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Achievement Hunter (Gavin Free, Michael Jones?)


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Hi guys!

Well I promised some AH and here they are! This is only the first part, I'm planning to continue with some care taking Michael and maybe some Ryan (I have a soft spot for him okay?) later on. I've never written about these guys before so I hope I did okay, I know Jack isn't in this part but he will be making an appearance later don't worry.

I hope you all like it :)

Part 1

`Walking into the Achievement Hunter office the first thing Ryan noticed was the lack of the Brit in his corner.

“Geoff, where’s Gavin?” he asked, dropping his bag at his desk and turning on the computer to start the day.

“Don’ know, I brought him in so he’s gotta be around here somewhere” the older said, eyes never leaving the screen.

Ryan sat down at his desk and didn’t think anymore of it, knowing Gavin he could be up to anything and Ryan wasn’t that bothered, he had his own work to do.

But Ryan wasn’t the only one to think something was up, Michael who sat next to Gavin had noticed the younger’s disappearance shortly after arriving. He was ready to go look for him when Gavin walked back into the office, looking slightly paler than normal and his eyes were a bit red.

“Gav, you okay?” Michael asked.

“Fine, why?” Gavin asked.

“You look a bit...”

“Tired” Gavin answered. “Long night”

Michael shrugged and turned back to his own screen, he knew Gavin could be a one for long nights. Especially when there was a new Achievement he wanted (thought he was nowhere near as bad as Ray) but he couldn’t help there was something else... He looked back at Gavin just to see him rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. But keeping an eye on Gavin proved quiet tricky as one: Michael had a shit load of editing to do and two: because the Brit kept disappearing. Michael kept looking up to the see the chair beside him empty again.

“Ray, do you see where Gavin keeps going?” he asked, turning to the man on the other side of him.

“No, I thought the office felt oddly quiet. Is he okay?”

“He said he was...”

“Then he’s okay, this is Gavin remember? The guy that doesn’t get sick”

Michael couldn’t argue there, in all the years he’d worked at Achievement Hunter he’d never once seen Gavin sick.

“Just when he gets back tell him we have a Let’s Play to film”

Michael nodded and turned back to his computer, trying to finish the edit on the newest Rage Quit before Gavin returned. Ten minutes later and Gavin stumbled back into the office, Michael thought he looked paler than before but Gavin just brushed off his concern.

Michael continued to set up the Let’s Play, if something was wrong Gavin would surely tell someone? He can never keep his mouth shut about anything! Michael tried to right off his own concern and turned back to the game in hand.

“God not this again” Ryan groaned as he saw the opening screen of Mario Party 8.

“Sorry Ryan, that’s what the kids asked for” Michael said.

“I hate you all” Ryan muttered. The others all laughed, including Gavin who somehow got away with suppressing a small cough into his sleeve. He’d felt a bit off all day, all the staring at computers all day hadn’t helped his growing headache and he kept having to disappear to the bathroom when he needed to cough. No illness had ever stopped Gavin Free before, it wasn’t about to start now.

“Birdo!” Gavin yelled as he picked the pink dinosaur. Though yelling did nothing for the scratchy feeling in his throat Gavin continued, people would notice if he wasn’t his usual noisy self.

The characters were picked and the map set the Let’s Play began.

“10!” Ryan cheered as he rolled the dice.

“That’s it, my crowding moment for any Mario game”

“You don’t know that yet Ryan” Michael said.

“Don’t I? Don’t I?”

Gavin listened to his friends argue and sniffed again, when did his nose start running so much? He was starting to feel a tickle in his nose and wondered how he was going to get away with sneezing in the middle of filming.

“Hichhoooo” Gavin sneezed wetly into his arm, sniffling as he wiped his nose on his sleeve.

“Bless you” said Ray.

“Thanks” Gavin sniffed, his nose was still running but he couldn’t get up in the middle of recording to get a tissue. He continued to rub his nose on the back of his hand hoping the feeling would go away... Of course it didn’t.

“Hachooo, Hachhoooo, H..Ha...HacChooo!”

