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Puddin's 12 Days of Christmas Thread (1-5 now posted!)


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So, here I am, supposed to be working hard on my Secret Santa gift, but instead I came up with the idea of doing a 12 Days of Christmas thing. Now, all this means is that I'm going to be posting a short fic every day in the run up to Christmas, ending with a larger, longer fic on Christmas Day. Fun! I say I came up this idea, I'm sure it's been done before, but I haven't seen it, so I stand by the fact that I came up with it :awesum:

Anyway! This is all going to be Supernatural. Welp. It's all I've been writing lately, and after finding random Christmas prompts online, I decided to try my hand at writing these. Also, whilst yesterday was technically when I should have started posting, but only have done so today, I was going to post two fics today. However, this has not happened as I spent so long on the first one, so I will post two tomorrow if I get off my lazy ass and actually write two.

I was umming and ahhing about whether to post this in the drabbles forum, but after writing the first one, I concluded that my verbosity always gets the better of me, and my drabbles end up being crazily long and end up being short fics instead of actual drabbles. So here it is in Fanfiction!

A/N: These sets of fics will include Sam and Dean (Yes, I'm actually writing Sam, and Cas isn't even involved. What the hell has happened to me :weird: ) There's also barely any plot to any of them. They're mainly just fluff and and sneezing.

Without further ado, I present to you....

Puddin's 12 Days Of Christmas Thread!~

1. Prompt - The Great Caroling Catastrophe

This was humiliating. This was degrading. He actually couldn’t believe that this was even happening.

It was three nights before Christmas, and Dean had decided that now was a good time to tell Sam that they were out of money. The credit cards that Dean had somehow managed to obtain were totally maxed out, and with only a few measly bucks between them in their wallets, this is what they had resorted to in an attempt to find somewhere to sleep tonight that actually had a bed and wasn’t the freezing, heater-broken backseat of the Impala.

They approached the fifth house of the night, their shoes crunching against the combination of snow and road salt that had been haphazardly strewn across the driveway. At least no spirits will bother them tonight, Sam half-smiled to himself.

As they both huddled before the door, Sam let out a sharp huff and thrust his hands into the pockets of his jacket, hunching his shoulders up in an obvious statement to Dean; he was freezing cold, miserable and wanted to be anywhere but here right at this very moment. Even hunting was sounding more appealing than what they were actually doing. Dean noticed but chose to ignore Sam’s attention-seeking nonsense, and thumped his gloved fist gently but firmly on the blue stained wooden door.

His thumping caused the Christmas wreath that was hanging there to sway back and forth slightly which dislodged a great number of its thistles, causing them to drift lazily to the floor and settle at their feet. Sam’s eyes widened as he watched them fall, a deep seated itch starting to spread throughout his sinuses into his nose. Who uses wreaths made of actual trees anymore? Whatever happened to the fake, plastic ones? Of all the various allergies that plagued Sam, pine needles had to be the most humiliating, especially at this time of year. Ridicule always followed when he had to explain to friends, girlfriends, or anyone, why he couldn’t have a tree or other forms of decoration. His cheeks flushed slightly at the recollection as he scrubbed at his nose and sniffled sulkily in a vain attempt to get Dean to realise that this was the worst fucking idea he had ever had. Dean glanced at Sam, and upon noticing the discomfort on his face, his eyes were drawn to the wreath on the door. His eyes darted back to Sam before pressing his chin to his chest, his glare directed at the floor.

“This isn’t my fault!” Dean hissed through gritted teeth.

“No? Then whose fahh… fault is it, Dean?” Sam hissed back, his voice trembling slightly from the efforts of trying to hold back a sneeze. He pinched his fingers across the bridge of his nose, rubbing his nostrils against his septum in an attempt to alleviate the itch.


His attempts failed, resulting in his body swiveling to the left as he sneezed openly into the air. As he began to sniffle in the aftermath, the door of the house was creaked open to reveal a friendly-faced family of four huddled together in the warm glow that radiated from their home. The parents’ hands rested on the children’s shoulders as their smiling faces all beamed at Sam and Dean.

“Away in a manger, no crib for His bed…”

They both began, a well-rehearsed, plastic smile smeared across Dean’s face. Sam, however, was struggling to even keep his eyes open against the blossoming irritation in his nose, never mind sing at least half in tune.

“The little… Jesus… down hihhhs s-sweet head.”

This was becoming difficult. Sam’s voice faltered as he tried desperately to continue singing against the almost unbearable tickle that the tiny allergens were provoking. Dean, however, remained flawless in his charade, and noticing Sam’s predicament, he upped the volume on his singing so as to distract the family from the hitching, breathy vocals coming from his brother.

“The s-stars in the bri- Hhyesshhhieww! Esshhhieeww!”

