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Expedition (Attack on Titan)


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This site has a grand lacking of AoT/SnK material. I've started this, although I'm not 100% sure where it's going. But, eh, maybe it'll all work out in the end? Also, this may have some grammatical errors, please do be kind enough to pardon my mistakes.

Eren woke up, coughing harshly into his fist, stifling to keep anyone around him from waking up. He glanced over to the side, Armin was still asleep. Which was odd, since Armin’s a generally light sleeper.

This had to be the hundredth time he’d woken himself up to stifle a fit of coughs or sniffles that night. He put his sleeve up to his nose, rubbing at it. He looked around. It still wasn’t dawn, although it seemed pretty close.

He wasn’t looking forward to it. The fact that he had no more than about four or so hours of sleep that night were not the best complements for a day full of 3D Maneuver training and exhausting person to person combat. Not to mention the itch at the back of his throat.

He leaned back into bed, staring out through the cabin windows, hoping he’d be able to get a substantial amount of sleep. But after varied attempts, this proved nearly impossible. He groaned, running his hands through his hair in frustration. He didn’t particularly know what he was doing when he sat up and got out of bed, opening the doors of the cabin and walked outside. He wasn’t tired anyway. He might as well entertain himself. He leaned up against the wooden walls and coughed softly into his fist. His throat felt as if he hadn’t taken a sip of water in over a year.

He sniffed, feeling a growing tickle behind his sinuses. The corners of his lips bent downwards, nose arching downward as he brought his hand up to his mouth. Slow gasps becoming closer and closer to each other. He hated a tease. “He..Hah..HAXCHIE!” The force of the sneeze bent his body forward. His cheeks blushed a crimson rose despite company’s absence. Eren brought himself upwards, hoping the feeling down die down.

The plus side to having exited the room was that he didn’t have to worry about stifling, there was no one around to hear so… “He-HACHXIEW!” His nose dripped. “H-CHXIEW!”

He leaned his head up to keep the stream from running as he forced out a miserable cough.

Not many seconds later, the door opened. Shit. “E-Eren?”

“Armin!” He nearly flinched out of his skin at the other boy’s unexpected enterance. “Why’re you out here?” He practically demanded.

Armin fiddled with his hands. “I could ask you the same thing. I came out here because you weren’t in bed, why-”

“I’m just not in the mood to sleep.” He interrupted, not willing to admit to his condition. Being questioned was embarrassing enough at it was. Especially in this sort of situation.

Armin raised a brow, it wasn’t like him to ask so many questions, but there was definitely something up with Eren. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” He assured. “I’m fine.”

Armin nodded, deciding it’d be best to leave his friend at peace. He opened the door, stepping back inside, glancing at Eren one last time just to make sure. Eren nodded and the door closed shut. Here came another fit.

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Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Eren you sick in-denial adorable cutie!

*ahem* Please, continue.

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Ahhhhhhh!!! My babies and eren is all sick.and and.....armin,!!!!!!!!! You totally got these two down!! Eren would hide being sick and armin would be concerned.

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Ooooh my friend watches/reads this and I'm familiar with the characters, this was adorable biggrin.png

Oh, thanks. :D

Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooove!!!!!! heart.gifheart.gifheart.gif

Eren you sick in-denial adorable cutie!

*ahem* Please, continue.

I know! Who can't love an in-denial shifter? I'm really glad you like it.

Ahhhhhhh!!! My babies and eren is all sick.and and.....armin,!!!!!!!!! You totally got these two down!! Eren would hide being sick and armin would be concerned.

That means a lot. Character's are pretty though after all. :P

Yay! You're right, this site is lacking in SnK material. This was lovely, and if you planned on continuing, please do so!

Thanks! An this will be continued in three, two, one:

Eren closed his eyes. He took long, soft breaths. His attention didn’t dart from idea to idea, and the sunlight didn’t bother him. He pressed his head against the porch, hands in his hair.




He jumped. “Huh?” Eren turned around, a concerned Armin stood behind him. “I-It’s time to start the day, did you spend the whole night out here?” His voice trembled.

The door opened, more cadets exited. Some familiar faces included. Good friends. He probably would’ve felt more comfortable if Armin’s concern hadn’t kicked in just as everyone Eren knew practically surrounded him. “What’re you so worried about?”

Armin sighed. “Eren, you don’t seem well. Maybe you should take the day off?”