“Bless you Boi, you okay?” Michael asked.

“Fine, oh is it my turn?”

Gavin ignored Michael concern and continued to roll the dice, only moving two spaces up the board. This was going to be a long game.

Half an hour later and Gavin was having a whole lot of trouble trying to hide his growing symptoms. His need to cough was bad enough his chest was seriously aching, his head hurt and eyes stung as he forced them to stare at the brightly coloured screen and his sneezing became more and more frequent and his sleeve being quite damp due to his lack of tissues.

“Hachooo, Hichhoooo,”

“What is that? 40 at least?” Ryan asked, looking over as Gavin rubbed his nose on his hoodie once again.

“Gross Gavin, don’t you have a tissue?” he asked. The Brit shook his head, Ryan frowned and pulled his bag from under his desk and rummaged around. One of things about being a dad, you always seem to have tissues on you.

“Here” he called throwing a pack over to Gavin.

“Thagks” congestion had crept into his voice and his co workers all shared a concerned look.

“What happened to Gavin ‘I never get sick’ Free?” Michael asked.

“Not sick...” Though Gavin’s body had other ideas and his body shook with the coughing fit he’d been trying to hide for too long. When the fit ended Gavin was shaking and his breathing was worryingly tight and wheezy.

“Gavin...” Michael started but Gavin cut him off.

“No, I’m fine. We need to finish this Let’s Play”


“I said no.... Hichooo!” Gavin sneezed into his tissue and blow his nose.

“I have a job to do, I’m fine. I don’t get sick remember?”

“Michael if he wants to kill himself fine, I say he just finish this damn game” said Ryan.

“I agree with Ryan, let’s finish this” said Ray. Michael couldn’t argue, if Gavin said he’d be fine then he probably would be.

“HaCHooo, HIchoooo, achhtooo, h... hi...hiCHOOO!”

Gavin’s sneezing was only getting the worse, the last one had sent a sharp pain through his head that made him drop his controller.

“God dammit Gavin” Ryan said, throwing him another pack of tissues.

“Shut up Ryan” Gavin replied weakly. Normally he’d be up for arguing with Ryan but he just didn’t have the energy, his eyes kept falling shut only to be snapped open every time he had to cough or sneeze. Gavin was losing every game, he didn’t have the energy to play and Michael could see it, he needed rest but there was no way the idiot would leave until the game was done.

“Ray, how long do you think we have left?” Michael whispered, careful that neither his mic or Gavin could hear him.

“40 – 45 minutes at least” Ray answered.

“Do you think he’ll last that long?”

Ray looked over at Gavin who had his head buried in his hands coughing his heart out. It didn’t look like the Brit was up to much of anything, matter about being his normal entertaining self.

“No” Ray admitted.


“Hmm? Yeah, yeah I agree he needs to sleep and medicine before he kills all of us. Take him home Michael”

Gavin and all but fallen asleep in his chair, his head getting dangerously close to falling onto his desk.

“Gav, Gavin wake up” Michael shook his shoulder until his eyes opened again and he buried his face in his elbow to sneeze his head off again.

“Hischooo, hisouhhooo, hishhhooooo, hhaaahoooo”

“Bless, come on Gavin let’s get you home”

Michael tried to pull Gavin out of his chair but the younger refused to move.

“Gavin, move your fucking butt” Michael snapped.

“No, we’re nobt dobe”

“Gavin you’re a fucking idiot, a fucking sick idiot. I am taking you home”

“No... Hishhooo I’m fine for a bit longer...” he argued. Neither Michael nor Gavin had noticed Ryan get up until he was standing behind Gavin, his hand pressed to the ill boys forehead.

“You’ve got a fever, you’re going home Gavin. No ifs, buts or coconuts”

Gavin sighed and let Ryan pull him up, though he was unstable on his feet and ended up falling straight into the older.

“Gavin you’re so useless” Ryan sighed before picking up Gavin, the boys head resting against his chest as he carried him out to Michael’s car.

“Tell Geoff where we’ve gone, I’ll try and get back...”

