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Sneeze Fetish Forum

You better not deny it (Hetalia; GerBros; M/M)


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Digging through my hard drive, I came across this fic some days ago, and I thought it would be fun to do a continue. So there are a few more parts... if anyone likes this, I might post them later. Though I know, that there is lots of Hetalia-related stuff around here already... I hope some of you aren't totally bored by this already!

Hopefully you will enjoy, and please don't mind the mistakes... blushing.gif


Leaving the house this morning had been the most stupid idea ever, he figuered. He should have know at the moment when he snuggled into his scarf to help his sore throat. At least he'd been clever enough to plug in a package of tissues. With a deep sigh he rubbed his neck and occured from one leg to the other. Under normal conditions standing for a long time during his job in a museum wasn't bothering him, but today every single muscle into his body seemed to ache. He's been fighting this cold since a few days and seemed to have lost the battle once and forever. Gilbert had predicted him suffering if he would leave for work, this morning. Ludwig, however, had insited that everything was fine, and so his brother stole from responsibility with a simple „Do as you're pleased!“. Ludwig rubbed his eyes with his right hand and yawned. Three more hours until end of work. He knew he could make it. If only this damn tickle into his nose wouldn't grow worse and worse. He's been ignoring it succesfully until now, but the longer he supressed it, the worse it got. He's been gasping for air a few times during the last hour and tried to bite his lower lip until the tickle faded. It seemed that until now, his colleague at the next room did not noticed his misery. Regardless of how much he hated to suffer in public, he'd be much more embarrassed if it would happen in front of Feliciano. He'd been working with the Italian since a long time now and honestly, he liked him a lot. Even though Feliciano seemed to be stick to him sometimes, which made it difficult to concentrate on work properly. Ludwig bit his lip again and held his breath. Unfortunately, Feliciano used exactly this moment to shout out for him first and leave his position afterwards.


Ludwig cursed the Italian in mind first and afterwards his stupid head cold and the constant itch into his sinuses before loosening his bite.

Hee ... Iiihh...“ This has been a mistake. He should have known. Immediately his sinuses started to burn and he gasped for air unintentionally. His nose quivered while he slightly opened his mouth. His whole body trembled and before it broke out of him he knew, that his nose would take revenge for supressing it the whole day, now.

He'GGNNK! ... IP'GNNK!“ Ludwig pinched his nose shut with thumb and forefinger to muffle the sneeze as much as

possible, while he jerked forward by the force of the stifles. It seemed to be over for the moment and he straightened up to face Feliciano, turning around the corner at the very moment.

„What do you want?“ he snapped regretting it immediatly, but he knew that those sneezes had been the calm before the storm, and his first intention was to get rid of the Italian as soon as possible.

„Ve, nothing. I'm simply horrible bored over there ... alone!“ Ludwig chlenched his teeth again and forced himself to calm down.

„That's your job, Feliciano!“ he groaned as fast as his breath allowed, lifting his left hand to whipe away some tears from his eyes, occuring from the tickling into his nose.

„But ... couldn't we stand at the corner together? I could look at the left and you look at the right?“ Feliciano asked innocently.„No! A- and now go b- ... back to your position!“ Ludwig snapped, gasping for air and chlenching his theet again but it's been to late already. Even this short sentence was enough to increase the tickle into his nose in a way, that it could not be supressed any longer.

Hiii ... Aaaah...“ He digged into his pockets for a tissue but couldn't find any. He lifted his left arm to his face and turned away from Feliciano, as he shut his eyes.

Haa'OUMMpfff! ... HEKISHHHchhfff!“ his body snapped forward and Ludwig's face dissapeared into his ellbow. The sound of his two wet sneezes was muffled little by the sleeve of his uniform. He straightened half way and picked a tissue out of the shallows of his jacket, sniffling.

„Salute! That sounded quite ...“ Feliciano stopped, as he watched Ludwig's slightly opened mouth and his lifted eyebrows, showing that the German wasn't done.

HE'GXTshhh!“ Ludwig buried his face into his tissue, both hands clapped in front of nose and mouth, „HRIIISHHHYAAA! Ugh ... Um Gottes Willen!“

„Salute, Salute! Are you unwell, Ludwig? You've been so quiet and withdrawn for the whole day today!“

„No, everything's fine! Stop worrying and go back to your position!“ Ludwig rubbed his streaming nose at the tissue and nodded as a visitor passed, watching them curiously. The bitter look at his face seemed to unsettle the Italian. Feliciano seemed to be torn between light fear of Ludwig's anger and his displeasure of standing behind the coner alone until end of work. Something seemed to be wrong with his coworker anyhow. He's never been talking much and he sure was kind of reserverd, but always friendly. He seemed to be much more impatient than usual and Feliciano wasn't able to figure out why. Moreover, Ludwig was unusual pale today and even though his hair was combed back in the usual manner, there was hint of tiredness into his eyes and he still looked a little messy. Feliciano asked himself if the German may be sick? He had heard him clearing his throat and this whole amount of sneezing did not sound healthy as well. Also the light reddish tint of his nose and cheeks stood out of his pale face, as well as the dark rims under his eyes. Feliciano concluded that Ludwig must have caught something beeing too proud to admit it.

„Ludwiiiig“ he chirped and layed a hand at the german's cheek for which he had to tiptoe, „tell me if you're unwell!“

Ludwig whiped away the hand from his face angrily.

„I never felt any better and my health is none of your buisness!“ he roared, while he blushed slightly and watched the ground sheepishly like a child which had been caught stealing a cookie from the jar. His nostrils quivered and he obviously tried not to sneeze in front of the other. 'Don't show any weakness' Feliciano thought, 'that suits him!'.

HRA'KIISHHOUM!“ With a sudden jerk his body snapped forward and he caught another sneeze into his tissue. The outburst seemed to have startled him as well as Feliciano.

„Uhm... Bless you?!“ the small Italian murmured and averted his glance sheepishly. He felt sorry for Ludwig, but much more he felt sorry for making him feel more uncomfortable. Still he couldn't let him stay here, suffering on his own.

Ludwig cursed himself and the world itself. This outbursts in front of Feliciano were totally inacceptable and it embarrassed him much more, that as soon as he started sneezing he was unable to stop again. He simply wanted to go home and to bed. A cup of tea would be nice as well. However, this was hell. His breath started to hitch again and he moaned as he plugged another tissue out of the package and lifted it to his nose in preparation of the inevitable, but the sneeze faded. He straightened a little and blew his nose discretly.

„I'm sorry for shouting at you, but it is important for you to be at your position.“ he friendly layed a hand at Felicianos shoulder and pushed him back to the corner. While beeing pushed, Feliciano could hear Ludwig's unsteady breath hitching behind him. Nevertheless, he winced as the German stood still, suddenly turning away from Feliciano and lifting his hand with the tissue to his nose before jerking forward.

HGXKSHH! HEGCN'ASHHHIII!“ Ludwig lifted his eyebrows in suprise. His sneezes normally did not come that fast one after another. Maybe this was due to the horrid head cold, making his nose horrible sensitive. When he gave it right he'd never been sneezing that much before. Why did he have to come down with such a plague now? If it wouldn't have made him sneezing in front of Feliciano, it would not have bothered him that much. He hoped that Feliciano did not found him to repulsive now. Stuck into this situatione anyhow, he figured that it would not make any difference; he may aswell stood at the corner for the Italian not to be bored to much.

„Salute, salute! Veeee! That's some cold, Ludwig!“ Feliciano glaced at him over his shoulder.

