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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Working through the cold-Super Mario(MarioXPeach)


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Yay some MarioXPeach :D

This is just a little snippet of the actual thing,which is quite long. Also I think Mario's sneezes sounded pretty great. Overall,I kind of liked it-my only complaint is that Mario didn't have much dialogue.

One instance of inducing,fair amount of nose blowing,and Mario's allergies are mentioned once.Oh yeah I guess this is a non-sexual variety of M/F heh ^^''

Enjoy :-)


Mario stumbled back and fell over from the force of the sneeze.Since he got that extremely bad cold,he could barely even stand up with out being knocked over by a sneeze.And of course,the princess was kidnapped and someone had to save her.Luigi had the stomach flu and always threw up every 15 seconds so he couldn't do it,so of course the task fell onto Mario.The job was already tough with pitfalls and enemies littered everywhere,but having a cold made it even harder.

He was relieved when he finally got through the dizzying sky-high depths of World 5,which was usually his favorite because of the free feeling.Being up so high made him disoriented and dizzy,the pressure was starting to get to him,and the cloud fluff floating everywhere made Mario's already runny nose irritated and sore. As he stepped onto the lava-flooded terrain of World 6,he instantly felt light-headed and wondered if the lava was making his fever rise even more.But he had to deal with it and go on.

Even the first level-which was usually a breeze,even in World 6-was tough.Mario was slower than usual,and every cough sent a searing pain through his chest.He stumbled nearly everywhere,and oh lordy,were those sneezes painful.Finally he gave up and decided to sit down for a while,somewhere near the flagpole.It was then that he felt a sharp,almost painful itch surging through his sore nose.The itch got stronger and stronger,untill he finally exploded forward in a violent "K'tsch!!"

Mario was knocked over from the force. It hurt,no less.But the itch didn't go away,leaving Mario's racked and feeble body convulsing on the ground,trying desperately to get rid of the painfully irritating feeling in his nose."H-Huh-s'chu!!" Haah-p'tschu!! K'tpschu!! H-Heh-k'tschu!!"

Mario was shaking now.He tried to stand up.but he was so weak he hit the ground taking a few steps into the molten world. He started to wonder if this was a good idea.But his pounding headache made it hard to think,and he was already here,so no use turning back around now.

It was hard and painful,but he finally got the princess. He tried to carry her home,but he was to weak to do so.They both made their way home peacefully untill Mario collasped suddenly,too weak and sick to go on.His breathing was raspy and his heart was pounding,so Peach decided to carry him,since he was too ill to walk any further.


When he came to sometime later, he found himself in a large,bright bedroom,with snot splatters running down a tattered red blanket.He felt worse and it hurt to lift his head,despite the soothingly cool ice pack on his forehead.His vision was blurred,but he found a worried looking figure looming over him-it was Peach,he noticed.She must have carried him to the castle.

"Mario,you look ill,"she said softly,trying not to make his headache any worse.

"I-I cad't let a cold keep be frob you,"he sputtered,coughing raspily before shooting forward with a loud "K'tch!!"

"You sound worse,"she sighed,handing him some tissue."I can take care of myself..You really needed some rest,Mario."She layered a clean,blindingly white blanket on him,noticing that he was shivering.Mario helplessly wrapped himself in the blankets,grateful for the warmth. "But I.."

"Okay,I get it,"she smiled,lowering a bowl of hot soup to Mario untill he let out another "Heh-k'tch!!"

"Don't sneeze in the soup,Mario!" she giggled,handing him another tissue."One more box and we're all out,"she said.Mario found himself blushing,but he wasn't sure if it was from the fever or embarrassment."Sorry..." he moaned,sniffling wetly.

"Don't be,"Peach sighed,patting his warm forehead gently."I'll get some more.You just try to get some rest,ok?" She layered on another cover and gave him a gentle kiss on his burning forehead.The comfort was so warming he dozed off before he even knew it.


He had been asleep for about a while when he felt intense,stabbing pain surging through his whole body.It hurt to even blink,let alone call for help.But he had to try... "Huh-Help..!" he mumble-shouted.The pain was intense and stiffening,and Mario was almost to the point of crying.But nobody came.. "H-Halp..!!" he shouted,louder this time. He started to feel tears running down his face and he was crying before he knew it."H-Help me...Please..." This time someone did come-it was Peach again-looking very worried about her very ill friend. "Mario! What's wrong?"

