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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Angel Allergies? (SPN Cas) 5 Parts


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Okay. I have been really into Castiel sneezes lately, so I thought of this fic. I'm sorry it might be kinda short but it isn't much to go off of. I hope all of you beautiful people like this fic. The time that this fanfic is at is Season 6 a little after Sam gets his soul back.

-Carly <3

Part 1

"You take your pills for this Dean?" Sam asked, ducking his head through the door, just being sure if Dean should come in.

"Yeah yeah, I did. The damn cats. Cas you ready?" Dean shot a look at Cas, who was stiffly standing behind him.

"Ready." Cas said in his monotone voice.

They are pretty close to being done with their investigation. They have to check out this crazy cat lady's house who died. They think she might have something one of the spirit is connected to. Dean has his horrible cat allergies so they had to make sure he was ready for this. Cas agreed to go on this hunt with them because he wanted to prove himself as their friend, as they have been mad at him for sharing info and not being there.

They followed Sam into the house. Suddenly, Cas' nose felt weird and tickley. Nothing he had ever expirienced.

"Dean, Sam, why is my nose all tickly? And why are my eyes watery?" He asked, a bit alarmed.

They looked back at him and shrugged.

They continued parading through the house, trying to find something that looked like it was important. Cas' nose felt as if it was buzzing, when they walked through the living room.

"Ugh this is annoying. Does your nose ever feel like it is buzzing?" Cas asked, rubbing his nose vigorously.

"When I'm gonna have and allergy attack, but I'm pretty sure angels cannot have those." Dean murmured, searching under the couch cushion.

Cat hair flew up into the air, Dean looked at it with disgust. Suddenly Cas felt his breath catch.

"Hih-ih-ehh-HETCHuIEW!" Cas' head snapped forward powerfully, irritated tears streaming down his face.

"What was that?!" Cas asked, alarmed.

Dean and Sam stared at him with wide eyes.

"Since when... could angels sneeze?" Sam studied Cas.

Dean shrugged, still surprised. Cas felt the weird tickling and buzzing feeling in his nose again. Sam had picked the chair up and set it a few yards from Cas. Cas' breath hitched wildly. Dean and Sam stared in bewilderment.

"HERuSHiEW! IESHHSEW! EEUSHuU-uh! Ih-ihih-ISHCHIEW! UTCHNKIEW!" He sneezed rapidly and wetly towards the ground.

He had even more irritated tears streaming down his face. Cas' eyes were wide with terror.

"Do you think... he has allergies?" Dean muttered to Sam quietly.

"I didn't know that angels could get allergies." Sam whispered as he watched Cas try to wipe at his streaming eyes and nose but failing.

Dean shrugged.

"Hey uh Cas, you okay?" Dean asked awkwardly.

"Yes, I think. Why am I sneezing? That is only somethi-ih-hing- humans do-ih ISHIEW! AHETSHEW! HESHIEW! ESHH! ESHEW! ISH! ETCHIEW! CHIEW! HUH-TCSHIEW! ATSHSSIEW!" Cas said as he had another fit of irritated and wet sneezes.

"Okay Cas let's get ya outta here, my medicine is gonna wear off soon anyways." Dean said, pulling Cas to the door with Sam following.

Cas rubbed at his now red eyes and his pinkened nose.

"Cas, I'm afraid you have the same allergy as Dean." Sam smiled and pulled Cas out the door.

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""Yes, I think. Why am I sneezing? That is only somethi-ih-hing- humans do-ih ISHIEW! AHETSHEW! HESHIEW! ESHH! ESHEW! ISH! ETCHIEW! CHIEW! HUH-TCSHIEW! ATSHSSIEW!" Cas said as he had another fit of irritated and wet sneezes."

I love this! Cas is so cute! I love Supernatural! Please continue

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""Yes, I think. Why am I sneezing? That is only somethi-ih-hing- humans do-ih ISHIEW! AHETSHEW! HESHIEW! ESHH! ESHEW! ISH! ETCHIEW! CHIEW! HUH-TCSHIEW! ATSHSSIEW!" Cas said as he had another fit of irritated and wet sneezes."

