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Secret Santa for Seniorstatus14 (part 2) Doctor Who


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Hi again Seniorstatus. smile.png I finished it rather quicker than I thought, so on the third day of Christmas the fic was complete. tonguesmiley.gif

Don't worry about it being vague! It can be good to have the freedom to do a lot of stuff, my only worry was picking the wrong stuff. heh.gif (Thank you so, so much for your comment on the other bit! bounce.gif )

So yes, cold-ridden Amy. I hope I captured her slightly agressive Scottish nature ok. With Amy sick, what will her boys do?

Disclaimer: I don't own or make moneyz from Doctor Who. Also, I apologise in advance to all Star Trek fans. *flees*

Hope you enjoy! smile.png

That time when Amy was sick...

'Eh... hehh... heh'TCHI.'

'Amy, was that you?'

'Who else would it be, you dummy?'

'Bless you. Are you okay?'

She rolled her eyes. 'Of course.' She hid a sniffle.

Rory noticed anyway. Because that was what he did. He looked after Amy.

'Eh... ihhh... itch.... itchi!'

There were wide circles under her watering eyes and her head was throbbing. Rory sighed. 'Amy, will you please do me a favour and lie down?'

'No.' 'Please?' 'Do, I'm dot sick! Stop bothering be!'

Eventually, she did end up in bed, but only after the Doctor and Rory nagged her continuously for what felt like a week, but, in relative time, was more like 24 hours. The Doctor popped his head in. 'How are you feeling, Amy?' Amy grumbled something non-committal. 'Hmmm...' His thoughts were obviously occupied. 'Wait... where is Rory?' Amy would have chuckled if it wouldn't hurt her throat so much. 'Kitchen', she rasped.

He was off without another word.

He stormed into the room, surprised to see the kitchen in a reasonably clean state, Rory stirring the contents of a large pan. 'What is that?' He tried to peek under Rory's arm to see the steaming substance. 'Chicken soup, it's what people with a cold are supposed to eat. I'm making some for Amy.' The Doctor snorted disapprovingly. 'Chicken soup? No no no, won't do any good.'

Rory looked sceptical. 'I suppose you know something better, then?' The Doctor looked impossibly smug. 'As a matter of fact, I do. Scoot over, Pond.' Rory quickly debated correcting him, but decided on a sigh and silent compliance.

He saw the contents of his pan disappearing down the drain, to be quickly replaced by a foul-reeking brown goo. 'What... is... that?', Rory gasped, holding his nose. The Doctor turned to him with a look that made Rory wish he hadn't asked. 'This, my dear Rory, is plomeek soup. Several races swear by it... well, obviously, as they wouldn't swear in it, but you get the point. This should get Amelia back on her feet in no time.' He turned to face Rory, smiling broadly, and adjusted his bow tie.

Smugly, the Time Lord, filled a bowl with the goo and trod off to force it on Amy. Rory followed, not wanting to miss the show.

Predictably, Amy was less than impressed. 'What the hell is that, Doctor?' He brought a spoon up to her eye level. 'No, there's no way in hell you are going to....' Thankfully, they weren't in hell, he thought as he stuck the spoon in her protesting mouth, looking impossibly proud of himself.

Amy spluttered, returning most of the goo in splatters over the Doctor and the bed. 'Ehhhh...hhhh... hehh'TCHI! Doctor? You have exactly 1 second to get dis stuff away from be.'

He protested. 'But Amy! This is plomeek soup!' He gestured wildly, the sweeping motion with the spoon adding to the splatters of soup all over the room. When that failed to produce the desired effect, he tried a bite himself. Instantly, every muscle in his cheeks contracted, a signal he countered as soon as it was sent, which led to an awkward kissy mouth combined with a grimace.

He crouched down besides the bed, where his head was at the same height with Amy's. 'Please, Pond. Guaranteed best cure for the common cold in the universe... I think.'

She pulled a face. 'No thanks Doctor. But I appreciate the gesture. Now, please take it away before we all gag.'