“Don’t, you know Gavin if you don’t watch him he’ll probably try and do some work or somethin’ dangerous to his health” Ryan said.

Michael nodded, he waved to his co workers and backed his car out of the Achievement Hunter offices. Gavin rested his head against the cool window, glad of the feeling against his overheated skin and fell asleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hahaha this is SO awesome!!! Love the achievement hunters sooooo much I've been binge watching their videos for like a year now haha. I often go back to some certain ones like the minecraft monopoly episodes when Ryans voice is soooo dead and the minecraft one where they're like destroying paintings and stuff maybe...? Or something like that, when Michael is sick haha. It's like unmonumental men or something like that. And there's also a things to do in gta v when Michael is sick and they're trying to jump motorcycles from one satellite to another. It's short but his voice. So sicky. <3

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Hahaha this is SO awesome!!! Love the achievement hunters sooooo much I've been binge watching their videos for like a year now haha. I often go back to some certain ones like the minecraft monopoly episodes when Ryans voice is soooo dead and the minecraft one where they're like destroying paintings and stuff maybe...? Or something like that, when Michael is sick haha. It's like unmonumental men or something like that. And there's also a things to do in gta v when Michael is sick and they're trying to jump motorcycles from one satellite to another. It's short but his voice. So sicky. <3

Thank you! It was actually those videos that got me into watching AH, a year later and here I am!I'm thinking of working the videos into this somewhere :')

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Hi guys, sorry this is a bit late but I had trouble with my computer.. I should warn you there's a lot of swearing in this part, Micheal Jones and his potty mouth! I know this part is mostly Michael and Gavin but don't worry the others will be joining shortly. :')

Part 2

When Gavin woke up he was somewhere warm and comfortable, lying on something soft with a thick blanket covering him. He tried to sit up but his chest heaved and he doubled over coughing.

“Shh, drink this”

Gavin wasn’t sure who was talking but accepted the water and took small sips to sooth his throat and chest.

“Thanks” Gavin croaked.

“No problem, how are you feeling?”

Gavin finally realised it was Michael talking, it was then he noticed that he wasn’t in his own bed but lying on the couch in Michael’s living room.

“Like shit and how did I get here? I don’t remember...” Gavin asked, rubbing his pounding head trying to think.

“You don’t remember Ryan carrying you out of work because you’d all but died at your desk?” Michael asked.

“Fuck...” Gavin groaned, not only had he fucking embarrassed himself but his incredibly stuffed nose was starting to tickle again...

“HiChoo, Haschhooom actchoooh, heicahcooo, hacsssioooo, ”

Gavin sneezed harshly into his arm, his head bobbing back and forth with each one.

“That sounded like it hurt” Michael said, handing Gav a box of tissues to blow his red and chapped nose.

“It did” he groaned.

“You never get sick but then you end up with fucking pneumonia” Michael said, pressing the back of his head to Gavin’s forehead and wincing at the heat.

“I...” Gavin was cut off by a coughing fit.

“You need meds” Michael left Gavin dying and went to retrieve the medicine he’d brought on the way home. Gavin had been too out of it to notice Michael stopping the car and leaving for a few minutes to run in CVS.

“HI... Hichosshoooo, achhooochooo, HIachoohCooo,”

Gavin was sneezing his head off as Michael returned. Michael hadn’t ever seen Gavin sick but he didn’t think he’d ever seen anyone this sick. He had no colour apart from cheeks flushed with fever, nose so red and raw he made a dead ringer for Rudolf the Reindeer.

“Take it, you’ll feel better” he said, handing Gavin a cap on pink glop.

Gavin tried to sniff it but the action only made him sneeze again.


“Bless, now drink before I pour it down your throat”

Gavin took it like Geoff would a shot of whiskey and winced as he swallowed down his raw throat.

“Have you eaten today?” Michael asked. He hadn’t seen Gavin eat all day and didn’t fancy having to run him down to ER because he’d passed out or something.

“Don’t wanna, throat” Gavin whined.

