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Secret Santa for Sophie<3! - Supernatural [Sam] (2/2)


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Merry (belated) Christmas, Sophie<3! newyear.gif It was really cool getting to know you in that really short time period I was on the Youth Board and you were less than 18 years old, you're really awesome!

So this isn't done yet, but I didn't want to make you wait any longer before posting, so it's split into two parts. It's set sometime earlier in the show.

“Bless you.” Dean shot a glance at Sam, who proceeded to sneeze again, turning as far away from Dean as he could sitting in the passenger seat of the Impala.

“Thanks,” Sam sighed. His nose still itched like crazy, but he was doing his best not to sneeze again. He didn’t want to draw any suspicion from Dean.

Dean looked at Sam closely, as best as he could without completely taking his eyes off of the empty highway. His eyes were red, and so was his nose. Either it was his allergies, which would be very strange, as it was winter, or he was getting sick.

Sam pressed a fist against his nose. “Hh’CHShh’uh!” He bent forward from the force of the sneeze, which had taken him by surprise, only held back by his seatbelt. A miserable-sounding sniffle followed.

“Geez, Sam, what’s going on with you?”

“I don’t know.”

“You coming down with something?”

“Don’t think so.”

That was a lie. He felt like crap, but he wasn’t about to admit that to Dean. It was just the start of a cold, but Dean always made a big deal about it, whether it turned out to be a bad one or not. Sam assumed that Dean was just being the protective, older brother that he learned he had to be. With John always absent, someone had to take care of him when he was younger. Dean never really stopped doing that, and it especially showed when Sam felt under the weather.

The next case didn’t look like it’d take them too long. They’d finish that up quickly, hopefully, his immune system would take care of him.

They pulled up to a motel in Illinois a few hours later. The snow was swirling around them in the dark evening, covering the Impala like a blanket. There were Christmas lights decorating the balcony and the entrance of the building.

Dean was eager to get out of the weather and into a room. He cast a glance at his brother. Sam was asleep. His nose was twitching, and his mouth was agape.

“Sam, wake up.” Dean nudged his shoulder.

Sam woke with a start, drawing in a sharp breath. He suddenly hunched over, coughing into his fist.

Dean stared. He was concerned, but he wasn’t going to let it show too much. He knew his brother. Sam never willingly admitted to being sick. And if Dean said anything now, he would just get pushed further away. He had to wait. If it turned out to be the flu, Dean didn’t care what Sam wanted, he was making that boy stay in bed and get some rest.

After what seemed like eternity to both Sam and Dean, though it was probably not even half a minute, Sam sat up. “I just… choked…” He cleared his throat; his voice was hoarse, a lot worse than before he fell asleep. In fact, everything was worse after his nap. His head had gone from feeling a dull throb to a pounding headache. His throat, which was just a bit sore and tingly prior to his sleeping, burned almost unbearably, and the urge to cough was still there. His nose was congested and running at the same time, and that damn itch that made him want to sneeze so bad earlier came back stronger.

Choked? Dean would hardly call that choking, but he didn’t say anything, just a casual “Mhm,” as if he totally believed him, before climbing out of the car. It was freezing wearing just a coat. He hurried to the trunk to unload their bags. He didn’t want Sam standing out in that kind of weather for too long.

Sam stepped out of the Impala. He blinked hard at all of the bright flashing Christmas lights in front of him. His head hurt more just looking at them. It made him wonder what they were going to do for Christmas this year. Nothing, as they’d done so many years before? A quick gift exchange between the two brothers, what they normally did each Christmas? Sam had already purchased Dean a present, regardless of what he decided to do to celebrate, if anything at all. Dean was usually more into the holidays than he was, but Sam never knew what plans Dean had in mind each year.

He grabbed his bag from the trunk and followed Dean into the inn. It wasn’t long before they were checked into their room. After hiking up two flights of stairs before finally entering their room, Sam just wanted to collapse on the bed in front of him, but he held himself back.

The persistent itch in his nose suddenly became more intense; no amount of sniffling could hold back the inevitable. Sam hurriedly dropped his duffle bag on the ground. “HUEH’SHhh’oo! Eh’pcCHh’uh!

