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A Deal (SPN; Gabriel, M) For Amy's Secret Santa


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A.N./ Alright, my dear Amy, this is for you. Sorry you were flaked on. I hope I have lived up to your expectations. Enjoy!

Dean Winchester came into the motel room with their bagged dinner and shook off in a style not unlike a dog. Sam glanced up at him from his laptop and cocked a brow. “Really, Dean?”

“What? It’s not like this is the Ritz,” Dean replied, not concerned with the array of droplets scattered on the furniture. He handed the bag to Sam and added, “Though consider me room service.”

“They clean,” Sam said, but took the bag Dean extended to him and began taking the burgers, fries and onion rings out and made an effort to set it up semi-fancy. “You don’t,” he continued mildly.

“Noted, Mary Poppins,” Dean said sarcastically. Did she clean house? He probably would have fared better with nanny analogies if he read more than comic books as a child.

Sam chose to ignore that, and instead said, “Look at this. I think I found something.”

Around a big bite of burger, Dean said, “Show me.”

Sam pulled up a program on his computer and opened four different images. “I went through all of the security footage at each crime scene and found this.” In each of the four blurry images was a man that looked homeless.

“I thought we were convinced this was the work of Kali – Goddess of destruction, or whatever.”

“Yeah, it probably is,” Sam said.

“Okay, so what does post-Matrix Keanu Reeves have to do with anything? I mean, he doesn’t exactly give off the ‘sexy, yet destructive hot Indian woman’ vibe.”

“No, but he might be someone interested in her. And maybe trying to clean up after her, too.”

A light bulb clicked on in Dean’s head and he smiled. “Ah, that’s right. Now I remember my gods and goddesses romance 101. He’s doing a piss poor job of cleaning up though, don’t you think?”

“Exactly,” Sam said; both boys sensed something was most likely ‘off’ with their homeless target. “Which means we should have no problem trapping him and asking him what he knows about Balthazar.”

Trap set, the Winchester boys waited until it was past dark to summon the angel, Gabriel. Summon complete, they were surprised, and Dean, more than a little angry when it didn’t work. “The hell went wrong?” he asked. “Did you do it right?”

“Yeah, I did it right,” Sam said, leaving off the ‘of course’ or the ‘then why don’t you do it’.


“What was that?” Sam asked.

“Did you hear that?” Dean said at the same time. Dean gripped the angel blade in the inner pocket of his jacket and moved closer to the sound. Sam followed close behind, fingering the gun in the waistband of his jeans.

Gabriel stepped out from the shadows and managed his cocky little smile. “Spell won’t work when I’m in the same room, morons.”

“So, you’ve been spying on us, douche bag?” Dean asked, matching Gabriel’s smile with one of his own.

Sam managed, just barely, not to roll his eyes at the two of them measuring stream distances. He took one good look at the angel, noticing the sweaty sheen on his face, the chapped lips and the redness around his nose. He had been right – something was ‘off’.

“I didn’t know angels could get sick,” Sam said, keeping his tone casual.

“I would have thought my charming brother, Cas, would have told you about the whole ‘staying on Earth makes us more human thing’,” Gabriel explained, with more than a hint of congestion in his voice. “Though, unlike him, I – ” he paused as his breath faltered slightly and his nose crinkled, and he managed a ‘sorry’ before turning from the boys and sneezing again. “Ihh-ishIEW!

“Bless you?” Sam managed, though it sounded a bit more ‘in question’ than an actual response. Something was definitely weird about blessing an angel.

Gabriel ignored him and continued. “Unlike him though, I’m not prone to your silly human emotions.”

Riiight,” Dean said. “Love, for instance, is totally off limits.”

Gabriel appeared shocked, but at his following sneeze, the boys realized he did know exactly what they were referring to. After a sniffle, he said, “About that. I’m handling this ‘hunt’, so you boys are clear to go.”

“What makes you think we’re just going to trust you?” Dean asked.

“Funny thing,” Gabriel said, another pause, before, “H’iihSHiew! I wasn’t really asking you to.”

“Well, as human as you appear to be at the moment,” Dean countered, “Sammy and I are not going to let you go all that easily either.” It had occurred to Dean that Gabriel’s ‘teleporting’ or whatever the hell it was angels did to disappear so fast wasn’t exactly working so well and thus, he’d have to leave the ‘human’ way.

“Is that so?” Gabriel managed, before squelching a cough underneath his hand. Though his words were still forever-cocky Gabe, there was no longer much oomph behind them.

Sam, noticing this, followed with, “How about we make a trade? We’ll let you handle this thing with Kali, so long as no one else dies, and all you have to do is tell us where Balthazar is.”

