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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Prompt fill for Anonymous (SPN RPF)

Voodoo huntress

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I’m no secret santa, but this is a prompt fill for someone who asked so…here ya go?

Prompt: Hey! If you want prompts I've had one floating around in my head for ages but didn't really know how to get it out there. It's RPF if you're okay with doing that. There's a moment in the season 8 gag reel, where Jensen was quite sick and Jared was being silly and mucking around. I'd love a fic where Jensen is sick as a dog and just wants to finish for the day and get out of the rain, but Jared's in a silly mood and making the takes go on and on and Jensen doesn't want to tell him to stop because that's admitting weakness... I'd love that. No slash please :)


“Jared. Leave him alone.”

Jared froze his finger from poking Jensen in the face to wake him up at the stern voice of one of the PA’s. Jensen had a cold (not that he’d ever admit it) and was laying on the bed that Dean was supposed to be sitting on, snoring away. They had taken a little break between takes and Jensen fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed.

“I’m just trying to wake him up, no harm done!” Jared said with a smile. Hearing noise, he turned back around to see Jensen up on one elbow, coughing into his fist. He tossed the sick man the water bottle he was holding.

“What were you doin’ just now?” Jensen mumbled and took a sip of the water.

“Nothing!” Jared said.

Jensen’s eyes narrowed.

“Look, the break is over. I was just trying to wake your plague-ridden ass up.” Jared said and stood up from where he was kneeling next to Jensen. Jensen rolled his eyes and brought a hand up to his mouth, eyes closing.

“Hishoo! Huh-Ushoo!” The sneezes were quiet, but forceful and left Jensen panting a bit.

“You are so gross right now. Ew.” Jared chuckled and poked Jensen’s forehead, “You still alive?”

Jensen slapped Jared’s hand away and stood up. He wobbled a bit when the make-up girl touched up his face and wrinkled his nose when the powder irritated his nose.

“Ehshoo! Heshoo! Ugh…”

Jared looked over from where he was goofing off with his own make-up girl, his big grin dimming a bit.

“You gonna be okay for today? I could ask around…” Jared started, but stopped when Jensen held a hand up.

Aishoo! *sniff* No, I’m fine. Let’s get back out there, it shouldn’t be that difficult.” Jensen put on a brave face and strutted towards the door. He slumped when he saw that it had started to rain; ice-cold, evil droplets of rain.

The universe just loved proving him wrong, didn’t it? Jensen hadn’t realized he said that out loud until the moose ever so faithfully bounded past him, and into the rain.

“You make it too easy!” Jared called over his shoulder.


(TBC, I guess?)

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Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! This is amazinggggg!

The fact that he's SLEEPING! Sleepy Jensen is almost as adorable as sick Jensen. Sleepy sick Jensen is the best :)

I love this so much and impatiently wait the next part :P

Love love LOVE this :)

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Another part, cause why not?


“So get this, Dean. It turns out that-I’m sorry. Hey, Misha? Go fuck yourself!” Sam melted into Jared in record speed and started to playfully bicker with Misha, who was waiting for his entrance on the set. Misha, who was unfortunately as silly as Jared today.

Jensen love the two goofballs, he really did. But he was just not feeling it today. Flashing a quick fake smile, he took a tissue from his pocket and stepped away a few feet.

“Ushoo! Heh-URSHOO!!” Jensen blew his nose and quickly shoved the tissue back into his pocket when Jared came over with Misha.

“How’s my favorite sick person?” Misha cooed and ruffled Jensen’s wet hair. Jensen ducked out of the way and opened his mouth to give Misha a few strong words when his nose stopped him.

“Heh-SHISSH!! Knxxt!” Ooooh man, stifling was a bad idea. Jensen groaned and swayed only to have Jared steady him.

Whoa, dude, are you seriously okay? Feels like you have a fever and this rain isn’t helping.” Jared fussed. Jensen waved the two hens away.

“Well, maybe if some two idiots I knew would let others work, maybe we can get stuff done, hm?” Jensen’s voiced cracked and he started to cough. Jared and Misha looked sheepish.

“About that…”

“See, it’s like this…”

Jensen held up a hand to stop them from giving lame stories.

“Hey! In case you’ve forgotten, we have a show to do?? You should know the title, it’s called Supernatural. Ring any bells?” The director, Kripke was glaring at the three of them like a parent scolding children. Jared and Misha laughed and got back into position, both shoving Jensen on the back on the way. Jensen glared at the cackling dumbasses before retrieving his faithful tissue.

Heh…eh…ESHOO!” Now that Jared mentioned it, he did feel a little feverish. Looking at his watch, he saw that they still had over 5 hours’ worth of filming. Jensen sneezed again into his elbow and gave a few thick coughs. Now his chest was getting congested?


Just great.



Believe it or not, it’s kinda hard writing Silly Jared without making him seem like an idiot. Maybe that’s just me?

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Believe it or not, it’s kinda hard writing Silly Jared without making him seem like an idiot. Maybe that’s just me?

You do it very well.

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Excellent writing, great part 2 and yes TBC pls! We still have 5 hours of filming to go :)

Does anyone know where the bit in the gag reel is?

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Yes, definitely another part please! Oh, please, oh, please!!!

If you wanna watch the part in the gag reel to get inspiration, it's at the start of season 8 gag reel cause Jensen was very sick during Taxi Driver, and the reaper's saying something about knowing them and Dean's like "Wait, how do you know us? Have we met?" And Jared is like, "He probably watches the show..." and laughing and stuff lol Jensen joins in but you can tell he's a little less than impressed because they are outside at night, and it is raining... and I just felt so bad for him :(

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I think this is the final part right here…if it is, enjoy!