Unable to hold back any longer, Sam was wrenched to the side by the violent expulsions, immediately snapping his hand up to cover the lower half of his face. Dean’s façade wavered slightly, but he continued singing, despite Sam’s performance. Sam tried to continue through his gloved hand, but all he managed was a small whimpering sound which caused his nose to vibrate and his entire upper body was quickly lurched forward.

“Hehssshhyeeww! Ehhtscchhiiew! Etschsshhh! Hihh-Itschshhh!”

When a break between sneezes appeared, Sam kept his hand wrapped around his face, unable to trust himself to remove it as that intense, allergic tickle continued to wreak havoc inside his head. He looked up at the family through squinted, teary eyes; the mother and father looked appalled, the daughter was snickering and the son was staring at the screen of his phone with headphones in, blissfully unaware of what was happening. Sam felt Dean clasp a hand to his chest and began pushing him backwards.

“Season’s greetings!” Dean chimed cheerily as he led Sam down the path to the Impala. The allergic fit continued down the driveway and Dean had to support Sam as sneeze after sneeze racked him, and had Dean not been supporting him, he surely would have stumbled. Once inside the car, Sam’s sneezing began to gradually die down, and he was left panting with tears staining his flushed cheeks.

“So, uhh-“ Dean muttered, having watched the entire ordeal. “We didn’t get any money from those guys. We should go back.”

“Take mbe to a mbotel. Ndow.” Sam muttered through gritted teeth, his voice laden with congestion. Dean was about to offer a retort, but despite the glassy eyes and reddened nose, Sam’s bitch-glare was enough to make Dean snap his mouth shut and start driving.

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Oh my GOD dude, I can't believe you're doing this! Happy Christmas to me...

First, dude, NICE detail about the salt on the roads -- I'd never thought of that before! So smart!

Of all the various allergies that plagued Sam, pine needles had to be the most humiliating, especially at this time of year.

WTF hell yes. This is my headcanon too??? I LOVE this. And oh my god, trying to sing while he has to sneeze? SO hot. Can't wait to see day #2!

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Happy Christmas indeed! Love Sam's bitch-glare at the end. So true.

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Oh my GOD dude, I can't believe you're doing this! Happy Christmas to me...

First, dude, NICE detail about the salt on the roads -- I'd never thought of that before! So smart!

Of all the various allergies that plagued Sam, pine needles had to be the most humiliating, especially at this time of year.

WTF hell yes. This is my headcanon too??? I LOVE this. And oh my god, trying to sing while he has to sneeze? SO hot. Can't wait to see day #2!

DUDE. Thank you soo much for the amazing comment!~ I'm so glad we share that same headcanon xD honestly, so glad you like it!

Mmmmmmm Sammeh!

The allergy to pine is definitely a sweet treasure!

Thanks Fang! happy.png I'm glad you enjoyed it!~

Happy Christmas indeed! Love Sam's bitch-glare at the end. So true.

Eep! Thank you! happy.png

Okay, so I tried to do two fics today, I really did! But I only have one. Oh dear. Never mind!

It's 1am, and I'm tired, so I'm just gonna post it.


2. Prompt - Rudolph's Nose Was Green

“Huhh-MMPPFFhh! HhNNGTTchhuh!”

Dean winced at his brother as he cruelly crushed his nose into both palms. It must have been the sixth time he’d sneezed since they arrived at this place not ten minutes earlier.

“You sure you’re up to this?” Dean asked, not even trying to mask the concern in his voice any more. He hated when Sam was sick – sure, he hated the fact that the kid felt miserable, but what he hated most was the overwhelming desire to care for him and nurture him back to health. It often resulted in a whiny “I’m not a kid any more, Dean!” response from Sam, but he just couldn’t help himself.

“Nnnnn…” Sam muttered through his open mouth, pawing at the underside of his nose with the sleeve of his jacket. Dean was about to say something, but managed to hold himself back and continued walking in the general direction of… wherever the hell they were going.

“This place is the worst…” Dean grumbled, idly kicking at some strewn litter around their feet. It had to be the worst Santa’s Grotto either of them had ever been to – and Bobby had taken them to some pretty terrible grottos in their time.

“Whad evend is that?” Sam motioned with his hand to a half-deflated snowman across the courtyard, barely even recognizable as what it was meant to be. “Why are we evend here?”

“This is the place the shapeshifter was spotted,” Dean grimaced as he walked by what could only be described as a pile of horse manure, scrunching his face up in disgust from the smell. “Is that… is that meant to be Rudolph?”

Sam was barely even paying attention as his face began to contort in a similar way to Dean’s, but it certainly wasn’t from the smell.

“Hhh--! HhCCHHMmppf! Hih-TSCHshhu’! NNGTchh!”

Sam continued to sneeze in way he had done previously; crushing his nose against the flat of his palms in a cruel motion which seemed to be more like punishment for his nose than sneezing. Upon removing his hands, he looked at Dean who began to snicker and waved his hand towards a plastic cut-out reindeer with a green bulb for its nose.

