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Old Friends - Star Trek Reboot (M, McCoy)


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I really have no idea where this came from or where I plan to take it, but please enjoy sick McCoy and caring Spock Prime.

Old Friends


Jim stared at the board trying to figure out how he’d missed that move, before tipping his queen over.

He smiled. “You are good.”

“I have had many years of practice,” the elder Spock said, leaning back in the chair next to Jim’s hospital bed. “Though it has been a long time since I have had such a spirited opponent.”

“Care to play again?”

“As much as I would enjoy that, Jim, I believe visiting hours are over.”

The sound of a throat being cleared caused Spock to turn around to see Doctor McCoy standing in the doorway.

“Right on time to spoil my fun, Bones.”

“That’s because your idea of fun is going to give me a heart attack one day.”

He came over and checked Jim’s vitals, making notes on his PADD.

“And before you ask no you are not being released tomorrow.”

“Oh come on, Bones! I’m going crazy in here.”

“I don’t care,” McCoy answered, rubbing absently at his nose. “You’ve literally been to hell and back, Jim, I refuse to rush this. You will be doing a series of physical tests tomorrow and if we deem you stable you can go home on Friday.”

Before Jim could make a comeback Spock spoke up. “Then I shall take my leave, Jim, you should rest and save your strength for tomorrow.”

Jim seemed to pout for moment, but agreed. “Okay I will.”

“Sleep well, Jim.”

McCoy sighed as Spock stood up and they made for the door. Both of them hesitated there before McCoy gestured for Spock to go first.

“After you, Ambassador.”

Spock nodded and went out into the hallway McCoy followed and closed the door behind him, keying a code into it so the on duty nurse would know to check regularly to make sure Jim wasn’t trying to sneak out…again.

He glanced over to see Spock still standing beside him.

“Was there something else I could help you with?” he asked.

“I merely wished to inquiry if the cafeteria was opened twenty-four hours?”

“Sure, but don’t count on getting any real food now just old coffee and stale donuts, trust me I know.”

“That is quite all right I merely wish to have a chair and table for the night.”

McCoy quirked an eyebrow and rubbed at his nose again.

“Wait, are you saying you don’t have anywhere to go? You didn’t book a hotel room or anything?”

“With all the destruction caused by Khan I know so many are in far more desperate need of those lodgings than myself. If you will excuse me-”

“Wait! I…well I have a spare room at my place. It’s not much but it does have a real bed. I know you’ve just come on planet, Ambassador, you shouldn’t be spending tonight in a chair.”

“I appreciate the offer, Doctor, but I wouldn’t wish to impose.”

“You wouldn’t be imposing I…I…hahh-hah’ESSHUu!

“Bless you.”

“Uh…thanks. Anyway you wouldn’t be imposing in fact I’d be grateful for the company.”

Spock stared at him with a look that McCoy for the life of him could not place and then relented.

“Very well I accept your generous offer, Doctor McCoy.”

“Okay just let me get changed.”

“Of course.”

McCoy went down to the staff locker rooms and Spock waited by the elevators for him, admiring the artwork that hung on the walls.

The where was a soft whoosh as an elevator opened. Spock turned in time to see McCoy step out and cup his hand over his nose.

Huh’ISHu! ASSHu! Excuse me. My place is just a few blocks from here. I managed to get off campus housing while I was at the Academy.”


The apartment McCoy took them to was small, but well kept. Though Spock raised an eyebrow at the flowers painted on the one wall of the spare room he was given.

“Hope you don’t mind the artwork. Joanna really wanted a mural, but I’m not much of an artist.”

“It is perfectly acceptable.”

“Okay then. Well the bathroom is down there on the left. You can help yourself to anything in the fridge that isn’t spoiled. You’re a Vulcan so even at your age I bet you don’t sleep in, but in case I’m gone before you get up tomorrow I’ll leave n-note hah’ershu! Huh…huh’URSHuh!

“Bless you. Are you all right, Doctor McCoy?”

“Yeah, I’m fine snf! something is just really bothering my nose that’s all.”

Spock was not entirely convinced, but he let the matter drop.

“Well goodnight, sir.”

McCoy started to walk down the hall.

“Doctor McCoy.”

He turned back around. “Yes?”

“It occurs to me that I have not thanked you.”

He shrugged. “It’s no trouble not like anyone was using the room.”

“That was not what I meant. While I am thankful for you providing me a place to stay I…there are so many things in this universe that are unfamiliar to me now. Jim however is not one of them. What you have done in bringing him back to us despite all the odds. I admit I could not bear the agony of losing him twice and because of your actions I don’t have to. I am eternally grateful.”