I love this! Cas is so cute! I love Supernatural! Please continue

Thank you <3

I will post later tonight, about 3am EST probably <3 thank you for the feed back :)

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I dont think these pills will work, Sam. Maybe if he takes the bottle but there is no way in hell he is taking them all. I still need them

" Dean said, frustrated.

"I bet I will manage. My reaction wasn't that bad was it?" Cas finally said.

"Not the worst but not the best. Dean, just give him some pills, maybe it will help. We gotta get there tonight. There is finally no cop cars there, and I heard there will be investigations tomorrow, so we need tonight." Sam explained.

Dean grumbled and grabbed some pills out of his bottle of pills and gave them to Cas. He eyed them down.

"Swallow 'em" Dean said, a little exasperated.

Cas nodded and dumped the pills down his throat without trouble. Dean took a couple too. Cas looked better. His eyes weren't as red and werent itchy anymore. And his nostrils were just a light shade of pink.

"Ok, let's go!" Sam said, making his way outside to the car.

Dean followed, so did Cas. Dean stared the car and started speeding down the road. Sam was in the passenger seat as Cas was in the back. They got to the crazy cat lady's house.

"You gonna be good Cas? Tell us if they dont work." Sam cautioned before unlocking the front door of the house.

"Yes, I will be fine." Cas replied as Sam clicked the door open.

They all stepped in. I decided I would scope out the bedroom, as Sam was scoping the living room because he didn't finish looking last time. Dean was scoping the kitchen. Cas looked through her drawers, but he knew that was a mistake, as he saw the cat hair floated up into the air as the drawers slammed shut. These pills are not going to work. I felt the tickling feeling spread through my sinuses.

"Ha-hihih-ppen-iiihh-ihing a-hahih-gai-ihn" Cas attempted to yell, but his wild hitching wouldn't let him say anything that would be understood. The boys would have never heard him. He let the powerful tickle take him over, his eyes fluttering shit and his nostrils flaring.

"HUSHIEW! ETSHIW! AH-AHSHHEW! IHIH-HITCHGNKEW! ANSKGXKEWWW! HEERUSHIEW! KISHUW! EHEH-ESHTCHIEW! ESH!ESH!ESH!ESH! ESHTCHIEW! AHATCHIEW! HITCHEEW!" Cas sneezed rapidly towards the ground and continued as the Winchesters ran upstairs to him.

"Shit." Sam said worriedly and grabbed Cas' arm and started pulling him down the stairs through his still going on, fits of messy sneezes.

Dean followed but stopped when he heard voices outside and then a clicking of the door.

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"Shit." Dean muttered and pulled them into the nearest closet.

Castiels nose went crazy. Sam pinched Cas' nostrils shut, so that he couldn't sneeze. Cas got the message and pinched his nose shut himself. Must be cops or FBI.

"I thought they weren't coming til tomorrow." Sam whsipered as quietly ad he could.

"We'll just have to wait for a chance to escape." Dean whispered back.

Cas' eyes were dripping allergy tears. He was breathing heavily through his mouth. He had a horribly sneezy expression on his face, but he refused to open his nostrils. As he was afraid of blowing their cover.

****time skip******

Its been hours, Sam had been checking his phone for the time. It is midnight and they still hear footsteps by the closet. Cas was laying on the ground, nostrils still pinched. He wasn't sleeping but he had his eyes closed. Dean started to feel itchyness in his eyes and nose. His medicine must be wearing off. His breath started to hitch. He tried to fend the sneeze off, rubbing his nose.

"Huchngkx!" He stifled into his fingers.

He pinched his nose shut, so that he couldn't sneeze. He had the horrible itch but he can't afford to let it loose.

"Damn it. Hang in there guys, we can get out ta here." Sam whispered.

