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I Know You - The Hobbit: Kili / Tauriel (M)


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So, I have been revisiting the first two Hobbit movies since watching The Battle of the Five Armies, and getting incredibly nostalgic about the stepping back into the LOTR universe. I absolutely adore the Kili/Tauriel union (can you tell? heh.gif), it's just one of those pairings that is so innocent and makes me so happy! So after an Unexpected Journey/Desolation of Smaug marathon, I had to write this.

The story is set in the second film, whilst the company are locked in the dungeons of Mirkwood and after Tauriel has first visited Kili in his cell.

Okay… here goes smile.png

I Know You

The Hobbit: Kili / Tauriel (M)


It had been days since he last saw a guard pass his cell. Or perhaps just hours. Time tended to feel longer when there was no readily available meat and ale. He finally, restlessly drew himself away from the bars, removing his outer travelling fur and rolling in into a compact pillow, which he then tucked under his head and lay back on the floor, staring up at the dark, cavernous space.

Most dwarves felt naturally comfortable and secure underground, but Kili had always yearned for larger spaces- from as long as he could remember he and Fili had been sent on long outdoor scouting missions through the blue mountains. The quest had usually been dinner, but more often he found only freedom, and yet that had been satisfying enough.

As he tried to coax out further recollections of pleasant times to calm the growing knot inside his chest, he was reminded of another unwelcome symptom of cold, damp places. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he managed to soothe the burning sensation unfolding in his nostrils until it finally deteriorated into a thick sniffle instead. The sound disappeared inside the deathly silence of the vast dungeons and somehow served to make them seem even more hollow.

Out of habit, he reached for the rune stone that he kept in a pouch round his neck. Thinking of the elf he had shown it to, his heart suddenly felt a lot fuller than his stomach. She had not given her name, and he had not asked. It was said that language was sacred to elves, and inviting another to know your name was akin to an invitation to know your spirit. But somehow, she had still shown him that elves, like the light of the stars they so revered, were not as cold as he had first imagined. With a smile on his face, he slipped into sleep.


Tauriel had no reason to return to the dungeons. She was not on duty, there was no one to question, no message to be sent, no supper to be delivered… And yet, she found her feet skipping lightly down the spiralling stone staircase that led to those unforgiving cells in the void of their woodland realm.

Whilst every breath and shuffle of the dwarf prisoners seemed to echo endlessly through the subterranean passages, her long, purposeful strides made barely a murmur on the hard floors. And in almost less time than it had taken to consider looking upon him again, she was there, outside his cell, watching over his untroubled countenance as he slept.

She slipped the master key from where she had concealed it within her sleeve down into her hand. Had she really taken this from the guard holding? Of course she had, as she knew she would when she started down into these forsaken halls… but holding it now was like seeing her deceit manifest into physical form, and the twisted iron suddenly felt a lot heavier in her hand.

Her pulse quickened in a way that she never felt when hunting the cursed Ungol. It was fear, and not just for acknowledging what might come to pass if she were discovered, but fear of whatever feeling had led her to this cell door in the first place. The fear of a sentiment she had not yet in her life experienced, and much less understood.

Slowly penetrating the lock, her decision was made. And as the click of the springs allowed the bars to gape before her, she resolved that whatever happened henceforth could be almost as dangerous as any arachnid hunt. And just the same, once begun, there would be no going back. She stepped inside the cell and let the gate close softly behind her.


Kili had always enjoyed dreaming. And even in this morose, isolated cavern, he found his mind didn’t fail him- he was dreaming of the elf who had let him glimpse behind her stoic mask if only for a second… dreaming of her standing over him, looking down at him… and then that dreadful irritation in his sinuses grew again, his eyes watering and blurring the vision of… wait, was he in fact-

HUHhhephtchhh!” he threw his head forward suddenly, quickly bringing his sleeve over his nose at the last second. Sill blurry-eyed and not quite sure if he was in fact awake, he risked another glance at the taller figure before ducking back into his sleeve for a second unrelenting sneeze- “HUUhetchtthhhhu!”