Dean closed the door behind him and turned around to face Sam. “Bless you…” He was distracted by what he saw in the back of the motel room — a short, artificial Christmas tree. The tinsel decorating it sparkled in the dim lighting of the room, and ornaments hung on the droopy branches. It wasn’t the best tree, but at least it was a tree. “Wow, they really get into the holidays here.”

“Id’s… dice,” Sam commented. He sniffled hard, trying to clear his sinuses.

“Go blow your nose. I have no idea what you’re saying.”

Sam did as he was told.

“I’m going to run out and get us some food,” Dean decided. “What do you want?”

Sam opened his mouth, but then he paused for a second. Was it wise to tell Dean he wasn’t hungry? The thought of eating anything made him nauseous. Of course, Dean already knew he was sick, Sam had made it pretty obvious. But he hadn’t said anything to him about it yet. Sam decided to push his limits further. “I’m not hungry.” He tried to sound casual. He hoped Dean wouldn’t notice that he hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. “I snacked on the… wayyy.” He smushed his hand into his nose, trying to quelch the oncoming sneeze.

Dean looked at him suspiciously, but he set his stuff down and headed back to the door. “Start researching this thing. I’ll be right back.”

Sam watched as Dean slams the door shut behind him, hand still at his nose. Now that Dean was gone… “TCHHH’yeEW! H’SHhh! HUh’uhchh’oo! Hh… EPSHhioo!” He bent over further with each sneeze, bracing himself against the kitchen counter. Sam stood up, gasping. “HEH’URCSHhh’UH!” He stumbled over the couch, trying to steady himself as the room spun around him.

Dean stepped back from the door. He assumed that the one he just heard, the clearest one of the fit, was the final one, as the last had a tendency to be the loudest whenever Sam was sick. The concluding sneeze was rarely the most powerful one when it came to allergies, anyway. If it was allergies, they wouldn’t sound like that, not so harsh or so painful. He made a mental note to make a stop for some meds on the way.

Edited by MoonDuck
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MoonDuck, to be perfectly honest, for some reason I suspected that you might be writing my secret santa story. Honestly, don't ask me why, it was only a hunch, but omg, I was right, how awesome is that! Especially since I read your House M.D. story the other day (and forgot to leave a comment, shame on me...) and I was thinking how much I liked your writing and now you're the one who wrote my story... awesome! :heart:

Okay, so, I'm super excited right now and I first had to read through the story really quickly and let me just say I LOVED it!! :wub: Now let me try to pick out the parts I liked the most, even though that'll be hard, because I liked all of it!

Either it was his allergies, which would be very strange, as it was winter, or he was getting sick.

I love how this is starting out, with Sam trying to hide that he's sick and Dean being really observant and super aware of everything Sam-related and thus noticing anyway. Aww, pretty much my favorite scenario! <3

“Geez, Sam, what’s going on with you?”

“I don’t know.”

“You coming down with something?”

“Don’t think so.”

D'awww... I can totally hear the dialogue here! Sam acting all oblivious, even though Dean has already figured him out! Perfect!

hopefully, his immune system would take care of him.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Sammy! twisted.gifupsidedwnsmiley.gif

There were Christmas lights decorating the balcony

Aww, you set this story around Christmas, like I said I'd like? Thanks so much! Somehow, that makes me enjoy it even more! :inlove:

Sam was asleep.

D'awww... so cute!! :inlove:

If it turned out to be the flu, Dean didn’t care what Sam wanted, he was making that boy stay in bed and get some rest.

Oh, I love this sooo much! Especially the phrasing in this sentence! :D And just the whole scenario of Dean worrying about Sam so much, but keeping it to himself for now!

Ohhh, and Sam pretending he "choked"? :laugh: I totally have a thing for lame excuses like that and trying to cover up illness, so I enjoyed that very much! And Dean's casual "Mhm", like he actually believed that, but not really...! Brilliant! :wub2:

He hurried to the trunk to unload their bags. He didn’t want Sam standing out in that kind of weather for too long.

Aww.... Dean being thoughtful like that! Sooo adorable!

“Id’s… dice,” Sam commented. He sniffled hard, trying to clear his sinuses.

“Go blow your nose. I have no idea what you’re saying.”

D'awwwww!!! 'I have no ideea what you're saying.' So Dean and so amazing! <3

“TCHHH’yeEW! H’SHhh! HUh’uhchh’oo! Hh… EPSHhioo!”

