind of sick.’”


“....Shudup...” Makoto moans, covering his face with both hands. “...I feel like crap, yeah, but I’b okay, rhh... reallyih – h’IGHKTSsH’h! heh – ‘YIISHHU!” The sneezes erupt without warning, ripping their way out of him; and Makoto thinks blearily how it’s a good thing he was already covering his mouth, or else he would’ve sneezed all over Haru’s face. As it is, he’s unable to take his hands away without completely ruining his chances at being discreet; and thanks to the untimely explosions, his head now hurts ten times worse. He closes his eyes in mortification and waits for Haru to comment.


He doesn’t, though. He just sighs, and then suddenly his chlorine-roughened palm is resting against Makoto’s forehead, which is just about the nicest feeling in the world.


“You have a fever.” Haru somehow manages to sound blunt and gentle at the same time.


Makoto gives a weak little chuckle, congestion rattling in his chest. “..I kdow...” Something soft touches his hands, and he cracks an eye open to see Haru offering him a handful of tissues. “Thagks..” Makoto’s embarrassment nags at him, but he accepts them gratefully and gives his nose a very much needed blow. Afterwards, he sinks back against his pillow, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands.


“What tibe is it...?”


“Six-thirty.” Haru sounds vaguely amused, though Makoto couldn’t imagine why.


“Ah...” Makoto’s eyes start to close again before that sinks in and they pop back open. “..Six-thirty?! Crap, I spedt the whole day id bed, I have so buch to do –” He scrambles to a sitting position, gingerly pressing the heel of his hand to his forehead as it throbs in protest. “I should get subthi’g to eat, Haru do you wadt adythi’g? I dod’t have mbackerel but I haahh – hESSCH’h! h’IGgKSH’uh!” The sneezes catch him off-guard and pitch him forward, and he nearly falls off the bed before righting himself at the last second. He sniffles hard, belatedly bringing his sleeve to his face, and sighs. “Ugh.. sorry...” he mumbles, attempting a sheepish grin and carefully avoiding Haru’s gaze.


“You should stay in bed,” Haru informs him, and Makoto can hear the unspoken concern in his voice, despite its even tone.


He shakes his head, then promptly winces. “Doh, I should gedt up. I’ll go back to bed later, after I do subthi’g productive..” With a stifled yawn, he stands slowly, running his hands through his hair, and finally looks at Haru again, offering him a faint smile. “After all, I’b sure you didedt cub all this way just to see be slacki’g... off....” His smile fades as the room tilts peculiarly, black specks prickling at the edges of his vision. Valiantly, he tries to take a step; but that only makes everything whirl and teeter, and alarm shoots through him as suddenly he can’t tell up from down.


The next few seconds are a blur. There’s a thickness in his head, a ringing in his ears, and he has no idea how but he ends up flat on his back in bed with a glowering Haru straddling him.


“....Wh...?” He tries to croak out a question, but his voice refuses to work, and he trails off.


Haru’s expression softens, but he doesn’t budge from his current position. “Stay in bed,” he repeats, punctuated by a worried frown.


“I...” Makoto hesitates, then sighs. “....okay.” Much as he wants to fulfill his many obligations, he has to admit that nothing sounds better to him at this moment than staying in bed and not having to move for the rest of the evening.


This response seems to satisfy Haru, for he nods and climbs off of Makoto’s hips, perching on the edge of the mattress. After a minute or two of silence, he tugs the blankets more snugly around Makoto, chewing absently at his lip.


“I’b okay, Haru,” Makoto assures him, sniffling. “It’s just a c..hh.. hh-hh! ‘IGKSSH’h! hehEISHHh! HehhEGKTSsCH’u! ...nngh..” He twists to one side to avoid sneezing in Haru’s direction, then wilts. “...a cold...” Embarrassed, he swipes the edge of his sleeve beneath his damp nostrils, heaving a sigh that just accentuates his congestion.


Haru stares at him a moment..... then rolls his eyes.


“..What..?” Makoto protests weakly, resting the back of his hand against his hot forehead. “It is....”


“Makoto.” Haru brushes his fingertips against Makoto’s cheek, then smoothes his damp bangs from his forehead. “You’re sick. You can rest.”


“..Yeah...” Makoto lets his breath out in a short laugh, which turns into a handful of grating coughs. Haru frowns, and shifts his hand down to rest lightly on Makoto’s sternum, waiting patiently for him to recover. “...but still, I should... I mbead... I....” He blinks, eyelids drooping.


