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Midnight at the Mausoleum (The Haunted Mansion, M)


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I intended to post this on Halloween of last year, but whOOPS. w00t.gif I went to Disney World for Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party this past October, and while there I rode The Haunted Mansion. A few days after that I re-watched the 2003 film that's based on the ride (though I wouldn't recommend it, because it's really, REALLY bad heh.gif). Terrible acting aside (sorry Eddie Murphy!), I genuinely enjoy the tragic lovers that the plot revolves around. You don't have to watch the movie to understand what's going on, since I intend on explaining as I go, but here's a quick tidbit of background info:

  • The setting for this story is the Louisiana bayou, 1881, BEFORE the fateful "masquerade".
  • Edward Gracey is the Master of Gracey Manor.
  • Elizabeth Henshaw is the daughter of a Gracey Manor servant, yet she was raised/educated with Edward when they were children (Edward's two older siblings died of scarlet fever, leaving him an only child at age 7).
  • Ramsley, the butler, highly disapproves of any and all relations between Edward and Elizabeth, because he fears that Edward marrying Elizabeth will tarnish the Gracey legacy (this is primarily speculated because Elizabeth is both illegitimate and biracial). Highlight the following for a spoiler alert: Ramsley eventually poisoned Elizabeth at a masquerade that was held at the mansion. However, he made it seem as though she killed herself by writing a fake suicide note to Edward, who then, struck with grief, hung himself.
  • Emma, who is briefly mentioned, is a housemaid that is terrified of Ramsley.

I believe that's all you guys need to know! Everything else should fall into place. yes.gif So just sit back, relax, and enjoy my torturing of a terribly handsome, terribly unwell Englishman. aaevil.gif

Midnight at the Mausoleum

by Spoo


The graveyard was silent as Elizabeth slowly wove between the tall tombstones. She could hear the sweet duet of an owl and cricket nearby - the only other sounds that accompanied her quiet footsteps amidst the damp earth. She had agreed to meet her beloved at midnight in order to ensure the privacy they were no longer granted within the manor's walls, which explained why she ventured now to the mausoleum, where no one but the deceased would serve as an audience.

The encounters between them, sadly, had been infrequent as of late due to the Master's travels (travels that, Ramsley explained, were absolutely necessary to uphold the Gracey name). Being away from one another was an agonizing torment unlike any other, yet through the darkness of despair there shown a hopeful light: Separation only strengthened their love and encouraged these forbidden meetings between them.

It was a comforting truth that, even then, gave Elizabeth hope that she would someday be able to spend the rest of her life with Edward Gracey.

As she approached the mausoleum, she was forced to come to a sharp halt when a muffled sound caught her attention. Fearing that someone had followed her, or that she was soon to be found by a patrolling groundskeeper, she stepped into the towering shadow of the old oak tree.

It wasn't until she stood with her back to the bark, her heart pounding wildly, that the origin of the startling noise was revealed.

Concern guided Elizabeth away from her hiding place until she could ascend the smooth marble steps that led to the figure that stood hunched, his face obscured by the handkerchief that suppressed his violent coughing.

"Edward?" she broached carefully, extending a hand to gently touch his quivering shoulder.

It startled the both of them when he recoiled from the touch, as though her fingers had burned him. However, upon recognizing the face of his soulmate Edward's abrasive demeanor changed: He softened beneath her stare, were he not transfixed by her moonlit presence (or the fact that she had adorned the dress he had gifted her before his weeklong absence) would have swept her in his arms where she rightfully belonged.

"Oh, my dear Elizabeth," he rasped, his tone no stronger than he currently appeared. He did away with the handkerchief by putting it back in his coat, and with his hands now free he didn't hesitate to reach for hers. "There are no words in existence that can accurately convey how desperately I have missed you."

Though his hands felt like ice as they clutched around her own, Elizabeth felt her worry for Edward temporarily subside. At long last, after what felt like an eternity away from each other, they were finally reunited.

"I had so longingly hoped to see you when I returned earlier this evening, yet I found myself…most regrettably occupied," Edward continued, prior to taking her into a fond embrace.

"You're here now," Elizabeth spoke into his chest. Then, looking up at him, she freed one of her hands to reach up and cup the side of his cheek. She watched as he sighed, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Yes," he agreed, shifting his face to press a lingering, albeit reverent kiss against the inside of her narrow wrist. "And it is where I intend to forever remain."

His voice weakened on the last of his words, prompting him to turn into his shoulder with a shallow cough that then transitioned into a pained clearing of his throat; it was enough to rekindle the uneasiness Elizabeth continued to experience. In an act born from pure tenderness, she moved her hand in upward ascension and feathered her fingertips against his brow.

