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Sick Benny (SPN Dean/Benny)

Voodoo huntress

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Another Dean/Benny, because they are a severely under-appreciated couple. Also a domestic AU, and Benny’s family is totally made up.

Also, I never said this in my other stories, but as you know, I am new here. The comments you guys leave make me so happy! I’m glad I finally started to write for this forum! blushing.gif

WARNING: I live in the South. I think we all know an issue in the south is homophobia. This fic will contain some homophobic language


“Benny, are you sure this is a good idea?” Dean put his Baby in park in the unfamiliar driveway of the beautiful, southern Lafitte home. Turning his view into the passenger side, he sighed when he saw his fiancé adjust his hospital mask.*

“Mon Cher, you don’t know my ma. Once she plans a family dinner, anyone who dares not show up shall be ‘disgraced from the family name’,” Benny rasped and coughed into his mask, sniffling thickly afterwards. “Besides, we’ve been engaged for about a year now. It’s time you met my family, wouldn’t you say?” Dean could tell Benny was smirking, with the way his eyes crinkled a bit.

“Well…yeah, but…it’s pretty chilly outside,” Dean started.


“…And, you’re as sick as a dog.” Dean bit his lip in worry when Benny lifted the mask, revealing a cherry red nose, and cleaned up the mess underneath his nose with a tissue. Benny came home from work a couple of days ago, sniffling, clearing his throat, and was looking a bit peaky. Dean’s suspicions were confirmed when Benny went without complaint when he sent him to bed early. The next morning, when Dean was about to rip his fiancé a new one for getting out of bed, Benny only sniffled and held up his phone, telling Dean that they were to attend a family event during the weekend.

In between that phone call and now, there was some quick overnight bag stuffing and a long drive with a run to a pharmacy in between. Since then, Benny has gone from the sniffles to a full, blown-out head cold. Dean shook from his thoughts when Benny cleared his throat roughly.

“Sugar, it’s really not that bad. Honestly. It’s just dinner, and then you can mother hen me all you want when we get to the hotel toniiii-HISHOO!!” Benny hurriedly put his mask back in place and shot forward, most likely needed another (dry) mask.

‘Good thing I bought an economy sized box…” Dean thought and put the back of his fingertips to Benny’s forehead. Feeling just slight warmth, he sighed and rubbed Benny’s back soothingly.

“Fine. But we leave at the earliest chance possible, you hear me?” Dean said sternly. Benny nodded, giving another eye-crinkling smile when Dean kissed his cheek.

They got out the car, leaving their bags in the trunk since they’d have to get to the hotel in a few hours. Benny stuffed a few tissues in his coat pocket and adjusted his hat before winding an arm around Dean’s waist, leading his fiancé up the stone path to the front door. He was about to raise a hand to knock when the door flung open, revealing a pretty older woman, wearing an apron and had a scarf around her hair.

“Ben! It’s so good to see you, my big bear! What’s with the mask? Oh no, you’re sick! Oh, my poor baby!” The woman cooed and squeezed the broader man.

“Ma…please…” Benny blushed under his mother’s fussing. Dean couldn’t quite hold back a snicker. Benny’s mother heard the small noise and turned to Dean.

“You must be Dean! My bear cub could never stop gushing about you over the phone. My name is Loretta,” Loretta ignored Dean’s outstretched hand and hugged him just as tight as she did her son. Holding him out at arm’s length, she looked him over.

“My, Benny, you chose such a pretty boy!” Dean flushed under the energetic woman and looked over to his fiancé, who had a hand over his eyes, his ears bright red.

“Well, Loretta, it’s nice to meet you too. Excuse my manners, but can we please get Benny inside? I don’t want him getting worse.” Dean gave his best smile. He winced when he heard Benny’s breaths quickening.


“Oh, honey, why are you letting little old me run my mouth? Come in, get warmed up!” Loretta pulled both of them into the warm, lively house. She then bustled off, leaving the couple to themselves.

“I’m so sorry, Cher…” Benny started. Dean held up a hand.

“Don’t worry about it. She seems like an awesome mother. Bear Cub.” Dean smirked.

Benny led them into the living room, where a few other members of the Lafitte family were chatting and they sat on a plush couch, the tiredness of the drive getting to them. Benny coughed a few times and laid his head on Dean’s shoulder, his breathing getting a slight rattle to it. Dean frowned and rubbed Benny’s cheek.

“You sure you gonna be okay, big boy? Maybe she might let us leave…” Benny shook his head and sniffled.

“Let’s just get this over with. You haven’t met the…not so friendly part of my family and Cher, you do not want to start that wrath.”

(TBC, definitely this time!)


*My aunt wears a hospital mask to prevent from spreading germs when she gets sick. It’s very common in Asian countries too. It’s just a polite thing to do.

