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Criminal Minds~ Reid/Morgan

~~~Happy holidays! This is a bit of an AU where Reid and Morgan are dating/living together--- hope you like it!~~~


Reid stumbled into the apartment after a long day. They had just closed the worst case Reid had been on since he joined the BAU. It had been difficult to figure out, even for him, and he couldn't have been happier that it was over and done with. All he wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep for months. He went to do just that, setting his messenger bag down and slipping off his shoes before climbing into bed.


Reid was almost asleep when the door shut and Morgan could be heard shuffling around. "Spencer?" He called, "you here, kid?" Reid stifled a yawn, getting up and going to greet his boyfriend. Morgan's face lit up when he saw Reid shuffle in, an adorably sleepy smile on his face. "Hi Derek," he said softly, hugging him. Morgan kissed his temple. "Did I wake you?" Reid shook his head. "No, I wasn't asleep yet." He smiled as Morgan ruffled his hair. "You up for a movie or do you just want to go to bed? I know that was a tough case..." He trailed off, noticing Reid looked distracted. "You alright there, kid?" Reid quickly nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. A movie sounds good." As soon as Morgan was out of the room, he pawed at the source of the distraction-- his itching nose. He sniffled slightly before joining Morgan on the sofa. He was immediately pulled to his boyfriend's chest. He smiled slightly until the itch in his nose reappeared. He gave it a nonchalant rub, trying to make it go away. That just made it worse. No, he would not sneeze. He did not have to sneeze! Except he did. He refused to give in to the tickle, concentrating solely on not letting his nose win. "Spencer? You okay?" Morgan asked. That simple question broke his concentration for a split second. That second was all his nose needed. "Yeah, I'm- hixxt!" He sneezed... on Morgan. "I am so sorry!" He squeaked. Morgan simply chuckled, teasingly wiping his arm off on Reid's shirt. "It's fine, kid. It was an accident. Bless you." Reid was mortified. Not only had he sneezed in front of Morgan, but he'd sneezed on him! He hid his face in Morgan's chest, apologizing profusely. Morgan just rubbed his back, reassuring him that it was okay. Reid still felt terrible about it, but he stopped apologizing so Morgan could focus on the movie.


Morgan smiled when he noticed Reid had fallen asleep about halfway through it. He carded his fingers through the youngest agent's hair, turning off the TV when the movie ended. He carefully scooped the sleeping Reid up into his arms and carried him to bed. He didn't even stir, which surprised Morgan because usually a pin dropping could wake Reid. He shrugged it off, climbing into bed with him, pulling him to his chest and kissing his shoulder.


When Reid awoke the next morning, it was to a pounding headache, burning throat, and completely stuffed nose. Great. He was getting sick. He supposed "getting" was the wrong word when his breath began hitching. He struggled to free his hands from where they were pinned between Morgan's body and his own. He was unsuccessful and was forced to direct the short volley of, what he hoped would be, quiet sneezed into his shoulder. "Hih... H-h'tiew! Hixxt! Tchhiee!" the desperate triple left the young man sniffling and in dire need of a tissue. Luckily, Morgan woke up enough to roll over and mumble a "bless you," freeing Reid's hands in the process. He jumped at the opportunity to grab a few tissues and make a mad dash for the bathroom. He turned on the shower, reluctantly taking some medicine before blowing his nose with a long, wet gurgle. He winced at the sound it produced, coughing a harsh, barking cough. He showered quickly, drying off and brushing his teeth before going downstairs.


By noon, Morgan was worried about Reid. The younger man looked miserable. He was pale, nose bright pink, and eyes bloodshot. He kept coughing, and he seemed like he felt completely awful. "Hey Spence?" Morgan called from his position in the kitchen. Reid appeared in the doorway, brows drawn together in what looked like curiosity. "You called?" He asked, sniffling softly. Morgan nodded, padding over and feeling his forehead. "Bed. Now." Reid opened his mouth to protest before his breath began to hitch. He brought his hands up to the lower half of his face. "Heh... Heh'xxt! H-h'tiew! TCHiew!" he sniffled, looking even more miserable, if possible. Morgan blessed him, leading him to bed slowly. He tucked him in, and Reid was asleep within seconds.


Not even an hour later, Reid was leaping from the bed and making a mad dash to the bathroom. He barely made it in time before he was emptying his stomach into the toilet bowl. Morgan crouched down behind his ill boyfriend, gently rubbing his back. "Poor thing..." He cooed, helping him get cleaned up and into bed. Reid sneezed tiredly into cupped hands. "Bless you... Get some rest." Morgan held him close, making sure Reid had what he needed.


Reid was asleep again within what seemed like seconds. Morgan felt awful about Reid being sick. He'd thought the boy seemed run down the entire week, but he had passed it off as the stress of the case. It had taken a toll on everyone. He was pulled from his thoughts as his boyfriend's small frame shook with a bout of harsh coughs. He rubbed his back gently, sitting him up slightly. The youngest agent was still asleep as Morgan quietly rubbed vapor rub on his chest to help him breathe. Reid relaxed into Morgan's chest, snoring slightly due to the congestion. Morgan grabbed a tissue and gently wiped his boyfriend's nose.


It took a week and a half, but Reid was better sans a bit of left over sneezing. Morgan was with Reid on the sofa, the pair cuddling. "H'xxt!" Morgan smiled. "Bless yoo- hessshhuh!" he sniffed. Reid stuttered out a blessing, and their eyes met as they chorused, "uh oh..."


There ya have it! Sorry it's late, I had some personal issues and couldn't type it until now. I hope it's what you were looking for! Happy new year!

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Oh yeah, you read my stuff and hit all my buttons. And oh how I love dom AUs right now. And you described Reid so perfect, and their relationship and YAY, it's been so long since I've read these two as a couple. P.s. I totally understand being late, life really sucks sometimes.

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Yay, sick!Reid! My favorite kind of Reid. (Closely followed by 'Reid doing just about anything', haha.) And I love him and Morgan together - platonic stuff, romantic stuff, it's all good by me. This scenario is great, and so are the sneeze spellings! I especially liked that moment of distraction that led to Reid sneezing right into Morgan's chest! Adorable. exhappysmiley.png

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Oh yeah, you read my stuff and hit all my buttons. And oh how I love dom AUs right now. And you described Reid so perfect, and their relationship and YAY, it's been so long since I've read these two as a couple. P.s. I totally understand being late, life really sucks sometimes.

So glad you like it! Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so done. I'm doner than done. I'm the done-est. This was so perfect. I can't seem to find the words to describe it. Wtf ASDFGHJKLI@/%-#7^€\`^ I'm having a heart attack, aneurysm and a fan girl attack at the same time. I need some help <3

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