Those SPELLINGS! Dayum, girl! :wub2:

Oh, and Dean witnessing that small fit when Sam thinks he has already left... I was hoping for that and it made me really happy! And Dean knowing everything about Sam's sneeze patterns when it comes to allergies vs. colds? Amazing!!

you're really awesome!

Thanks! :blush: So are you! I love your stories, so I'm really happy you got me for Secret Santa! And yeah, it's a shame I'm not part of the Youth Board anymore. I miss you guys...

Okay, in case you couldn't tell, I love the first part SOO MUCH and I'm beyond excited for the second one! This story matches my preferences perfectly! Plus, there can never be enough sneezy Sammy! :wub2: :wub2: THANKS SO MUCH, MOONDUCK!! :hug:

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This is AWESOME. I don't usually gush over Sam fics (Dean or Cas any day hyukhyukhyuk) but I really enjoyed this.

You hit their personalities spot on and it was such a great read. I really hope you continue, because I cannot wait to see more!

I'm so happy that Sophie loves this, and I do too. Excellent job!

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Sammy!!!!!! :heart: Oh god this was marvelous!

Can't wait for more! Your writing, the detail, the character. *melts*

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Looooove this! So many things in here that I really dig. Like the blessing, and the casual dialogue, YOUR SPELLINGS! :heart:, the feeling worse after a nap (I just adore that! maybe because it seems so realistic), and that thing about the last sneeze always being the most powerful!! And of course, comparing colds to allergies, and mention of Sam having allergies (my faaaaavorite favorite headcanon)! I've always really liked your work and you didn't disappoint! Thanks so much for writing this and I can't wait for part 2!

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“Thanks,” Sam sighed. His nose still itched like crazy, but he was doing his best not to sneeze again. He didn’t want to draw any suspicion from Dean.

HA Like he could hide it.

I loved Dean's casual approach, and how all the angst is from Sam in this story. Dean's ready to hover, but he's keeping it in check. I also loved the holiday speculation. It's totally what would've crossed Sam's mind at that time, in addition to feeling like crap, and inserting it made the whole thing flow perfectly.

Can't wait for part 2!

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biggrin.png !!!!

(No words)

Thank you! :D


MoonDuck, to be perfectly honest, for some reason I suspected that you might be writing my secret santa story. Honestly, don't ask me why, it was only a hunch, but omg, I was right, how awesome is that! Especially since I read your House M.D. story the other day (and forgot to leave a comment, shame on me...) and I was thinking how much I liked your writing and now you're the one who wrote my story... awesome! heart.gif

Okay, so, I'm super excited right now and I first had to read through the story really quickly and let me just say I LOVED it!! wub.png Now let me try to pick out the parts I liked the most, even though that'll be hard, because I liked all of it!

Either it was his allergies, which would be very strange, as it was winter, or he was getting sick.

I love how this is starting out, with Sam trying to hide that he's sick and Dean being really observant and super aware of everything Sam-related and thus noticing anyway. Aww, pretty much my favorite scenario! <3

“Geez, Sam, what’s going on with you?”

“I don’t know.”

“You coming down with something?”

“Don’t think so.”

D'awww... I can totally hear the dialogue here! Sam acting all oblivious, even though Dean has already figured him out! Perfect!

hopefully, his immune system would take care of him.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Sammy! twisted.gifupsidedwnsmiley.gif

There were Christmas lights decorating the balcony

Aww, you set this story around Christmas, like I said I'd like? Thanks so much! Somehow, that makes me enjoy it even more! in_love.gif

Sam was asleep.

D'awww... so cute!! in_love.gif

If it turned out to be the flu, Dean didn’t care what Sam wanted, he was making that boy stay in bed and get some rest.

Oh, I love this sooo much! Especially the phrasing in this sentence! biggrin.png And just the whole scenario of Dean worrying about Sam so much, but keeping it to himself for now!

Ohhh, and Sam pretending he "choked"? laughing.gif I totally have a thing for lame excuses like that and trying to cover up illness, so I enjoyed that very much! And Dean's casual "Mhm", like he actually believed that, but not really...! Brilliant! wub.gif

He hurried to the trunk to unload their bags. He didn’t want Sam standing out in that kind of weather for too long.

Aww.... Dean being thoughtful like that! Sooo adorable!

