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frolicking periwinkle

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Sorry this is a bit late - I ran out of night last night....

Summary: Spock catches cold on the Enterprise and Kirk helps him feel better.

Fandom: Star Trek Reboot


Odd grey spots exploded in front of Spock’s eyes causing him to pause in his morning routine and sit down slowly. Hands on his knees she closed his eyes and tried to pinpoint the source of the odd visual sensations. The bridge of his nose buzzed as though there was an electromagnetic field which only the bridge of his nose could detect. The curious sensation seemed to be testing where it could go, moving to the front of his nose and then down his throat.

He sniffed, running his own sort of test to see if the buzzing was caused by internal or external factors. Immediately, he realized that it was the wrong decision to make, as the buzzing seemed to flatten and spread into a tickling burn, which spread from his nose to his throat.

Bringing a closed fist to his mouth he coughed to see if he could remedy the problem by removing the source of the problem himself. Again, too late, he realized that this was the wrong decision to make and he had to be honest with himself. “Jim,” he said, coming into the bedroom. “I believe I am…” his voice faded off as he brought a cuffed sleeve up to his face. “Heh-Chiff!” he sneezed into it, sharp eyes closing as the force of the sneeze brought his face to meet the cuff.

“Bless you,” he said, his young features tensing in confusion as he walked up to Spock. “Are you all right?”

“I believe I am coming down with a cold,” he admitted. “But, I am well enough to attend my duties, both to you and the ship.”

He quirked an eyebrow at him. “Be that as it may, I still want you to see Dr. McCoy.”

He wasn’t listening. The tickling burn had spread to his ears making it quite difficult for him to focus on anything except the growing feeling of malaise. “Heh-eh-Chiff! Chessiff!” he sneezed, more violently this time.

“You are relieved of duty,” Kirk stated, flexing his command presence just a bit. Spock may have the superior intellect and logic beyond all reason, but Kirk was still the captain. And if he was to catch Spock’s cold, that was something he would cope with. But, he would not subject the rest of the ship to it.

Spock looked horrified, as though he was being punished. “But, Captain!” he retorted, as he so often did when the line between Captain and boyfriend became blurred.

“No buts, Mr. Spock. Please attend to Dr. McCoy at once.” Kirk stood firm. He would not allow Spock to infect the rest of the crew.

Nor would he put Spock at risk just to put his pride at ease. No matter what the logical – or sometimes illogical, as Kirk thought – part of Spock’s brain told him, no one would think less of their first officer for taking a sick day. On the contrary, it might make him seem more approachable – more human.

** ** **

“Heh-eh-Chiff! HesshhiFF!” Spock sneezed strongly into the crook of his elbow as he entered sickbay.

“Now who would have a cold in the middle of deep space?” McCoy asked, not turning from his papers to look. When he did, his eyes widened considerably. “Spock, I’m surprised.”

“So was I, doctor. I woke up feeling perfectly healthy.” He turned away from Dr. McCoy in order to sneeze twice more.

“Well,” McCoy said getting up, “you’re certainly not healthy now. Sit on that bed there and we’ll see if we can’t get this straightened out.” He pulled out his medical tricorder and swept it over Spock, frowning at the results. He sighed. “I hate to say this Spock, but you appear to have caught a cold.” The twitches at the edges of his mouth betrayed any claim to hatred he may have felt with the situation. On the contrary, he seemed to be enjoying it.

Dark eye lashes fluttered shut as Spock sneezed into his elbow once more. “HeSSHH! HesssCHIFF!” Throaty coughs worked their way out.

Dr. McCoy sighed, his expression turning into a tight frown. “The problem is, Spock, I don’t know anything about Vulcan physiology. I don’t know if your elevated temperature should be brought up or down to kill the disease. Do you know anything about this?”

Spock shook his head, while tending to his nose. “I had never been ill until I started teaching on Earth. In the past, however, I have found that rest seems to quell the symptoms at least.”

Dr. McCoy started writing. “You’re not to return to work until the symptoms disappear and until your fatigue becomes manageable.

We can’t have you passing out on the bridge.”

A green tinted flush rose in Spocks cheeks. “No, that would not do,” he agreed.

** ** **

When Kirk returned to the quarters he shared with Spock, he had expected see the Vulcan trying to get some sort of work accomplished. What he did not expect was to see Spock bundled up in blankets on the couch, shivering and rubbing his irritated looking nose with a rather sodden handkerchief.

“Spock…” Kirk said, coming towards him slowly. He had not seen Spock sick before and wasn’t certain if he was going to respond in a docile or perhaps a more illogical way.

Large brown eyes looked at Kirk, and Spock opened his mouth to speak. Instead, he pitched forward with a wet, “HetssCHIFFF!”

He blew his nose and cleared his throat. “I’b sick,” he said, stating the bleeding obvious.

“Yes, you are,” Kirk agreed, going to the replicator and ordering hot chamomile tea. “Here,” he said, giving it to Spock. “Drink it slowly. It’ll help warm you up.”

With a slow, patient nod Spock reached for the cup, but quickly brought his hand back to his face. “Yeaachhhifffshhh!” Wet and forceful, the sneeze seemed to leech out what little energy Spock had left and he leaned forward, elbows on his knees.

Kirk put the mug on the table and sat down next to Spock, rubbing his back through the blanket. He looked at Spock thoughtfully, but said nothing.

“I cannot ascertain why you would look at me in such a manner. I am certain that I am not much to look at, at present.”

Kirk huffed and a small smile twitched at the corners of his lips. “You’ve had better days, perhaps. But, I was wondering where you had picked this up.”

“I assure you I did… di-hid… HessshCHIFF! <sniff> did not pick anything up. But, I do not know where I would have come in contact with the virus.”

Kirk gave him a warm smile. Even ill, Spock was so literal. Although he would never say as much, he thought it was adorable. “Well, let’s get you into bed.”

Spock raised an eyebrow in confusion. “You can’t possibly be tired.”

“Not at all, but you need the sleep and I have some time before the next travesty happens.”

Nodding in agreement, Spock let Kirk give him an arm up off the couch. “I thank you,” he said, as they made their way into the bedroom, “for not coddling me or cooing over me as people of your species seem to want to do with the other when they are ill.”

“Not my style,” Kirk responded, taking his shirt off and getting his sleep pants on.

He wrapped an arm around Spock, who had started to sniffle and shiver now that he was no longer bundled by the blanket, and tucked him into their bed. “You’re very warm,” Kirk ventured, nonchalantly.

“My body temperature is naturally more elevated than yours. It is moreso because of this cold,” Spock explained. He tensed suddenly, cupping a handkerchief over his nose and mouth. “HessCHIFF! HESSH!!!”

“Bless you,” Kirk said, holding him tightly. He felt Spock relax in his arms and enjoyed the sensation that came with that level of trust. He maneuvered Spock so that his head was on Kirk’s chest. Nimble arms wrapped around each other as their breathing fell into an easy rhythm.

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*hugs self and squeeeeee~s* omg help the cute nnnuuuuuuu

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I'm really glad you all liked it. It was my first of this fandom/ship, so I hoped I got the idiosyncrasies at least close enough!

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