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"To Be Drunk Again" - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Steve/Peggy)


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AN - Okay, so this one is going to be a one-shot and it'll take place right after Bucky's *ahem* death. I know Steve/Peggy isn't as popular a ship as Stucky, so I'll probably do this as a quick one-shot and then another Stucky story sometime in the very near future. :) Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it!

Title: "To Be Drunk Again"

Fandom: Captain America

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Captain America, nor any plots or subplots of the film(s). However, the writing I've produced is my own, not someone else's.

Warning: Spoilers for The First Avenger.

Description: Steve is nothing without Bucky. Nothing feels the same anyway and Steve wishes it would all go away. He can't get drunk, but there is a small possibly that he can get sick. Not that he's willing to admit that.

Notes: This'll be a one-shot, but feel free to comment if you feel so inclined! :P

I. To Be Drunk Again

Peggy Carter was deeply concerned for her colleague, Steve Rogers. On a recent mission, his closest and oldest friend, Bucky Barnes, had died serving their country. Although she knew he was incredibly strong, both mentally and physically, he'd taken Bucky's death pretty hard. When Peggy couldn't find him, she decided to search one last place and found him there, back turned away from her, sitting alone in a bar mostly destroyed by the war.

"Are you in the mood for a bit of company?" she asked, side-stepping a pile of glass and pulling up a chair. As soon as Steve turned to face her, she knew he was worse off than she had originally thought. His eyes were bleary and red-rimmed, like he'd been crying, and his face was flushed pink. She had a strange urge to reach out and fix his dishevelled hair back into place. "Oh, Steve..."

He opened his mouth, as if to say something, then abruptly changed his mind and set down his drink. With a large inhale, he jerked away from her and sneezed. "Heh'SHOOO!"

"Bless you." Peggy bit her lip.

"I..." Steve's voice was hoarse, so much so that he had trouble speaking. He cleared his throat and tried again. "I, um, can't get drunk. It has something to do with my cells and their regenerative properties. Did you know that?"

"Doctor Erskine mentioned something of that nature." Peggy admitted, searching Steve's eyes for some light. All she saw were the dark circles under his eyes. "Steve... it's not your fault, you know that, right?"

Steve gave a bitter laugh. "Not my fault. Right."

"No, really." Peggy insisted, placing her hands over his. "It wasn't your fault. He made a decision to stand by you and I think... I think if he could've done it over, he would've died for you, again."

"That's not what I ever would've wanted for him!" he snapped, immediately regretting his tone. "I'm sorry." His shoulders slumped.

"I just think you're--"

Steve suddenly took his hands back, one hovering near his face. "Hahh... hah'SHHH! K'FSHH!" He sniffled, feeling his nose begin to run, and blushed. "E-excuse be."

"Are you alright?"

He rubbed his nose with a finger, praying she couldn't see how much his nose was torturing him. "I'b f-fihhh... fide." Sensing the inevitable, he held up a hand. "Ehhh... hehh... excuse b-be-- hur'ESHHOO!" He sneezed into the crook of his elbow, blushing furiously.

"Would you like my handkerchief?" the young woman asked politely, immediately reaching inside her coat pocket.

Steve shook his head, a knuckle under his nose. "Doe, doe, I couldn't ask thad of you."

Peggy ignored this and pressed the piece of cloth into his free hand. "Please. It looks like your nose has other ideas."

The young man's nostrils trembled. "Hihh... hiHH! Hh'ISHOO!" He gave in to the folds of her handkerchief and sneezed another ticklish double. "Hh'SHHH! Hahh! AahH! Hah'PSHHH!"

"God bless." Peggy told him sincerely. "Are you quite sure you're not falling ill?"

Steve rubbed his nose roughly in the handkerchief, trying to alleviate an itch that wouldn't leave him alone. "I'b dot-- I bean, I cad't ged sigg. I think thad's whad Doctor Erskide said." He grimaced at the sound of his own voice.

Peggy scoffed. "Please. You aren't very convincing. You're terribly pale."

