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Still So Beautiful (F; Pretty Little Liars, Aria/Ezra) - 5/? - Updated 27/03


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So, I've recently gotten into the ABC Family show Pretty Little Liars, after receiving the box set for Christmas (thank you, fiancé), aaaaand I absolutely fell in love with Aria and Ezra's relationship.

I've decided to take a break from writing Lady Gaga-orientated stories for my overly-obsessed fiancé, and write one about them, so here goes:

(there isn't much sneezing in the first part, but I will make up for it later if I continue this)


Title: Still So Beautiful

Fandom: Pretty Little Liars

Pairing: Aria & Ezra


Part 1

Aria Montgomery groaned as the loud, obnoxious beeping of her alarm clock pulled her out of a fitful slumber. She stretched her arms above her head and sat up, almost falling straight back down as a wave of dizziness crashed over her, and she clumsily pressed one hand to her forehead. She slowly blinked her tired eyes open, letting out another small groan as a crack of sunlight shining through the gap in her curtains came into focus. She'd never been a morning person, and no amount of 6AM starts for school would change that, but she didn't usually feel this terrible; nor did she have the stuffy nose, the sore throat, or the heavy feeling in her head, making it feel as though it were filled with wet cement.

Aria tried to shake the feeling, and she stood up, feeling even worse than she had when she'd woken up only a few minutes prior. She staggered over to her light switch, flicking it on and taking a glance at her reflection. She winced as she saw the dark, heavy bags under her eyes, and her skin, at least two shades paler than normal. She knew she had a class with Ezra today, so she had to try and hide the visible signs of illness as much as she possibly could. A second glance in the mirror told her that was not going to be an easy feat.

She sighed, reaching for her concealer and getting to work on the dark bags. Once she was satisfied that they were hidden enough, or at least hidden as much as she could manage, she began to apply her foundation. She froze suddenly as she felt a small tickle begin to dance around in her nose, the tiny particles of loose powder irritating her cold-sensitive nostrils. She hurriedly reached for a tissue, pressing it to her nose as her nostrils twitched and trembled in anticipation of the impending sneezes.

"Hheh'tSHhiew! IsHHiiew!!"

She sneezed twice in quick succession, relieved as she felt the tickle recede slightly. She carried on with her makeup, finishing with a thick coating of mascara and some blusher to put a bit of color back into her face. Satisfied that she looked, at the very least, presentable, she pulled on some tights and a tight-fitting shirt. She would've happily gone to school wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, but if she did, she knew Ezra would realize something was up immediately. They hadn't been together for that long, but it had been long enough for him to recognize her 'sick clothes'.

She sighed, taking a deep breath and hoping she could just get through the day.

Edited by iSpyAlly
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As a fan of the show, I'm pretty excited for this! :D I usually don't like Fan Fiction much, but this one is starting off really well and has definitely captured my attention. Can't wait to see Ezra's reaction!

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Thanks guys, glad you like it!


Part 2

Aria stepped into the school restroom, deciding to touch up her makeup before going to Ezra's class. She'd just gotten out of her third class for the day, and she could tell the thin sheen of sweat forming on her forehead was peeling away her makeup. Not to mention, with the way she'd been sniffling and sneezing her way through her first three classes, her nose would have begun to turn quite a bright shade of red. She took her foundation, lathering her nose with a thick layer before repeating the morning routine.

"Hhgh'tSHhiew! TsHHhiiew!!"

She sneezed into the crook of her elbow, having not had enough time to retrieve any tissues from her bag. She groaned, lightly dabbing at her nose as so not to remove the freshly-applied makeup. She took one more glance in the mirror before the bell sounded and she headed off to English.

Even feeling as crappy as she did, she felt the usual flitter of butterflies in her stomach as she always did when she walked into the classroom and saw Ezra standing up the front. It was only one lesson; she could control herself for half an hour, right?

She took a deep breath, shooting her usual smile to her secret boyfriend and sitting down in her assigned seat. The second bell, indicating the beginning of the lesson, was yet to ring, so Aria closed her eyes and rested her head on her stack of school textbooks. Ezra gave her a concerned glance, resisting the urge to go over and ask her if she was alright. He decided she probably just didn't get enough sleep the previous night, but he had full intentions to keep a watchful eye on her over the next thirty minutes.