Look for more soon!

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Yay... more dom AU of Benny and Dean, another pair I never thought I'd ship until you wonderful writers came along.

YES, they are the one of the best couples. I wish more people wrote sickfics with these guys...

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I’m in a very happy mood, I aced one of my exams. Yay! Another part to celebrate.


Despite the long drive, Dean was wide awake due to the unfamiliar environment. Sure, it was cozy, and whoever walked by greeted him, he still felt no tiredness from the traveling. Now for Benny, he had his head on Dean’s chest, his snores muffled by the mask and stuffed nose.

Dean was rubbing his fingers through Benny’s short hair, he didn’t notice the dark-looking man standing above them.

“Who the hell are you?” the voiced boomed. Dean jumped and the sudden movement startled Benny, who started that god-awful coughing again, thick and deep. Dean turned away from the stranger and started to rub Benny’s back.

“Don’t ignore me, boy. I asked you a question.”

“Leave ‘im alone, Charlie. He ain’t done nothing to you.” Benny rasped when the coughs died out. It would take a blind monkey to miss the disgust coming from the supposed ‘Charlie’. Dean rolled his eyes. He had no time for people like him; he was on vacation, dammit.

“You heard the man. You’re dismissed.” Dean stared Charlie down until the older man scoffed and walked away, probably to pout in a corner somewhere. Dean turned back to his fiancé.

“You doing okay, babe?” He asked Benny. Benny nodded, and lifted his mask, tissue ready.

“Huh-HUSHOO! HESHOO!! HISHOO!” Benny blew his nose after the mini explosions, a thick sound being produced. He groaned and handed the used tissue to Dean and covered his nose and mouth with his mask before laying his head back down on Dean’s chest.

Dean took the tissues without complaint and put them in his pocket (hey, he loved the man, gross things came with the job). Biting his lip in worry, he contemplated marching Benny out of the house right then and there. When Benny started sneezing in three’s, it only meant that this cold is turning for the worse.

Before Dean could even make a move on leaving, Loretta popped her head in.

“Dinner is ready, boys! Come sit at the table with the rest of us!” she chirped before walking away.



Before anyone was eating anything, Dean had ran to the car to get some cold tablets and made Benny take them. Sitting at the table, his fiancé was at least awake and wasn’t blowing germs every few seconds, so he took the mask off.

The spread on the table looked fantastic; everything homemade with a nice southern touch. Benny reached for a dinner roll, only to have Loretta slap his hand away.

“None of this for you, Bear. I made something nice for my sick boy.” She said sternly before placing a bowl of hot white chicken chili in front of her son. Benny started to protest and Dean kicked his leg, making him grunt.

“Thank you, Mrs. Laffite. Benny appreciates this special dish, don’t you Hon?” Dean stared pointedly at Benny. Benny glared at Dean, which make him look adorable with his red nose.

“Sure. Thanks, Ma.” Dean smirked and soon, everyone was eating.

There was a nice group of people, but not crowded, which Dean was afraid of. Sitting with them was Benny’s parents; Loretta and Samuel, a couple of cousins, and his uncle Charlie.

“So, Bear, how did you meet Dean?” Loretta asked in the middle of the feast.

“Oh, it was a…a…heh-heshoo! Hishooo! ESHOO!” Benny blushed behind his tissue when the whole table blessed him. Dean took mercy and took over.

“We met at Benny’s restaurant about 3 years ago. I had just had a falling out with my younger brother, and Benny saw my miserable ass walk in and he decided I needed someone to talk to. We’ve been together ever since. He proposed a year ago.” Dean finished off, both he and Benny smiling goofily at each other, their hands linked on the table in between them. The table erupted in ‘aww’s’ that stopped abruptly when a fork slammed down on the table.

“Would you please turn the disgusting display, I am trying to eat.” Charlie sneered at the couple. Dean stared, shock while everyone else look annoyed as if they’ve dealt with this before.

“Charlie, Benny is marrying this nice man, show some respect.” Samuel sighed.

“Why do I have to go out of my way so these homos can show all of this…this…explicit display?” Charlie waved his hand towards Dean and Benny.

Dean had enough and stood up.

“I might not know all of you guys on a personal level, but I am marrying your nephew, whether you like it or not. Get over yourself, you self-centered old man.” Dean glared at Charlie. Charlie stood as well.

“Is it even a legal marriage? Not that you even deserve it, it’s an abomination. Is that why you and your brother had a fight? Because he can’t stand to be related to a freak like you? I don’t blame him, they let you fags off too easy now. He’s better off without you slowing him down, isn’t he?” Dean gulped, his eyes filling with tears.

“Shut your damn mouth Charlie! You can take your issues elsewhere!” Benny shouted at him before turning to Dean, who still hadn’t moved. “Cher? You okay?” he asked quietly. His hear shattered when he saw a tear trail down his fiancé’s face.