„No!“ Ludwig groaned, whiping his nose at the tissue again before continuing, „it's simply horrible dusty in here!“ He pushed the Italian to the corner and placed himself, turning his back to him.

„Veee! You're staying at the corner with me? Thank you, Ludwig!!“ Feliciano hugged the German from behind. Ludwig deperatly tried to free himself from the hug, gasping for air. His eyebrows shot up and his nostrils trembled. Feliciano was able to feel any hitch of breath glued to Ludwigs back; how the muscles contracted and relaxed the raising and fall of his chest until he jerked forward caught into an explosive sneezing fit.

HA'KITSHHYOUUA! ... HURIIIKSHH!“ There was a small break, but Feliciano, still sticking to Ludwigs back, could feel that he wasn't done, yet.

„HheEeh ... Feheli-ianhooOooh... Le-Let g- ghhii ... GI'RIIIITSHHH! ... go! I- I ha... have to... HURIIIITSHHH! ... EKIIISHHHOU! ... HE'GNXK'IISHHHOU! Uuuug... Verfluchte Scheiße!“ Ludwig whiped his hands, which he had cupped over nose and mouth to shield Feliciano from his germs at the tissue, before struggeling out of his hug.

„Salute, Ludwig! Jeez, Gesundheit! Veee! That sounds really alarming!“

Ludwig waved pointing into the room, which Feliciano was ordered to watch over before blowing his nose silently.

„Watch over there! This room should be the heartland of your attention!“

The Italian followed his gace and for a few minutes there was silence inbetween them. Ludwig tried to ejoy the calmness as long as he was able. His head had started to hurt seriously and rubbing his eyes and temples did not help it. He sighed and tried to kill a cough by clearing his throat again and again. As expected this did not work and so he started coughing silently. Feliciano turned around and layed a hand onto the others back.„Vee ... I already know that you're sick! There is no reason for denying it any longer!“

Ludwig blushed bright-red and bit his lip. „This is about manners and anyhow ...“ There was a break, as he broke into a rattling coughing at least, which he managed to get under controll soon again luckily, „I've never felt any better!“ He knew how pathetic this must have sound, especially as the coughing had proved his words wrong. Feliciano glaced at his coworker in deep concern.

„Vee, I hope you're right, Ludwig!“

Ludwig groaned something under his breath before saying nothing again. It's been silent for another while, as Ludwig rubbed at his eyes with thumb and forefinger furiously to stop them from watering. Feliciano felt like having waited for hours for not disturbing Ludwig, as the other's breath started hitching again followed by a wet sneeze.

HAA'AKTSHHHHFYOOOU! Uuugh ... Not again!“ Ludwig sighed and blew his nose much more audible than before.

„Gesundheit! Aren't we finished with work soon?“

„Another 30 minutes. Snff.“ Ludwig shook the sleeve of his uniform up his arm a little, to glace at his watch.

„Veee... and I thought we're gonna be done soon!“

Ludwig coughed into his ellbow before answering, „We are.“ he sighed finally.

„Ludwiiig? Can't we finish early today? Noone will judge you. You're sick, right?“ Feliciano glaced at him out of big hazel brown eyes. Again Ludwig blushed, opening his mouth and gasping for air angrily as his nose started to tickle again and he broke into another sneezing fit after the first spoken words, which he tryed to muffle into the sleeve of his uniform.

„N- No w-... HA'APPSHHHHHFM! ... HI'ETSHHH! KASHHHYOOU! ... HURRRAKKSHHHHM! Ugh... No way! Snnff! Also, I AM NOT SICK! I'm more than just fine!“ He rubbed his nose at the back of his hand, sniffling wetly.

„Vee, poor Ludwig! Gesundheit! It's only half an hour... Ludwiiiiig, Please!!!“

Ludwig sighed heavily rubbing his temples. Basicly there was no place he'd rather liked to be than at home and in bed. Anyway, there was no way to finish early, as soon as there was no detachement for them around.

As if he anticipated the ongoing of their discussion and waited for the perfect moment to appear, Kiku turned around the corner. Feliciano almost freaked out, as he noticed the young japanese coming for their detachement.

„Veeee ... Kiiiiku!! Kiku, Kiku!!! Thank god, you're here!!“

„Hi Feliciano! Hello Ludwig!“ Kiku patted Feliciano's head nodding to Ludwig friendly.

„Morning, Kiku! How come you're here that early?“ Ludwig swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the tickle into his throat.

„Yeah, little traffic today. Tell me, what's going on with Feliciano?“ he still patted the other's head, while Feliciano kept being sticked to his arm.

„Veee!! Ludwig don't want to quite early today even though he's sick and--“ he wasn't able to speak any more, as Ludwig grabbed his arm with a soure expression onto his face, yelling at him louder than necessary:„God damn, Feliciano! Do you really wanna hear it again? FOR GOD'S SAKE, I AM NOTSICK!“ His voice, just working for the whole day, but getting much more rough after yelling at Feliciano before, broke now. It broke into a hoarse croak and much worse, the silent tickle into the back of his throat evolved into a barking cough, as soon as he'd finished the last sentence. Feliciano and Kiku changed a meaningful look. Kiku knew how stubborn his german colleague might be. Above all, Ludwig was very proud and unwilling to show any weakness to anyone, even to his closest friends.

„Now that I'm around, you may go home!“

Feliciano beamed and Ludwig sighed silently.

„A- Alright! Th-Thanks for ...“ he paused plugging a tissue out of his pockets, covering his mouth and nose before erupting into sneezes once again, „HIII'IPKKSHHHHM! ... HRRRUUAAATSHHH! ... HE'FFFSHHHMMM! Uuuugh... Excuse me! Snff! Thank's for the detachement! We're off now!“ He blushed whiping his nose at his tissue discretly.

„Good god, Gesundheit Ludwig! Jeez! You're trying to tell us that you're not sick?“ Kiku's eyes whided in suprise. He hurried to continue, as he noticed that Ludwig was opening his mouth to respond, „However, go home and get some rest!“

Ludwig nodded in thanks and grabbed Feliciano by the arm.

„Luuuudwiiig!! Ludwig, how do you get home?“ Feliciano jumped around the German, who was hardly able to stay calm.

„Walking!“ he groaned, turning up the collar against the cold rain.

„It's raining and you have nor umbrella or hood! Plus you're sick!“ Feliciano's eyes whided. Ludwig groaned annoyed, but didn't contradicted the Italian this time.

„I may drive you!“ Feliciano proposed. Ludwig opend the mouth to reject the offer, but seemed to rethink about this. Indeed, he felt rather chilly and even though he did not want to admit it infront of others, he knew very well that walking home in the rain for another 40 minutes won't help his cold.

„Okay, Thank you!“ he mumbled and walked over to Feliciano's car. The Italian seemed to have expected a rejection and almost freaked out for getting the permission to drive his grumpy coworker home. He opened the door for him and walked around the car to take seat infront of the wheel. Ludwig chlutched the door with his left raising the right ellbow to his face. He gasped some more before doubling over at least.


With a heavy sigh he ploped to the seat, slamming the door shut. He whiped the rain from his face and shut his eyes, as Feliciano next to him started the engine. With a hoarse horrified scream he widely opened his eyes again, as the car jerked forward. Feliciano's foot was glued to the gas pedal making sure that the car got faster and faster.

„F-Feliciano!! Go-... Good God! Watch out!“ Ludwig pinched his eyes shut instinctivly, as Feliciano dodged another car narrowly.

