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Everyone gets sick SPN (m)


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Hi guys, this is an AU fanfic I have been writing where Sam and Dean have a younger half-sister who lives with them and John as they travel the country and hunt monsters.

I wanted to set it when Sam and Dean were still young so Dean is about 23 in the story, Sam is 17 and the sister is 16. I’m not exactly sure where I’m going with this so feedback is appreciated.

Everyone gets sick.

It’s hard being the youngest in the family, any youngest sibling knows it. Always the last to be told anything, always overprotected like crazy, but it’s even harder being the youngest in my family; the Winchesters.

I sat on the motel bed, curling my long blonde hair around my finger as I watched the end of the midnight horror flick. Heaving a sigh, I glanced at the tacky wall-clock; you know the one of the ones in the shape of a cat? The time read two o’clock in the morning. I frowned; I should have guessed that dad, Dean and Sam wouldn’t be home yet. In fact I knew that the only reason I was home instead of hunting with the rest of them was my own fault, I’d aggravated an old ankle injury on the last hunt and when I’d begged to be part of the hunt to bring down a witches coven, Dean had said the words I hated to hear most.

“You have to be careful, one mistake and it could be your life.” I thought I was recalling the memory for a second, but then I heard the motel door creak open and realised that the words really were being spoken, just not to me, and not by Dean. “I mean it; we got lucky this time but you can’t always rely on me or Sam when you make a mistake.”

“I’m fine, it’s nothing anyway.” It was Dean’s voice I heard next but it sounded muffled, as if something was covering his mouth. I heard dad’s footsteps and glimpsed the image of his dirty boots walking swiftly past the thin door separating the beds from the hall. Sam and Dean just stayed by the door.

“Dad’s right Dean,” I heard Sam say.

Dean scoffed, “I can’t believe that you’re really agreeing with dad, I mean you of all people.”

“That may be true,” Sam said calmly, “but the last time I let a monster get the jump on me you lost your shit-” Sam’s voice trailed off as Dean cleared his throat loudly and gave a startlingly throaty cough.

“Dude, what was that? That doesn’t sound like nothing to me.” Sam sounded outraged, and I couldn’t sit and eavesdrop any longer. I opened the door slowly and quietly, poking my head through, Sam caught my eye and I emerged fully.

“Mia, how’s your ankle?” Dean spun around to face me; he looked like the same old Dean, the same clear green eyes, same charming/goofy grin, a little pinker in the cheeks than usual but otherwise fine.

“Fine, I should be back to hunting in no time,” I brushed over my issue and got straight to the point. “What’s going on out here? Is there something I should know?” I eyed them accusingly.

“Yes,” Sam said, looking me in the eyes.

“No,” Dean grunted with a frown, which of course meant there was something I should know, and I was going to hear it. My eyes were drawn to Dean’s side as he tried to conceal something behind his back.

I quickly dashed forward; reaching around my eldest brother’s back and snatching the item from his fingers. I looked down at what I was holding and was slightly disgusted to find it was a used tissue.

“Aw Dean gross,” I groaned as Dean quickly snatched the tissue back, “why were you hiding that from me?”

“I wasn’t hiding it, you’re the one who grabbed it off me for no reason, weirdo,” Dean snapped at me.

“Okay enough,” Sam had come between the two of us, “Mia what happened was, Dean got careless and a witch got the jump on him,” he said with a disapproving look thrown Dean’s way.

“I wasn’t careless Sam, she was strong and she cheated,” Dean protested, sniffling once and clearing his throat.

“That wasn’t cheating Dean, she tried to hex you or curse you or something, how’re you feeling?”

“I’m… fihh… finhh…” Dean’s voice edged off into a whisper as he turned his head slightly to side, his nostrils flaring as he gasped quietly. “HihITTSSCCHuu!” The force of the violent expulsion bent him at the waist and although he had tried to cover his sneeze as much as possible with his arm I could still see droplets of moisture clinging to the wall of the hallway. “Ugh damn it,” he muttered.

“God bless you,” Sam offered sincerely, patting Dean lightly on the back. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Dean looked from Sam’s concerned puppy eyes to mine – though mine are a pale imitation compared to Sam – and rolled his eyes.

“Jeez I’m okay, okay? The next person who asks me if I’m okay is gonna get my boot up their ass.” Neither Sam nor I said anything as Dean moved past us to the kitchen area, no doubt to talk to dad.

“Think he’s coming down with something?” I asked Sam, crossing my arms over my chest as we watched Dean close the door to the kitchen behind him. “It’s probably just a cold and not anything done by the witches, I mean Dean might act tough through colds and flus but when it comes to the job he always comes clean.” My words seemed to relax Sam a little bit as he gave a light chuckle.

“Yeah, he’s fine, it’s nothing,” Sam finally decided before walking to the bedroom that he and Dean were sharing.

To Be Continued? Idk what do you guys think?

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Okay guys, heres the next part I hope you like it 'cause if so there'll be more to come. :)

Despite what I had said to Sam I was still a little worried, but Dean was a big boy who could take care of himself, it was useless for me to worry when technically nothing was wrong. I felt my stomach grumble and suddenly realised I was starving, so I headed to the kitchen to get a snack. As I walked through the door I saw dad and Dean sitting at the table talking about the witches.