“Looks like they need some advice on what Rudolph’s appearance should be. You should apply.”

Sam tried to retaliate, but all he managed was a fit of angry coughing into his clenched fist. Dean grabbed him by the shoulder and squeezed gently.

“One interview, Sammy. Then we’re outta here.”

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I LOVE THIS ONE TOO. And it's also Sam? My fave? And I know you're mostly just into Cas and Dean so I feel soooo so goddamn LUCKY.

Especially enjoyed this part:

“You sure you’re up to this?” Dean asked, not even trying to mask the concern in his voice any more. He hated when Sam was sick – sure, he hated the fact that the kid felt miserable, but what he hated most was the overwhelming desire to care for him and nurture him back to health. It often resulted in a whiny “I’m not a kid any more, Dean!” response from Sam, but he just couldn’t help himself.

And also this part:

Sam continued to sneeze in way he had done previously; crushing his nose against the flat of his palms in a cruel motion which seemed to be more like punishment for his nose than sneezing. Upon removing his hands, he looked at Dean who began to snicker and waved his hand towards a plastic cut-out reindeer with a green bulb for its nose.

“Looks like they need some advice on what Rudolph’s appearance should be. You should apply.”

It's so like them! Than you so so much.

EDIT: p.s. i adooooore your spellings

Edited by Sen Beret
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“Looks like they need some advice on what Rudolph’s appearance should be. You should apply.”


This is too good! I'm laughing so hard it's ridiculous!

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So in character, funny and cute!. You are definitely spoiling us for Christmas puds, I cannot thank you enough for thinking of this! Holy 12 fics of Supernatural <3

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“Season’s greetings!” Dean chimed cheerily as he led Sam down the path to the Impala.

So in character and so good!

“Looks like they need some advice on what Rudolph’s appearance should be. You should apply.”

Haha! I could see Dean saying something like that in an episode. If only you wrote for the show...

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I LOVE THIS ONE TOO. And it's also Sam? My fave? And I know you're mostly just into Cas and Dean so I feel soooo so goddamn LUCKY.

Especially enjoyed this part:

“You sure you’re up to this?” Dean asked, not even trying to mask the concern in his voice any more. He hated when Sam was sick – sure, he hated the fact that the kid felt miserable, but what he hated most was the overwhelming desire to care for him and nurture him back to health. It often resulted in a whiny “I’m not a kid any more, Dean!” response from Sam, but he just couldn’t help himself.

And also this part:

Sam continued to sneeze in way he had done previously; crushing his nose against the flat of his palms in a cruel motion which seemed to be more like punishment for his nose than sneezing. Upon removing his hands, he looked at Dean who began to snicker and waved his hand towards a plastic cut-out reindeer with a green bulb for its nose.

“Looks like they need some advice on what Rudolph’s appearance should be. You should apply.”

It's so like them! Than you so so much.

EDIT: p.s. i adooooore your spellings

Omg, Sen, your comments are always the best. Coming from you as well. You! One of my fave writers. You're the best, thank you so much!

“Looks like they need some advice on what Rudolph’s appearance should be. You should apply.”


This is too good! I'm laughing so hard it's ridiculous!

heh.gif I'm glad you liked that part xD

So in character, funny and cute!. You are definitely spoiling us for Christmas puds, I cannot thank you enough for thinking of this! Holy 12 fics of Supernatural <3

Thank you, DNO happy.png

“Season’s greetings!” Dean chimed cheerily as he led Sam down the path to the Impala.

So in character and so good!

“Looks like they need some advice on what Rudolph’s appearance should be. You should apply.”

Haha! I could see Dean saying something like that in an episode. If only you wrote for the show...

Eee! Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm really glad you liked it!

I have been slacking on this, I know, I know. But I'm hopefully going to have caught up by the end of today or tomorrow.

I just have this one to post for now, but hopefully there will be another to post later this evening.

So let's mix it up a bit and have some Dean. Because why the hell not.

3. Prompt - The taste of candy canes

Sam pushed his laptop away from him and buried his face in his hands. Staring at the light from it for so many hours had caused a dull ache to pan across his forehead, his vision blurring slightly. He figured now was a good time to take a break; he needed to go to the store, seeing as his brother was completely incapable of leaving his bed. Besides, Dean would never agree to buying medication for himself; it had been drilled into the both of them from a very young age to not let something as mundane as sickness incapacitate you. However, if Sam bought the meds, knowing that they barely had any money as it was, there was no way Dean could refuse such a kind, compassionate offer. He needed not to know that Sam’s intentions were to put a halt to the bouts of sneezing which Dean oh-so-considerately fired openly across the room, the constant liquid sniffles, deafening nose blows and hacking coughs. As if right on cue, just as Sam was finishing fastening his boots-

"HhRrSSSHHhuh! UhSSHHHhu'!"