„Ludwig? Are you unwell? We're gonna be home soon!“ Feliciano glaced at him in concern. The german shivered and looked horribly miserable.

„Jeez! Eyes on the road!“ Ludwig snapped, buriing his face into his hands.

To Ludwigs astonishment, they made it to his home without further incidents. Feliciano jumped out of the car to open the door for the other.„Veee! We're hohoooome!!“

Ludwig nodded and stepped out of the car on shaky legs. Feliciano grabbed for his waist to avoid him from falling over.

„Th-Thank's for the ride!“ he rang up himself whiping away some sweat from his face.

„No Problem, at all!“ Feliciano chirped and pushed the doorbell, „I may offer you a ride anytime again!“

„Jeez, No!“ Ludwig mumbled breaking into a dry cough.

„Hallo!! Is that West, I hear?“ Gilbert opened the door grinning at his little brother, „Oh, and who might you be?“ he asked as he noticed Feliciano.

„Feliciano Vargas! I'm Ludwig's colleague!“

„Ah! Nice to meet you! I'm West's awesome big brother Gilbert! He surely told you about me!“

Feliciano glaced at Ludwig in confusion, but Ludwig beat him.

„Now everybody's knowing each other! Thank's for offering me a ride Feliciano. See you tomorrow!“ he tapped his head in Goodbye and pushed past Gilbert into the house.

„Please excuse West!“ Gilbert muttered, „he's fighting a horrid cold since Saturday - always making him grumpy!“

„Veee, yeeeeah! I noticed he's unwell but he insited in being alright!“

„Yes, typical West! He's denying it even in front of me. I hardly got some sleep last night, due to his coughing and sneezing all the time!“ Gilberd sighed, „Thank's for caring for him and bringing him home.“

„No problem!“ Feliciano purred while getting into the car.

Gilbert waited for another few minutes until the italian car disappeared, before closing the door.


„Gesundheit, Gilbert!“ Ludwig poked his head through the kitchendoor gaving his brother a suprised gaze.

„Thanks!“ Gilbert rubbed at his nose, smiling sheepishly.

„Y- You've not been catching my cold, do you?“ Ludwig asked in deep concern. Gilbert sniffed loudly.

„Kesesesese! So you admit that you're sick?“


"Haaa... HeeEhh... HE'EKTTSHHHOUYEE! HARRIIISHHH! Uuugh..." Gilbert sank back to the couch.

„Aaargh!! Sha'be od you, Wesd!“

Ludwig lifted an eyebrow. „Pardo'd? A'd whad for, if I'b allowed do ask?“ he blew his nose and grabbed for the blanket, which had slided to the ground with Gilbert's outburst. Since the rain yesterday, as expected, had not been helping his cold, he'd called in sick this morning and only had moved from the bed to the couch. Gilbert, who'd been fightingnasty coughing fits for the whole night and therefore had not been sleeping at all, had joined him so they were both sitting at the sofa, trying not to get at each other's throat. Especially for Germany, this seemed to be an unbearable task at the moment. Gilbert had not stopped blaming him for his condition since they had changed the bed- for the living room.

„For givi'g be this fucki'g cold!“ Gilbert rubbed his nose in the blanket and coughed slightly.

Ludwig rubbed his eyes with thumb and forefinger of his left and sighed.

„Gilber'd, I'b sorry! I did dot bea'd do give id do you!“

Gilbert nodded as his nose started to tickle again. His lips parted slightly and his eyelids flattered.

„Gilber'd, please do'd sdeeze i'do--“ Ludwig started but it was too late. The Prussian took in one last, big breath and muffled another sneezing fit into the blanket.


Ludwig's expression was overcome by disgust.

„Gesu'dheid Gilber'd, bud do you always have do use the bla'ged?“ Gilbert waved.

„Id's dod tha'd I bighd give this do you!“ He gave his little brother an angry look and grabbed for the box of tissues at the table. Ludwig closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down.

„Dei'd! Bud id's bore tha'd unappatizi'g!“ he cleared his throat and as his breath started to catch again. Hastily he grabbed for a tissue and pressed it up to his nose before he snapped forward with the force of the sneeze, tearing the blanket from his brother's shoulders, which was commented with a loud whine by Gilbert.


„Wesd... Gesu'dheid!! God Lord, you bay deed id!“ Gilbert snatched back the blanket and handed his snuffling, little brother another tissue.

„Da'ge!“ Ludwig sighed and took the tissue from his brother's hand to blow his nose loudly.

„Would you ge'd us a cup of tea? By throa'd is gilli'g be!“ Gilbert mumbled and closed his red rimed eyes. Ludwig sighed heavily and got up.

"G-Gut! Haa... HERRIIIKSHHHIEW!" he doubled over and Ludwig hastily clapped his hands over his mouth to avoid him from sneezing openly into the air.

„Uuugh ... Excuse be!“ he sighed and whiped his hands at another fresh tissue.

„Already do'de!“ Gilbert muttered and sank a little deeper into the cussions before he started snorring with a slight moan.


So far so... good? bad? happy.png

Edited by Liun
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Aww this is really cute! There can never be too much Hetalia, and though I'm usually an exclusive USUK girl, I do have a soft spot for sniffly german brothers :) I love how adorably stubborn Ludwig is, and how snarky Gil is :) Awesome job!

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Aww this is really cute! There can never be too much Hetalia, and though I'm usually an exclusive USUK girl, I do have a soft spot for sniffly german brothers smile.png I love how adorably stubborn Ludwig is, and how snarky Gil is smile.png Awesome job!

Thank you! I really feel honored that you like this, especially if you usually tend to prefer USUK-fics! ^_^

You're work's just great and it really flatters me that I've been able to do something that pleased you! :D

Oooh, I do like this!!

Thanks! I'm glad you do! :)

Alright, so here's some more. Hope you'll like this as well! ^_^


Ludwig watched his little brother for a while, smiling. He had to admitt, that Gilbert was quite handsome, despite his red, sore nose and the ashen face. He moved to the kitchen and switched on the water heater. Noisily rummaging into their cupboards, he started to search for some tea. He'd hardly found to bags and placed them into the cups, as he doorbell rang. Ludwig took a look at the clock and cursed.

„Who bigh'd this be?“ he groaned and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand, hoping to supress the upcoming urge to sneeze, as he opened the door. He opened his mouth to greet the guest, but insted truned to the side and muffled a sneeze into his tissue.

"HAKIIIIFTTSHHHOUUM! Ro-hhooderich? Whad – Whad a- HEGXXFFF! Whad are you doi'g here?“ he asked in suprise while blowing his nose as discretely as possible.

„Gesundheit, Gesundheit! I have a date with Gilbert! Tell me, are you unwell, Ludwig? You're pale!“ Roderich glanced at his friend's little brother in concern. Ludwig cleared his throat before he answered.

„Nein! I'm fine. Come in!“ he motioned the Austrian to step in and Roderich shuffled to the kitchen.

„Ah, you already prepared some tea! How thoughtful!“ he grabbed for one of the cups andsat at the table.

„So? Where's Gilbert? Don't tell me he's up again, the third day in a row to write at his blog?“ Roderich's voice sounded quite annoyed.

„Not really...“ Ludwig mumbled. „To be honest, he is--“


Starteld, Roderich spinned around to the kitchendoor.

„... sick.“ Ludwig ended his sentence.