The second bell sounded and Aria jumped slightly, lifting her head. Her vision dimmed for a moment as a sudden wave of dizziness crashed over her. She pressed her fingers to her temples, rubbing small, slow circles as she tried to soothe the pounding ache blossoming behind her eyes. Ezra shook himself out of his daze, instantly beginning to read an excerpt from To Kill A Mockingbird.

He was relieved when he saw Spencer Hastings raise her hand. She sat close to Aria, and this would give him the opportunity he needed to subtly check her out. He nodded in Spencer's direction and approached, standing off to the side of her desk so he had a clear view of Aria.

Now that he could see her probably, Ezra noticed she looked more than a little under-the-weather. Her hazel eyes were bloodshot, her nostrils were red-rimmed, and she periodically rubbed at her nose in between writing. He longed to be able to put his arm around her and reassure her that everything was going to be okay; to be able to take her to his apartment, wrap her up in blankets, and feed her chicken soup until she felt better.

But he couldn't. He had to remain remain professional.


Sorry the parts are so short; I hardly ever get the chance to go on my computer in privacy!

Edited by iSpyAlly
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Part 3

It was only when Spencer tugged on his sleeve that he realized he’d been zoning out, again. Spencer seemed confused, but decided to work out the answers to her questions herself. Ezra was obviously distracted. His head snapped up when he heard Aria give a soft little gasp. He glanced at her, noticing her nostrils were quivering and her eyelashes were fluttering rapidly. She raised one hand to her face, dropping her pencil on the desk as she drew in a desperate breath of air.

“NgXXt cHheww ! EhhiSHHhiiew!! Ah… ahaah h… AhShHiieww!!” She snapped forward violently against her desk, each sneeze more forceful than its predecessor. She sniffed, keeping her hand at her nose. Ezra bit his lip, holding back an almost overpowering feeling of protectiveness, and he only barely managed to keep from blessing her. Instead, he cleared his throat, stepping to the front of the room.

“Miss Montgomery, do you need a tissue?” he asked, with as much nonchalance as he could muster. Aria glanced up, a crimson blush coloring her cheeks. She nodded sullenly, clearly embarrassed. Ezra slipped over, depositing the tissue box on her desk and moving immediately back to the front. He took a quick glance at his watch––less than five minutes until the end of class. If he could persuade Aria to leave school early, they could meet at his apartment and he could take care of her. This was his final class of the day, so he could also leave without any suspicion.

His thoughts were broken by another set of forceful sneezes from the ill brunette, this time muffled into now-soaked tissues.

HhCHsHH !! ChHMmPHh!! AsSHH htt!!”

This time, there were scattered “Bless you”’s murmured throughout the classroom. Spencer leaned over and tapped her friend on the shoulder. Aria glanced up from her fresh bundle of tissues, raising an eyebrow expectantly as she waited for an explanation. Spencer opened her mouth to speak, but the bell sounded and Aria squeezed her eyes closed, plugging her ears with her fingers as the loud ringing all but resonated in her stuffy head. Spencer sighed, deciding she would simply speak to her friend and lunch, and she stood from her desk, following the steady stream of students out the door.

Aria remained seated, trying to clear the dizziness before she made an attempt to move. Ezra moved to the door, quietly closing it and pulling down a poster advertising the school dance to prevent anyone from seeing into the classroom. He sat on a desk near Aria’s, reaching out and resting his palm on her shoulder. He could feel her shivering beneath his light touch, and that surge of protectiveness made itself known once more. She didn’t look up at him, but after quietly clearing her tender throat, she spoke.

“What are you doidg?” she asked him, the congestion dulling her consonants. Ezra sighed.

“Aria, why did you come to school today?”

“I had sombe catchidg up to do fromb last week,” she sniffed, wincing as the words tore at her throat.