Heat met her skin - a heat that she knew could only be associated with illness. "Edward…"

"I assure you it is nothing," he was quick to deflect. Reaching up, he gingerly removed her hand from his forehead and returned it to his grasp between them. "Fatigue, if anything, from the length of my journey."

Elizabeth wasn't convinced. Having known Edward her whole life, she was well acquainted with his stubborn tendencies to overlook his health. She felt that was the case now. She also felt that it was her responsibility to see that he returned to the mansion immediately.

"If you are not well, then you should not have agreed to meet with me," she told him.

As she waited for a response - a response that she felt would suggest otherwise - she did not expect for Edward to abruptly eject her from his hold. Fretful that they had been seen, and believing that Edward had pushed her away to protect their affections, Elizabeth eyed their surroundings cautiously.

She saw nothing, nor did she hear anyone…until a rather urgent sound came from in front of her.


Elizabeth fixated her gaze on Edward, who had taken a great step back from her. His face was hidden behind the extended length of his arm, while the hand of his other arm retrieved the handkerchief she had originally found him with.

"I do beg your pardon, my love," he apologized, tending to his nose. "I did not intend to release you with such disrespehh--hh!hhrr'RFFSCHMMPFF!" The second sneeze was muffled into his handkerchief, as was the even more forceful third: "Hhrr'RGSCHMMFF!"

He had turned from her in full now as he swiftly tried to compose himself in the aftermath of the attack, yet that didn't stop Elizabeth from approaching him and settling a hand against his back. They had been apart long enough, and she wished to share his closeness before they returned; it was unknown when they would be able to meet next, after all.

"Forgive me," Edward croaked, keeping his handkerchief against his face. "If not for my repulsive display of propriety, then for the falsehood concerning my wellbeing." He turned to face Elizabeth then with an expression that carried immeasurable exhaustion. "I am indeed unwell, yet I could not let that stop me from seeing you this night."

Elizabeth could not deny that she would have done the same were the situation reversed, but that was of little assurance now. She needed to return him indoors.

It was highly unlikely that she would be allowed to keep vigil at his bedside, yet it would ease her just the same to know that Edward was resting; he looked far too pale standing before her now, and she knew that whatever illness he had contracted would worsen were he to continue exposing himself to the chill of night.

"Come, my darling," Elizabeth beckoned. "Let us return so that you may find yourself in the warmth and comfort of your bed."

Edward seemed hesitant, though he did not disobey. He pressed his handkerchief below his nose one final time, tucked it back into his coat, and then offered Elizabeth his arm. She took it and, together, they began to slowly descend the steps of the mausoleum.

"It pains me," he said, leading them through the graveyard. "To have been the cause of our premature departure. I feel that I have failed you."

"You have failed nothing, Edward. When you are well we shall meet again," Elizabeth reassured, resting her cheek against his sleeve. "And until then you will have my soul to keep you company."

"As you will have mine," he echoed in response, setting a kiss into the dark arrangement of curls atop her head.

As they approached the manor, Elizabeth wondered if Edward's admittance to being ill had robbed him of his remaining strength; he felt heavier against her side then he had when she'd first taken his arm, and his breathing came more from his mouth than his nose. She was almost certain that he would collapse before they were able to enter, which is why Elizabeth reached out in preparation to break his fall when he, without warning, stopped to lean against a pillar. His shallow breath began to swell.

She was both relieved and surprised to see that he wasn't, in fact, collapsing, but rather giving into an equally demanding, equally helpless urge that had him fumbling for his handkerchief.

"Hhhr'RRFSCHHH!" He'd barely covered his nose with the cloth when he was overcome again. "Hhrr'RRFFSCHHH'UE!"

"God bless you, my darling," Elizabeth said, steadying him as his balance waned.

"God has blessed me," Edward rasped, leaning into her. "And I pray that he never take you from me."

It was unclear if he was delirious with love or fever - or perhaps even both - but Elizabeth found it best to help him away from the pillar and inside the house. Without the aid of daylight they were cast in darkness, yet the pair knew the halls well enough to navigate them without any form of luminescence.

"Elizabeth?" Edward murmured.

She looked at him. "Yes, my love?"

"Will you stay with me?"

Elizabeth wanted to say that there was nothing more than she desired than to hold his hand, or stroke a damp cloth against his fevered brow, yet her reply was frightened away when they were suddenly discovered.