McCoy smiled at him, pleased by his words.

“You’re welcome, Spock.”

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Ooh! This is lovely so far. I'm really liking the interaction between Spock Prime and McCoy (considering they're from different timelines/universes and such). I'm very interested in wherever this goes! :D

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Squeeeee, I'm delighted to see McCoy in the spotlight here, I have such a soft spot for this ol' country doctor! wub.png I loved the way you wrapped up the scene at the end, and this in particular.... "I…there are so many things in this universe that are unfamiliar to me now. Jim however is not one of them."... I just thought this was such a good way of addressing the connection between these particular characters and their emotions within the reboot timeline!

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Ahhh a McCoy fic. :boom: I'm so happy I can't even put my feelings into words. I really love the interaction between Spock Prime and Bones. I can't wait to see this through! :wub:

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For some reason, I don't find a lot of McCoy fics tiredsmiley.gif

Even though you're not finished (I think), this makes up for that ^ thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Awww, adorable. I always loved seeing these two interact in the original series, kind of nice to think of Spock prime getting to bond with Mccoy again.

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Thanks everyone for all your wonderful comments! wubsmiley.gif


The red alert was blaring away and McCoy was trying to get everything in order when the explosion rocked the ship. McCoy was knocked to the floor, his ears ringing, pushing down his own panic he quickly got up and started to direct nurses and staff to deal with the damage and the injured crewmembers as they started pouring in.

He just had to keep it together until Puri got back McCoy told himself. Puri was the CMO, the experienced one, he would be to handle this.

Puri never came though, someone eventually told him that Puri died on deck six and it fell to McCoy to report that.

“Doctor Puri, report.”

“It’s McCoy!” he yelled into the comm before remembering that the captain’s ears worked just fine and toned it down. “Doctor Puri was on deck six, he’s dead.”

“Then you have just inherited his responsibility as Chief Medical Officer.”

McCoy looked over at the- his sickbay, parts of which were still on fire.

“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know!”

The heat and ringing only grew more intense as faces flashed in front of him. Faces of people he couldn’t save, because there just wasn’t even time or supplies. Faces of Vulcans that stared into the abyss that he couldn’t bring them back from, because he didn’t have the training in telepathic abilities.

Then suddenly everything fell silent and McCoy turned to see Jim laying there on a bio-bed his chest completely still. The ultimate example that when the Enterprise needed him the most he had failed. He hadn’t kept the captain safe.

His best friend was gone.

McCoy gasped and his body jerked and he found himself staring at his bedroom ceiling. He lay there breathing hard and telling himself over and over again what had become his mantra over the last few weeks.

Jim was alive.

Jim was fine.

Jim was at Starfleet Medical no doubt bothering everyone. Jim was fine.

He was the one who felt awful.

His bed-sheets were damp with sweat and the shorts and t-shirt he had worn to bed clung to his skin.

McCoy threw off the covers and sat up on the edge of the bed. Groaning as the movement did nothing to ease the pressure in his sinuses. His lips were dry and his throat burned when he tried to swallow.


And now he really needed a tissue.

He got up to go find some, stopping short in the hallway as his nose started tickling again.


He pinched it closed trying to have some respect for his guest down the hall.

Hhgntchh! Gntchh! Huh’mempshh! Ugh.”

With his head pounding and his nose completely clogged McCoy stumbled into the bathroom.

He found a new box of tissues ripped it open and blew hard into a handful of them.

When he could somewhat breathe through his nose again McCoy leaned in close to the mirror and started to inspect his throat. Tonsils were bright red and inflamed, but no white pus marks or red splotches. Lymph nodes weren’t swollen and the achy feeling in his muscles was minor.

Nothing serious then which on one hand of course was good. On the other hand it meant there was really nothing to do, but try and sleep the worst of it off. McCoy trudged back to bed and took the box of tissues with him, stopping at the kitchen for a quick glass of water.

He shivered and frowned at the clammy feeling of his sweat drenched clothes against his skin. Going over to his dresser he ditched the shirt and shorts and got out his set of flannel pajamas instead. He changed into them and sat down on the bed again with a world weary sigh that started off a coughing fit.

Well there was no way he was going in for his shift like this. Christine would take one look at him and demand he go home before he infected everyone else. So McCoy grabbed his PADD and sent her a message saying he wouldn’t be coming in for his shift. It was only after he’d sent it that McCoy cringed and hoped that Christine had set her PADD to be silent when receiving messages. He didn’t want to be responsible for waking her up at three in the morning just to find out she was going to be short-handed because her boss had gone and caught a nasty cold.