"Bless," Sam muttered, pulling his jacket around him. Dean uttered a stuffy grunt of acknowledgement, continuing to lie motionless on the bed. "You want anything while I'm out?"

Another stuffy grunt came from the pile of blankets.

"Caddy cades," came the croaky response, a pair of glazed eyes emerging from under the covers.


"Caddy cades!" Dean's voice was so thick with congestion, his words were barely even recognisable.

"Dude, I can’t understand you. Blow your nose or something," Sam grumbled. Dean complied and grabbed a handful of napkins from the side of the bed, blowing harshly. He sniffed afterwards, chucking the napkins across the bed (much to Sam’s bemusement) and cleared his throat.

"Caddy... cades... god dambit!"

Sam huffed and stuck his hands in his jacket pockets. He leaned against the wall as he watched Dean scramble around amongst the used tissues, research papers and textbooks. After a moment of feverous searching, Dean produced a dog-eared scrap of paper along with what Sam assumed to be a pen and was just about to start writing something when his head suddenly tipped backwards, causing Sam to edge away cautiously.


Dean paused for a moment after the expulsions, and once he was satisfied he was finished, he began to write, wiping the underside of his nose with the back of his hand as he did so. Sam’s face contorted in disgust as Dean handed him the scrap of paper and made a mental note not to forget hand sanitiser while he was out. Crudely scribbled across the paper were the words “candy canes” – even Dean’s writing was barely even legible, and as Sam looked across as his brother, he noticed Dean was visibly shaking, his forehead slick with sweat. Only Dean Winchester would ask for nothing but candy when he probably felt like he was on death’s door… again.

“Candy canes? Really?” Sam raised his eyebrows, puzzled. “How can you taste anything, you can barely even breathe.”

“Ddey’re- HehrRREESSHHHhuu’! EHTSCHHhuhh! Ddey’re the odnly thigg I cadn taste,” Dean whimpered, slumping back down on his back, coughing wetly as he did so.

“You want anything else while I’m there? Some soup or Nyquil?”

“Mbusty Asian Beaudies,” Dean uttered, draping his hand over his face. Sam sighed and turned to face him.


Dean said nothing, but motioned two big circles with both hands coming away from his chest. With a quick roll of the eyes, Sam was gone.

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Oh my gosh! Dean and his girls haha. Of course Dean would only request girls and candy when he's like dying. This is so cute ! :)

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OMG I can't! Dean! First the candy, then wanting girls! omg I just can't! :rofl:

Sam! Whatever you do, Don't. Forget. Candy, Canes. If you do, at least get him some pie. The man needs pie! :lol:

Puddin! I bow to your awesomeness of Dean! worshippy.gif

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Wow! What a surprise to be finding this today :D That idea of the 12 days Christmas sneeze fic is ingenious! I miss Cas but that's ok, you write beautifuly :D Can't wait for the next story!

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the bouts of sneezing which Dean oh-so-considerately fired openly across the room,

Somehow, I too always picture Dean as being pretty openly inconsiderate when he's feeling sick xD

"Caddy... cades... god dambit!"

Hahahahaha~!! He's so mad xDD It's hilarious xDD

just about to start writing something when his head suddenly tipped backwards, causing Sam to edge away cautiously.


MMMM~ Dem sneezes >w<~ and that head tilt

“Mbusty Asian Beaudies,” Dean uttered, draping his hand over his face. Sam sighed and turned to face him.


Ughhhhh, Puddin, this is all so good~~ Fantastic job handling Dean's character. You write him so believably~ So glad there will be more of these! <3

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Oh my gosh! Dean and his girls haha. Of course Dean would only request girls and candy when he's like dying. This is so cute ! smile.png

Thank you so much!! I love Dean's love for girls and candy lol.gif


Love me some Winchesters.

Thank you!

OMG I can't! Dean! First the candy, then wanting girls! omg I just can't! lol.gif

Sam! Whatever you do, Don't. Forget. Candy, Canes. If you do, at least get him some pie. The man needs pie! heh.gif

Puddin! I bow to your awesomeness of Dean! worshippy.gif

Omg, Fang, thank you so much! Dean and his pie heh.gif I wanted to include that somewhere but I thought candy and girls were enough tonguesmiley.gif I'm so glad you liked it!

Yay, Dean! He's my fave and that was super cute.

Thank you so much! I'm a sucker for Dean too sweatdrop.gif

Wow! What a surprise to be finding this today biggrin.png That idea of the 12 days Christmas sneeze fic is ingenious! I miss Cas but that's ok, you write beautifuly biggrin.png Can't wait for the next story!

