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Danganronpa SickNaegi fic (Because there is not enough Danganronpa here)


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Okay, this is a story for bellows that I promised to write a while back. Yeah... Nothing else to say except that DANGANRONPA SPOILERS AHEAD. I warned you.

So little story of ours began about two days after Owada was found guilty and... Turned into butter or something? Anyway, nobody knew how it was done so lets just skip that part. The remaining crew had used the previous day to try and find anything useful for escaping purposes from the areas that were locked dow before the class trial. They found nothing that really stood out but in the end they didn't have enough time to search through all of it. At the end of that day Naegi was really worn out and just decided to go to bed as soon as he got into his room.

The following morning Naegi woke up with a slight headache and a sore throat. He got up and headed to the cafeteria as he did every single morning. Except this time he felt slightly lightheaded, the feeling increasing with every step he took. Finally he reached the cafeteria and saw that everyone else had already been waiting for him and judging by the look on some of their faces, they were not happy about it.

"Finally you decided to show your face around here, how dare you make us others wait" Togami said with his usual tone that would make people think that he was a self-centered rich kid. It was only when they got to know him that they KNEW he was exactly like that most of the time.

"Sorry about that, I overslept a bit" Naegi replied, surprising even himself by how weak his voice was. He cleared his throat forcefully and sat down on his seat.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good..." Asahina asked, looking at him with a face that looked like she was worrying and thinking about swimming or something else at the exact same time. That was not really all that unusual for her so nobody gave it too much thought.

"Yes, I am prefectly fine" Naegi said even though he had begun to feel slight chills going through his body. He blinked few extra times to clear his head as Kirigiri started the official morning meeting.

"As all of you must be aware by now, new areas of the school have been opened for our use. And even after all the searching we did yesterday, nothing seems to point out that there would be a way to scape this place. Therefore I suggest that we all pair up and search the rooms we did not have time to search yesterday. I assume none of you people have anything against this plan?" she said, looking around the room with her almost emotionless eyes.

"No objections at all! I will be pairing up with my white prince!" Fukawa yelled out, surprising absolutely no one.

"We know that already!" some people said with laughter and high fiving each other. With that everyone paired up and left until only Kirigiri and Naegi were left in the cafeteria.

"It seems like I will be your pair, Naegi" Kirigiri got up and started walking to the cafeteria door.

"H-hey, wait up!" Naegi said, rushing after her as fast as he could with his aching body.

They searched around for good half an hour before...

"He'kshoo!" Naegi sneezed loudly while covering his mouth and nose with his hand. Kirigiri looked up from, what appeared to be, an extremely interesting floor tile and asked:

"Are you sure that you are okay?" Naegi just nodded even though he felt the chills getting stronger. He sniffled slightly as he rubbed his nose with his index finger.

"Yes, I am sure, this place is just dusty, that's all" he said, coming up with the most believable lie he could at the moment. Kirigiri raised her brows a bit at that.

"Is that so? I think this place is relatively clean..." she said and kept investigating the floor, apparently looking for footprints or some sort of cracks or something like that. Naegi had no idea how that would be able to solve anything but he kept quiet and let her do her job.

"Hekshoo!" Well, at least until he sneezed again few minutes later. She looked up at him again, this time standing up and looking him right in the eye.

"Even without investigating the whole room I can tell this place is not dusty at all. And by the paleness of your skin I can say that you are obviously getting, or more likely, you already are, sick." she looked at him, her eyes almost asking him to try and lie again to her. He thought about his options for a while, thinking of another lie as his nose started burning. First slightly but then the tickle grew, making it more and more obvious by the moment that he was going to sneeze.

"Heh..." he tried to fight the tickle, his nose twitching ever so slightly. His eyes watered as he took hitching breaths trying to force the burning tickle to disappear from his nostrils. None of that helped so he took a final breath and prepared to sneeze.

"HehMmph!?" he sneezed but something was pressed against his mouth and nose as he did so. He blinked few times before noticing that Kirigiri had pressed a napkin that was apparenty taken from the cafeteria against his nose.

"A weak voice, shadows under your eyes, oversleeping even though you are usually the first one there, slight shivering. And finally, the sneezing. And with that, theory is proven to be correct." she said, handing him a proper tissue.

