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"A New Kind of Mission" - THE AVENGERS (Steve Rogers, Tony Stark)


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  • 2 weeks later...

AN - So sorry, I've been on holiday! Here's the last and final installment of my little story. Thanks to everyone who kept assuring me it was worth continuing... :) Honestly, I appreciate your feedback so much! I hope you guys enjoy it! :D Lastly, sorry for any errors, I am jet lagged beyond belief!


Steve woke up to the sound of someone groaning. It took him a second to realise that it was him.

He was writhing on Tony's bed as the philanthropist attempted to sooth him. "Shh, Steve, you're safe." The young man moaned as a wave of heat washed over him. Tony placed a cool cloth on his forehead to help bring down the fever. "Do you know where you are?"

Steve opened one eye and was about to answer when the need to sneeze overtook him. "T-Tody, I have to--" Steve tried to warn him, weakly pushing his friend away. "Hh'PSHHH! Huh'TSHOO!"

Tony didn't move at all, the mist from Steve's sneeze hitting him. "Bless you, buddy."

Steve looked absolutely mortified. "I'b so sorry." He shivered, trying to turn away from him.

"Steve, it's okay. You're sick."

"I should g-go." Steve started to get up before a wave of dizziness hit him.

"Christ! Are you crazy?!" Tony gently put his hand on his chest and pushed him back down. "You need rest. Did you forget you passed out on me?"

"Oh." Steve sniffled, eyes glassy. "I'b sorry."

Tony groaned. "No, I just meant... well, never mind. You're staying here until you're well enough to move." He sat on the bed next to Steve and adjusted his pillows. "Is there anything you need?"

Steve shook his head. "Doe. I'b sorry I'b such a..." His jaw went slack and he turned his head to sneeze tiredly into his shoulder. "Hap'SHH! ARSHHH! Nnnggh..."

Tony ran his fingers through Steve's blond hair. "You're okay, you'll be fine."

He shivered, wincing as his muscles ached something awful. "I'b cold."

Before he could talk himself out of it, Tony pulled back the blankets and covered Steve and himself, leaving the cloth on Steve's head. "It's late. I'm gonna be right here, okay?"

"Jusd d-don't l-eave be." Steve shuddered, pulling the quilts up to his chin.

"I won't." Tony promised, smiling.

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Holy Shit. I think I just felt tears there for a second... This is such a great contrast to see the differences between them, yet Tony being caring and kind towards Steve. You literally just hit me right in the feels. twitchsmile.gif Thank you so much for this story! It was wonderful and adorable all in one. I think I need to go pull myself together now...

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