Oh wow, what a lovely comment! I'm so glad you like this! I miss Cas, too... I might have a little surprise for later...


the bouts of sneezing which Dean oh-so-considerately fired openly across the room,

Somehow, I too always picture Dean as being pretty openly inconsiderate when he's feeling sick xD

"Caddy... cades... god dambit!"

Hahahahaha~!! He's so mad xDD It's hilarious xDD

just about to start writing something when his head suddenly tipped backwards, causing Sam to edge away cautiously.


MMMM~ Dem sneezes >w<~ and that head tilt

"Mbusty Asian Beaudies," Dean uttered, draping his hand over his face. Sam sighed and turned to face him.


Ughhhhh, Puddin, this is all so good~~ Fantastic job handling Dean's character. You write him so believably~ So glad there will be more of these! <3

Holy christ on a cracker, Scatter!!~ This comment made my entire week, I cannot express how happy it made me! I am SO HAPPY that you like them, and took the time to write such a thoughtful comment, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!

Again, I have been slacking with these, but fingers crossed I will catch up soon. I say this every time... but still! I wrote this insanely quick, so apologies if it's not all that good.

Have a really long one!

4. Prompt - My family's Christmas traditions

He was going to kill them. If they didn't kill each other first, Dean concluded that he was legitimately going to kill his father and brother.

It was two nights before Christmas, and both of them had disappeared. They had been in the same room together for a grand total of forty seconds before an explosive argument spiraled out of control. It was the usual argument, the one that happened every damn time Sam and John were together; Sam had abandoned his family by going to college, John was selfish for raising his children to be hunters… Dean had heard it all a thousand times, and whilst his instinct had always been to protect and defend his baby brother, his loyalty towards his father had always shone ever so slightly above all else. In this instance, it had resulted in Sam hurling accusations of Dean taking their father's side and should be standing up for himself instead of being ordered around. Apparently it was wrong of Dean to point out that Sam was being selfish for starting this argument on the few days a year that their family was together; it was all John's fault, after all. It was shortly after that outburst that Dean had failed to reconcile the situation and Sam had stormed out of the motel. Despite Dean's efforts to persuade John to let Sam calm down, he had still jumped it in his car and gone to find Sam, leaving Dean to pace the motel room alone.

It was the one time of year that the family was even together any more. Sam always travelled to wherever Dean and John were staying, regardless of the distance. It's just what they did, and whilst Sam had tried to convince them that he was going to be spending this Christmas at Jessica's, he had driven the nine hours to be with them anyway; something which John seemed to selectively forget. Dean was hardly surprised, however. Not only did Sam always drive ridiculous distances to spend Christmas with Dean and John, but he always ended up arguing with John and going off by himself. Dean remembered when he used to find Sam wandering aimlessly around the nearest park or hiding in a local library; now, it was always the nearest bar, and it was always a sharp reminder to Dean that Sam wasn't a kid any more.

He couldn't just leave those two out there alone; they would tear each other apart if John did actually manage to find Sam, so it was down to Dean (again) to try to bring peace to the situation.

"Hh-RrEehtscchhu'! EhTCHuhh!"

Dean sniffled miserably and looked outside; the scenery was pleasant, almost awe-inspiring with flakes of snow falling intricately from the blackened sky, settling atop the blanket that already covered the ground and the moon illuminating the frozen wasteland a bright, crisp white. It was serene, and Dean would have enjoyed the wintery landscape if he had not needed to traipse out in it (by foot, as John had taken the car) to search for his estranged family.

A shiver ran down his spine as he squeezed the bridge of his nose between his knuckles, mentally preparing himself for the hours he needed to spend outside.

Just as he grabbed his jacket, his breath hitched sharply, a barrage of sneezes causing his body to jerk awkwardly.

"Hah'EITSCHhhuu'! HehhTSSCHH! HurRRSSHHHhiew!"

He groaned inwardly, his body racked with chills before he even set foot outside. He always managed to have some plague or other over Christmas; he would never forget the delightful case of stomach flu he sported right across the holiday last year, meaning that their family's get-together was spent huddled around a hospital bed. He was thankful that for this year, it appeared to just be a head cold, but Dean knew himself and spending hours wading through snow in below freezing conditions was not going to give his immune system the boost it needed.

As he flung the door open, a barricade of icy wind and sharp flecks of snow pelted him across his face, his eyes tearing immediately from the blast; he would never admit that a part of that was the reality of his family abandoning him on Christmas, how miserable he felt and that it was always him who had to neutralise these situations. That was something which he intended to keep to himself.

He had taken all of six steps before he had lost all feeling in his fingers and feet. The wind caused his nose to run consistently, forcing his wrist to be pressed almost permanently to the underside of his nose; whenever it wasn't pressed there, the trickle caused an unbearable itch to blossom within his nose, forcing an inevitable "Heh-TCCHHhuu!" to be expelled. His forehead felt too hot, despite the constant shivers his entire body emitted, the severity causing his teeth to chatter slightly, his jaw beginning to ache.