There was no angry response to his message though so McCoy figured he was in the clear as he rearranged the pillows so his head could be up higher to ease a bit of the congestion and tried to go back to sleep.

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Oooh, very nice! biggrin.png That nightmare took me right back to those dramatic few moments, I always really liked the line- "Then you have just inherited his responsibility as Chief Medical Officer." And another of my favourite parts... "And now he really needed a tissue"! sweatdrop.gif

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Nooooo! Poor McCoy. :( He honestly does care a lot for Jim (my heart broke into a million pieces when I watched Into Darkness and saw how he reacted to...well, you know). But yeah, poor baby. He must feel so awful. At least he understood that he couldn't go in for his shift, which is something I'm sure his patients and fellow medical officers would be happy about. ^_^

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Ooooohh Leonard my babe! Makes two of us *cuddles Dr grumpypants*

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  • 1 month later...

Leonard Nimoy’s passing has hit so many of us so hard and I just need fluffy Spock Prime right now, because it reminds me that even though our honorary grandpa is gone the character he breathed life into is immortal.


McCoy untangled himself from his cocoon of blankets and pillows to find the sun pouring in through his bedroom window. He checked the clock on the bedside table and groaned. He had already called in for his shift so it wasn’t like he had to be up early or anything, but he really should have gotten up at a decent hour so the Ambassador didn’t think of him as a lazy slob.

He dragged himself out of bed, threw on a bathrobe, and ran his hand threw his hand through his hair trying to look like a human being again.

Finally leaving the bedroom McCoy found Spock in the kitchen.

“Good morning, Doctor.”

“Morning, or what’s left of it anyway.”

Spock nodded and set down two bowls on the small table.

"You didn't have to cook for me, sir."

“In my culture it is customary for the guest to prepare meals for their host.”

McCoy sat down and looked at the contents of the bowl. It didn’t look overly appetizing, but what little of it he could smell smelled good though.

A mug was placed next to him and then Spock sat down with him.

“Tea?” McCoy asked

“An improvised Vulcan blend. It has a milder flavour than most and is normally used to ease congestion.”

McCoy’s eyes widened. He didn’t think he would get found out that fast. “How did you I-ehh’ashu!”

Spock raised his eyebrow.

“I am a scientist, Doctor McCoy, I’m trained to be observant. Your behaviour last night indicated a possible onset of illness and your failure to leave for your shift today only confirmed my observations.”

“Yeah, I guess it is kind of obvious now isn’t it? Heh’isshu!

“Indeed and bless you.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Would you prefer I didn’t?”

“No, it just seems odd…for a Vulcan I mean. Blessing someone is considered an old fashioned human gesture.”

“True however in many cultures it is also considered a sign of respect. I respect you therefore I use it.”

McCoy felt flattered by his words. The same way he was when the Vulcan addressed him as ‘Doctor’. Just the way he inflicted the word it was like it wasn’t a title to him it was like he cared when he said it.

Their meal was then eaten in a comfortable silence, despite the occasional sniffle from McCoy.

“Thank you for this, Spock, but I’m sure you have other things to do today besides play nursemaid to me.”

“While I do not consider it in imposition to help you, Doctor, I do have several people with whom I should speak with today. May I use your computer?”

“Sure it’s in the living room.”

They got up and headed for the door, but like the night before they both hesitated before it, neither one wanting to go first.

McCoy raised his eyebrow at the elder Vulcan. “It is also customary in your culture for the elders to go through a door last? Because I’m sorry I come from Georgia and down there we call that rude.”

Spock shook his head and walked into the living room. “No, it is merely a force of habit. Where I come from your counterpart outranks me. It would be the height of disrespectful for me to precede him through a door.”

McCoy followed him. “Oh, okay I-wait I outrank you!? What moron at Starfleet thought it was a good idea to-to hehh’ASHUu! Huh’ARSHhh!

The sneezes doubled him with their force and McCoy stumbled as the motion made him dizzy. He felt a warm hand on his arm and the small of his back as he was guided over to the couch.

“Sorry I-ehhh…I’m gonna sn-sneeze again heh’ESHh! ISHUu! Ahh’ASHuh!

Spock grabbed some tissues from the box next to the couch and handed them to McCoy.

“Bless you.”

McCoy nodded in thanks and blew thickly into the tissues.

“Sorry, I’m not usually this bad off when I get sick.”

“It’s quite all right it is something beyond your control.”

McCoy just looked at the Vulcan. It was hard to believe that this guy was the older version of a man who seemed to delight in annoying him.