"I'b always p-pale." Steve countered, breath hitching. "Hh'CHOO!"

"Bless you. Please Steve, you can't sit here alone. This pub is beyond wrecked. Glass everywhere, drafty... if you're not sick already, you'll catch your death in here."

"Please, Peggy..." Steve trailed off to give his irritated nose a quick rub. "I'b fide. I dod't deed adybody to t-tahh... take care of be. I'b-- ekk'SHUHH!" He sneezed into his hands and internally cringed, knowing it was impolite. "Excuse b--" He started to speak but Peggy had already grasped his hands.

"Steve, you don't feel well. Don't make me get Colonel Phillips out here."

Stomach sinking, Steve gave in. He stood up, swayed a bit, and made his way towards Peggy. "Dot drunk." he reminded her. "Dizzy."

"I know." she replied, lacing her fingers through his as they walked through the frigid afternoon air. "I know."

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His politeness UGH!!!! *** Swoon*** Super awesome!!! Love the detail to the characters and boy, his build-ups! Simply adorable!wubsmiley.gif

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I actually ended up liking this a lot more than I thought I would. You truly captured the feeling of Steve being deeply upset by Bucky being gone, but attempting to not draw attention to that as he doesn't want others to worry over him. The sickness was great. Always appreciated over here. Fantastic job. Another great fic from you. :)

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His politeness UGH!!!! *** Swoon*** Super awesome!!! Love the detail to the characters and boy, his build-ups! Simply adorable!wubsmiley.gif

Steve is just too fun to torture haha! :P Thanks for your kind words!! ^_^

I actually ended up liking this a lot more than I thought I would. You truly captured the feeling of Steve being deeply upset by Bucky being gone, but attempting to not draw attention to that as he doesn't want others to worry over him. The sickness was great. Always appreciated over here. Fantastic job. Another great fic from you. smile.png

Aw, I'm so glad! Your comments always make me smile, thank you so much Sophie!! :D

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First time I've seen Steve/Peggy, but I really like it. Steve is always so sweet :heart:. I while I think that Tony & Bucky are good fits for Steve, Peggy was pretty awesome in the film. Great work as always. :Pounce:

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Aw! Poor Steve! Well, no worries: Peggy will soon set him to rights. (Speaking of which: for what it's worth, I like Steve&Bucky as a friendship pairing, but I also like Steve/Peggy as a romantic one. Just in case you're counting 'ship fans. ;))

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Aw! Poor Steve! Well, no worries: Peggy will soon set him to rights. (Speaking of which: for what it's worth, I like Steve&Bucky as a friendship pairing, but I also like Steve/Peggy as a romantic one. Just in case you're counting 'ship fans. ;))

I like both pairings, but I've been itching for some Peggy since Agent Carter started airing, so I'm glad you wrote this! GAWSH I love the way you write his sneezes, especially that first one. Nothing better than starting off a conversation with an uncontrollable sneeze. :yay:

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Aw, Steeeeeve... he's so burdened by everything that's happened.

He takes responsibility so readily- and that's one of his strengths, but here it just turns him into a giant ball of guilt because that was his team, which makes everything bad automatically his fault and... good girl, Peggy, go make him better.

p.s. Love me some Steve/Peggy. I'm firmly invested in Bisexual Steve Rogers, which just makes it easier for me to multi-ship. Plus, Peggy is awesome, and should be part of all the things. You write her pretty darn well, too.

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Aw, Steeeeeve... he's so burdened by everything that's happened.

He takes responsibility so readily- and that's one of his strengths, but here it just turns him into a giant ball of guilt because that was his team, which makes everything bad automatically his fault and... good girl, Peggy, go make him better.

p.s. Love me some Steve/Peggy. I'm firmly invested in Bisexual Steve Rogers, which just makes it easier for me to multi-ship. Plus, Peggy is awesome, and should be part of all the things. You write her pretty darn well, too.

Thanks! Yeah, I totally support the head canon that Steve's bi, I can see it. Aww, really thank you!

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