Emerging pink-cheeked and bewildered, Kili struggled to sit upright and pressed his wrist hard against his nose to sniffle back the allergens that had crept into his nasal passages whilst sleeping.

“Sorry”, he added quickly, although through the congestion, he was sure it would have been more polite to keep quiet. “I mean, please excuse me… I mean… you came back.”

Tauriel’s expression had changed from a questioning gaze to one of concern in a matter of seconds. Was it possible that this creature, small and mortal being that he was, was so fragile that he had succumbed to illness in a mere matter of hours? Steadily kneeling in front of him and tucking her legs beneath her, she reached a cool hand to his forehead- he had no fever, but neither was his skin cold- what then? Dismay grew inside her as she realised how little she knew of healing those who were likely to need it.

“You are… not comfortable”

Her words, and the question behind them, hung between them before the silence caved in once more.

Quelling the insufferable irritation for a moment, Kili slowly smiled. “Well… I don’t think your Lord quite intended that when he locked me in his deepest dungeons”

Tauriel stared at him carefully, considering if she should take insult… then just as surely, realised the comment was, in fact, a little amusing. The corner of her mouth twitched ever so slightly and she met his eyes with a touch more warmth- she had no response fitting.

Meeting her unwavering gaze more gently, Kili was caught almost unaware as a more urgent need pressed upon him, and he was forced to bring both hands to shield the unexpected release.

Heauttttshhhhhh! Tschhhhuh! HeAHaptchSHU!”

Blinking from above his steepled flingers, he attempted what he hoped would be a delicate sniffle, but sounded closer to a goblin drainage system being unclogged.

“Nhh… pardon me… sorry…” He trailed off as one last merciless prickle blossomed in his aching sinuses. “AaaHGHNchhhhhhh!”

“You are exceedingly unwell” Tauriel’s features had once again darkened, her mouth setting firmly into a frown as Kili deemed it safe to let his hands fall back down to his lap.

She watched as the dwarf struggled to phrase his next words, and realised this was something she might grow to love about these creatures. Unlike elves, it was possible to read their faces, they wore their emotions like one pantomime after the last.

“No, no, I’m not ill” He smiled reassuringly, but there was trepidation painted there too. “It’s a small reaction- I’ve always been susceptible… allergic, that is- well, in damp places, I mean-”

Tauriel cast her eyes into the murky space with unease, the mysteries of small folk seemingly unravelling before her eyes “There is water present… and you find yourself allergic to it?”

“No, it’s not water. I mean, usually, it’s just that where there’s damp, there’s also mould.”

Turning back, she found her companion with by far the most solemn countenance she had seen all evening, while in contrast she could do nothing to help the grin that was spreading across her features.

Kili responded in kind, confused. “What? What did I say?”

“Nothing… I am relieved...” But the grin had taken on the slightest shade of mischief, and she chose to continue. “And, perhaps, imagining what my Lord would say if I were to tell him his kingdom is inhabited by mould”.

Kili couldn’t help chuckling. From what he had seen of the Elvenking so far, he could already imagine. Leaning back against the stone wall, he felt infinitely brightened just to have had this small moment of relief, despite the telltale fluttering in his nostrils threatening to build once again.

Tauriel made a small movement as if to draw closer to him, but he smiled weakly and shook his head, drawing a hand up to pinch his nose.

“S-sorry, pardo- huuh-KMMPCH! Uh-ahKMPHChhhew!” abandoning the attempt to hold his breath and at least show one moment of restraint, he twisted away and caught the final outburst as best he could in his shoulder “HUUHHTschewwww!”

“Galu odulen an gi meriad, pinig”

It was Tauriel’s turn to look solemn, and by the time Kili had blinked away the wetness that had overfilled his eyes, she had moved silently to his side, a hand now placed purposefully on his upper arm to lend him strength as he recovered from this latest exertion. It was a Silvan expression and gesture, and one that Kili wasn’t quite sure how to interpret, though he wasn’t ungrateful.

“Thank you. I mean, I think.”

“It means, ‘blessings, I am here to protect you.’ ” The elf replied kindly, hesitating and leaving the last part of the statement, “my little one” untranslated, lest it not be taken as intended. She removed her hand. “You are exhausted, and I fear you will need all your strength sooner than you know. Lie as you were before I awakened you” and she pulled the bundled fur in front of her so that it touched her knees.