Cas had a desperate look in his eyes. He hurried his head into his knees, still pinching off the sneezes. Dean pathetically had tears dripping down his face. His eyes were very irritated. The cat dander and hair in this closet is unreal. About 15 minutes later, Sam heard the footsteps go away and he heard the door shut.

"Guys, shhh, I think they are gone." Sam whispered and slowly opened the doors. He looked out the window to see the cops cars leaving the driveway.

"OK, its safe guys. We should get back." He said in his normal voice.

Cas unpinched his nose. His nose twitched and his breath hitched an insane amount.


"Ok Dean you can sneeze now. Let's get out ta here." Sam said pulling the car keys out of his pocket.

"Dno. I will waidt til we are at tda hotel." Dean said, sounding stuffy from his plugged nose.

Cas was still in his fits of sneezes. Sam grabbed his arm and led him out to the car and Dean followed. He still had his nose firmly gribbed between his pointer finger and thumb. They climbed into the car and Sam decided to drive, because Dean is not in the greatest condition. Cas was still in his fits. Must have cat hair all over them.

"Uchiew! ASHIEW! TCHIIEW! IHIH-ISHH!ESHEW! ESH! ESHHHCHU!" Cas sneezed desperately into his hands.

He had no signs of stopping. Dean still didn't want to sneeze yet. Because he wanted tissues. He had always been shy about sneezing. Such and outgoing guy, bit scared to death to sneeze in front of someone. Sam drove up into the motel parking lot and quickly got the suffering guys inside. Dean plucked a few tissues from a box and unpinched his nose.


AHIH-SHHRCHIEWW! HRETSHCIEW! ERESHTSHEWW! HUSHHHIIEWW! IHIH-ACHSHTCHEW!" Dean sneezed vocally and powerfully into the tissues that he had cupped around his nose.

Sam was pulling Cas' clothes off until he was in his boxers. Cas was still sneezing, snot was dripping down his upper lip.

"Go take a shower, Cas." He said steadily and pushed the angel towards the bathroom. Dean wasn't even close to the end of his fit. Sam started pulled his shirt off of him and his pants. You could hear Cas' sputtering sneezes from the bathroom, even with the shower on.

Dean was soon in his boxers too, the itchyness in his eyes had subsided a little after his close were removed to be washed by Sam. Dean still had tissues clutched around his nose, sneezing irritably into the wrecked tissues. Cas finally got out of the shower. His eye sand nose were red but he wasn't sneezing.

"Feel better?" Sam said, gesturing the still very sneezy, Dean to the bathroom.

"Yes, fine now. Allergies are horrid." Cas sighed.

"Yeah tell me about it, I have them to, just not to cats. Pollen, the stuff that's in flowers. Spring is horrible for me." Sam chuckled.

"Oh I am sorry. I hope Dean is alright." Cas said in his monotone voice.

"He will be fine, just an allergy fit. Just let him take a shower." Sam smiled.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

"Ok Dean you can sneeze now. Let's get out ta here." Sam said pulling the car keys out of his pocket.

"Dno. I will waidt til we are at tda hotel." Dean said, sounding stuffy from his plugged nose.

Cas was still in his fits of sneezes. Sam grabbed his arm and led him out to the car and Dean followed. He still had his nose firmly gribbed between his pointer finger and thumb. They climbed into the car and Sam decided to drive, because Dean is not in the greatest condition. Cas was still in his fits. Must have cat hair all over them.

"Uchiew! ASHIEW! TCHIIEW! IHIH-ISHH!ESHEW! ESH! ESHHHCHU!" Cas sneezed desperately into his hands.

He had no signs of stopping. Dean still didn't want to sneeze yet. Because he wanted tissues. He had always been shy about sneezing. Such and outgoing guy, bit scared to death to sneeze in front of someone. Sam drove up into the motel parking lot and quickly got the suffering guys inside. Dean plucked a few tissues from a box and unpinched his nose.

Love this touch with Dean :)

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