"I think it would be best if you retired for the evening, Master Gracey. If there is to truly be a masquerade at Gracey Manor, as you have been speaking of, then the host of such festivities must see that he rests," a willowy voice proposed. And then, to Elizabeth, it said, "I will see that the Master finds his bed."

Edward's brightly fevered eyes fell upon Ramsley, whose face appeared far more gaunt when shadowed by the glow of candlelight, and then to a silent, albeit wide-eyed Emma. "Miss Henshaw was merely escorting me to my room," he explained, straightening himself and promptly stepping away from Elizabeth.

"And now that she has escorted you, we must bid Miss Henshaw goodnight," Ramsley stated.

Reluctant as she was to leave Elizabeth's side, Edward knew it was necessary. They had already endangered their secret rendezvous. There was no need to tempt fate any more.

Edward bowed his heavy head. "Goodnight, Miss Henshaw."

"Goodnight, Master Gracey," Elizabeth replied, mirroring his bow with a lady's grace.

She tried to ignore the look of longing that passed across his face as he stepped in front of Ramsley to continue on, as well as the crippling coughs that followed him down the hall.

The elderly butler lingered for a moment, though only to repeat the Master: "Goodnight, Miss Henshaw."

Elizabeth smiled. "Goodnight, Ramsley."

"Pleasant dreams," he returned, softer, as Emma escorted Elizabeth to her room. "Though I fear that they will not remain pleasant for much longer…"


Edited by Spoo
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So I have never seen the movie or (sadly) gone on the Haunted Mansion ride because it was frigging closed for renovations the one time I visited a friend out in Cali. It doesn't actually matter, though, because I am a big sucker for moody, gothic romances and dramas in the vein of the Brontë sisters. I know you are too, being a fan of Jane Eyre and all, and that's the kind of vibe I get from this. So dark, so atmospheric between the dialogue and the descriptions of shadow, cricket, owl, marble. Love it.

"Yes," he agreed, shifting his face to press a lingering, albeit reverent kiss against the inside of her narrow wrist.

Like this? You stop it. That's so hot.

And then ugh, apologizing for releasing her too roughly because he has to turn and sneeze and Edward please. I also really like the sounds/spellings, it's nice and, as you said, urgent, overpowering. Be still my heart.

Oh, and obviously unrelated to anything fetish-y, but the descriptions of the butler were super fucking creepy, all thin and stretched out feeling. NOPE.


Yes. Very good spookiness. PAP PAP.

Edited by Garnet
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She was both relieved and surprised to see that he wasn't, in fact, collapsing, but rather giving into an equally demanding, equally helpless urge that had him fumbling for his handkerchief.

"Hhhr'RRFSCHHH!" He'd barely covered his nose with the cloth when he was overcome once more. "Hhrr'RRFFSCHHH'UE!"

"God bless you, my love," Elizabeth said, steadying him as his balance waned.

"God has blessed me with your love," Edward rasped, leaning into her. "And I pray that he never take it from me."

This whole snippet just had me melting :wub: There is absolutely nothing better than sweet sentimentality as well as a reminder of how painfully desperate our sufferer can be. This is just too cute, Spoo, thanks for sharing with us! <3

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Hahhh, gothic romance. :inlove: Such a beautiful atmosphere in this, and your writing is superb, as always.

Also: dem spellings. :dribble:

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My god!! I agree even though i was eh with the acting though i love eddie murphy, the tragic love story of Edward and Elizabeth had me cry and weep because it was so beautiful. And Edward is the perfect guy, i mean even while sick and feverish he wouldn't let that stop him. I love their love and their story...

This had my favorite things:

Non cheesy romance

Gothic literature

Two lovers who can not be but still will go to the ends of the earth for eachother.

Sick english gentleman who is a sweetheart.

Is there more?

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hmmmm.. absolutely Lovely. :wub:

I remember that movie. I can't exactly remember why they kept the butler on when it would have been so much easier to go "bye butler, hello wife" :lol: But ah well. You captured the time so very well, and all the feels.

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I remember that movie. I can't exactly remember why they kept the butler on when it would have been so much easier to go "bye butler, hello wife" :lol: But ah well. You captured the time so very well, and all the feels.

I thought the same when i watched the movie, im like Edward sweetie, you're the master of the manor not the creepy butler. Now marry your love...smooches!!

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You guys are SO sweet! :cryhappy::heart:

I have to admit: I'm a HUGE fan of gothic romance, which is why a lot of this came naturally? :lol: Regardless, thank you so much for your kind and lovely comments. I wholeheartedly agree that Ramsley should have been kicked to the curb, but I guess Edward was just too nice/reliant on his [evil] butler. :P

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