“Hey sweetie,” dad offered my way with a fatherly smile, “How’s your ankle?”

“Much better dad,” I said grabbing a box of big cookies and sitting down at the table. Before I could take a bite my cookie was snatched from my hands.

“Hey!” I complained as I watched Dean shove the chocolaty goodness in his mouth, making him look just like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter.

“Don’t be a pig Dean,” dad scolded and gave Dean a sharp tap on the back of the head before leaving the room to make a phone call. Suddenly Dean’s whole body tensed, his face contorted into the same pre-sneeze expression he’d had before.

H’TSSCCHHT!” he sneezed desperately, the sound muffled by the sleave of his jacket. Before he knew what hit him my hand was resting on his forehead checking his temperature. He didn’t have a fever, but that wouldn’t fool me. If I had looked closer before I would have seen that there was drowsiness to Dean, his shoulders were slumped forward, his eyes were beginning to show dark bags and his nose was getting redness to it.

“Dean, be straight with me, it’s obvious you’re sick but I gotta ask, is this like a cold or did something happen to you today while you were hunting?” I asked, handing him a tissue as I could see his nose had started to run.

“I’m fine,” he said, lying right to my face for no good reason, I resisted the urge to hit him seeing as I knew he really was sick. At that moment dad walked back into the room, he had a tired look in his eyes.

“Change of plan guys, it looks like we’ll have to leave tonight,” he said.

“What?” I cried. I hated moving around all the time, especially when one of us was under the weather, and I knew Sam was looking forward to submitting his history paper, we couldn’t leave.

“Yes, onto the next job,” Dean grinned.

“Sam, get in here!” dad called down the hall then turned back to Dean and I. “I know this isn’t anyone’s first choice,” he looked at me specifically then, “but I just got a call from a buddy a couple of states over and I have to go, I owe him, he saved my life.”

Great, a guy saves your life one time and you owe him the rest of yours, just one of the many inconveniences of being a hunter.

“What’s going on?” Sam asked heading into the room with a history book in his arms.

“We have to leave now, but too bad because there’s no way around it so you may as well just deal,” dad replied.

I looked over at Dean who was wrinkling his nose in anticipation of a distant sneeze and I found my perfect reason to stay. “Dad we can’t leave, Dean’s sick and he needs a proper night’s sleep in a bed or he’ll burn out and be no good to anyone.” I just blurted it all out, I knew Dean would be pissed but I knew he needed this more than he realised.

“Mia!” Dean cried angrily, shooting me a poisonous glare.

“She’s right dad, he won’t admit it but that’s why he was so crappy hunting today,” Sam chimed in.

“Sam!” Dean cried now clearly outraged and embarrassed.

“Dean, look at me.” Dad locked eyes with Dean, giving him the special look that always forced us to tell the truth. “Dean is that true, are you sick son?” He didn’t say the words aggressively, nor was he asking an inappropriate question but Dean had a distant look of guilt all the same.

“Yes sir,” he replied obediently, “but it’s just a cold, I’m fine, I can be ready to go in five minutes.” Dad walked closer to Dean and he stood up automatically, dad took Dean’s face in his fingers taking a long hard look. Dean gave a sharp sniff and turned his head away from us all. “H’TSSCCH! Hh Ht-CSSHHuu!” he sneezed messily into the crook of his arm.

Dad shook his head and sighed. “I’ve seen enough, I want you all to stay here for a few days until I get back, I’ll leave money on the counter before I leave.”

“But Dad-” Dean still thought any of this was an argument.

“No “buts” Dean, you’re sick and you need your rest, you’re old enough to know your limits now and I can tell you’ll be burnt out in a day if I let you hunt.” Dad stood up grabbing his duffle from under the table.

“Call if you need anything dad,” Dean instructed, only letting a little disappointment seep out into the room.

Dad smiled, I think it touched him that while Sam and I were so worried about Dean that Dean still worried about him. “I will,” he said flashing all of us a smile; he walked over to Sam and gave him a hug.

“Keep this place secure, don’t let anyone in,” he turned to Dean, “Get some rest son, you look out for all of us, take some time for yourself,” and finally he turned to me, giving me a warm one-armed hug he said; “Look after the boys Mia, they need you more than you know.” He kissed me on the cheek and smiled, then walked out of the door into the night, leaving us only with his words and the echo of the Impala screeching out of the parking lot.

TBC? feedback? Not really used to doing a family fic so I hope it's okay. Hope you enjoyed.

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This reminds me of the stories from Anilkex, with their half sister, Kate. I love the idea of them having a little sister. Please continue!

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Oh wow oh wow! This is really good. Your writing is detailed and you have the characters pretty filled.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! :D

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This was awesome! I haven't read many AU fics but I'm really liking Mia's character! Poor Dean, outraged and embarrassed :( I feel for him!