It was an invitation rather than a command, but her voice was compelling in a way that Kili was grateful for, as he did not want to protest. In truth, his growing discomfort was not only contained to his sinus. The unrelenting fits also served as a reminder that he was trapped underground within these walls, and the cell seemed smaller and smaller each time he wished to be free of it.

As he lay down, he realised he was holding a hand to his chest, and that it was trembling ever so slightly. A trembling that would quickly spread to the rest of his body, if he didn’t quiet himself. This, however, Tauriel understood.

“Breathe from here” she said, placing her own hand on top of his and guiding it down low on his torso. “From deep below” as if to equal her actions, her tone had taken on a slower, deeper resonance somehow.

Kili attempted to inhale as she had instructed. His breath shuddered and caught in his throat, and he quickly turned his head.

Htchhhhhh! So sorry.” he managed with a shaky smile, and looked ready to offer more apologies, or perhaps more explanation, but none were needed.

Galu. Slowly… slowly” Tauriel repeated, pushing her hand a little more firmly into his abdomen when she wanted him to breathe out, and releasing it ever so gently to encourage him to breathe deeply. The dwarf’s trembling seemed to be subsiding, his eyes no longer scouring the walls in hope of an exit.

Her hands moved softly to his wrists, finding the power between the ligaments that the elders had long taught her to identify. She held there, strong and precise, feeling his heartbeat echo through the pressure points.

Feeling the panic draining away, Kili looked up at her in wonder, but her eyes told him not to speak.

Tauriel. I eneth nîn Tauriel.”

Kili felt a unfamiliar prick at the back of his throat as he heard these last words, his mouth parting a little in surprise as the elf guided him back into rest, letting his breathing tell her when he was free of the anxieties of the waking realm.

Gazing at his upside-down features, she leant down and placed a final, slow kiss on his forehead. It grieved her to leave him then, but she would be of more help to him outside a dungeon than within. She had felt his heartbeat and knew him now, no longer a stranger. Silently arising, she used their common language to whisper her blessing one last time.

“I am here for you, my little one”.

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Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! The baes!!! Do they get together in the last movie?!?!?

Please say yes!!! This is the cutest thing then my discovery of baggenshield!!!

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Awww this was so cute! I also love the Tauriel and Kili pairing... this was just perfect, I loved how he kept apologising haha :P

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Oh that was so cute! Tauriel and Kili are my otp!! (well one of them) I loved how she calmed his panic attack and how he was claustrophobic. Wonderful! Well done!

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Oh noooo my heart, this is so sweet! You're a very talented writer, so now I am doubly glad that you joined the forum! There are so many good parts to this, but I'll try to highlight some of my favorites.

First, I really like your characterization of Kili. I know that he's a fan favorite, and I enjoy him, but I hadn't given him a great deal of thought beyond, "Welp, he's hot." You fleshed him out into a whole person, though, with memories of hunting with his brother and his ironic dislike of small, dark spaces. It seems very fitting.

Tauriel, too. I think you captured her stern-ness, confusion, and warmth excellently. She's a bleeding heart with an iron core, wrapped up in loyalty to her people. I like that internalized her fear and what it meant for her to be making this visit, rather than focusing on her punishment.

Aw, Kili's sneezing, though. A mold allergy ties in perfectly, and I enjoy those spellings very much. Also, this line:

Blinking from above his steepled flingers, he attempted what he hoped would be a delicate sniffle, but sounded closer to a goblin drainage system being unclogged.

I died.

And then oh no, he's a mess of tripping words and she's a mess of not knowing how to interact with dwarves, and it's all very sweet and, as you said, innocent. I love his compulsive apologizing.

The panic attack, too, a good angle to explore, because who would think about a dwarf having anxiety? But it really works with the set-up and headcanons you established, and I am always a big sucker for hurt comfort of any variety, sneezing need not necessarily apply (although it's always a welcome bonus!)