He had been walking now for approximately thirty minutes, about to give up hope on this piece of shit town even having a bar, when the neon lights shone too brightly in his vision, squinting his eyes and forcing a strained throb to pan its way across his forehead and down his temples. The lights triggered something in his nose; bright lights never usually bothered him - that was more of a Sam thing - but the pressure and irritation that had built up inside apparently indicated that the slightest irritant would trigger something.

"Huhh-... Hh--! Heh..."

He stared at the light, eyes squinted half-closed as his head tipped back. The itch plagued him for a few seconds more before a stuffy sniffle vibrated around his nose in just the right way, resulting in a-


The expulsions left him feeling dazed and disoriented, little dots dancing across his vision. He subconsciously stuck his arm out and grabbed onto something to steady himself before he passed out.

Whatever it was that he grabbed wasn't what he was expecting; he was honestly expecting nothing to even be there, resulting in him crumpling to the floor, defeated. What he grabbed was soft yet firm, some form of material draping across it. And it grabbed him back.

"Dean? Dean!"

The familiar tone of Sam's voice echoe inside his head, as if Sam was a hundred yards away, straining to get Dean to hear him. He felt something clap him around his cheek, and as the spots in his vision cleared, a blurred outline of Sam appeared before him.

"...Sssm?" Dean tried to speak, but the combination of congestion, fever and delirium made it impossible for him to articulate words. The effort of attempting to speak appeared to have sapped the last lingering remainder of Dean's energy, and he felt his legs collapase from under him, falling forwards into Sam's waiting grasp. He was still conscious, which was probably the worst part, yet he seemed to have lost total control of his body.

"Hh'Sshhuhh! EhTschhh'uh!"

Even his sneezes sounded weakened as he jerked slightly against Sam. In the distance another voice could be heard, also too familiar to Dean, but sounding so far away that he couldn't fathom who it was who said it.

"Get him in the truck. I'll follow you."

Those were the last words that Dean heard before everything went black and he woke up laying on something soft and warm.

"...WhurramI?" came the thickened, slurred words from Dean. It was more a rhetorical question as he wasn't even sure if anyone was in the room with him.

As his eyes adjusted, he noticed some spots of colour before his eyes; he snapped his eyes shut, convinced that the colours were his eyes betraying him again as he fever had clearly spiked to a dangerous level.

"You're with us, son." The voice that spoke was soft and deep, and for a moment, Dean felt like he was a kid again, his father's reassuring words calming him as they had done for so many years. Before Dean could even construct a reply, his nose betrayed him spectacularly.


He crushed his face into his shoulder, the sneezes apparently having awoken his senses as he opened his eyes and focused on the sight before him.

Sam and John were sat at the end of his bed, an almost-bare Christmas tree standing in the corner with dim lights glowing softly. Just for a moment, Dean relaxed into the bed, at peace that his family was finally all together.

"Merry Christmas, Dean," Sam said, looking to John and smiling broadly.

"I'mb sorry I ruined Christmbas." Dean whispered, eyes in danger of spilling over. John's hand clasped firmly around Dean's shoulder as a half smile spread across his face.

"You made Christmas , son. As you do every year."

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Oh wow, what a lovely comment! I'm so glad you like this! I miss Cas, too... I might have a little surprise for later...

I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't fishing for that kind of comment biggrin.png Yaaaaaay!!!!!

It was the usual argument, the one that happened every damn time Sam and John were together; Sam had abandoned his family by going to college, John was selfish for raising his children to be hunters… Dean had heard it all a thousand times, and whilst his instinct had always been to protect and defend his baby brother, his loyalty towards his father had always shone ever so slightly above all else. In this instance, it had resulted in Sam hurling accusations of Dean taking their father’s side and should be standing up for himself instead of being ordered around. Apparently it was wrong of Dean to point out that Sam was being selfish for starting this argument on the few days a year that their family was together; it was all John’s fault, after all. It was shortly after that outburst that Dean had failed to reconcile the situation and Sam had stormed out of the motel. Despite Dean’s efforts to persuade John to let Sam calm down, he had still jumped it in his car and gone to find Sam, leaving Dean to pace the motel room alone.

HAHAHA this sounds soooo much like a Winchester Familly Xmas biggrin.png Perfect in everyway!

As he flung the door open, a barricade of icy wind and sharp flecks of snow pelted him across his face, his eyes tearing immediately from the blast; he would never admit that a part of that was the reality of his family abandoning him on Christmas, how miserable he felt and that it was always him who had to neutralise these situations. That was something which he intended to keep to himself.

Awwwwww... I think I got some of that snow into my eyes too.... *snif*

The lights triggered something in his nose; bright lights never usually bothered him - that was more of a Sam thing - but the pressure and irritation that had built up inside apparently indicated that the slightest irritant would trigger something.