"You knew I was sick all along?" he asked, finally giving in to her sharp, sometimes TOO sharp, eyes. She nodded.

"Naturally, I noticed it the moment you arrived into the cafeteria this morning." she explained with her monotone voice, placing her forehead against his. He couldn't help but to feel a bit awkward.

"W-what are you doing?!" he asked, trying to move back but she kept him there.

"I am checking if you have fever or not. I would rather not remove my gloves, you see, so this is the most effective method." she said matter-of-factly.

"Hmm, you do not feel all that warm yet but your face is getting red. It can either mean that you are getting a fever or that you are not used to having a person of the opposite gender this close to your face. But given your age and personality, I would think that it's the latter option this time." Kirigiri concluded her monolog and stepped back.

"Now then, you will go and get some rest. If you fainted here it would only have negative results on every other person in here." she said, taking his hand and starting to drag him with her.

"H-hey, just let go already! I can walk on my own you know!" he said but his begging was completely ignored by the girl walking in front of him.

When they reached Naegi's room, Kirigiri basically threw him to his bed. He landed on the soft surface with a soft thumping sound.

"Stay there, I will be right back." she said and walked out before Naegi had any time to protest any of that. He pressed his head to his pillow, looking up at the ceiling. Now that he was doing nothing he could really feel how his body was tired. He groaned slightly just as Kirigiri came back into his room, carrying bunch of stuff.

"What are those?" he asked. She simply showed each of the items to him.

"Some cold medicine, books, a spare blanket and some chicken soup." she said and put all of those things on his bed.

"Where did you even find soup in here?" Naegi was surprised.

"The fridge had it for some reason, just take the medicine first and then start eating." she commanded him. He looked at her as if to ask if she was serious but that was Kirigiri he was looking at, a girl that, at least to his knowledge, did not make any sort of jokes. He took the medicine and looked at the package.

"Umm, I think I will be fine even without this?" he asked, looking at her. She shook her head.

"It's not worth the risk of you getting really sick just because you did not take the medicine." Kirigiri said, in the end basically forcing him to take the medicine after few minutes of arguing.

"Now then, for the soup." she said, giving him the bowl of soup. He tasted it but he could not taste a thing. But with Kirigiri looking at him it would have been impossible not to eat it all so he ate all of it, even though it tasted like paper.

"Hekshoo!" he sneezed once again, taking another tissue.

"Bless you Naegi" Kirigiri said, sitting next to his bed as she read a book that she had gotten from the library. He blew his nose which helped him relieve some of the stuffy feeling inside his head.

"Thanks. You don't have to be here all the time, you know" he said, taking a more comfortable position on the bed.

"Yes, I am well aware of that but with the others going around the school, I do not have anything better to do. Now just rest" she said without looking away from her book. He laughed a bit at her answer. He felt really tired, now that she had mentioned resting so he decided to take a nap. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep and just before he fell asleep, Kirigiri said:

"Goodnight Naegi" and he guessed that she would be still reading her book when he woke up. Maybe being a bit sick wasn't all that bad after all...

Phew, finally done with that! I do not usually write all that much illness or hurt/comfort things, at least not fetishy things but doing one of these is fun every once a while. So I hope this was enjoyable for some of you, that would make this totally worth it. And I apologize for the lack of sneezes, I just realised there are very few of them in the story... But yes, totally worth the time I spent writing this! *high fives myself and goes to watch anime*

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THIS IS SO CUTE OMG NO ONE POSTS DR ON HERE. BLESS YOU. I LOVE THIS A Lo T YOU SHOULD WRITE SOME MORE. *whispers* coughcough with togami maybe coughcough

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GOSH THID WAS SOOO CUTE!!! I almost squealed out loud at the forehead touch awwww~ I'm really happy you wrote this, everyone's so in character ^^ Amazing work! Thank you so much <3

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GOSH THID WAS SOOO CUTE!!! I almost squealed out loud at the forehead touch awwww~ I'm really happy you wrote this, everyone's so in character ^^ Amazing work! Thank you so much <3

I'm glad you liked it :)

And the forehead touch was originally just the regular her putting hand on his forehead but then I remembered the gloves and had to change that

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