“Thank you for the dinner. I…I have to go now.” Dean muttered and grabbed his coat before walking out the door.

“Good! Maybe Benny will get some sense now that the freak is gone.” Charlie said smugly. Benny lunged at his uncle and socked him in the face before running to the door.

“Dean, wait!”


Yeah…celebrating is fun, isn’t it? Sorry for lack of sneezes, I’m a sucker for plots

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I don't know how I only just discovered this fic now, but I love it! I hope you continue, it's fantastic! Poor Dean and God I love Benny... nice job!!

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Ugghhh, I see so many typos, that's probably irritating to y'all.

Is there anyway I can edit? Or can I not do that because I'm a new member?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow…so ADD + writer’s block = I completely forgot about this story. O.O I am so sorry! I wrote this in the A.M. so it’s probably horrible…but no typos hopefully! upset.gif


Benny ran outside, knowing for sure that Dean would be in the car. When he noticed it empty, he cursed and headed down the street, a slight panic building.

“Merde (Fuck). Dean? Dean, where are you??” Calling for his fiancé in this cold weather was torture for his sore throat. Benny paused his light jog to lean against a pole and coughed heavily into his fist.

“Heeh-HECKTSHUUuhh!! Eh-EESHHIEWW!! HESHOO!!” Benny leaned more heavily against the pole, panting. He could feel tears sting his eyes, both from illness, and from the fear he lost the love of his life.

“You really should be inside, baby. You sound freaking horrible.”

Benny whirled at the voice coming from his left. Looking over, he saw Dean-ThankFuckingChrist- in the small, empty neighborhood playground. He was slowly swaying on one of the old swings, a blank look on his face. Benny wanted to rush over and yank Dean into his arms, but realized this was a situation to ease into. Instead, he walked over and settled into a swing next to his fiancé. They sat in silence, only punctuated by a few sniffles and coughs from Benny.

“Y’know, I used to love this place growing up.” Benny broke the silence.


“Yeah, this was the place where I could really be alone. Where I felt no judging stares, or harsh whispers from people that just couldn’t accept me the way I am.” Benny grabbed Dean’s cold hand while saying this, squeezing tight. Benny turned to Dean, his eyes wet and full of regret. “Mon Cher…I am so sorry for what happened back there. I knew Charlie had his issues but…we never should’ve come here, and now you probably can’t stand me or my family-” Benny’s rambling was cut off from Dean’s full lips against his.

“Benny, it’s really okay. Sure, the bastard hit a bit close to home but you know what? Nothing could ever make me not want to be with you, you’re stuck with me, dumbass.” Dean huffed out a laugh and gave Benny a playful push that sent his fiancé rocking from side to side.

Benny righted himself and breathed out a sigh of relief. When he felt his nose twitch, he turned to sneeze freely into the air.

“hheeEEETCHOO!! ESHOO!! ESHIIIEEeww!! Ughh…” Benny groaned and sniffled thickly. He mumbled a thanks when Dean handed him a tissue he pulled from his coat pocket.

“Now I know why you wear a mask. Jesus, you could infect a small country with that cold.” Dean stood up from his swing and stood in front of Benny to feel his forehead. He only got a small hint of heat before Benny snapped forward again into his tissue, narrowly avoiding headbutting him.

“HETCHOO!! HESHOO! HAESHUUH!! Ugh, I feel like toasted shit…” Benny leaned his throbbing head on Dean’s belly, shivering. Dean rubbed his fiancé’s short hair and contemplated his next move. Did he really want to go back to that house, which was most likely hosting a screaming match, and he did not want Benny riled up again, not while sick with a new fever rising.

“Hey babe? I don’t know about you, but this seems like a perfect opportunity to get the hell home. Wouldn’t you say?” Benny lifted his head and beamed at Dean through his tissues.

“That sound fucking perfect, Sugar.”

Dean pulled Benny up and they walked side-by-side back to the car, an arm around each other’s waist.



Thank Jeebus I finished this. Now I can finally write that Wincest plot bunny I had for weeks, lol.

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I never even thought about Benny and Dean as a couple before, but this was really cute! I loved the forehead feeling in the last part! :wub: I'm excited for more stories from you! ;)

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I never even thought about Benny and Dean as a couple before, but this was really cute! I loved the forehead feeling in the last part! :wub: I'm excited for more stories from you! ;)

Awww, really? You're so sweet! Benny/Dean is my favorite pairing, I'm just spreading the idea, lol ^_^

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I don't know how I only just discovered this fic now, but I love it! I hope you continue, it's fantastic! Poor Dean and God I love Benny... nice job!!

Thanks for the kind words. You inspired me to finish this fic, I needed to get off of my lazy bum, haha

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