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I love your OC! She is so take charge, it's awesome! And of course I always love a sick, but denying it Dean. Can't wait for more! ;)

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Next part guys, sorry it isn't very long but more coming. Tell me what you think :)

With dad gone and it being a Sunday night, I sent both of them to their room with the promise of hot chocolate – though Dean had wanted a beer – and made sure Sam’s lunch was packed. I wasn’t too bothered about going to school myself, though I was still sixteen I knew I had more important things to do like buy more supplies, and take care of Dean, who was looking awfully tired by the time he plodded alongside Sam to go to bed.

The hot chocolates were steaming in my hands as I brought them to Sam and Dean’s bedroom and quietly I pushed the door open, just in case Dean’s fatigue had finally gotten the better of him, but my eyebrows pinched up in surprise when I saw Sam sleeping deeply and Dean still awake, just reading an old copy of The Outsiders.

“How long’s he been out?” I whispered to Dean, holding out a mug for him and sitting on the edge of his slightly lumpy mattress.

“Passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow,” Dean replied, sniffling thickly. I tried not to wince at how badly congested he’d gotten in such a short amount of time. “He’s all stressed out ‘bout finals or something, I don’t know, why bother with school? I say.” Technically I agreed, but we both knew how important school was to Sam so we never said anything about it to him, that was dad’s job.

“So why are you still up?” I asked.

“I can’t sleep…hhh…I-” he seemed to be having trouble navigating through the oncoming sneeze enough to answer me, I understood through.

HhHihKk-MPcht!” he stifled the sneeze in between his thumb and forefinger then let out a huge congested sigh.

I handed him a tissue from my pocket to wipe the damp away from his fingers. “Bless you,” I offered, giving his back a comforting rub as he blew his nose roughly.

“Ugh, I can’t sleep ‘cause I keep sneezing,” he complained miserably, punctuating his complaint with a wheezy cough.

“Well maybe if you didn’t hold them in like that you wouldn’t keep sneezing,” I scolded.

“I… hhh… can’t I… hh… migh-hh… might… hhh…” he was really struggling to get the words out, “I might wake up S-Sammy… H’tch! KMPcht! H’KmCHSSHuu! Hhh..h…” The sneezes were getting harder for him to keep controlled and I could tell he wasn’t going to stop any time soon, you’d never know it by looking but Dean’s always had a very sensitive nose, once he got going it took some serious focus for him to stop.

Knowing this and hearing Sam begin to stir in the bed opposite Dean’s I knew just what to do. “C’mon,” I whispered, “before your head explodes.” I pulled the covers off Dean’s legs and guided him to the bathroom as his right hand hovered about his mouth and nose, readying to catch the sneezes he knew he’d have no chance of stifling. Once he knew we were out of Sam’s earshot he leapt to the toilet, practically ripped the entire roll of toilet paper off the wall and held the wad up to his face.

HhETCCSSHuu… HhhHAEESHCH! HhEHKSSSCHH… Hhh’TTSSCCHuuHAPTCHHiew… f-fuck… Heh-?” Dean bent and sneezed uncontrollably into the tissue paper, sniffling helplessly with every little bit of air he could steal. “Ah-EHKSCCCHH! God I… Hih-TTSSCCCHhh… I can’t… huh…mahh can’t makeitstop- HAAEISSSH! Shit- HehGSHHH!”

I handed him a fresh wad of paper and rubbed his back with a comforting circular motion, as soon as he was less flustered he could get in a few more breaths. I sighed with relief when Dean blew his nose and took a few deep, if slightly gulps of air. Exhausted he sat on the toilet with the top down; his face was pale white, except for his cheeks, which were flushed with a rosy hue. He wiped his raw nose with the last of the tissue paper and winced.

“Son of a bitch,” he exclaimed, his voice rough and thick with congestion from the fit. I checked the time as I went back to the kitchen to get Dean some water – he didn’t ask but I knew he’d want it during the night – and was shocked to see the time was four in the morning, it was time to get Dean back to bed and myself too, tomorrow was probably going to be a long pain in the ass day.

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Ohh ohh ohh! :bounce: Sneezey sneezey Dean! How I love you soooooooo :D

And Dean trying not to wake up Sam with his sneezing :rofl: Priceless!

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Aww Dean, just so sneezy smile.png Love Dean trying to stifle his sneezes to avoid waking Sam, and the subsequent sneezing fit in the bathroom. And omg, this line:

The sneezes were getting harder for him to keep controlled and I could tell he wasn’t going to stop any time soon, you’d never know it by looking but Dean’s always had a very sensitive nose, once he got going it took some serious focus for him to stop.

mmm, loved that sentence smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eeee! This is precious :D you worked this sister role in so well, Dean's still so worried over Sam with how he's trying not to wake him up, but Mia knows just what to do and still keeps him from putting his health second. I love it!!

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Hey guys, sorry but this isn't an update. I will be posting a new installment soon - perhaps in a week or so - but I've been too busy to write lately. So if anyone has any ideas about what could come next, shout them out since I may need some help to compensate for lack of time. :)

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  • 1 year later...

I know its been well over a year but im wondering if you would still be interested in continuing this? Great story by the way

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