I really like this one smile.png I mean, Sam's photic sneezing is such a canon in our head smile.png Dean's having that particular problem when he's sick is so precious!

He subconsciously stuck his arm out and grabbed onto something to steady himself before he passed out.

Whatever it was that he grabbed wasn't what he was expecting; he was honestly expecting nothing to even be there, resulting in him crumpling to the floor, defeated. What he grabbed was soft yet firm, some form of material draping across it. And it grabbed him back.

The way you brought this.... wonderfull. I usually am pretty good at anticipating stuff but I didn't see this coming until the very last sentence. *tiping my hat*

"...Sssm?" Dean tried to speak, but the combination of congestion, fever and delirium made it impossible for him to articulate words. The effort of attempting to speak appeared to have sapped the last lingering remainder of Dean's energy, and he felt his legs collapase from under him, falling forwards into Sam's waiting grasp. He was still conscious, which was probably the worst part, yet he seemed to have lost total control of his body.

My only little negative thing is that the onset is really fast BUT hey, it could be the flu, Dean is just misjudging his health. Fixed this right up into my head smile.png The fact that he remains conscious (for a little while at least) after his body fails him.... love this!

"I'mb sorry I ruined Christmbas." Dean whispered, eyes in danger of spilling over. John's hand clasped firmly around Dean's shoulder as a half smile spread across his face.

"You made Christmas , son. As you do ever year."

Awwwwww! Heart melting biggrin.png

I loved the story smile.png The sneeze spelling were perfect and the fever daze ambiance was really well described. You made my day biggrin.png Now I can concentrate on studying for my last two test of December :-3

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"Merry Christmas, Dean," Sam said, looking to John and smiling broadly.

"I'mb sorry I ruined Christmbas." Dean whispered, eyes in danger of spilling over. John's hand clasped firmly around Dean's shoulder as a half smile spread across his face.

"You made Christmas , son. As you do every year."

Dean! :cryhappy:

Omg this was the best thing ever!!!

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I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't fishing for that kind of comment Yaaaaaay!!!!!

Omg, this comment legit made me laugh out loud lol.gif

My only little negative thing is that the onset is really fast BUT hey, it could be the flu, Dean is just misjudging his health. Fixed this right up into my head The fact that he remains conscious (for a little while at least) after his body fails him.... love this!

I was worried that the onset might be a little quick, but it was my intention that Dean did just think he had a poxy little head cold but it was actually something much worse xD

I loved the story The sneeze spelling were perfect and the fever daze ambiance was really well described. You made my day Now I can concentrate on studying for my last two test of December :-3

I'm really glad you liked it, and thank you so much for the time you took to post this comment! I always go a bit giddy when I get comments like this xD and good luck with your tests!! <3

"Merry Christmas, Dean," Sam said, looking to John and smiling broadly.

"I'mb sorry I ruined Christmbas." Dean whispered, eyes in danger of spilling over. John's hand clasped firmly around Dean's shoulder as a half smile spread across his face.

"You made Christmas , son. As you do every year."

Dean! happy%20crying.GIF

Omg this was the best thing ever!!!

Fang, thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it <3

Oh, look! I actually managed to write another one tonight!!

Now, let me explain a little bit. This one is a little different - I took a risk, and I really hope that it pays off... just please don't judge me xD

Alright, here we go.

5. Prompt - Write an unselfish letter to Santa, asking him to bring a needed item to a friend or family member.

Dear Santa,

I know this is ridiculous; I know that you don’t exist. Well, I’m pretty sure. After the shit I’ve seen, anything could be possible. I am really running out of options here though and could really use your help.

It’s written in your lore that you only give accolades to good boys and girls, yet each year, me and Sam are always rewarded in some way. The biggest reward we get is being alive for another year which is something that neither of us probably deserve. I’m not saying that either of us are “naughty”, but we hardly have bright, shiny halos above our heads, y’know? This has to indicate something – you may not be real, but there has to be something that’s granting us with good luck, right? The thing is, Sam always finds it within himself to get something perfect for me as a gift for Christmas and honestly, the gifts that I get him suck pretty bad. Just this one year, I want him to receive something that’s gonna do him good, something that he deserves. And I’ll be honest, it’s gonna benefit me too, knowing that the kid’s alright. I’d be happy if I never got anything else for the next 50 years… so long as Sammy’s alright, then I’ll be happy.

Right now, he’s laid in bed, unable to move. I don’t know if it’s some evil demon sickness (seriously, he’s had that before) or if it’s just some natural human thing. He’s had it for what feels like forever, and I’m powerless to help him through it – believe me, I’ve tried. I’ve never seen a human sickness affect someone so badly.