"I-It hurts,"Mario moaned painfully. Peach's eyes widened in terror."What hurts?"

"E-Everywhere..."Mario really started crying now.It hurt to even sit up when she wrapped him in a warm hug.."You poor thing...I'll go get you some medicine,OK..?" She started to leave,but Mario was still wound tightly around her."N-No..!" Mario could feel his grip tighten slightly around her."D-Don't go.."he squeaked,coughing and crying. Peach was blushing now. "I don't know if I can carry you without hurting you even more.." She gently touched his burning forehead,which was glazed with sweat.His eyes were red and sunken in,puffy from crying. "P-Please," Mario pleaded weakly. "D-Dod't leave be here..." He coughed loudly and raspily after that,which only increased the pain he was already feeling. He cried even more,because the pain was so blindingly sharp and intense his feeble and sore body could only take so much pain in this condition. Peach,seeing no other option,gently lifted up Mario's shaking body and slowly carried him to a small room with a couch and someone else in there.

"Wait here.I'll go get you some medicine,okay?" Peach wasn't sure if ske knew what she was doing,but she couldn't leave Mario in pain like this. She ran off to the bathroom,trying to be as quick as she can.

For about a while Mario had to fight through the searing pain through his body.It was hard,as usual. But of course he had to let out a loud "H-Haah-p'tchu!!" which only increased the pain. It took every amount of strength not to scream in pain,but it was so much his already weakened and battered body could take,and he let out an agonized scream as the pain overtook him.

Meanwhile,Peach was as much of a nervous wreck as Mario.She was going fast enough to get to the medicine cabinet,but after hearing Mario's desperate cries of pain,she nearly lost it as she frantically searched through the tiny cabinet for something that will eliminate the pain.

Inside the medicine cabniet was a small box of pain reliver. Relieved to have found one just in time,Peach snatched up the box quickly made her way back to Mario,who was tightly curled into a fetal position,his face red from crying so much. "Here,take these," she said,ripping open a small package with two tiny white pills in them. Mario,whose breathing became so fast you'd thought he ran 3 miles, almost instantly swallowed them and gulped down half a glass of orange juice. Gradually,the pain went away,little by little.

"Are you okay...?" Peach whispered softly.

"I-I'b alright..." Mario sputtered, still locked in a fetal position.

"Mario,you're shivering....Are you cold? I'll go get you some blankets..." She left into a bright hallway which stung Mario's red eyes.He was hyperventilating-probably because of crying so much-and his face was stinging.He was shivering,too-and very hard.He wrapped himself tightly in his fetal position to keep himself warm.He felt hollow and weak,and tried desperately to regain some strengh.His nose was running a lot more now,and of course every "Heh-p'tchyu!" made the area he was laying a drippy,slimy mess.

When Peach returned with the blankets,Mario was as pale as the white sheets she was holding.Ignoring the mess,she layered on about two of the sheets before going to go plug something in.When she came back,she layered another blanket on him,then flipped something on.Instantly,Mario felt soothing warmth."Mmmm...."

"An electric blanket,"Peach sighed,placing a cool ice pack on Mario's forehead.He felt himself loosen up his fetal position and snuggle under the blankets,smiling weakly and sniffling."T-Thagks..."he moaned.

Peach smiled warmly."I'll go clean up,okay?" Mario blushed profusely,extremely embarrassed."My bad..." he mumbled,sniffling wetly.

"It's alright,"Peach smiled,"You just rest.I'll get you some tissues,okay?"

Right when she said that,Mario felt his nose itch again."O-Okay..."he moaned,trying to hold in the oncoming sneeze.Being weakened,however,that was hard.Finally,he couldn't take it anymore and shot forward violently."H-Huh-s'chu!! Haaah-t'chu!!"

Peach giggled slightly,mopping up the mess with a towel."I never knew you had such adorable sneezes,Mario..."

Mario sniffled again and rubbed his sore nose with his finger."H-Huh..?"

Peach smiled and rubbed Mario's forehead."You heard me." She gave him a box of tissues and layered another blanket on him."You have adorable sneezes."