“Id’s… dice,” Sam commented. He sniffled hard, trying to clear his sinuses.

“Go blow your nose. I have no idea what you’re saying.”

D'awwwww!!! 'I have no ideea what you're saying.' So Dean and so amazing! <3

“TCHHH’yeEW! H’SHhh! HUh’uhchh’oo! Hh… EPSHhioo!”

Those SPELLINGS! Dayum, girl! wub.gif

Oh, and Dean witnessing that small fit when Sam thinks he has already left... I was hoping for that and it made me really happy! And Dean knowing everything about Sam's sneeze patterns when it comes to allergies vs. colds? Amazing!!

you're really awesome!

Thanks! blush.png So are you! I love your stories, so I'm really happy you got me for Secret Santa! And yeah, it's a shame I'm not part of the Youth Board anymore. I miss you guys...

Okay, in case you couldn't tell, I love the first part SOO MUCH and I'm beyond excited for the second one! This story matches my preferences perfectly! Plus, there can never be enough sneezy Sammy! wub.gifwub.gif THANKS SO MUCH, MOONDUCK!! hug.gif

(so it told me i quoted too much so i just edited yours to italics) SOPHIEEEEEEEEEE<3! <3 Yeahhhhh, I think I made it too obvious that it was me, viewing your profile on December 2nd and all… :P The House one was kind of directed towards you, lol, but I had it written and took the risk of posting it for Christmas and finishing the SPN one for your Secret Santa. I am soooooooo glad you liked this though, I was really freaked out about posting it (will she like it, hope she doesn't think it sucks, etc.), but I'm really happy you're so happy about the story! :P The second one has arrived!

This is AWESOME. I don't usually gush over Sam fics (Dean or Cas any day hyukhyukhyuk) but I really enjoyed this.

You hit their personalities spot on and it was such a great read. I really hope you continue, because I cannot wait to see more!

I'm so happy that Sophie loves this, and I do too. Excellent job!

Thanks, Puddin! I always worry about whether or not they're in character, so that's good to hear :lol:

Sammy!!!!!! heart.gif Oh god this was marvelous!

Can't wait for more! Your writing, the detail, the character. *melts*

Thanks! Glad you like it!

Looooove this! So many things in here that I really dig. Like the blessing, and the casual dialogue, YOUR SPELLINGS! heart.gif, the feeling worse after a nap (I just adore that! maybe because it seems so realistic), and that thing about the last sneeze always being the most powerful!! And of course, comparing colds to allergies, and mention of Sam having allergies (my faaaaavorite favorite headcanon)! I've always really liked your work and you didn't disappoint! Thanks so much for writing this and I can't wait for part 2!

Thank you, Sen! Yes, the allergies headcanon is a good one :P

This came out great! I love that Dean knows the difference between Sam's allergy sneezes and his not-allergy ones. xD

Thanks, this_is! Of course he knows! :o XD

This is so fantastic! I'm glad that you wrote it, especially because Sophie<3 is so awesome, and so are you :-)

Thanks! You're awesome, too!

“Thanks,” Sam sighed. His nose still itched like crazy, but he was doing his best not to sneeze again. He didn’t want to draw any suspicion from Dean.

HA Like he could hide it.

I loved Dean's casual approach, and how all the angst is from Sam in this story. Dean's ready to hover, but he's keeping it in check. I also loved the holiday speculation. It's totally what would've crossed Sam's mind at that time, in addition to feeling like crap, and inserting it made the whole thing flow perfectly.

Can't wait for part 2!

I know, right? Thank you so much!

I've never even watched this fandom or read a fic, and I still loved it!

First things first, you need to watch some Supernatural and read some more fanfiction here (lots of other really awesome writers here!). Neeeeeeeed to. Aside from that, thank you! :D

Thank you guys sooo much!! I'm really, really happy/excited you liked it. Sorry it took so long to write, the words wouldn't come out :lol: But the final part is here now! Secret Santas have been really awesome — thank you Sophie<3, for receiving the fic :P, PuddinPop, for writing me one, Seniorstatus14 for beta-ing, and Mint, for organizing it this year! ANYWAY, on to the story!

What Dean made out upon opening the door an hour later scared him. The room was dark, and when he flipped on the lights, he saw Sam sitting at the table with his head resting in his hands. His face shone with beads of sweat even though he was shivering hard. His nose was red, a much darker shade than it was previously.

