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I'll be home for Christmas (sherlock,Irene Adler)


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First fic…hope you enjoy it... English is not my first language …so..take it easy on me

“Sherlock please,I want you to be in this one” it was like the hundredth time john was begging

Sherlock to join this little trip to Miami it was kind of honeymoon trip for john and Mary, they just

didn’t want to leave Sherlock on his own considering his low ability of self care and high ability in demolishing a house down

“No john you do not want me to be in this , you just asking me to come cause somebody else asked you to ask me . I know that little twitch under your left eye”

“ I don’t have any twitch under my left eye Sherlock ….please… you just making it harder “

“ see?see? you said making it harder that means it is already hard…..do not try to mess with me

john Watson I’m too smart for you…. Now tell me who is behind all this stupid plot”

Sherlock said that while being dressed in his blue robe with no pants and underpants on john was

trying not to stare at his slender thighs he brought both hands up and said: “alright…alright mister – I claim to know every thing - I’m gonna tell you about it …but would you please put a pants on…I

find it kinda weird to ask you twice” Sherlock sniffed and said: “first.. I do not claim to now everything actually I know everything”

“so humble” john muttered

“second …why are you worried about my naked butt you already proved that you are no gay…. By marrying that strange girl …that I don’t even remember her name…but seriously john why did you do that we were happily living together”

John cleared his throat “ you know her name …and Mary is not strange … look I already begged you 22 times ..”

“23” Sherlock interrupted

“ 23 times and you still do not give a damn ….so my job is done I guess ..as I promised Mycroft…”

“ MYCROFT? …so now you are working for him? What is he trying to do ? killing me with my own sword…you..? ..hehhh..ahhh…hekshoo..hetsh…”

Two mini explosions came out of Sherlock he sniffed loudly afterwards and accepted the tissues

That john offered him he blew his nose thickly and coaxed out two more sneezes…ahotchoo …tcheshhh….

“You okay Sherlock? Sneezing four times is very unlike you…. “

“Perfectly fine …now tell me about this Mycroft thing…how much did he pay you…” Sherlock narrowed his eyes and rubbed his nose against the robe sleeve

“ That’s a really hurtful thing to say Sherlock.. he didn’t pay me he is just worried about you ....because those two are going to spend couple weeks abroad Mycroft wanted to make sure you are not going to be alone these weeks “

“ hahaha… I’m going to be fine ..all alone…(his voice cracked ) just like always…(john could see his lower lip trembled…he was about to cry…great sherlock holmes was about to cry… and it was not a good sign) ..just leave ..I don’t need anyone to take care of me” he swallowed hard tried to fight back tears

“ Sherlock ..please don’t be dramatic it’s only a week then I will be back and everything will be the same”

“ Not if you find me dead….( he started coughing harshly..and john rolled his eyes) see? I’m coming down with something”

John touched sherlocke’s forehead in order to check his temperature “ you are not going to die

..and no your temp is normal” sherlocked’s breath started to hitch nostrils flared …john found tissue

box, placed couple of tissues in his hand ….heh..ahhh… hetshoo..hahiptshoo…

“and about sneezing… maybe the house needs a little bit of cleaning..( john looked at his watch) …it’s getting late you sure you don’t want to come?”

“ yes MR WATSON…. Just go and close the door behind … I always wondered were did you get that medical degree from?....Walmart?

“hah…funny… alright ..sir.. just please don’t kill yourself or any body else …do not set the house on fire(at this time Sherlock was playing with his poison collection) ..do not poison Mrs Hudson”

Sherlock started laughing nervously “ you must be joking …you know I never poison Mrs Hudson…”

john raised his eyebrow and said” SHERLOCK…”

“ okay …okay I swear I’m not going to do it again”

John smiled” good boy ..now I have to go …you know that I miss you right?”

“ oh God I’m trying hard not to gag ..john just leave”

“sometimes I wish I could hire you a babysitter “ john said that more to himself he blow a kiss for Sherlock and walked out of the house

“that was gay “ Sherlock yelled

, he heard the door closed, and collapsed on the couch” No john

..No Greg ..NO Mycroft..that’s going to be a very boring Christmas “


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Dying for more of this.... like.... now.

thank's for reading and replying


Two days after living on his own ,two days after he crossed all over the city to find a new case and it was fruitless ,after not

drinking his afternoon tea , Sherlock finally realized that he need someone to be there ( actually it happened after making Mrs

Hudson really pissed off for starting to smoke again ,she went to her sister’s house that night)

Sherlock woke up that day feeling every bone in his body ached his throat felt raw and this mad tickle in his nose he waited for it to happen ….hheh..ahehh..haptchoooo..aheptchoo

He sniffed afterwards and wiped his nose with the bed sheets “ It’s getting warm here” he said to himself ,tried to stand up but felt

something rushing through his brain and felt dizzy ,grabbed the head board to steady himself,his eyes were burning and nose

too, that tickle reappeared again he had not even bother to cover let out three messy explosion ..ahptchooo..iktchoo…. ahptshhhh

“ hot,hot,hot, it’s getting hot in here” he shouted

“or maybe you are getting hot MR Holmes” someone with a soft feminine voice said that Sherlock startled

,took out his gun( since john had left he always kept the pistol close) turned to face the owner of that voice ,he could not believe

his eyes ..that woman..THE WOMAN…was standing in the middle of his living room with her hands up