"I-I do...?"Mario replied,disoriented.Did she really just say he had cute sneezes? Mario was confused. He used to tease Luigi about the same thing,but...

Suddenly,mentioning his brother stops him short.He couldn't help but feel bad for Luigi,stuck in bed,whimpering in pain and throwing up almost every 15 seconds. Peach couldn't help but notice how worried he looked all of a sudden."What's wrong?Are you in pain..?" she suggested. Mario weakly shook his head no. His sore throat made speaking impossible,so he let out a small,hoarse whisper. "Luigi...."

"What about Luigi?" She gave him a handful of tissues so he wouldn't have to worry about them. "He's over there.He's asleep,though..." She pointed to the second couch on the other side of the room,where there was a figure,sleeping peacefully and sucking their thumb-just like Luigi!

Mario had to resist the oncoming impulse of jumping up and running over to hug his little brother.He didn't know if he still had that stomach bug,and Mario was worried that he might give Luigi his cold...He reached for his brother weakly,before the sudden itching in his nose took over. "Huhh...."

Peach already knew what was coming.She gently pressed a handful of tissues to Mario's face just before he shot forward with a strained "H-Huh-s'chu..!" Funny enough,that one didn't hurt.It actually felt kind of good.He let out a small sigh and rubbed his sore nose.He didn't know he was blushing untill Peach gently touched his cheeks,which were now a rosy pink. "You're so cute.."she smiled."I guess sneezing around people makes you nervous,huh?"

She was right.He was fine,concerning sneezing around people he didn't know,but around his friends and family,like his brother,always made him nervous,especially around Peach. "Mm-hmm.." he mumbled.Smiling warmly,Peach gently rubbed Mario's sore nose,trying not to make him sneeze.It felt good at first,then it made him feel slightly uncomfortable. "H-Hiih...."

The two braced themselves for the oncoming explosion,but it didn't come out."I-It's stuck..."he moaned.

This left Peach in shock.She didn't know how to handle a stuck sneeze.But there's a first time for everything. She didn't have much to work with except for a small flowerpot with real flowers,and the feathers that were sticking out from the pillow Mario was laying on. She tried the feathers first,but no luck,even gently inserting it into Mario's left,more sensitive,nostril. She picked up one of the flowers from the small pot. "You do have pollen allergies,right?" she asked,not sure if purposely flaring up his allergies was a good idea,especially since he already has a cold.

"Y-Yeah,"Mario replied,his breath hitching a little.

"Okay then..." She lightly brushed the flower across Mario's nose. This worked almost instantly-Mario instantly shot forward with a loud,violent "H-Hiih-s'chu!!" But the itch still didn't go away,for some reason.

"Did it help?"Peach asked,noticing Mario's desperate expression.

"N-No..."Mario moaned weakly. Suddenly he shot forward with a loud "Huh-p'tchu!!" The itch still didn't go away,leaving Mario's body shaking and weak."H-Heh-p'tchu!! Heh-s'chu!!Huh..huhh..Huh-s'chu!!"

Mario's nose was beet red and sore,but at last the itch finally went away.His breathing became heavy,and he was actually wheezing a little. His nose was running non stop now,much to Peach's disgust and Mario's embarassment. "Your face is so red...I guess sneezing around people REALLY makes you nervous."

"Only around you and Luigi,"Mario mumbled.

"Why around me?" she asked."I don't get nervous when I sneeze around you."She fudged the last part-truth is,everytime she sneezed around Mario,she became just about as nervous as him,maybe even more-so he wouldn't be worried about her.

"I-I don't know..."Mario sighed after loudly blowing his nose.

Sighing,Peach gently lifted Mario's head and stuffed another pillow under it."Eh,whatever.Just try to go to sleep,okay..?" She gave him a gentle kiss on his warm forehead and wrapped him in a hug. "I'll be down the hall if you need me." Comforted from her warmth,Mario slipped off into sleep before he even knew it.

So whaddya think? :-)

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  • 1 year later...

dies I NEVER KNEW I NEEDED THISĀ i'm not usally a fan of the mario bros soley due to the fact their noses are HUGE and creepyish buttttttt awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so cute

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