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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Untitled Teen Wolf Fic (m so far, maybe some f later on)

Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea

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Because obviously I need to start another story. Although this one, if I never follow up on it, could probably work as a one-shot. But I have plot planned. So much plot. Also giant sneezes cause that's my schtick. But not in this one! Also I guess warning for sneezing as metaphor for Derek Hale's many family-related traumas. This is totally off-the-cuff, not really edited. So here! Have some Derek sneezing bizarreness.

Oh also this is 99% based on Teen Wolf fanfic, of which I have read thousands and thousands of pages, and maybe like 1% based on the actual Teen Wolf show, of which I have seen most of season one and read like a few wiki articles to get a vague idea of what's going on.


The Hale sneeze, once upon a time, had been legendary. An eardrum-bursting roar of sound common to all the Hales, it contained all the feral energy the Hales kept so bottled up in public. Even in high school, withdrawn, quiet Derek had been known for every so often unleashing a titanic burst of sound. Maybe not a thermonuclear shriek on the level of Laura, and of course no one could match the Alpha, Talia, for the ferocity and intensity she could pack into her wild, uncontrollable sneeze. But compared to an ordinary nose, Derek’s was extraordinarily explosive.

hhhhh… hh… hhhhhhhheheehehhhhhhh…” Derek hitched, sitting in his loft. “hhhhh… hiiiiiiiihhhhhhhh…” Oh god! This awful twitching sensation! “hhahahahahaahhhhh… ahhhahahaahahahhhhhh… HHHUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH…” And right on the precipice of a colossal, relieving explosion…

“chhh! chhxxxx! ssshhhmmpppp!” His nose, involuntarily, squashed that massive impulse down to a few tiny puffs of air, enough to gradually ease him down from the pinnacle of discomfort that was his almighty Hale build-up… but nowhere near enough to satisfy.

“Dammit.” Derek cursed as he blinked open his sneeze-blurred eyes, casting them around the empty expanse of his loft. The bookshelf filled with books Laura had bought in New York. The beat up couch in front of the TV he almost never bothered to watch. The kitchen countertop he leaned on, filled with papers that once upon a time he would have been feverishly gathering up in his arms, racing the clock of his sneeze, trying his best to clear out of the path of the oncoming onslaught of sound, air, and wetness. Time—and a new pack—had dulled the pain of losing his family, left it a permanent ache that only occasionally flared to violent life.

Not unlike, Derek grumpily mused, the twinge of irritation that was eternally lodged into his sinuses. He could never get it out. Yeah, it would occasionally bloom into the twisting, snarling, prickling itch that used to plague him in the days before the fire. But he could never get any relief. He couldn’t ever really sneeze.

In fact, the wretched puffs of air he’d wrenched from his incompliant sinuses were, relatively speaking, a mercy. Ever since the fire, he’d lost the ability to Hale-sneeze. Right after the fire, he lost the ability to speak at all. Laura would babble at him, desperate to fill the air, to draw him out, to bring back some of the baby brother that she’d lost in the fire. And when he’d had to sneeze! Before New York, they’d spent some brief weeks with a pack in Texas, and the ragweed had been hell on Derek’s sinuses. He still remembered it with an unpleasant shiver. His nose would feel like it was on fire, twisting and flaring and bucking wildly all the way up to the precipice of a sneeze that would never detonate. He’d sit there for hours, tears running down his face, miserable with an unrelievable allergic tickle. No matter how much it itched, no matter how desperately he wished he could just uncork one of his old window-rattling eruptions, it was no good. His body couldn’t let go.

Laura would sneak off to the barn to avoid tormenting him with the sounds of the sneezes he couldn’t release. Still, even from far off he could hear the echo of those monster sneezes, and the itch would flare up again in his own nostrils. Like everything, he never

Gradually he regained his voice… and in New York he and Laura finally coaxed out those tiny, stifled sneezes to get his nose some kind of release. But it never came back all the way, neither his voice nor his sneeze. He never gained the full freedom of ear-splitting, roof-shaking sound that used to be completely his, whenever he got a tickle in his nose.

Shrugging on his leather jacket, lacing up his boots, Derek sighed. It was probably for the best. The Hale sneeze just reminded him of the Hale family… a family he was cut off from, a family he lost. Even hearing the sound from his own nose and mouth… maybe it would be too painful, would bring back too many memories of his brothers spooking each other with a monster sneeze, of Laura sneaking up behind Cody to see how high he’d jump, of the cousins competing to see who could work up the largest and loudest sneeze (and only once, only once had Derek won, although, he though ruefully, had they been in Texas with the ragweed, it might have been a different story.)

He shook his head, to clear it of his thoughts, if not of the tiny twinge of a tickle that hovered implacably around the bridge of his nose, waiting for a release that would never arrive. He turned off his lights, closed and locked his door, and headed downstairs to get in the car.

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