The Austrian couldn't supress a sound of horror. What was standing in the door was quite handsome for the state it was in, but could have also been left over from a zombie apocalypse. Gilbert's face was ashen, even though Roderich would have never expected that the Prussian might be paler than usual. There were deep shadows under his eyes and his nose was visibly sore and reddish. His face was sweaty and his white hair was sticked to his forehead and neck. His lips were parted slightly and there was a rattling sound to be heard with every breath he took. Gilbert leaned at the doorframe, whiping some tears from his eyes and sighing heavily.

„Roderich! I'b so glad do see you!“

The Austrian slowly closed his mouth and swallowed thickly before he answered.

„Gesundheit, Gilbert! You look horrible!“

„Tha'g you!“ Gilbert muttered, dragging himself to the table. „Wes'd!“ he whined, „Where's by dea?!“ sniffling, he rubbed his nose.

„C-Coming!“ Ludwig grabbed for the other cup and hastily set it in front of his lttle brother before turning away from the table with a sharp breath.

"HA'RAAAKTTSHHH! HA'IIISHHHIOUU! Verzeihu'g!" He mumbled, blowing his nose.

„Gesu'dheid, Wesd!“ Gilbert sipped at his tea.

„Ja, Ludwig! I second that wish!“ Roderich glanced at him in concern.

„Da'ge!“ Ludwig blushed and filled another cup with boiling water before he started to search for another bag of tea.

„I don't think were going to go out today, than?!“ Roderich glanced from Ludwig to Gilbert. Gilbert looked up from his tea and lifted the sleeve of his sweater to his face in attempt to muffle a heavy coughing fit.

„Uuugh!“ he sighed in the aftermath. „I do'd bi'd goi'g out with you, still! Id's just a headcold!“ he sniffed loudly, as Roderich's and Ludwig's eyes widened.

„Um Himmels Willen, Gilbert. I'm not going to take you out like this! It would me more than just embarrassing for both of us!“ Roderich ran a hand through his hair. Ludwig nodded and gasped.

„G-gilbert! Th- ... Thats a ... HAAPRRISHHHHHIIAA!" the German supported himself at the kitchen counter, his breath still hitching but unwilling to stop. „That's a r-really b-... bad c-co-... HEEKIFFFFFTSHH! Nng... cold you have! Do- Don't ove-... overesti- estim-... HE'TIISHHHHYOOU! overestimate your abilities.“ Ludwig sighed and rubbed his dripping nose at the tissue once more.

„You are o'de do tal'g!“ Gilbert grumbled and Roderich nodded.

"Gesundheit, Gesundheit and Gesundheit, Ludwig!! You should, neither. Good grief, how did you managed to catch this?“ Roderich sighed and got up. He pushed the shivering Ludwig to a kitchenchair and placed his mug infront of him.

„Da'ge.“ Ludwig mumbled and sipped at his tea.

„Kesese! You've bee'd asgi'g for by opi'diod!“ Gilbert protested and nudeged his little brother's shoulder.

„Wesd always is a l- litt-... little o-overpro-... HaaaAHH... HweeHeeeeHWEEKT'SHHHIIIAA! overprotective."

Gilbert's arm had snapped upwards to his face and he muffled a harsh, wet sneeze into the crook of his arm, blinking a few tears away that had whelled up in his eyes.„Jeez, Gilbert, Gesundheit! That's nothing about being overprotective! He is right!“

Roderich removed a few white strains from his lover's forehead, as the dorbell rang once more. Ludwig was about the get up, but Roderich genuinely pushed im back down.

„I'm gonna go. Do you expect someone?“

Both brother's shock their heads and Roderich dissappeared to the hallway. A few moments later, Feliciano's voice could be heard in the kitchen as he started to argue with the Austrian. Ludwig cursed. He ran a hand through his messy hair and blew his nose, cleared his throat, before he got up.

„Where are you goi'g?“ Gilbert asked. Ludwig rubbed his nose furiously.

„S-Solve the- ... the missunderstanding at the d-door!“ he answered and left the kitchen.

By the time he'd left the kitchen, Roderich had already started to push the Italian out of the german estate. Genuinely, Ludwig placed a hand at Austria's shoulder, but turned away as soon as he'd dared to open his mouth.

"L- Le-... HAA'RRAKKKSHHHHIII!" He pressed the soaked tissue to his nose once more and mumbled: „Let it be, Roderich!“

„Gesuuuuuundheeeeit!! Veeeee!! Ludwiiiig! Are you still not feeling well?“

Ludwig waved, caught in a fit of coughing. „Not that bad!“ he gasped and opened the door for the Italian. Feliciano passed Ludwig and the puzzled Austrian and placed a cool hand at Germany's forehead. To get this done, he had to stretch to the utmost. Ludwig escaped a sigh of relief before he whiped Feliciano's hand away and pretended an annoyed expression.

„D-Don't make a fu-... Haa! ... fuss!“ he sighed as the tickle in his nose faded again. „I'm fine, honestly!“ he snuffled and rubbed his dripping nose at his shoulder. Roderich snorted contemptuously and Feliciano's face was overwhelmed by concern.

„Ludwig ... you're burning up. You shouldn't be out of bed!“ he mumbled.

„He's right, Ludwig! You both shouldn't!“ Roderich snapped as Germany opened his mouth to reject.

„Both...?“ Feliciano murmured and jumped to hide behind Ludwig as an explosive sneeze could be heard behind him.

"HEWIISHHIAAAAAKSHHHOUU! Uuurgh... Whad ki'd of pardy is thad? A'd you've dod beed idviti'g be!“ Gilbert rubbed his beet red nose at the collar of his shirt and heavily leaned against the wall.

"Grundgütiger, Gilbert! Gesundheit, in Gottes Namen! What are you doing here, anyhow?"

Roderich took two steps closer to his lover and pushed him back to the living room. Gilbert protested weakly, but plopped to the couch and sighed contently. Austria was about to turn around, as he noticed that the Prussian was klinging to the edge of his sleeve and looking up to him, out of big, red eyes.

„St- stay wi-wHHhIIIh! HWEPFFIIISHHHHPHHE! With be, o'gay?" Gilbert had buried his face into Roderich's sleeve to cover his sneeze, which was commented by the Austrian with a disgusted look. His expression softened soon again as he looked into Gilbert's eyes.

„I'm just gonna get you your tea. Afterwards I'll stay with you, promised!“ he answered and Gilbert nodded weakly before he sank deeper into the cussions.

By the time Roderich had returned to the hallway, he found Feliciona clinging to Ludwig and keeping on and on at Ludwig, while Germany was running a hand through his hair and pressing a tissue up to his nose. His breath was alarmingly erratic and his nostrils quivered. His eyebrows had wandered up his forehead and Roderich noticed the helpless look at his face, as he turned away from Feliciano the best he could and snapped forward with the force of his sneezes, supporting himself at the wall, instinctively.

"HAAPRRRIIIIISHHH! HE'KIISHIIIIEW! HAaaAAHPFFFIIIIITSSSHHH! Uuhg! Verz-... HAKIISHTCHHHIII! HUURUUUUSHHHHIEEEW! Uuuuugh... Verzeihu'g!" he blushed and rubbed his nose at the tissue.

"Veee!" Feliciano looked even more unhappy.

„Gesundheit, Ludwig! Gesundheit! Get to the couch, grab yourself a blanket and keep warm. I'll get you your tea!“ Ludwig nodded weakly and Roderich dissapeared in the kitchen.

Feliciano grabbed for Ludwig's sleeve and dragged the stumbling German behind him to the living room. Willingly, Ludwig plopped to the couch, facing Gilbert and placed his head into Feliciano's lap. Carefully, the Italian started to rub soft circles at Ludwig's scalp, and Germany hummed contently.