“You’re pathetic, you need to eat something. I’ll heat you up some soup, you can eat that and then and only then you can sleep”

“HacCHOOo, Hiachoooo, hicahoocooo, Accchooociiishhh”

Michael didn’t wait for reply as Gavin sneezed and went to heat the soup, he’d force feed into him if he had too. Gavin grumbled to himself, he’d never felt this sick in his life. He just wanted to bury himself in a mountain of blankets and just die in his own misery. He was nearly asleep when Michael returned with a steaming mug of chicken soup.

“Gavin, Gavin sit up”

Gavin ignored him and pretended to be asleep, hoping Michael would leave him in peace to sleep off this stupid sickness.

“Gavin!” Michael snapped, he put the mug down and pulled Gavin up into a sitting position whether he wanted to or not.

“HiScHoohoooo, accihiohcoooo, achhiooooo”

“I know you feel like shit but you need to ear because I’m not driving your ass to ER because you haven’t eaten” Michael snapped, shoving the hot mug in Gavin’s shaking hands.

“Sorry” Gavin mumbled, as usual he was being an asshole. Michael was only trying to help and Gavin wasn’t making things any easier. Michael sighed and sat down beside Gavin, putting his arm around Gavin’s shoulders in an attempt at comfort.

“It’s okay, you’re always an asshole why would change when you’re ill?”

Gavin tried to protest but ended up coughing harshly into his arm, Michael rubbed his back until the fit ended but it left Gavin’s breathing light and wheezy.

“Fuck you sound awful”

Gavin didn’t reply but sipped at his soup, the hot liquid soothing the rawness of his throat and helping with his overfull shitty feeling. Gavin finished the mug and fell back against Michael, resting his head on the older man’s shoulder.

“Okay I think it might be time to get you to bed, do you think you can walk?” Michael asked.

Michael felt Gavin shake his head against his neck, Gavin’s skin was too hot against his own. Carefully Michael moved from under Gavin before lifting him up, luckily for him Gavin was incredibly light despite the amount of junk food he normally ate. Michael carried him through to his own room, Gavin needed a good night’s sleep more than he did so figured he’d be alright on the couch for now. Gavin was just about awake as he laid him in the bed, putting the pillows behind him Michael sat him up enough to be able to take some much needed medicine.

“HIschohooo, hachioioooo, hcoahchooo” Gavin sneezed before collapsing back against the pillows, snot on his face but he didn’t have the energy to wipe it away.

“Bless you, damn” Michael mumbled, when Gavin made no move to clean himself up he reached for the tissues and wiped Gavin’s face for him.

Gavin was too out of it to say anything, Michael put little cups of medicine in his hand that he just about managed to drink before his eyes fell shut again.

“Go to sleep Gavin”

Michael stayed by his friends side until he thought he was asleep, running a hand through Gavin’s sweaty and matted hair.

“Feel better soon Boi” Michael said, he got up to leave the room but a small whimper from the bed made him turn around.


Michael chuckled as Gavin patted the bed beside him.

“Really? Really?” Michael asked.

Gavin tried to speak but only coughed again.

“Okay, okay I’m coming. Don’t hurt yourself”

Michael got in the bed beside the sick fuck and let Gavin snuggle under his arm, resting his head on Michael’s chest.

“You really are pathetic when you’re ill” Michael stated.

Gavin just replied by sneezing over Michael’s chest.


“And fucking gross”

Gavin chuckled at that, before finally closing his eyes and letting sleep claim him.

Michael woke up, stretching his sleeping body only to realise there was no one in bed beside him. Fumbling for his glasses on the bedside table but the other side of the bed was indeed empty and the blanket missing.

“Gavin!” Michael yelled, surely someone as sick as Gavin couldn’t have gotten far. He walked into his living room, his hair messed up and eyes still sleepy to see Gavin planted in front of his computer. The blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he stared bleary eyed at the screen.

“Gavin Free, what the fuck are you doing?”

“Working” he sniffed.

“Do the words, sick leave mean nothing to you?” Michael demanded, putting his hand on Gavin’s forehead. He was nowhere near as hot as he’d been the night before but still feverish.