It was an easy out, really. Leave it to Sam Winchester, when not influenced by Lucifer and still holding onto his soul, to be a total sweetheart. And yet, his remaining pride would not let him bend all that easily. “Why would you think I’d know where he is?”

“Besides the obvious, that you’re both angels?” Dean asked.

Estranged angels,” Gabriel corrected. “Which means we stay hidden pretty well.”

“Hmm, so the Great Gabe doesn’t know where he is, eh?” Dean said, turning to leave. “Come on, Sam. He’s not only incapable handling this Kali situation, but he can’t even tell us where one of his own kin is. Pretty sure humans don’t take colds this hard.”

Sam turned to leave as well, hoping they weren’t about to lose their only chance to find Balthazar. It really sucked that these days they needed to rely on more angels than just Castiel. But Balthazar had weapons – effective weapons – and that’s what they were after.

A stifled sneeze, a sniffle and a long sigh. “Fine,” Gabriel said. “I can’t stand to think of you boys chasing your tails. I’ll clue you in on Balthazar. But let me handle Kali.”

Sam smiled and said, “As promised. And as a bonus; a tip – it’s called Dayquil. Maybe drink the whole bottle though.”

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:lmfao: Gabe is just the most adorable thing ever! I absolutely love him :heart:

Marvelous job! Always love your writing :D

Edited by Pyrus_Fangmon
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Now, I'm not into supernatural - and Gabriel wouldn't usually be my kinda guy. But for some reason I get tingles when I see him and I think damn he's hella fiiiiine.

Please tell me you're going to continue. Please.

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I love Gabe! And DayQuil, drink the whole bottle, LOL.

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OH MY GOD NOLA I'M mf_w00t2.gif I'M SO EXCITED OH MY GOSH AND IT'S GABRIEL Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh heart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gif


Dean Winchester came into the motel room with their bagged dinner and shook off in a style not unlike a dog. Sam glanced up at him from his laptop and cocked a brow. “Really, Dean?”

“What? It’s not like this is the Ritz,” Dean replied, not concerned with the array of droplets scattered on the furniture. He handed the bag to Sam and added, “Though consider me room service.”

“They clean,” Sam said, but took the bag Dean extended to him and began taking the burgers, fries and onion rings out and made an effort to set it up semi-fancy. “You don’t,” he continued mildly.

Okay right of the bat you have the characterization down perfectly. You have already captured Sam and Dean's mannerisms, and it's only been like 3ish lines. notworthy.gif

Trap set, the Winchester boys waited until it was past dark to summon the angel, Gabriel. Summon complete, they were surprised, and Dean, more than a little angry when it didn’t work. “The hell went wrong?” he asked. “Did you do it right?”

“Yeah, I did it right,” Sam said, leaving off the ‘of course’ or the ‘then why don’t you do it’.


“What was that?” Sam asked.



“Though, unlike him, I – ” he paused as his breath faltered slightly and his nose crinkled, and he managed a ‘sorry’ before turning from the boys and sneezing again. “Ihh-ishIEW!

i'm dying <3333333333 i lo ve a l l o f the s e t h in gs

the crinkling, nghl. the interruption. the sorrying. i can't even oh my god. oh my g o d.

Sam smiled and said, “As promised. And as a bonus; a tip – it’s called Dayquil. Maybe drink the whole bottle though.”


Hhhhhhhhh oh my gosh okay I just wow WOW wowowow notworthy.gifjump.gif

Also can I just say that I love how it has a plot and it's a plot that makes sense?! Hhhhhhhh ohmygosh

Ugh Nola, i lOVE IT heart.gif ugh i am definitely bookmarking this to kEEP FOR E V E R ugh THANK YOU <33333333

Edit: Laaaaa I just read it again in_love.gif~*sigh*~ happy.png

Edited by _Amy_
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no really though can we get more trickster fanfiction round here, he gets more delicious the more i look at him.

sexy manflesh.

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Thank you all SOOO much for reading!! I am such a slave to your kind words! :D:heart:

Ugh Nola, i lOVE IT ugh i am definitely bookmarking this to kEEP FOR E V E R ugh THANK YOU <33333333

And Ames, :heart: :heart: You just made my day!!

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“Yeah, I did it right,” Sam said, leaving off the ‘of course’ or the ‘then why don’t you do it’.


“What was that?” Sam asked.

“Did you hear that?” Dean said at the same time. Dean gripped the angel blade in the inner pocket of his jacket and moved closer to the sound. Sam followed close behind, fingering the gun in the waistband of his jeans.

Gabriel stepped out from the shadows and managed his cocky little smile. “Spell won’t work when I’m in the same room, morons.”

This is funny, I've been craving sick Gabe for two weeks now so I was very happy to find this :) Very character even for a sick Gabriel! Thank you!

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