“Cut! That’s a wrap guys, great job!” The director’s voice rang out throughout the set. Jensen, who was still in Dean’s stiff posture, melted with relief, then tensed back up again.

“Hishoo! Hih-HISHOO!!” Great, now the sneezing was getting loud, and loud meant throat-scraping hell with each sneeze.

“Bless you!” Jared jogged up to him and threw a towel at his head. Jared laughed at his tired squawk before continuing. “So you survived today? You do realize that you aren’t Dean, right?” he said, rubbing Jensen’s head with unnecessary violence with the towel.

Jensen shoved Jared away before toweling off his hair by himself, wincing at the headache that got worse with Jared’s manhandling (thank you, you overgrown toddler).

“If surviving is slowly dying a cruel death, then yes, I’m doing very well-HESHOO! ESHOO!” Jensen groaned and blew his nose into a corner of the towel. Hey, he was dry now, he wouldn’t need it again.

“Told ya so!” Jared crowed and went back to Misha, probably to make someone else miserable. Good.

“‘Told ya so’.” Jensen mocked in a high-pitched voice. “Jackass, I can take care of myself…” he grumbled before walking to his blessedly warm trailer. He was pulling the door handle when Jared’s voice rang out.

“Jen, wait!

It was too late. Jensen gasped as a wave of ice-cold water landed directly on his head, immediately shivering. At least when it was raining, the rain was slightly warm. This water was sure to leave some damage to his health. Jensen was still frozen on the spot, trembling when Jared and Misha ran up to him.

“Oh man, I am so sorry! I completely forgot that was there-”

HHIIISSHHO!!! Huh-HAESHOO!Water droplets flew everywhere as Jensen’s sneezing bodily threw him forward. Jared and Misha put their towels around Jensen and steered him into the trailer, setting him down on the couch.

“He’s gonna get so much worse, Danneel is going to kill us!” Jared complained while rubbing Jensen’s arms through the towel. He winced when he felt Jensen give a violent shiver before coughing, deep and thick.

“You mean she’s going to kill you. I didn’t set that prank up.” Misha grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around the sick actor. Jared glared up at Misha.

“You aren’t helping!” he snapped.

“A-Arguing isn’t g-g-going t-to make it b-better. I h-hope she k-k-kills you b-both.” Jensen said weakly through chattering teeth. He snatched a tissue from the box on the table next to them.

“HEHSHOO! HISSHHOOO! Ugh…if I g-get pneumonia, I’m g-going to k-kick your ass to next season, J-Jared.” Jensen glared blearily at his friend, who looked extremely guilty, puppy eyes and all.

“Jen, I’m really sorry…I swear I meant to take that down as soon as you started feeling bad…” Jared said quietly over the loud honk of Jensen blowing his nose. They didn’t notice Misha backing towards the door.

“I think I hear someone calling me from…somewhere.” He said before ducking out the trailer door. Jared and Jensen rolled their eyes before Jensen sneezed a few more times and broke out into that horrible coughing again. Jared fretted over him.

“Let me make it up to you! What do you want, I’ll buy you something hot from that café you like! Or some more meds? Whiskey? I’ll do anything!” Jared was wringing his hands together. Jensen put his tissue down and grinned up at Jared, an evil glint in his eyes.

“Anything, huh? I think I like guilty you.”



Another fic finished, yay! Anymore prompts from you people?

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The bucket! OMG the bucket killed me! :lmao: This was too perfect! :D

Prompts? I wouldn't mind more of this fabu trio. You write them perfectly!

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The bucket! OMG the bucket killed me! :lmao: This was too perfect! :D

Prompts? I wouldn't mind more of this fabu trio. You write them perfectly!

Wow...thanks for reading it! I wouldn't say I write them perfectly, there are many other writers that write WAY better than me, heh.... (but thanks~ ^_^)

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OH MY GOSH! This was so amazing :) Thank you so much for doing this for me I really appreciate it :) :) :)

I love the bucket thing, It's such a prank they would do and Jared would instantly feel bad about! Loved the whole thing. Will probably read it a hundred more times!

I have such a soft spot for RPF with sick Jensen. He's such a cutie and there's more than enough ammo to work with from the amount they get sick on set.

Love it a million! Thanks again :) Also, you ever want to prompt me, I'm up for the challenge :) xx

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OH MY GOSH! This was so amazing :) Thank you so much for doing this for me I really appreciate it :) :) :)

I love the bucket thing, It's such a prank they would do and Jared would instantly feel bad about! Loved the whole thing. Will probably read it a hundred more times!

I have such a soft spot for RPF with sick Jensen. He's such a cutie and there's more than enough ammo to work with from the amount they get sick on set.

Love it a million! Thanks again :) Also, you ever want to prompt me, I'm up for the challenge :) xx

Thanks for reading, I loved writing this! ^_^

As for prompting you, as long as you give me Dean/Benny, I would be a very happy person (if that's okay)

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OH MY GOSH! This was so amazing smile.png Thank you so much for doing this for me I really appreciate it smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

I love the bucket thing, It's such a prank they would do and Jared would instantly feel bad about! Loved the whole thing. Will probably read it a hundred more times!

I have such a soft spot for RPF with sick Jensen. He's such a cutie and there's more than enough ammo to work with from the amount they get sick on set.

Love it a million! Thanks again smile.png Also, you ever want to prompt me, I'm up for the challenge smile.png xx

Thanks for reading, I loved writing this! happy.png

As for prompting you, as long as you give me Dean/Benny, I would be a very happy person (if that's okay)

I've never done slash before... it would be fun to write Benny... Hmmmm... I'll think about it. Still gotta finish my other ones first :P

Thanks again for this <3

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