“You’re sick,” he pointed out, and she looked up at him, about to make a smart remark as his stating the blatantly obvious, but she changed her mind. She wasn’t in the mood for a battle of wits right now.

“I ndoe,” she sighed, gingerly rubbing at her red-raw nose.

“Look, I’ve got an idea, if you’re up for it,” he began, and she nodded half-heartedly.

“Right ndow, I’mb up for adythidg if it mbeads gettidg the hell out of here.” He chuckled.

“I have no more classes today,” he said, and she cut in, a smile, albeit weaker than usual, on her face.

“I like where this is goidg.”

“I was thinking you could go to the head office, let them know you’re not feeling well, and sign out early. I could pick you up around at the back entrance of the gym, and take you to my apartment, so I can look after you.” Aria sighed miserably.

“What about mby paredts?” she asked, looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes. Ezra paused, allowing himself a moment to think.

“Are they home?” Aria shook her head, ignoring the sudden rush of dizziness.

“Mby Mbomb is out shoppidg, ahd Dad is workidg late today.”

“Well, we’ll drop by your place and leave a note for your parents. You could say you’re staying at Hanna’s, or Emily’s, or Spencer’s, for some studying, and get them to cover for you.” Aria nodded, but before she had the chance to reply, she felt the annoyingly persistent tickling sensation blossom inside her cold-sensitive nostrils, and she held up one hand, burying her nose into the pile of tissues still grasped firmly in one hand.

“Hhaahh… Hhh cHHheEww !! EhtcHHieww!!”

Each sneeze rocked her tired body forward in the seat, and she groaned, giving a liquid sniffle.

“Bless you,” Ezra murmured, relieved that he could finally say those words without garnering any unwanted questions.

“Thadk you,” she replied, blowing her nose as softly and as quietly as she could manage.

“So, how about it?” She hesitated for only a second, and nodded again.


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Sorry it's taken so long, have tons of assessments to do.


Part 4

Twenty minutes later, they pulled up outside Aria's house, and she entered quickly, putting a note on the kitchen counter that read:

Mom & Dad,

Staying @ Hanna's, will call later. Be home tomorrow morning.


She then retrieved her phone charger from her bedroom, and returned to Ezra's car.


Ezra unlocked his door, leading Aria in, and closing it behind her. She immediately headed for the sofa, resting her head back against the soft cushions. Ezra smiled. Even with a bad cold, she was still so beautiful, and he felt like the luckiest man alive when he was with her. Their relationship was far from simple, but they were both determined to make it work.

Aria sniffled a few times, making Ezra realize he hadn't even given her any tissues.

That was dumb.

He hurried into the bathroom, returning moments later with a box of tissues. He set them down on the sofa beside her, and she looked up at him with a grateful smile. She pulled a few out, pressing them to her nose as it began to both tickle and run simultaneously. She groaned softly, massaging it in the white paper.

She could feel the sneeze coming, but it was lingering just out of reach, teasing her. She took in short, rapid breaths as she geared up for the stubborn sneeze that just didn't want to come out. Her face was frozen in an expression of pure desperation and helplessness. She gave a sniffle, and that small action was enough to send her over the edge.

"HhkTSCHhEeww!! IhSHhEew!! EhhNSCHeew!!!"

She sneezed three times in rapid succession, but only managed to suck in a quick breath before more followed.

"NgXXtcHHeeww!! EsCHheew!!"

A tiny groan came from the dark-haired girl, and Ezra crossed the room, sitting next to her on the sofa and wrapping his arms around her. He could feel her shivering, and went to get up again. However, Aria grabbed his arm, preventing him from moving. He looked over to see her pouting, her eyes even bigger than normal.

"Stay," she whined.

"I'm just getting something a little warmer for you to change into."

"I like you better right here."

"I'll only be a minute," he responded, gently disentangling himself from Aria's arms. He disappeared into the bedroom, returning a few minutes later with a folded up pair of his navy, flannel pajamas. She sighed, lifting her arms. She knew this routine by now.

He chuckled and tugged the dress off, allowing himself a few seconds to admire her body before going back to the more important task at hand. A violent shiver ran down her spine as the cool air hit her bare skin, which in turn ignited the ever-present tickle in her nose, and she hastily fumbled for more tissues, pressing them to her nose just in time.