“Sam? Sam!” Dean dropped his bags on the counter as he rushed to his brother, pie and all. He shook him awake.

Sam blinked up at him. His eyes were glassy. “S-sorry, I was just resting for a second.” He buried his face back in his hands, rubbing his head with the palm of his hand. His throat hurt even more when he tried to speak. There was a reason he had turned off the lights earlier. He sat up straighter, groaning, and forced himself to turn back to his computer. Sam cleared his throat; his voice had come out as barely more than a whisper. “I thidk I f-found sombethig.” He sniffled thickly.

A small part of him wanted to know what that something was. Dean pushed the thought away. “It can wait. Shit, Sam, what happened to you?” He knew he had spiked a fever even without feeling his forehead.

“Deand, I’mb fide. I’mb a-albost donde researching this… heh… this thiin — Hur’eCHh’yew!” He snapped away from Dean, only barely catching it in his forearm. “EH’TSHhh!” It was followed by coughing that sounded both weak and forceful at the same time.

“Okay, you need to get to bed. Now.”

Sam was too tired to argue any further. He stood up slowly, clutching the edge of the table with both hands. The room spun around him. He tried to make a mental note of where the bathroom was, just in case, but it was all too fuzzy. Screw that.

“Alright.” Dean grabbed him, carefully standing him up. “You okay there?”

Sam nodded. He couldn’t bring himself to speak. Keeping himself upright used up almost all of his energy.

The bed was only a few steps away across the room. Sam couldn’t even tell where it was. He leaned heavily on Dean, depending on his brother to guide him.

It worried Dean how hot Sam felt. Every time the monster of a man leaned into him, Dean could feel the heat radiating from his head. With an arm around him holding him up, Dean knew he’d already stopped shivering and had gone back to just sweating.

“Damnit, Sam,” Dean muttered. He lowered his brother onto the bed, unsuccessful in setting him down gently. “Stay there.” What was he saying? He wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, not under Dean’s watch. He dug through the plastic bags on the counter. Inside the one not containing the food he planned to eat was the medicine he’d bought.

Sam mumbled something Dean couldn’t make out.



Dean paused for a second, processing the message he was trying to convey, then wordlessly hit the light switch, conveniently located on the wall next to him. “I picked up some drugs on the way.”

Sam tried to think. That meant Dean had known he was sick. Dean pulled out what seemed to be a pretty large box for flu medicine. How long did he think Sam was going to be sick? Had he known, even before Sam did, that it was going to turn out to be more than just a little cold? He probably had.

Dean strode over to Sam, pills in one hand and plastic water bottle in the other. He set the bottle down on the table beside Sam’s head, sat on the edge of his bed, then shook his shoulder. “Sam. Take them, then you can sleep all you want.”

Sam blinked his eyes open. He hadn’t even realized that he’d drifted off. He stifled a cough into his fist. “Thandks,” he rasped. He took the medicine from Dean and sat up. Sam tossed them into his mouth and washed it down with a swig of water.

“‘Night, Sam.”

“Goodnight.” He slid back down in his bed, turning onto his side.

Dean shot a glance at the wall clock. It was barely even eight. When he looked back at Sam, he saw that he had already dozed off. He picked up his dinner, slowly munching on his now-cold hamburger as he watched over his brother. Dean would notice the occassional nose twitch, or the long strands of hair in his face moving a bit, but for the most part, Sam was out like a rock.

It wasn’t long before Dean finished eating, washed up, and climbed into bed himself. It was nine o’clock, but it wasn’t like they were going to do any work the next day. Sam was sick, and besides, it was Christmas. He’d even gotten Sam a little present. He stared up at the ceiling, and slowly, his eyelids slid shut.

Dean rolled over and rubbed his eyes, trying to make out what the clock read in the dark. Sometime around two or three in the morning. He propped himself up on his elbow. Why’d he waken up? He saw Sam’s silhouette sitting up in the dim lighting from the Christmas lights shining through the window.

Hh… huh’nCHh! H’SHhmph! EH’NGSHhh’yew!” Even though Sam was trying his best to muffle the sneezes into his arm, he wasn’t doing a very good job.