Introducing herself, finally, in Sindarin, and his reaction when he divines the meaning easily enough?I love the phrasing of an "unfamiliar prick at the back of his throat". Ohhh babies. Gets me right in the heart.

Also, also, "my little one". Goodbye I am dead.

Anyway, enough flailing. Thank you so much for sharing! Looking forward to seeing more from you!

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Okay, confession: I really dislike this pairing (especially how they handled it in the movies). But this story is ADORABLE. If only this could have been how they were introduced...

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Aw, I love this! Glad I'm not the only one to say it - I'm not a fan of the pairing. But man, you make me rethink that, because this was both adorable and beautiful to read. People are highlighting the innocence of both characters, and I agree, that's a big part of what makes this work so well. Basically, I second everything Garnet said and I look forward to reading more. :)

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Awww! This is so lovely and sweet! You have a very lyrical writing style. Much love!

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Wow, thank you all so much for taking the time to leave such lovely and fun responses to my story! I truly appreciate it and I’m feeling very humbled right now! blush.pngheart.gif

Artygirl22 – Hehe, your response is too cute! As a diehard fan I am so enthused for you to see the third movie, it is full of touching moments which I’m sure you’d enjoy! wub.png

beatlelover22 – Yaay, another Kiliel fan! *high five!* Thank you so much, I have such a soft spot for apologies, I couldn’t resist! biggrin.png

lillian – Same, they are right up there!! Thank you so much, I’m so glad to share the Kili love back!

Garnet – Oh Garnet, you have totally intuited my love of analytical feedback (and have kind of made my night with absolutely everything you said!) I am so much more at a loss for words when receiving a compliment (and by an artist whose work I truly admire!) so please excuse any babble that may follow!

Your description of Tauriel rings very true- I think you have just nailed the essence what drew me in to this character, especially in contrast to Kili’s more youthful/playful/naïve depiction. When I noticed Kili was the only dwarf shown in the company to carry a bow and arrow instead of an axe, hammer or sword, this kind of set me thinking that he might be more familiar with hunting/target practice in open spaces than most dwarves, and on the flip side, may possibly be adverse to something more dwarves are familiar with. I’m very glad you thought it worked.

I have a HUGE love for pairings where there is complex cultural difference between the characters, how they deal with lack of inherent understanding of the other whilst being fascinated/drawn to the relationship… and hurt comfort is pretty much my weakness, it’ll get me every time, sneezing or no… (though if the pen’s in my court… why not add a flourish!) And Kili’s reaction… aaah, another VERY big soft spot for me right there…

Thank you SO MUCH for such a thoughtful review, I suspected I might over-compliment your lovely compliments and happily, I have not disappointed myself!

KickingUpTheDust – Hahaha yep, my internal dialogue when I saw them together exactly!!

Masking – Thank you! And ever more so for giving my story a go when you’re not a fan of the pairing- that is just really cool. smile.png

SneezeyLove – Wow, thank you so very much! That is a really high compliment and I definitely appreciate you still giving the story a shot with that in mind!

AngelEyes – That is just such a lovely thing to say about my style, I am very happy you liked it and am totally blushing right now, thank you!

XxAW8xX – That is so sweet, thank you so much, I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed! hug.gif

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I mean, if you ever wanted to continue, Kíli could get a cold instead of an Orc arrow to the leg...that's some cold river water, after all.

And maybe it's contagious to Elves. ;)

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I mean, if you ever wanted to continue, Kíli could get a cold instead of an Orc arrow to the leg...that's some cold river water, after all.

And maybe it's contagious to Elves. wink.png

Hehe, it most certainly is... I'm pretty sure I have all sorts of trouble planned for the both of them quite soon... *feels guilty just thinking about it*... heh.gif

The way she used 'my little one' as a term of endearment for him. Oh gosh, this was brilliant.

Thank you so very much! Kili has such a sweetness/innocence about him (that I find too adorable!), so I felt this expression might be fitting. I'm really glad you enjoyed. smile.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love Kiliel more than I could ever accurately describe, and you have knocked it out of the park with this, my dear! I just... wow. That was amazing! I am in love with the spellings - it sounded just like Kili! Kuddos to you, this was amazing!

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