„Kesesese! So'beode is tagi'g adva'dage frob his cold!“ it croaked from the bundle of blankets under which Ludwig suspected Gilbert. He blushed and instinctively straigtened to move a little from Feiliciano. The sudden movement had been bringing back the burning itch in his sinuses and he desperately searched for a tissue, but instead clapped his hand over his mouth, turning away from Feliciano the best he could.

"HEEKRRIIIIPFFFFSHHH! Agaid, you're exaggerati'g, Gilber'd!“ he snapped and sighed as Feliciano got up and tugged him into one of the five blankets in which Gilbert had wrapped up.

„Vee! Leave him alone, Gilbert! I don't feel exploited, at all!“

Gilbert giggled but stoped soon after to break into a serious fit of coughing. He got up, gasping for air. Prussia was hardly able to breath and to make matters even worse, the tickle from his throat was slowly creeping up his sinuses. His breath hitched and he gasped as his nostrils started to quiver slightly.

"Hu ... *cough* Haa.. Ipshhhh" the first sneeze, Prussia caught into the blanket, rather was a sigh than a sneeze. Again, he gasped, but wasn't able to get anything out than a rattling cough. Helplessly, he lifted the blanket as his breath caught. "HaaEeeh ... *cough* II'KRRIIIISHHH! ... WAAKIIIITSHHH! ... HWE'EETPPFFFFYOUU! *cough cough* Hee.. Iihh... MMMPPK'FFF! HEDJIIIISHHHAAAA! Huu... Haaa... Nng ...

Hhm... Hhiii... IKSHH! HWESHI! ISHHI! HAA'GNISHHHHYOOOUU! Uuuuugh!" With one last, harsh sneeze, he snapped forward, taking one big breath and plopping back to the couch.

„Vee! Gesundheit! Salute, Salute, Gilbert!!“ Feliciano's voice nearly cracked in concern.

"Gott verdab'd, Gilber'd!! Do'd forged do breath!"

Gilbert obviously was well enough to grin weakly. „Shud u'b! I've had buch bore di'be do develobe this, tha'd you!“ he coughed and managed

to wring a smile from his little brother.

„You'll always have e'dough edergy lefd for this, hei'd?“ he mumbled. His head sank back and he slowly closed his eyes. Only a few seconds later, he desperately teared them open again, as Feliciano sat himself at his lap, directly staring into his eyes. There wasn't much space left inbetween their faced and the fear, he might be sneezing at the italian revived the damned itch into his nose. His nostrils trembled and he desperately tried to push him aside, but failed.

„Fe-Heli ... FelicianoHhhuuH! ... Y- you mad?“ he stumbled and pressed a fist to his nose, hoping to kill the damn tickle. Even though this had worked for some time, it wasn't helpful at the moment. While Ludwig desperately searched for something to cover his mouth with,

grabbing for a pillow, finally, Gilbert wasn't able to supress a grin.

„Aw... thad's go'd do be love!“ he mocked and Ludwig's expression changed from desperate to annoyance, before his face disappeard into the pillow.

HURRUUUUSHHHHHHYOU! HRAAAKSHHHHHHOUUM! ASHHHOUUU! ... HE'BRUUUSHHHHHFYOU! ... Uuugh...“ slowly, Ludwig's head appeared again, bright red and this time, distorted with rage. Germany alway tended to be quite thin-skinned when hewas sick and his big brother's abilities in going on his nerves never failed to get him. Gilbert's grin fell, as the pillow, which Ludwig had covered his sneezes with, hit his head. He wrinkled his nose in disgust, but turned to desperately rubbing it, soon, as his breath got erratic once more. Gilbert pinched his eyes shut and sivered, as if to literally shake off the itch, before he jerked forward, sneezing openly and harsh into the air.


„Gesundheit, you two!“ Austria's soft voice sounded from the door and seemed to end the conflict between the two brothers. With a critical look at Ludwig, he placed the tray he was holding at the table and sat next to Gilbert at the couch. He'd hardly settled down, as Gilbert had curled, his head resting at Roderich's lap and humming contently, like a small kitten. Roderich rolled his eyes and his hand disappeared in the Prussian's white hair.

„Good grief, Gilbert! You're burning. You're incredibly hot!“ he noticed in concern, as his hand wandered from Prussia's scalp to his forehead. Gilbert turned from the side to his back and directly stared into Roderich's face now, even though mucus from his nose was now running down his throat and made breathing even more complicated for him.

„You thi'g so?“ he grinned suggestively and both, Roderich and Ludwig, rolled their eyes. If Roderich's hand wouldn't be laying at Gilbert's burning forehead at the moment, he would have thought, that Prussia wasn't doing that bad. As Gilbert's nose twitched again, Austria was overwhelmed with tenderness, though, and he grabbed for a tissue, dropping it at Gilbert's face listlessly, still smiling.

„You better not sneeze at me!“ he ordered and Gilbert nodded willingly, grabbing for the tissue at his face and hastily sitting up.

HhuuurrHEEeeiik!“ Gilbert produced a gurgling noice in attempt to breath out and looked as if he would be chocking on himself again. A moment later, he jerked forward into the tissue.


„Gesundheit!“ Roderich sighed. „Somehow, I had imagined something quite different for this evening.“ he complained, as he leaned back at the couch and rubbed his temples, eyes closed.

While Gilbert muffled his sneezing fit into the tissue Ludwig was able to push Feliciano aside finally, who'd watched the Prussian in fascination.

„G'eeb your dista'dce.“ he mumbled and stifled a cough in his shoulder, turning away from Feliciano. „You do'd wand do cadch this, believe be!“

Feliciano frowned and seemed not be afraid of catching it, the way Austria seemed to be. The Austrian was desperate to avoid touching Gilbert's stuff and hardly was able to supress a disgust expression. Feliciano, however, seemed not to care and Ludwig got uncomfortable about how close the Italian got to him. He wondered about this, since they never had met outside from work and even though he enjoyed Feliciano's company, he felt embarrassed and uncomforable about his sickness. Ludwig snuffled wetly and muffled through his hair, as Feliciano placed his head at Germany's shoulder and mumbled something of which Ludwig only got 'better stayed in bed'. Instantly, he tensed and shifted to defense mode, even though Feliciano's intention might not have been to attac him in any way. Like it had all the evening, the first word passing his lips, was enough to set him on the edge of another sneeze.

„So'be thi'gs are m-more ibpor-porta'd ... th- tha'd... HURUSHHHHIEW! ... I'HUSHHHOUU! ... tha'd by health!“ he stated. „I got liabilities.“ he coughed quietly and remembered himself and Feliciano of the conference at the museum, tomorrow, for which he'd agreed to give a speech about the history of his country, months ago. Feliciano frowned.

„Salute. You're not talking about this stupid conference, do you?“ Feliciano asked in concern and Ludwig replied his look with a sore expression.

Gilbert, who had his head rested at Roderich's lap again, listened up.

„Co'dfere'dce?“ he asked interessted and Ludwig rolled his eyes. He'd not been telling his brother about that for a reason. Gilbert had always thought, that he was the right one to talk about history, fighting countless battles gloriously. Everytime the museum had had events like this, Gilbert had popped up, distorting history for his sake, while Ludwig desperately tried to keep up an objective image of their country. Feliciano's frown deepened and Roderich, who'd witnessed discussions like that many times before, rolled his eyes.


Ludwig sighed heavily and closed his eyes. „Dei'd, Gilber'd! Forged id!“ he grumbled and stared down at Gilbert's red eyes. He'd always won their fight in staring, but that never had kept Gilbert form doing as he was pleased.