“Got stuff to...Hissschohooo, achhchiioooo, hachhhooooo, hisssshooooo”

“You need rest, lots to drink and a shit load of medicine”

“I’m fin....” he was cut off with a hacking cough and had Michael wincing in symphony.

“You are everything but fine” Michael stated.

“Still got work to do... HaShhoooo!”

“I will call Geoff and get you fired if that’s what it takes you get you to rest, you’re fucking sick Gavin”

Gavin sighed and turned the spiny chair to face Michael, snot was above his lip, dark circles beneath his eyes, he was pale as a ghost and his nose was red raw. He just looked all around sick and miserable.

“I know there’s work to be done, there always is but the guys will cope without us fine. Would it make you feel better if I check with Geoff?” Michael asked, he didn’t know what else he could do to make Gavin rest by knocking him out.

Gavin nodded and sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. If Gavin was honest with himself he did feel awful, his whole body ached, he head was on fire and the brightness of the screen was making his eyes burn. Michael sighed and picked up his phone, dialling Geoff’s number and putting the phone on speaker.

“Hi Mico, how’s the invalid?” asked Geoff.

“A fucking pain in the ass...”

Gavin tried to protest but just ended up coughing.

“As you can hear, he’s dying and he won’t rest and keeps trying to work. Will you please tell the office is not falling apart without him?”

“We’re just fine, Ryan’s British accents a bit dodgy but the kids’ll never know”

Michael just laughed.

“He better not be murdering cows under my name” Gavin croaked.

“Shit Gav, you sound like you’ve been smoking for thirty years”

“Thanks” he coughed.

“Michael’s right, you need rest no ifs, buts or coconuts. I don’t want to see you anywhere near the office until you sound somewhat human again. Got it?”

“Thanks Geoff, I’ll see you.... At some point”

“Bye Michael”

The line went dead and Michael looked over at Gavin, slumped in his seat with his eyes closed.

“Hissschooo, ahihchoooo, aaaccchhooiiiiooo”

“God bless you! I’ll find you some tissues, medicine and a movie”

Gavin didn’t reply, his head buried in his hands as he fired off more sneezes.

“Hachhhhhoooooo! HI...Hi....HI...Hisssschoooo, hasssccchiooo!”

When the fit stopped he felt something soft being pressed to his face. Gavin took the tissue and blow his nose, whipping the snot from his face.

“You’re disgusting” Michael said. Gavin tried to throw his used tissues at him but it missed my miles.

“Pathetic” Michael laughed, Gavin flipped him off when his back was turned. He followed Michael back to the couch, flopping on down beside him.


Gavin drank the medicine, the think glop somewhat soothing his raw throat. Michael passed him a bottle of water to help get rid of the taste, Gavin hadn’t realised how thirsty he’d been and downed nearly half the bottle.

“As you’re the sick person you can pick the movie”

Gavin flicked through Michael’s netflicks trying to find something that would take his mind of how incredibly shitty he felt. He landed upon an old favourite The Godfather.

“You have strange sick time movie taste” Michael said.

“It’s a great film” Gavin protested.

“Yeah whatever”

As the movie started Gavin shuffled along the couch so he was snuggled up against Michael.

“You’re suck a cuddly fuck when you’re ill”

“You’re just comfy” Gavin mumbled, resting his head against Michael’s chest.

“If you’re feeling better later we can play GTA. Deal?”

“Deal” Gavin mumbled sleepily.

Michael just ran his hand through Gavin’s hair as he stayed half asleep in front of the movie. Michael wasn’t a typical cuddly person but Gavin was just so... Pathetic when he was ill, he was so miserable and Michael couldn’t help it. Plus the quicker he got better the quicker things could get back to normal.

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Gavie~!! I'm so glad to see some RT/AH fiction on here now, and this is so adorable! Great job writing for each of them! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gotta admit...I keep coming back and rereading this. sweatdrop.gif If you have time to update I'd love to read more!

Thank you! I do hope to update it again when I have a bit more time :)

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