Dean watched him throw off the covers, starting to climb out of bed. He was under the sheets now, meaning he was either freezing again in the middle of the night or his fever had gone down. Either way, he’d already woken up at least once earlier. Dean hoped the cause of that wasn’t nightmares. Sam often got nightmares when he had a fever, but he’d never say anything about them, it was up to Dean to notice his restless sleep.

“Bless you.”

Sam turned back to face Dean, half in bed. “Sorry, I — I did’t beand to wake you up. I’mb just gettig bore mbeds.” Great, not only did Dean have to take care of him — not that Sam wanted him to, but he didn’t have any say in that — he also wasn’t going to sleep well because of Sam’s constant coughing and sneezing. How many other times had that happened?

“Stay there, I’ll get them.” Dean hauled himself up, shuffling his way over to the counter before Sam could protest. Besides, he was too busy coughing to reply. Again. Dean popped out a couple of pills and tossed the open box aside. He also picked up the box of tissues he’d only just noticed were there and threw it onto Sam’s bed.

“Here,” Dean said. He handed Sam the medicine, then felt his forehead before Sam could smack his hand away. “Your fever’s lower.” Sam was still warm, just not bad enough to freak Dean out. “That’s good.”

Sam brushed Dean’s hand aside. “Thadks.” He swallowed the pills.

“Use the tissues, Sam.” He picked up the box, holding it out for Sam. Dean could’ve sworn he saw Sam roll his eyes in the dark. He blew his nose, then somehow managed to successfully toss the crumpled tissue into the trash can across the room. Dean set the tissues on the table next to Sam, then walked back to his own bed. “Merry Christmas, Sammy.”

Heh’ehtSHH’ioo! EH’CHhhh!” He sniffled, rubbing at his nose. “Mberry Christmbas.”

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Yeahhhhh, I think I made it too obvious that it was me, viewing your profile on December 2nd and all… :P

Haha... really? I didn't even notice that! It was just... a hunch! :P

The House one was kind of directed towards you

Omg, seriously? That's awesome, because I adored that one! Sick Chase!! :wub:

The second one has arrived!

Yess!!!! Don't worry, I'm sure I'll love it, just like the first part! :)

Okay, you see, I'm really super excited right now that the second part is up, but I'm on vacation with a few friends right now. I'm sharing the room with my best friend and she's taking a shower right now, so I decided to use that time to write my comment, but oh God, this is so damn risky, so I really gotta hurry! I'm sorry...! :(

“I thidk I f-found sombethig.”

Sam still trying to do the research even though he's so sick pretty much broke my heart! <3

“Deand, I’mb fide. I’mb a-albost donde researching this… heh… this thiin — Hur’eCHh’yew!” He snapped away from Dean, only barely catching it in his forearm. “EH’TSHhh!” It was followed by coughing that sounded both weak and forceful at the same time.

D'awww...! So adorable! Poor, poor baby Sammy! This really made me want to take care of him! :consoling:

“You okay there?”

Asking whether Sam's okay, even when he's obvious that he's not, while at the same time treating him like he's dying. For some reason, Dean does this all the time on the show, so it's very in character! :D

“‘Night, Sam.”

“Goodnight.” He slid back down in his bed, turning onto his side.

Dean shot a glance at the wall clock. It was barely even eight. When he looked back at Sam, he saw that he had already dozed off.

This made me smile! So cute!

He’d even gotten Sam a little present.

Ohhh... so precious!! :heart:

“Use the tissues, Sam.” He picked up the box, holding it out for Sam. Dean could’ve sworn he saw Sam roll his eyes in the dark.

Aww... I loved this little hint at their usual playful banter!

“Heh’ehtSHH’ioo! EH’CHhhh!” He sniffled, rubbing at his nose. “Mberry Christmbas.”

Those spellings, though!! Really, really awesome! :')

Okay, now let me wrap up this really risky comment (my friend is walking in and out of the room now, if she just takes one look at my screen, oh God.... please, no...) while trying to contain my excitement! If I was alone, I'd totally allow myself to drown in happy feels now! Dear MoonDuck, please know that I loved the second part with Sam's fever spiking and Dean's caretaking being really in character and all the beautiful sneezes just as much as the first part, if not more!! Thank you sooo, so much again for writing this beautiful, two-part Secret Santa story for me! I couldn't have asked for more! :heart:

PS: The only thing I can't help but wonder... what did Dean get for Sam? :P

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