„Bu-HhhuH! Bud I'd be the perfe- Heehh! ... HE'IUSHHHHHHA! ... wa- wai'd I ... Uuugh... He'ISHhhhou! DiUh'shhiew!“ he got a frown from everyone for his last two sneezes, commenting it with a blush in his cheeks first and a scoffed look. „You kdow you deed be for this!“ he stated, adjusting the blanket around his shivering body.

„You're sick, Gilbert! And not just a little bit.“ Roderich sighed and handed the Prussian a tissue. Gilbert did not look as if he was about to give in though, but had no time for another reply. His breath was hitching and he snatched the tissue from Austria's hand and hardly managed to get it in position in time.


„Gesundheit!“ Roderich sighed and rubbed Gilbert's back, as the other finished his fit with another of harsh and wet coughing.

Austria frowned and glanced at his watch.

„Time to go to bed, now. I wanna go home!“ he got up with a silent sigh and leaned forward to pick up the Prussian. Under protests and waving by Gilbert, Roderich finally managed to take three steps, before he had to stop for a break.

„Actually, is there a'dythi'g you're good at?“ Gilbert complained and weakly tried to free himself. „Led b'e go, verda'bd!“

Roderich rolled his eyes and started walking again. Ludwig smiled about Austria's efforts to get is stubborn brother to bed, but was disturbed by another coughing fit himself. Desperately, Feliciano pulled at his sleeve.

„Ludwig...“ he squeaked, „perhaps you should as well...“

Ludwig nodded weakly and got up, supported by Feliciano, who definetely was unable to carry the muscular German to bed.

„Wa-HaiiEHHhh....“ Ludwig stoped halfway to the door and Feliciano handed him a tissue. The German took it thankfully and turned to the side. „HERRRASHHHHHYOUU! HA'SHHHHHOU! ... HE'ASHHHHHHHOU!“

„Veeee... Salute!“

„Da'ge!“ he mumbled sheepishly, while blushing again. As much as he enjoyed having the Italian with him, he still made him feel much more uncomfortable and messy than ususal. Sniffling decently, he followed Feliciano to his bedroom, where Roderich already had placed Gilbert at the bed, gasping and leaning over the Prussian. At first, Ludwig thought that he might have invaded their intimacy, until hi noticed, that Roderich was cursing loudly, weakly trying to free himself from Prussia's grip. Gilbert seemed to have taken advantage of Austria's weakened state form carrying him, digging his hands into Roderichs collar and chaining him to the bed by this.

„Gilbert, verfluchte Scheiße! You better going to let me go immediately!“ Roderich cursed as Ludwig entered the room and Germany leaned at the doorframe, gasping heavily and interrested watching the happening at the bed.

„Veeee...?!“ Feliciano exchanged a look with Ludwig and the way Germany smiled made him shiver.

Roderich still was writhing under Gilbert's touch, while Prussia's erratic breath could be heard from the bed.

„Gilbert! Don't you dare!“ Roderich's voice nearly cracked in fear as Gilbert's lips parted slightly. His nostrils trembled and his silent gasping evolved to a loud moaning. Gilbert had his both hand in use, grabbing Austria's collar and was unwilling to let him go. Plus, seeing the Austrian in this state of pure fear and terror gave him a feeling of mischievous delight.

„HeeeiIHH C-cover y- ... yoHuUUhh ... your ea-HIIiIIHH!! ... HIIIRAAAHHHHHHHOUUU! HUPRUUSHHHHHOU! HA'PSHHHHHYOU! HE'ASHHHHHHH! ... ASHHHHHIEW!“ Gilbert blinked a few times, his mouth still open and tentively sniffed. „Do'de!“ he observed,

grinning contently. Roderich's terror had given way for pure disgust. Slowly he lifted his hand and whiped away the spray, Gilbert's sneezes had left at his face, hastily bringing the sleeve of his jacket to his mouth in attempt to avoid throwing up. He swallow thickly and it took a few seconds until his stomach had calmed a little. The disgust gave way for annoyance and anger. Harshly, he broke away from Gilbert and raised his hand, before giving Prussia's face a slap.

„Gesu'dheid!“ Ludwig scoffed from where he was leaning and threw a mocking glare at Austria, who seemed to have noticed him only now. For some reason, Ludwig found it hilarious that Roderich was unable to even compete with his weak and sick brother.

„So that's what you get for offering your help!“ he hissed and left the room, accompanied by Gilbert's silly giggling.

„Gilber'd! Cal'b yourself!“ Ludwig hummed and plopped to the bed.

Feliciano was torn between his compassion for Austria and the reluctance to leave to two brother's alone. Even though he was unable to fully understand the Austrian's reaction to Gilbert sneezing at his face, he did not want to get away from Ludwig.

„Veee...“ he mumbled. Ludwig, who seemed to get very well what Feliciano's problem was, tried to calm him.

„Hsssh, Felicia'do. Heh- he iHiih... is u- ... IUSHHHHHHOUUU! ... used do id, do'd worry!“ he muttered, hiding his face into his pillow to spare the others the sight. Indeed, what had developed between Roderich and Gilbert seemed to be rather a love-hate relationship and Ludwig had wondered how they got along, anyhow. He himself had always thought that the Austrian was weak, while Gilbert had always had fun in annoying the Austrian, one of his biggest talents.

Feliciano did not seemed calmed by this and left the room the catch the Austrian at the door. Ludwig sighed and leaned back. His head met the pillow and instantly, he got sleepy. Carefully, he crawled under the blanket for not to disturb Gilbert and curled at the side, his head pressed to the pillow. His breath was erratic still since his last sneeze, but the tickle not desperate enough to push him over the edge.

Hhhh ... Ehhh...“ Ludwig sighed and rubbed his nose at the pillow.

„Stu'g?“ Gilbert asked, who'd curled up as well and was now moving closer to his brother.

„'Geeb y- your dis- ... dista'dce!“ Ludwig grumbled, who was, even though he was still shivering, unwilling to spoon his brother as long as Ludwig and Feliciano were still around.

„I jus'd wa'da helb, Wes'd!“ Gilbert complained and leaned over his little brother, who was still pressing his head to the pillow. Emphatically, he pressed a hand to Ludwig's shoulder and turned him around. Ludwig gasped in surprise and instantly his chest rose and fell even more erratic. Desperately, he searched for a tissue, but noticed that they had forgotten to bring the box to their bedroom. Damn! Hastily, he teared the blanket up to his face and turned away from Gilbert the best he could.


„Gesu'dheid!“ Gilbert muttered with a monotony, that Ludwig rolled his eyes.

„If you do'd bea'd id, you be'der dod say id!“ he grumbled and balled his fist to nugde his brother's shoulder.

„Da'ge Gilber'd! ... Ger'dgeschehe'd!“ Prussia complained and turned around. Ludwig rolled his eyes in annoyance once more and sniffled emphatically. He cursed for not having brouth the tissues and sheepishly whiped his nose at the blanket, even though he'd

been lecturing Gilbert not to do so, earlier that day.

„AHA!“ Prussia protested instantly. „I though'd thad was disgusti'g!“ he griped and Ludwig blushed.

„Id is!“ he confirmed. „Bud we have do tissues ub here.“

Gilbert frowned as he notices that his brother was right. Carefully, he sat up, greeted by the annoying itch in his sinuses.

„Where are you goi'g?!“ Ludwig asked in concern, as Gilbert got up and stumbled to the door, nostrils trembling and mouth wide open.