“You’ve got a good bedside manner you know that?”

“So I have been told.”

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This actually made me feel so much better, thank you for this.

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Yes, thank you for continuing. You are quite right; while Leonard Nimoy has passed, the character he created is immortal. I, for one, am extremely grateful.

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Thank you very much for writing this. I just found it today, and was a bit hesitant to read it for fear it would make me sad, but it did just the opposite. Such a sweet story :-)

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Very well written. Thank you so much for this. The warmth is incredible.

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Leonard Nimoy's death all hit us pretty hard but reading this makes dealing with it a little easier. Thank you for continuing this story.

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  • 7 months later...

I have finally managed an update and there is nothing but fluff and McCoy feels!


The afternoon passed in relative comfort. McCoy kept his miserable self on the couch wrapped in a cocoon of blankets and pillows. Spock took up a chair in front the computer in the corner and spoke to several people about things McCoy had no interest in.

So McCoy kept in contact with Christine via messages on his PADD. She sent him the results of Jim’s tests and McCoy felt both relieved and annoyed at them. Relieved because everything was within normal parameters; it was as if Jim had never set foot in that chamber. He was annoyed because comparing the numbers to Jim’s other physical exams showed they were higher than average, and since Jim had spent the last few weeks lying in bed and thus his body would have struggled to be a peak performance that meant Jim was pushing himself. That brat was trying to show off. To prove that he didn’t need to be under their care because…

Because he doesn’t think it’s important, because he doesn’t value who you are or what you do.

“Jim, you should rest and save your strength for tomorrow.”

“Okay I will.”

Yet Spock just had to say the word and Jim would bend over backwards for him.

McCoy sighed and leaned back, dumping the PADD on the coffee table. He should not be blaming Spock, either of them, he was only trying to help.

Spock continued his conversation with the person onscreen unaware of McCoy's thoughts. And although McCoy didn’t care what it was about his deep voice and baritone rhythm was soothing and McCoy quickly fell asleep.


The nightmares still plagued him. Visions of have finished conversations and aid that was refused.

“Bones get that thing off my face.”

“You’re vitals are way off.”

“I’m fine.”

The ultimate victory going to another.

“You saved my life.”

“Uhura and I had something to do with it too you know.”

Gruffness in his voice made it easy to mask the hurt.

“Thank you.”

Spock was worthy of thanks and he wasn’t and the eye roll from Jim just twisted the knife in further, reminding him that it was always others who saved people not him.

“Please end the pain, Leonard.”

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

“Doctor McCoy!”

He jolted awake and only Spock’s firm grip kept him from falling head first off the couch. In a rush he righted himself, breathing heavy. He wanted to thank Spock for keeping him from cutting his head open on the table, but was distracted by the sudden tickle that filled his nose.

He rubbed his fingers hard against his flaring nostrils trying desperately to keep the coming fit at bay…and failed.

Heh’esh! Ashu! Heh-etchu! Ehh…oh god…ehh-ehh’ESSHU! huh'ERSHhh! huhh’ARSHUuu! Jesus.”

“I don’t believe invoking deities will help in this instance, Doctor.”

McCoy quickly grabbed a tissue and pressed it to his face to try and hide his smile.

“I like you.”

When he was finished McCoy threw the tissue away and sat back.

“I shouldn’t you know.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Realizing what a stupid thing he’d just said McCoy groaned and ran a hand over his face.

“Never mind…just the fever talking.”

Spock said nothing, merely sat there sagely waiting for McCoy to continue. McCoy was spared momentarily from answering by a sudden coughing fit.

Spock left the room and returned with a glass of water that McCoy eagerly drank and then sat there twisting the empty cup in his hands.

“You are troubled,” Spock stated.

“It’s nothing.”

I’m nothing.

“An old friend once expressed to me the notion that the release of emotions keeps one healthy, emotionally healthy that is.”

McCoy snorted.

“I went and got wise in my old age did I?”

Spock didn’t answer and McCoy was left on ponder that advice from…himself he supposed. He had a degree in psychology he knew it wasn’t good to bottle things up, but he couldn’t-shouldn’t be doing this with him. The guy was clearly Jim’s friend and McCoy, well he wasn’t sure just what exactly he was to Jim anymore.

Spock seemed to sense his unease, because he broke Vulcan norms and placed his hand on McCoy’s shoulder.

“If and when you a ready, Doctor McCoy, I am listening.”

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Oh my, this is just so cute! <33 I fear that I can't really express how much I love this fic without screaming and flailing around haha >//<

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  • 2 weeks later...

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