The Doctor sought support with Rory, who merely raised his shoulders and looked at his bedridden wife in a way that very clearly carried the message. 'Not on your side this time.' Which was kind of understandable, considering the acrid smell from the soup bowl. He winked at Amy and grabbed the Doctor's shoulders, gently nudging him towards the door. Protests were quelled with a simple 'do you really think that's wise?'. Contemplating the prospect of one pissed off Pond, which could potentially turn into two pissed off Ponds, he shuddered and returned the goo to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Rory had returned to the bedside, apologised for the lack of chicken soup and sat down on the bed.

'I hade feeling like dis.' Her voice was petulant with a hint of that Scottish anger he loved and feared. She leaned her head against his shoulder and he held her close. 'I know.' He gently ran his fingers through her ginger hair repeatedly, kissed her forehead and before long he could feel her slipping into a healing sleep.

The next time Rory stepped into the room, his clothes were dishevelled, his hair just a fraction shorter than usual, half an eyebrow was missing and he limped with one leg.

Amy took one look and yelled one word. 'DOCTOR!' It was the 'you are in so much trouble'-tone of voice.

Somewhat sheepishly, the Time Lord peeked around the door, shuffling inside when there was no immediate threat of things being thrown at him. He was rather suspicious of airborne objects whenever Amy used that tone of voice.

He looked rather more Raggedy than she had seen him since he got his new face. 'YOU! You nearly got my husband killed!' She stood up to her full, furious height and poked him in the chest. 'THIS is why I did not want to leave you two alone. ARGH!' She was lost for words.

'Right, that's it. If I'm not leaving this room, neither are you. I want both of you within sight.' This led to a simultaneous plead / disappointed noise from her two men, but she put her foot down. In the end, they could do nothing but relent. Before too much time had passed, Rory had fallen asleep against Amy and the Doctor was pacing in the far corner.

'Good morning Raggedy man!' The Doctor awoke to a cheerful Scottish voice next to his ear. He had been asleep. That was unusual. Then again, he did not usually spend so much time in a room. Unless he was tied up or imprisoned (or both), but usually that was more of a life or death situation and required quick thinking. This just required not going insane of boredom.

'I'm all better. Where are we going today?' He looked up at the Ponds, feeling oddly disoriented. 'Ehhh... hhhEEEHTCHUUH!'

'Bless you, Doctor.'

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AHHHHH!!!!! Sick Amy! You never see enough fics with her and Rory on here and I'm so glad you made a fic with her! :D This was awesome!

Predictably, Amy was less than impressed. 'What the hell is that, Doctor?' He brought a spoon up to her eye level. 'No, there's no way in hell you are going to....' Thankfully, they weren't in hell, he thought as he stuck the spoon in her protesting mouth, looking impossibly proud of himself.

I giggled so hard I had to put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't wake my parents who were sleeping in the next room! This is just so like Amy and the Doctor. Amy being stubborn and the Doctor being goofy and sticking it in her mouth despite her protests.

Amy took one look and yelled one word. 'DOCTOR!' It was the 'you are in so much trouble'-tone of voice.

Somewhat sheepishly, the Time Lord peeked around the door, shuffling inside when there was no immediate threat of things being thrown at him. He was rather suspicious of airborne objects whenever Amy used that tone of voice.

Another one of my favorite parts!! The fact that a 1000 year old time lord is scared of Amy is hilarious.I love their dynamic and you did an excellent job of portraying it!

'I'm all better. Where are we going today?' He looked up at the Ponds, feeling oddly disoriented. 'Ehhh... hhhEEEHTCHUUH!'

'Bless you, Doctor.'

Of Course I have to also comment on this spectacular ending!! The Doctor about to die of boredom and then he catches Amy's cold and will probably be stuck in bed, bored for a while. So cute!!

The story was so great and in character, I loved it. Thank you so much for my Secret Santa presents they were so wonderful!!! :D

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I'm glad to see another sneezing fic with Amy as the one sneezing. I am surprised that more people don't use either her or Clara in sneezing fics.

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What a cute fic! Love Amy and her spunky attitude. You got it down perfectly! Also loved the nod to Trek with the plomeek soup and how "several races swear by it";) Finally loved the ending when the Doctor catches her cold that was funny

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  • 5 months later...
biggrinsmiley.gifGreat fic! You wrote the characters so well! Haha! And the fact that The Doctor catches her cold at the end? That just made it more awesome!
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