„Ge- ged'i- ... HWE'EETPPFFFFYOUU!“ he pressed the sleeve of his sweater to his face, still stumbling forward. His whole body was bend by the waist and he would have fallen over, if there would not have been a steady hand at his back and waist, keeping him upright.


With eyes wide open, Gilbert straightened again and his head plopped to Roderich's shoulder instantly.

„I though'd you'd leave be alo'de with hi'b!“ Gilbert whined, waving to the bed and catching an angry snort by Ludwig for this.

Roderich patted Prussia's back and pushed him back to the bed, slowly.

„I'll watch after you tomorrow. You're going to make it until than!“ he mumbled and ran a thumb over Gilbert's cheek. Prussia sticked out his lip, but did not complain any longer. Instead he turned away from Roderich to cough, directly coughing at Ludwig's face though, who commented this with another angry snort and turning away from his brother. Gilbert grinned mischievously, while Austria tugged him in and pressed his forehead

against Gilbert's, before pressing a kiss at Austria's cheek.

„You're burning up!“ he noticed and place the box of tissues at the nightstand.

„Feliciano is going to get you some tea and you should be taking some of these afterwards.“ he waved with a small dose of pills, placing them next to the tissues afterwards. „Sleep well!“ and he dissapeared from the room, followed by one of Gilbert's dramatic sobs.

„Co'be od!“ Ludiwg hissed, „I'b dod a tha'd bad co'badio'd!“ he protested and grabbed for a pillow to throw it at his brother's face.

„Yes you are!“ Gilbert hissed back and huffily sticked out his lip. „I ca'd hardly slee'b dex'd do you!“ he frowned and Ludwig rolled his eyes again..

„You're ode d'o dal'g!“ he mumbled and turned back to the side. Ludwig had nearly fallen alseep, as Gilbert next to him sniffed harshly, pressing a pillow to his mouth in attempt to muffle one of his sneezing fits.


„You be'der dod co'blaid aboud by sdeezes!“ Ludwig grumbled and was about to close his eyes again, as the door clicked.

„Are you still awake?“ a soft voice mumbled from the door. Instantly, Ludwig was awake again, sitting up, instead of curling to the side. He'd been moving a little to fast, however and it had made him dizzy as well as revived the damn tickle again. He shivered as if to shake it off as his breath got caught. He'd hardly opened his mouth, as Feliciano already piped a „Salute!“

Hhuh... HA'IIISHHHHIAAA! HURASHHHHHOU! ... Da'ge.“ he mumbled sheepishly andgrabbed for a tissue from the box at the nightstand.

Gilbert ignored the Italian as well as his little brother, while Feliciano placed their tea at the nightstand. He opened the dose and handed every brother a pill and a cup. While Ludwig was taking his medicine willingly, swallowing it with a sip from his tea, Gilbert pretended a disgust look.

„I'b fi'de. I do'd deed do da'ge these!“ he grumbled and reached out his hand, as if to return the pill to Feliciano.

„Gilber'd!“ Ludwig muttered and hit the back of his brother's head with the flat hand.

„You're goi'g do da'ge this. Otherwise you'll regred id!“ he threatened and did a pathetic attempt to stare his brother down. Gilbert did not look any impressed, but placed the pill at his tongue finally and hurried to swallow it with his tea. His chest was raising and falling erratically and he'd nearly chocked the tea, as he pitched forward into the blanket.


„Gesu'dheid.“ Ludwig muttered and rubbed his brother's back.

Feliciano giggled silently and placed the tissued at the bed, inbetween the two brothers. He leaned forwards, afterwars to press his forehead against Ludwig's. Germany turned beet red and was about to push the Italian aside, as he placed a kiss at his cheek. Ludwig's eyes widened, while Gilbert next to him started giggling.

„Ooow... How cu'de!“ he sighed.

„Gilber'd!! Felicia'do!“ Ludwig gasped in horror. „Gilber'd, bi'd your owd buis'dess! A'd Felicia'do, you be'der keeb your disda'dce!“ Desperately, Ludwig avoided to look into anyones eyes, grabbing for a tissue instead and blowing his nose with a gurgling honk.

„Veeee, Ludwig. You're still really warm. Better get some rest! I'll look after you after my shift tomorrow!“ he announced and Ludwig frowned.

„I guess I'll see you ad the co'dfere'dce id the buseu'b toborrow!“ he observed and smiled weakly. Feliciano did not look any happy about this.

„Vee... you better be thinking about this, Ludwig.“ he mumbled, removing a few strains from the Germans face, before he pressed a last kiss to his lips. Ludwig sighed and placed the cup at the nightstand, falling back to the pillows. Feliciano was right, as well as Gilbert had been right yesterday, but there were urgent duties waiting for him. Bad enough that he'd missed work today. He could not allow himself that kind of weakness another time. Carefully he turned to the side and moved a little closer to his big brother. Gilbert's breath was irregular and he finally muffled a harsh sneeze into the pillow, shaking the whole bed.


„Jesus Christ, Gilber'd, bless you!“ Ludwig mumbled and frowned as his brother did not answer. He leaned over and noticed that Gilbert was fast asleep. Jealous, he leaned back and closed his eyes, ready to face another night without much sleep at all.

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  • 3 months later...


Jesus Christ, Gilber'd, bless you! Ludwig mumbled and frowned as his brother did not answer. He leaned over and noticed that Gilbert was fast asleep. Jealous, he leaned back and closed his eyes, ready to face another night without much sleep at all.


You my dear have made my entire day thank you for this lovely piece of writing

You are really good at it and I'd like to say keep it up you got talent! The brothers being

sick together is my all time favorite story, that last part I quoted above my fav part <3

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ah! OMG I love this so much *swoons* it's so adorable. Prussia being sick is just total fangirl material. I CANT EVEN!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I love Prussia and Germany so much and you kept them in really good character well done! XD

i may be really late to this but oh well :P

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  • 2 years later...

First of all, sorry for not responding to that for quite some time (almost 3 years... wow.) Some shit happened and I got busy somehow... I did check this though, so I do know, that you've been enjoying that. At least some of you. And thank's for sticking with it! I don't even know why, but lately I felt like doing a continue to this one. Maybe that was due to the fact, that there is nearly no Hetalia-stuff around here anymore. How come?! Anyways...

I feel like I should be excusing myself for the crappy english I used, creating that. Actually, I've been writing that in german and translated it afterwards. I know, I'm not supposed to do that... XD But well... :)