“ I came in peace,put that gun aside “ Sherlock looked at her closely ..at least to what was left of her ..couple cuts and bruises on

her face ,hair was a mess, wearing a baggy jean and a hoodie

“ what happened to you…” the only thing he could say,

“ a lot of things Sherlock….a lot of bad things” at that point Sherlock felt his head spinning around then a blurred version of every

thing .Irene rushed to him tried to prevent him from falling down she just grabbed his waist and Sherlock felt the real meaning of

blood racing through someone’s veins

“ you are burning up Sherlock “ she said while trying to put him on the couch

“ No I’m fine…tell me how did you get here…”

“ I’m gonna tell you anything you wanna hear ..but first we have to bring your body temp down .. common you have to use the

bath tub “ and tried to disrobe him just as her finger touched sherlock’s burning skin he pulled back and shouted “ no I’m not

going anywhere with you”

“ okay ..so I have to do it here”

“Do what?”

“bringing your temp down” then she disappeared in the kitchen came back with a clean cloth and a large bowl sat down on the

floor and soaked the cloth ,reached for sherlock’s feet and put them in the bowl witch was filled with cold water Sherlock shivered

hard tried to pull them back ,Irene just grabbed them hard and looked at Sherlock to assure him .


“ you need someone to take care of you” she said and put the wet cloth on his forehead

“ look at yourself in the mirror then you will find out who needs it more” sherlock said

“actually I do need you to help me…that’s why I’m here”

“And why would I do that?”

“because if you don’t I will be dead by Sunday”

Sherlock felt something collapsed in his heart he looked at Irene’s now wet, blue eyes

“this time it’s serious ..I can see”

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Great job for english as a second language. I love this part:

“hah…funny… alright ..sir.. just please don’t kill yourself or any body else …do not set the house on fire(at this time Sherlock was playing with his poison collection) ..do not poison Mrs Hudson”

Sherlock started laughing nervously “ you must be joking …you know I never poison Mrs Hudson…”

john raised his eyebrow and said” SHERLOCK…”

“ okay …okay I swear I’m not going to do it again”

It's totally the boys!

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Great job for english as a second language. I love this part:

“hah…funny… alright ..sir.. just please don’t kill yourself or any body else …do not set the house on fire(at this time Sherlock was playing with his poison collection) ..do not poison Mrs Hudson”

Sherlock started laughing nervously “ you must be joking …you know I never poison Mrs Hudson…”

john raised his eyebrow and said” SHERLOCK…”

“ okay …okay I swear I’m not going to do it again”

It's totally the boys!

thanks for reading

And plot...hmmm...okay I aprove. Yay, will there be snuggles and more caretaking.... I'm so totally in.

as you wish

part 3

We have a little bit of cuddling and John in this one (evil laugh)

Two hours later sherlock’s fever was subsided ,he was sleeping ,had a dream of drowning in the thames river , startled awake

coughing harshly , gasped for breath , scanned the house with his eyes ,everywhere in deep silence , the flames in fireplace was

the only source of light ,a familiar scent was filling the air

“tea and toast” Sherlock murmured ,took a deep breath, started to remember ..

The bathroom door opened ..she walked in to living room ..water drops splashed onto the floor ..her curved body was shining in

the dark ..still the same breathtaking sight for Sherlock to see

“ tea is ready…MR .holmes” she said In a seductive way

“ It can wait”

It was like a hurricane…. So fast… so wild..... but sherlock was confused …one moment he was touching Irene ..suddenly he was

in John’s arms ..kissing her..smelling his perfume .. every time that imaginary John was there it felt much sweeter..warmer ,it was

like Sherlock’s mind was trying to remind him who was the one that he really wanted: JOHN

After the incident both lying on the bed covering their nude bodies with a warm blanket drinking their tea, Sherlock was staring

moodily in to his mug .still thinking about what just happened ,Irene was playing with his hair

“why are you back?” Sherlock asked with his cold emotionless voice ..that made Irene to shiver

“I am in danger”

“ Don’t care,you should have used your opportunity to disappear”

“I tried, actually I did hide myself…I was about to vanish Irene and start living as another individual…..I went to Bahamas but they

just found me..they find me everywhere I go”

“ THEY refers to?”

“anyone who is somehow connected with my past…and not some nice and sweet persons ..they are murderers ..”

“I’ve heard that story last time,not gonna hear it twice ,you can hide so do it again” at that point his breath started to hitch he

brought up the blanket to cover his messy sneezes..aheh..hehhh..ahptchooo..iktchuhhh sniffed thickly afterwards and triggered 3



“bless you?done?”

“for the mean time “

“ about me hiding again….I get out once Sherlock not twice never twice …not until that codes exists..”

“what codes?” for the first time after cuddling Sherlock looked at Irene eyes ,that means he was getting amazed

“ that secret codes which connects them together …only intelligence service agents receive that codes ..it contains the specific

positions of the people who are under their radar ..and I happen to be among them…they sell the codes to the big fishes so they

could find the troublemakers and kill them…so nice and clean,when they found me ,have send a new code to the main server, by

Sunday every terrorist organization in the world will be knocking at my house door”

“ what we should do? And why should I care?”

“deleting my code from the main server, because you like challenge”

“and do you have any idea where the main server is?” looking at Irene face sherlocked held back his breath “ Don’t say it let me guess”

After few sec he shouted


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Of course. Mycroft is The British Government. Lol

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