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I'll Be Right Here - danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil


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I'm so insanely nervous about this and I have no idea if anyone will want to read it, but just in case, I'mma post it anyway. It's just 1000 words of pure fluff. Please tell me if you do like it! happy.png

It's not really written with a pairing in mind, although it's slightly ambiguous, so I guess feel free to read it whichever way you want! Although RPF isn't really my thing I've been writing a load of these recently because I'm an insane fangirl I'm really into their videos at the moment.

I'll Be Right Here

The problem with the common cold is that, whilst it is horrible, uncomfortable and makes you feel like hell, it isn’t serious enough to justify taking a day off. And damn, did Dan feel every aspect of said horribleness. It was early afternoon and he was curled up on the sofa, editing his latest video, between sneezing and sniffling and coughing.

The apartment was quiet; Phil had gone to the shops about an hour ago to pick up some groceries. At first, Dan had been almost glad of the solitude. His symptoms were escalating at a ridiculous rate, and he didn’t want Phil to be worried. Only now he wanted nothing more than to rest his head on the older man’s chest and fall asleep in his arms. Yes, he was a bit clingy when he was sick. So what?

But he needed to finish editing the video, Dan reminded himself, forcing his thoughts back on track. After that, and only after, he could do whatever he wanted.

"hh-hhh..." He brought up a hand to hover before his face, pausing. Not again. Dan couldn’t quite decide whether he wanted to sneeze or not.

There was the distant sound of a door being unlocked, and then a voice calling up the stairs.

"Dan, I’m back!" Of course Phil would choose that moment to get home. When Dan was sat quivering, blinking, caught in the throes of a threatening sneeze.

"Dan?" Phil’s voice was much closer this time. The door banged slightly and carrier bags rustled right next to the sofa. Finally Dan pitched forward, cupping a hand to his nose and mouth. "hh-TSHUU! hhahtCHUU! *sniff* Hey Phil."

"Dan! Bless you!" Phil set his purchases on the breakfast bar and sat down next to Dan, who noticed he’d already removed his coat and shoes. "How’s that cold doing?"

"You dknew I’mb sigck?"

"Of course I knew. You woke me up sneezing three times last night." Dan flushed, partly in guilt, partly because his nose was starting to run and he had to press his knuckles to the underside of his nostrils. "Oh, umb. I’mb really sorry." Damn their thin walls.

"Don’t worry about it," Phil shook his head with a small smile and got up. "I bought tissues." He returned with a box which was taken gratefully by Dan.

"Thadk God. You’re bmy saviour." Dan tore into the box relievedly and gave a long blow into a handful of soft tissues.

"I think you should give the editing a rest." Taking advantage of the distraction Phil slid Dan’s laptop from his lap and snapped it closed.

"What the hell are you-"

"Dan." His voice was firm and Dan found himself having flashbacks to when he was at university and Phil would find him writing essays at three o’clock in the morning.

Suddenly there was fabric being pulled over his head, and he lifted up his arms obligingly. It wasn’t until Dan’s head re-emerged that he realised it was Phil’s green hoodie. They always wore it when one of them was sick. Dan smiled for the first time that morning, relaxing happily into the reassuring familiarity of the garment.

"Good?" Phil asked.

"Good." Dan agreed with a nod. With a smile Phil stood up, and he was a little disappointed to be rid of his heat and presence so soon. It must have been evident in his expression, because Phil smiled and said, "I’m just going to make you some Lemsip. I’ll be back in a minute, I promise."

"Okay." His voice was beginning to crack. Dan sighed and flipped the hood up and buried himself as far as he could into the folds of Phil’s hoodie. It reminded him of feverish nights spent in his university dorm room. Phil couldn’t be there, so he had left him with his hoodie, the plushie he’d won him with a claw machine, a packet of Lemsip and a promise that he would be back as soon as he could.

"Here." A clink of ceramic on glass announced Phil’s reappearance.

"Th-Thahh-" Dan hurriedly tore a few tissues from the box and pressed them to his face. "ahhTSHUU!"

"Bless you." He waited until Dan had finished wiping at his nose before swapping the crumpled tissues for the mug of Lemsip. It was warm and Dan wrapped both hands around it, letting the heat seep into his skin. "Thadk you," He repeated. Taking a sip he wrinkled his nose slightly at the flavour. “I still thidk this stuff tastes like corpses.”

"So you’ve said,” Phil laughed softly. "Is there anything else you need, Dan?"

He shrugged as he set the mug back down. "Dno. But, umb, cuddles would be dnice." Protective arms wrapped around him and he found himself being pulled against the older man’s chest. A contented sigh escaped his lips. Phil was the only person who would snuggle him when he was all sick and snuffly like this.

"Is that alright?" He could feel the vibrations of Phil’s voice rumbling beneath his cheek.

"Mmmnn." Phil smiled at the contented mumble. They lay like that for a few moments, breathing peacefully in sync, until Dan shifted.

"What’s wrong?"