He is awoken each night, screaming from his fever-fuelled dreams. I can’t blame the kid. If you had been through what he has, I guarantee you would be screaming too. Seriously, I’ve never seen so much sweat pour from a single person – the bed is always soaked and how he hasn’t dehydrated by now is beyond me. I try forcing liquids and drugs down his throat but nothing seems to be touching it. He is literally only a day or two away from me taking him to the hospital. This is why I’m writing to you, begging for your help. Sammy hates hospitals.

Not only has the fever spiked out of control, the poor kid can barely breathe. Each breath that he takes has a high pitched whistle, and no amount of coughing (which he is doing more and more lately) seems to bring him any sort of relief. It sounds like each breath is a struggle, like his airways are closing up or some shit, and it’s fucking terrifying. With each round of coughing, I can literally hear the crap shifting around in his chest, and it scares the living hell out of me – no human should be making the sounds that he does and even with me cramming his inhaler down his throat, this only brings him minimal to zero relief.

What really pisses me off is that his chest is so tight and full of crap, which makes it difficult enough for him to breathe, but his nose is also so damn congested that he has no choice but to force each breathe through his mouth, making him cough even more. Lying down seems to worsen his congestion, but he’s too damn weak to remain standing or sitting for more than around 20 seconds. I’ve tried all kinds of things in an attempt to bring him some form of relief; sitting him up, propping him up with pillows, getting him in the shower so the steam helps – literally nothing helps the poor kid, and the money I’ve spent on tissues is probably more than I spend on fuel for the damn car. For the majority of the day, all I can hear are the constant sniffles and nose blows that remind me just how sick he is. He can literally pass no air through his nose at all, and despite all the vapor shit that I’ve been buying, it’s just not loosening. He’s barely conscious for long enough to hold down any sort of conversation, but when he does, I am literally struggling to understand what he says. Between the solid congestion and wheezing breaths, his words are so undecipherable that I genuinely sometimes just guess at what he’s saying. It pisses him off, but what the hell else am I meant to do? Get him to write it down? That’s more degrading than guessing what he said.

The congestion alone wouldn’t be as bad if it weren’t for the constant bouts of sneezing that he’s suffering from. Seriously, it feels like once he starts, he can’t stop, which again hardly helps his breathing along. They would be almost manageable if they didn’t happen so damn often. It is literally every 10-20 minutes, maximum. And it can’t just be one sneeze, like any normal person. Sometimes the fits are so extensive that I’m worried he’s either going to pass out or just stop breathing altogether. At least one good thing is that he tends to give me plenty of warning – he always sits upright, eyes closed and mouth hanging open. I’ve never seen anyone look so uncomfortable or so damn tortured when they need to sneeze; it can sometimes take minutes for him to actually be able to sneeze, but until then, the irritation seems to rattle around inside his head, clearly driving him insane. Sometimes I’m able to distract him enough to stop the attack – shouting, swearing, making loud banging noises – but this barely ever works and the sneezes just explode right out of him, sometimes for minutes at a time. Honestly, what makes the whole thing worse is that Sam’s so damn considerate about hygiene that he almost suffocates himself with tissues or his sleeve… anything that he can find to smother his face when the sneezing or coughing attacks. It’s probably because of this that I’ve not caught it yet, which I am thankful for because it looks like absolute hell, but Jesus… I would rather have it than him. I know you’re not a healer but fuck. If there is a way that you can alter it so that it’s me suffering instead of him, then I’ll take that too. I’m literally willing to do anything, I just want the kid better. That’s all.

You’re probably wondering why I’m writing this to you and not to God. I’ve been praying to God for days for things to improve, and he just isn’t listening. Or if he is, he ain’t doing shit about it. I’ve never been a firm believer in God, and this just proves what believing in God gets you. Writing letters to fucking Santa. But, you’re my last resort and if nothing is achieved from this, then at least I can say I tried. I’m asking for this one favour as a Christmas present. I don’t care about anything else right now. Sam is my only concern, and if I can just have one wish or gift or whatever for Christmas this year, it’s that you make my brother healthy again for the entire year. The kid has enough allergies to deal with, adding sickness on top of that is just unfair. One year with no sickness or ill health; I’ll take his portion of it if I have to, just so he doesn’t have to suffer through this bullshit any more.

Thanks for your time.


Dean Winchester.

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That.......that is the most beautiful and most unselfish letter I have ever read. I am actually in tears right now. actual, real, wet tears.....

I just wanna hug Dean and smother them both. heart.gifheart.gifheart.gif

Edited by Pyrus_Fangmon
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I'm actually clutching my laptop with a ridiculous smile(? face?) from that last one. Just Dean writing to Santa and about Sam and I can't… words…

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Ahahaha... I laughed so hard at the one with the candy canes (that's as far as I've gotten). They're all good, but this is my favorite so far. From the time he first asked for candy canes onward, all I did was giggle. xD

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