Haru shakes his head, a fondness flickering in his eyes. “Scoot over,” he says, standing.


Makoto squints at him. “..Huh?”


“Turn that way,” he clarifies, gesturing for him to face the wall. Makoto stares at him, uncomprehending, and Haru gives him a mildly exasperated look. “Maakoto.”


Makoto slowly obeys, but cranes to look at him once he’s settled. Without explanation, Haru sheds his coat, jacket, and t-shirt, then sits back down.


“Haru..What are you doi’g..?” Makoto rasps, but Haru ignores the question.


“Oi.” Haru pokes him gently in the back, lifting the covers to join Makoto beneath them.


“H-Haru, what –!” Makoto sputters, face growing warm.


“Be quiet.” Haru presses in snugly against him, slipping his arms around Makoto’s waist and nestles his chin in the crook of his neck.


“Wha...” Makoto holds very still, unsure how to react, but Haru just snuggles closer, resting his mouth against the skin exposed by Makoto’s collar.


“You’re staying here,” he whispers, making Makoto shiver, and rubs his socked foot over Makoto’s ankle before hooking his leg over his.


Makoto squeaks in surprise, hiding his face in his hands. “Haaruu, doh, you.. I’b so gross, a’d I –”


“Shh.” Haru rubs his knuckles up and down his spine, and all the muscles in Makoto’s body turn to jelly.


....o...kay,” he finishes lamely, more groan than word. Already he can feel sleep coming to claim him again, and he’s helpless to stop it even if he wanted to.


“Mm.” Haru hums, continuing to massage his shoulders and back.


Makoto gives in, relaxing into his warm embrace with another appreciative sound. The vibration provokes the tickle in his sinuses, however, and his breath hitches. “Hh-hh..! hhESCHKh! Nnh..”


“Bless you,” Haru murmurs.


...Thagks..” Makoto replies sheepishly, rubbing his nose and snuggling back against him. True, he is probably being something of a wimp... but.... if he has to be sick, he might as well make the best of it.





And there you go! As always, comments welcome ^_^

Edited by {rhodochrosite}
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GEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! w00t.gif THIS IS JUST WAY TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!!! Sick Mako is my favorite, and you write him SO well!! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Your writing style is incredible, and I can't wait to check out more of your work!! biggrinsmiley.gif

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Ohmyohmyohmyohmy. GOD I am smiling like SUCH an idiot right now.

That was so cute I can barely handle it.

You did Haru's dialogue perfectly, and Makoto's completly adorable idiocracy perfectly.

I have this wonderful image of them in my head now like this :3

{on a side note - THE OVA COMES OUT ON MARCH 18th}

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AH this is so cute!! I love love love your characterization of Haru--blunt, more actions than words, but super caring underneath. & don't even get me started on Makoto....boy needs to learn when to take a break. It's a good thing they have each other. ;)

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I concur with everyone else, they way you write these too dorks is just phenomenal :wub: I get so excited every time I see a new MakoHaru fic from you; especially when Makoto's the one you're torturing ;D This was too freaking cute, thank you so much for sharing it with us!!! If you decide to post more oneshots, I will absolutely look forward to it!

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I am in love with your Free fics and how you write this adorable pairing! I love it so much and my gosh the way you wrote Makoto is so cute and perfect! You always do such a wonderful job! biggrin.png

Edited by Melody
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GOD I never get tired of these babies I love them so and this is so cute I melted inside <3

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So beautifully written! Wow, I love the character interactions... sequel? *gives puppy dog eyes* SO many great fics being posted in fandoms I know nothing about! Bah, I love them all!!!

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Wowww~ I have HEARTS in my eyes right now!! heart.gif__ heart.gif I never imagined spooning could be quite so adorable..it's all the better since Haru's the one initiating it. I'm so glad I read this fic :DDDD

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Sorry I'm a little late to the game, but I cannot let this pass by without commenting.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME, SMILEY? I swear, you have ruined me for men in real life, because all I am interested in are your sick anime characters.

I started watching Free! this week as per your recommendation, and it did not disappoint, and neither did this fic. To be honest, I can't decide which I liked more: the sneezing, or the SPOONING. dribble.gif

Marvelous as usual. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find all your other Free! fics. heart.gif

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