"G-Gotta sdeeze-hhh-" He took some tissues from the stack on his lap and sat with his breath faltering. Phil seemed to know instinctively what the problem was.

"Just relax. I don’t mind." Dan nodded briefly in response to his soothing tone before his eyes slammed shut. "hh-IHSHUU! hahtCHUU! hhh-hh!-CHYUU!" There were strong arms bracing him, ensuring he didn’t jerk too far either forward or backward.

"Bless you." Phil’s voice was concerned and a hand rubbed gentle circles into his back.

"I’mb okay. Just a cold."

"But it’s still making you feel horrible, and that gives me enough reason to take care of you."

"Add you’re disturbingly good at it." Dan responded softly, then yawned widely.

"Get some sleep, Bear. I’ll be right here when you wake up."

Dan nodded, not even protesting at the nickname, and curled up, his head resting on Phil’s chest again and Phil’s arms around him and fell asleep at last - just as he had wanted to do all morning.

Edited by MaiMai
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Shipshipshipshipship! Fluffflufffluffflufffluff! Moremoremoremoremore!

:heart: :heart: :heart:

This was just insanely adorable!

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Awwwwwh Phan is canon I swear to god. MaiMai youre amazing at writting ! :) the phan feels ajwbejuajajshsgzujaldbxhgsijwbfgx

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AHHH I love Dan and Phil so much! Don't know if i ship them together but this Phan is seriously too cute. :D

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//cries// That was incredible! Dan was adorable, Phil was an amazing caretaker. Aaahhh this was amazing! Thank you for sharing with us :)

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Awwwwwh Phan is canon I swear to god. MaiMai youre amazing at writting ! smile.png the phan feels ajwbejuajajshsgzujaldbxhgsijwbfgx

I totally agree!! They're adorable and you wrote them so well!

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Oh my gosh! Where did you all come from?! I thought there would only be one or two people who knew who I was talking about! :lol:

Awwwwwwwwwwwhhh! I don't even really ship these two but the feelings there...

Thank you so much!

Shipshipshipshipship! Fluffflufffluffflufffluff! Moremoremoremoremore!


This was just insanely adorable!

Ahaha thank you~! I had a lot of fun writing it. :D

Awwwwwh Phan is canon I swear to god. MaiMai youre amazing at writting ! smile.png the phan feels ajwbejuajajshsgzujaldbxhgsijwbfgx

Omg thank you!!! :blush: If Phan ever turned out to be canon, though, I would literally explode. xD





:lol: Thank you! Glad you liked it!!

AHHH I love Dan and Phil so much! Don't know if i ship them together but this Phan is seriously too cute. biggrin.png

Gah thank you!!! ^_^

//cries// That was incredible! Dan was adorable, Phil was an amazing caretaker. Aaahhh this was amazing! Thank you for sharing with us smile.png

You're very welcome! I've always kind of thought of Phil as the one that would be the more caretaker-y of the two, idk why!

Awwwwwh Phan is canon I swear to god. MaiMai youre amazing at writting ! smile.png the phan feels ajwbejuajajshsgzujaldbxhgsijwbfgx

I totally agree!! They're adorable and you wrote them so well!

O/////O Thank you~!

Since people seemed to like this, I might post some more fics about them... :D Thank you for reading! :heart:

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Oh my gosh, girl! That... was adorable! I knew I wouldn't be disappointed, I knew it! See, I've never even seen any of their videos, I only have a vague idea of what they even look like (black hair, both of them, right?) and still I enjoyed this so much! Beautifully written as always! Nice phrasing, perfect amount of sneezing and my gosh, the cuteness! My favorite part was probably the hoodie thing! I myself own a sweatshirt I always wear when I'm sick, but the idea of two boys sharing one? Amazing! :wub:

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Weellllp this was pretty much the cutest thing ever! Thank you so much for sharing this with us, this made my night >w<

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Oh my gosh, girl! That... was adorable! I knew I wouldn't be disappointed, I knew it! See, I've never even seen any of their videos, I only have a vague idea of what they even look like (black hair, both of them, right?) and still I enjoyed this so much! Beautifully written as always! Nice phrasing, perfect amount of sneezing and my gosh, the cuteness! My favorite part was probably the hoodie thing! I myself own a sweatshirt I always wear when I'm sick, but the idea of two boys sharing one? Amazing! wub.png

Thank you Sophie!! I'm really grateful that you took the time to read it, particularly as you don't watch their videos. I can't claim the hoodie thing to be completely my own, though - Phil talks about it in one of his videos as being what he wears whenever he's sick, and there's an old photo of a sick Dan when he was at university wearing what is obviously the same hoodie, so I was kind of expanding on that! But thank you very much! :heart:


ahem *composes self* This is very very very good biggrin.png

Ahaha! :blush: Thank you! We seem to have a bit of a lack of Phanfics around here, so be the change you want to see, right? :D

Weellllp this was pretty much the cutest thing ever! Thank you so much for sharing this with us, this made my night >w<

You're welcome~! Thank you for taking the time to comment, it's always great to get feedback! ^_^

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