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Confetti For All! - F, MLP


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So, I decided to write a little fic about Pinkie from MLP:FiM(My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic/G4) and her confetti sneezes XD Hope y'all enjoy!


"La-la-la-la-la..." Pinkie Pie skipped along the familiar path to the Sugarcube Corner. Today she was planning a birthday party for Gummy, her pet alligator. Skidding about, Pinkie felt the slightest tickle in her nose. She quickly rubbed it, quelling the itch pestering her… at least for now.

She stopped. Oh no. Pinkie had forgotten about the confetti. And of all things—the guests, the decorations, the cake—she had forgotten the confetti. It was too late now, she would have to go all the way back to the decor store, and it was already late evening. She would do it tomorrow—the day of the party—first thing in the morning.

Pinkie trotted along, when the tickle came back. It was stronger this time, and there was no way to quell this one.

“Ahahhhaaahh-...” Pinkie scrunched her nose. She had to sneeze, and now. “AhhhahhAHHH-...” Pinkie continued on with her eager hitching breaths, until finally the sneeze exploded from her. “AhhhAHHH- AhhCHHEEW!” A burst of confetti shot from her, as always does. “Wuh…. W-one… mo-o-ore...” Pinkie said to nopony in particular. “HehhAHHH-.... Ahhhcheew! HAHHahhCHEEW!” Pinkie’s body shot down in shock by the unexpected second sneeze, again, confetti bursting from her mouth and nose.

“Whew… now that’s over” Pinkie’s smile continued to shine across her face, ear to ear.

Happily swinging open the door, Pinkie greeted the Cakes, Gummy, the moon, the sky, the bed, the—you get the idea, and went to bed. But she couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about confetti. Was she going to get it there on time? Would she actually have time to get the confetti? Is there actually going to be confetti?! That, and she was sneezing nonstop. Next thing she knew, it was eight A.M., and she noticed two, well, technically three, right off the bat. For one, she had been sleeping in a bed of confetti, all thanks to her sneezing, and two, her hair was all poofy-like, and her nose was a reddish hue. Then again, Pinkie’s hair was always like that, so maybe it was just her. Wait. There was something wrong. Oh no. The guests would be here at any minute, and Pinkie still didn’t have the confetti she needed in order to throw the party!

In spite the fact that Pinkie slept in, she finished her breakfast fast enough to get to the decor store to get the confetti. She raced to the door, opened it, but all she found were five, very familiar faces smiling at her. Pinkie’s mouth dropped in shock. Oh no. I still haven’t gotten the confetti and they’re already here! Pinkie had to think quick.

“Hey, Pinkie” Rainbow said in her tomboyish, raspy voice, “We’re here for the party...”

It was then when Pinkie finally felt the familiar tickle forming in her nose. No! Not now! But she had to sneeze. Maybe she could hold it in a few minutes?

“Oh, h-hey guys…. Why… why don’t yuh...you…. suh… s-sit on those….” Pinkie didn’t know where to point. “... things...” Pinkie said, pointing to a pile of green, round melons.

“Um… aren’t those…. melons?” Twilight replied, confused as the rest of the Mane Six.

“J-Just make yoursuh… yoursuHUH… yourself at home…!” Pinkie chuckled nervously, trying ever so hard to hold back the tremendous tickle inside her poor nose.

The rest of the gang shrugged, and head to the melons, not technically sitting on them…. mostly because it would just be awkward.

Pinkie thought and thought, and she couldn’t think of a solution. Mostly because of the huge tickle inside her nose that was absolutely screaming for release.

“Ehh-...” Pinkie had to sneeze. How long could she possibly hold it in? “Ahhh…. Hahhh...” She tried keeping her breaths quiet…. although she was probably doing an awful job. She turned around from her somewhat confused friends and Gummy, only to get a full-on glimps of the ever so bright sun from out the window behind her. She tried rubbing her nose furiously, no use. This was it. She was done for.

“Ahhh-… HahhAHH-… Ehhh-… Ahhh-...” Pinkie’s hoof fanned in front of her face. “Ahhhsheeew! HahhhCCEEeew!! HahhSHEEW!” Pinkie released a tremendous triple, she was not done yet. “Hahhh-... AHHHahhh-... HAhhhhchoooo! HahhCHOOO! HahhhsheEEEW! HAHHCHOOO!!” Each one got more and more intense. She finally opened her eyes from the barrage of sneezes, not only to find her friends’ mouths open in surprise and shock, but to find a pile of confetti, lying before her. Her mouth too, was open in amazement.

“I-I’m so sorry!” Pinkie apologised, trying to act innocent as possible.

“Are you kidding?! I never knew your nose could do that!” Rainbow Dash awoke from her shock, and bursted out with sudden laughter. “Well… since it can... ”

The Mane Six stood there just as curious as Pinkie herself. “What?!”

“CONFETTI PARTY!” Rainbow shouted, as the rest fell with laughter.

And so it was.


Feedback is welcome as well as comments :) Hope ya enjoyed.

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