"AhktcHHIieww!! HhheSCHHeeww!! NgXXtcHHheew!!"

She sneezed another loud triple, doubling over at the waist. She groaned, feeling her nose block up even more.

"Bless you."

"I ndeed to blow mby ndose," she muttered. Ezra looked at her strangely, not understanding why she was telling him rather than just doing it, but then he realized just how damp the tissues she had in her hand now were. He passed her another bundle and she gave him a timid smile, forcefully blowing her nose until the stuffy feeling in her head cleared marginally.

Unfortunately, this triggered a coughing fit, and Ezra sat behind her, gently rubbing and patting her back as she gasped for breath. She have a little whimper of pain, rubbing at her fiery throat. She then wrapped her arms around herself, trying to conserve body heat.

Ezra quickly helped her to her feet, helping her change into his pajamas.

"Thank you," she smiled, looking him in the eyes. She felt a little better now that she was clothed and warm, and knowing she had him to look after her was certainly playing a large part in that, too. She did feel a little bad, though; he obviously wanted to do this, but she still felt embarrassed being in this state around him. "Are you sure you don't mind looking after me like this?"

Ezra seemed surprised, but he shook his head immediately.

"Not at all. You can't help getting sick."

"I know, but I'm still sorry."

"Don't be. I want to take care of you."

Edited by iSpyAlly
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is the sappiest thing I have ever written in my entire life, but it's fun.


Part 5

Aria sniffed, smiling and leaning her head against her boyfriend’s chest. He moved his arm, lifting her onto his lap and cradling her. She closed her eyes, nuzzling her head into him. “Comfortable?”

“Mmhm,” she murmured, tucking her hand into his. “Comfy.” Ezra chuckled, shaking his head. His girlfriend was normally as dominant and fiercely independent as he was, so it was cute to see her so submissive towards him.

He heard her take a soft, shaky breath, and she tried to move her head, but he didn’t let her.

“Ezra, I have to sneeze,” she muttered quickly, managing to hold back long enough to warn him.

“So sneeze,” he replied simply, tucking her tissues into her hand. She didn’t reply.

Ezra wasn’t surprised; with the way her breath had been hitching when she’d warned him, he hadn’t expected her to be able to. She buried her reddened nose in the tissues, turning away from her boyfriend as much as he would allow.

“Hhk SCHheeww !! AsSHHeew!!”

“Bless you,” he said with a little smile, holding out more tissues. She smiled in return, obviously embarrassed, and took the fresh tissues, but seemed hesitant to let Ezra take the used ones.

“Z, that’s disgustidg,” she murmured.

“No, it’s not, Aria. It’s perfectly normal to have a runny nose when you’re sick, and besides, you’re still adorable even like this.” Aria laughed, shaking her head.

“You’re weird,” she replied, looking him in the eyes. “I like it.”

“Well, I’m glad,” he said, unable to prevent the huge grin spreading across his face. “Do you need me to get you anything?”

“Ndoe,” she sniffed, roughly wiping her nose on the fresh tissues. “Just… just stay here with mbe udtil I fall asleep?”

“Of course,” he said gently, settling down into the couch as she shifted around on top of him. He chuckled quietly, and she looked up at him, one eyebrow raised in amusement.

“Is sombethidg ambusidg you, Ezra?”

“No, not at all. Just, my body isn’t quite used to having little girls squirm around on it until they’re comfortable,” he said teasingly. Aria felt her face grow warm, and knew she was blushing, but she shrugged, giving him a cheeky smile.

“It’s goidg to have to get used to it thed, ised’t it?” she grinned.

“I suppose so,” he murmured, wrapping his strong arms around the brunette girl as she let her head fall onto his chest. She smiled in content, feeling him run his fingers through her hair, and let herself drift off to sleep, knowing she was safe in her lover’s arms.

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OMG I love this!!! Just discovered this and PLL is my favorite show. Ezria forever!!! <3 Please continue biggrinsmiley.gif

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