The moment Gilbert opened up his eyes the next morning, Ludwig had already been gone. After a night full of creepy dreams, he felt much more tired now than he had been before going to sleep yesterday. He rubbed his red rimmed eyes and carefully got up. For a second, the room kept spinning before his eyes. Once he was able to tell floor from ceiling, he stumbled to the door and left the room. Croaking up a dry cough, he called for his little brother.
"West?" His voice was merely a silent whisper and so he cleared his throat and tried once more.
"West?" Still, the answer was missing. Gilbert cursed and moved to the kitchen. Every single muscle in his body ached. The moment he had reached the kitchen door, he could hear Ludwig rustling with the Newspaper inside. Cursing once more, he yelled the door open.
Ludwig looked up from his paper and stared at him out of big blue eyes.
"Good Morning, Gilbert."
Restfully, he folded up the paper and kept his eyes on the Prussian, while Gilbert draged himself to the next kitchen chair.
"Why didn't you wake me up, verdammt?" he croaked and welled up a dry cough.
Ludwig got up and took a cup from the cupboard.
"The way you look, you should not be out of bed. That's why!"
Gilbert snorted and his forehead sank down to the table.
"Who's fault is this?"
Instead of answering, Ludwig brewed up the tea and placed it in front of Gilbert. He then sank back to the chair and went on where he had stoped. They kept silent for a while, until Ludwig was rustling with the paper once more.
"HEE'ASHHHHHOU! ... Scheiße!!"
Gilbert rose his head just in time to watch Ludwig hastily jumping up. Coffee was dripping from the table, flowing out of the cup he had kicked over with the newspaper whilest sneezing. Grumbling angrily, he whiped some coffee from his pants, which was commented by Gilbert with a silly giggle.
"Shut up!" Ludwig grunted.
Gilbert kept sipping his tea.
"Where are you going?" he croaked in a huskie voice.
His little brother was dressed in a black smoking, wearing a red bow tie. His hair was combed perfectly and except for the red nose and his pink cheeks, nothing seemed to be wrong with him.
"You're going to give tha speech, don't you?"
Gilbert's eyes where shining not just in fever. In his mind, glorious battles were won, over and over. Ludwig sat back down and leaned over to place a cool hand at Gilbert's glowing forehead.
"You are..." he stopped, overcome by a bad coughing fit. "... going to bed."
Gilbert did not look happy. His head ploped back down to meet the table and he started whining about how much he hated Ludwig, how unfair everything was and how everything bad in the world was his little brother's fault.
"You al...Huhh... always MmmhH... HWAASHHHHHHHHI ... keep getting in my way."
Ludwig did not even blink. Instead he mopped up the coffee.
"I'm not going to discuss that with you." his voice cracked and he knew, he was not the one to lecture Gilbert about health. Gilbert kept complaining. Without even pausing, he lifted his head and took one big breath.
"And- HEHH'IISSSSSHHHIEW! ... Haah'PSSHHHHHHHOU! it's a matter of principle, anyways."
Ludwig got up and walked around the table. He put his hand on Gilbert's shoulder and the older one stopped whining.
"To bed you go!"
After he had put the protesting Gilbert to sleep, Ludwig made his way to the conference. Outside, autumn was still drenching the streets in grey and so Germany deceided to keep an umbrella with him today. He merely took two steps, as the deep humming of a sports car could be heard from behind his back. He turned his head at the exact moment, Feliciano's red car stopped next to him. With the intention not to disturb the traffic, the Italian had stopped the car directly next to the pavement, welling up a lot of water from a puddle. Germany's shoes and pants where drenched, once the car had stopped his tracks. Ludwig looked down at his feet with a sour expression. Before he was able to think about it though, Feliciano had opened the passenger door for him. Ludwig cleared his throat, brushing through his blonde hair one last time, before he stepped into the car.
"Good Morning!" Feliciano chirped.
Ludwig nodded and hastily lifted his ellbow to cover his face.
"HuuH'AASHHHHHHHIE! Good Morning!"
Feliciano, who'd already been making his way back into traffic, shot a concerned glare at Germany.
"Are you okay? You look a little pale."
Ludwig's reaction was similar to before. He nodded and hastily grabbed for his scarf.
A quiet moan and eyes closed, it was visibly that the German was in no better condition then the day before. He did not feel as tired though, but his nose was still tickling furiously.
"Just go." Germany motioned the Italien to drive, while gasping for air.
"Aah... He'IISSshh ... I'm okay." He rubbed his nose, desperatly trying not to stain his shirt nor his jacket.
After 10 more minutes, they had reached the museum. Ludwig was struggeling to get out, but Feliciano motioned him to stop, jumped out of the car and insisted to carry the umbrella for him. Ludwig smiled as he had himself helped out of the car by the small Italian, whilst feeling like he was escorted to the Oscar's.
"Thank you!" he mumbled, blushing sheepishly.
They entered the massive building and as soon as Ludwig had stepped through the door, Roderich came running for him. Ludwig shock his head in attempt do get rid of the last drops of rain and placed a steady hand at the other's shoulder.
"Roderich!" his voice was hoarse and he hastily cleared his throat. "Nice to meet you."
The Austrian nodded.
"How's Gilbert? You did not bring him here, did you?"
Ludwig shock his head. His mouth hang opend and he was digging in his pockets for a tissue. Since he was unable to come up with one and still unwilling to use the sleeve of his jacket, he clapped his hands in front of mouth and nose.
"HIih'ESHHHHHHAAAHH! No." he blusehd. "I hope he's still in bed."
Roderich's face was overcome with concern. The Austrian placed a hand on Germany's back and led him to the auditorium. All of a sudden, Ludwig was feeling even less well and he wondered, wether it has been a good idea to come all this way. Some of the people were turning their heads for him and he struggled showing a smiling face to everyone. The moment he spotted him, Japan was making his way over from the podium. The intimacy the two countries had shared once, made it even worse for Germany. Kiku was the last one, he wanted to show weakness to, regarding what they had been through together. He tensed and took a deep breath, hastily biting his lip in attempt to stop himself from sneezing.
"Ha ...Huh! HHh'PSSSSSSSSFFFFOUH." he pressed a fist to his nose and doubled over by the force of his sudden sneeze.
"I'm sorry." Germany sniffed as discretely as possible, turning beet-red as Japan offered a pack of tissues to him. Tissues and an umbrella, that seemed to be the two things, Kiku would always be carrying around with him.
Ludwig nodded and fished a tissue from the package, attempting to return it to Japan. Kiku shock his head and turned to Roderich.
"Are you ready?"
Austria nodded and stepped onto the podest where someone had placed a piano next to the rostrum. While Roderich started to play, Japan was leading Ludwig to a chair in the first row, where he sat down. Germany had difficulties calming his breath. The itch in his nose seemed to get worse and worse, the more he tried to suppress it. He hastily clapped the tissue in front of his nose and hunched over.
"Are you sure you want to speak?" Kiku leaned over, supportingly placing a hand at Germany's muscular back. The other nodded, pressing the tissue to his still streaming nose.
"Heh'KNNNTShhh. ... No problem!" he whispered, blowing his nose discretely and throwing a glance at the speech, he'd written a few days before.
Shortly before Roderich had ended his play, Kiku stepped to the podest. While Japan was announcing his speech, motioning the German to come over, Ludwig was still fighting another itch welling up his nose. He'd hardly climbed up the stairs, as he was overcome by the urge to sneeze. Ludwig covered his face in one of Japan's tissues and doubled over.
Blushing sheepishly, he hurried to step over to Kiku, cleared his throat and glared at the audience.
"I thank you all for coming today." Ludwig coughed silently. "No doubt, most of you do already know about my history. Still, I shall give you some more reasons to come and stay over at our beautiful cities. Our history has not been shaped on the battlefield only, but is full of poetry, music and philosophy."
At that point, Ludwig's speech was disturbed by the banging door.
"HWWE'IISHHHHHOU!  That's so utterly wrong!"
Everyone turned to the door and Ludwig, who was forced to look up from his notes, stared at the door in horror. Gilbert had entered the auditorium, dripping wet, furiously struggling to breath and his eyes sparkeling with deceiveness.
Even before Ludwig was able to react to Gilbert's statement, Austria had jumped to the door, trying to push the Prussian out of the auditorium. Since Germany had witnessed Austrias physical weakness yesterday, he wasn't suprised by the young aristorcat's failing. Gilbert was shivering, as he pointed at Ludwig and made his way to the podest.
"You're not gonna keep me down this time!"



Okay... there's not so much sneezing in this one. I hope to come up with some more maybe.

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