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The One With The Snot (SPN, Dean/Benny)

Voodoo huntress

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Okay, so I totally didn’t take this from that episode from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. If you don’t know of that episode, basically, Monica was sick, but reeaaally wanted to get into Chandler’s pants.

This is Dean/Benny. Surprise, surprise!


“Dean, I’m home! You feeling any better?” Benny called out, locking the front door and kicked off his shoes. He was about to hang his jacket when someone shoved him into the wall. Startled, Benny blinked wide eyes at his partner who was clinging to him, nose and cheeks bright red from the cold he’d been suffering from since yesterday.

“You have no idea how long I was waiting…” Dean breathed, his eyes bright with lust. He moved to kiss Benny, but his nose had other ideas.

“HETSCHOO!! Hh-HEKTCHOO!!” Dean exploded into Benny’s broad chest, killing any spark that was in the air (if there even was one.) Benny sighed and rubbed Dean’s back as he coughed roughly.

“Sugar, what has gotten into you? Shouldn’t you be, I dunno, in a coma somewhere? Isn’t that what sick people do?” he gasped when Dean licked and bit at his neck.

“Fuck sleep, and fuck me. Come on, big boy, you what it takes?” Dean challenged with a smirk. What he didn’t know is that he was giving Benny a chance to fully take him in. Benny saw the sweat beading above Dean’s upper lip and forehead. His mouth was parted slightly to help him breathe due to the stuffed nose. Benny could even feel Dean lightly shiver every once in a while. Benny could only give an amused grin when Dean places small kisses on the side of his mouth.

“Right, here’s what we’re going to do. You are going to go into the bathroom, take off all your clothes…” Benny steered Dean to their en suite bathroom. “And you are going to take a cold shower to calm yourself and lower that fever, understand?”

Dean’s smirk melted into a pout so fast, it had to break some record. “Aw, come on babe. I’m perfectly fine!” his body betrayed him when he started hacking into the back of his hand.

“Yeah, and it’s so sad that you are trying to say you’re fine, it’s almost funny. Get in there.” Benny shoved Dean into the bathroom, ignoring the curses come his way. He laughed and went into the kitchen to pull out the pot of soup he made last night for Dean to reheat it. Setting the stove eye to low, he grabbed a beer and headed into their living room, where he shoved aside some used tissues and settled on the couch.

“Perfectly fine, my ass…” Benny muttered and to a swig before turning on the TV. He was about 20 minutes into some random movie when he noticed Dean walk into the bedroom.

“Hey, babe? I’m still real stuffy and sniffly, can you rub some Vicks on my chest?”

Benny nodded without thinking and looked up.

His spit dried up.

Dean was leaning against the wall, wearing one of Benny’s button-ups with all the buttons undone, showing off his perfect chest, still a bit wet from the shower. He was also wearing a pair of snug boxers that were Benny’s favorite, because he showed off his ass in the best way possible. Dean still had a light flush, but it was pleasant looking, like he had just got caught doing something naughty. Benny’s eyes slowly trailed up Dean’s body to his face which showed a pretty hard smirk.

“Like something you see, hon?” He asked suggestively, loving how Benny was slowly checking him out. He cursed internally as his breath hitched and he brought a hand up.

“Hih! HiSHOO! HASHUUH!! HEKTSHUH!!” Dean groaned and sniffled wetly before bending at the waist again. “HEEIISHOO!” he kept his hand above his mouth and nose, blushing bright red. Benny stood up and handed Dean the tissue box. Dean grabbed a handful before blowing his nose, the sound thick and gross.

“Impressive! I hear snot is considered very sexy these days.” Benny teased. Dean deflated at the words, his shoulders drooping and he stared at the ground.

“You thig I’b disgustig, dod’t you?” Dean mumbled, still horribly congested after the fit. Benny sighed and put an arm around his lover’s shoulders and kissed him on the forehead.

“No, Cher, I think you need to blow your nose again.” Dean glared before complying. Benny chuckled and squeezed him a little tighter. “I also think that you are the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen, just sick. You need to rest, and not over-exert yourself, Sugar. Please, for me?” Benny asked. Dean was quiet, except for a few coughs that escaped his chapped lips.

“Fine, Mom. I’ll play nice, for now. Heeeh…HESHOO!! ATCHOO!! ” Dean wiped his nose with a new tissue, shrugged Benny away and walked into the kitchen, demanding to be fed. Benny shook his head fondly, and followed after his lover.



BELIEVE ME, I would love to continue to a …bedroom scene, but I’m not allowed to that side of the forum yet. Sorry, I had to keep it vaguely innocent! I also tried some stuffy talk, what do you think?

So, I have another WIP on this site that I should be finishing soon and maybe my first Wincest fic? I’ve had an idea for a while now.

Thanks for reading!

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Awww omg, that was so cute! And I totally haven't watched that F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episode ten billion times! Haha! I enjoyed reading it!

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Awww omg, that was so cute! And I totally haven't watched that F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episode ten billion times! Haha! I enjoyed reading it!

Thanks so much for reading! Glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

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