“Soldiers can’t exactly take the day off.” He retorted. He coughed harshly into his fist. “Besides, it was just something that happened last night. I just couldn’t sleep. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” He protested.

Of all the times Eren could chose to put up his rebellious teenager act, now was not the easiest time. The blonde boy looked at the ground. “Okay, but you shouldn’t push yourself, you know.”

“I know.”

Armin and Eren walked towards the dinner, despite not appearing sick, he wasn’t looking forward to start conversation with anyone. He wasn’t looking for pity or concern, and he certainly didn’t want to come off as vulnerable. Hadn’t he done that too many times before?

When the door opened, he, Armin and some others entered. Of course naturally, he was so busy minding the trivial opinions of the people around him that he failed to think ahead. Mikasa sat near a cornered table with her eyes already glued on to Eren. And just to top it off, he felt a fit coming on.

Heh…” Not now. He tried so hard to keep this from coming, he nearly lost his balance.

He He-HACHXIEW Ha-CHOO!” He raised his vision, noticing he’d earned a few glances. Armin fiddled with his hands, looking around. “Bless.”

Eren wasn’t really a person who cared much about being blessed, but this didn’t keep his friend from doing otherwise. “Are you okay?” He added to his prior comment.

“’M fine.” He croaked.

He could see Mikasa’s practically horrified expression from a mile away. He wasn’t up for facing this. Making his way to the table, he avoided any eye contact, millions of excuses, conversation changers popped in his head. He well knew the extremes of Mikasa’s protectiveness and how far she would take them. But the first thing she said as he sat down was, of course. “Eren, are you sick?”

“No, I’m not.”

Armin opened his mouth to say something, but Mikasa but him off. “You’re pale. You just went into a fit.”

“I kno.. ha.. heh…”

Armin and Mikasa shared a quick look.

“Not… hah.. now.. HA-ECKIEWW!” He brought his hand up to his mouth, eyes watering. “H-CHAIEW!” Small, sniffles in between sneezes. “Hah..ha-KKCHIEW!!” He managed to stifle. “Ha-kshh.”

He looked up, both of his friends silent. “I’mb fine.” His words were muffled with congestion. Mikasa pulled a napkin from her tray and handed it to him.“I don’t need it-”

“Your nose is running.” She said blatantly.

He yanked the fabric from her hands and pressed it to his nose, blowing softly into it, avoiding to opportunity to attract more attention than he already had.

It probably wasn’t his lucky day, because Reiner and Bertholt just happened to decide to sit at that specific, particular table that day. Eren sighed, pulling the napkin away. He sniffled miserably. So much for not sick. He’d just been put on the spot.

Bertholdt forced a warm smile. “Not feeling too good?”

“I’mb find.”

Armin stifled a soft, devious laugh. “Yeah, he’s fine.”

Mikasa sighed. “You should skip traini-”

“Bikasa, just stop it already. I’m not you kid brother, I’mb dnot in need of a caretaker, you can take that somewhere else.”

That shut her up. Hell, that shut the whole table up. It was silent. And awkward. Riener raised a brow from the end of the table. “Eren, aren’t you and Armin both signed up for that expedition today? It’s gonna be one ride, hah, isn’t it?”

Mikasa’s jaw dropped. “Expedition?”


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OH OH OHHHHH! An expedition you say???? Ohhhh this is going to be the best story ever!

*predicts everything going wrong and Eren getting the worst sneezing fit ever twitchsmile.gif *

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I can't describe how much this story is just pulling at my heartstrings <3 And seriously! There needs to be more AoT <3333 This is so well written and gorgeous!!! Keep up the amazing work!!

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Ooooh, this was great!! I absolutely LOVE your spellings. I don't think I've ever seen spellings like that before, which makes them seem very unique, and they seem very well in character!! Keep going, I'm excited to read more :D

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OH OH OHHHHH! An expedition you say???? Ohhhh this is going to be the best story ever!

*predicts everything going wrong and Eren getting the worst sneezing fit ever twitchsmile.gif *

A-Are you physic? I'm really glad you're enjoying! :)

Oh dear- that cliffhanger killed me. XD you evil one you. Amazing! :3

I know, I'm basically the most sinister person on the Earth right now.

Ohhhhhhhh yessss!!!!!! We all know what this means!!!!

:) Yay!

Yes yes yes!! We are definitely lacking in SnK fic.

D'aww, poor sick!Eren. I predict that a sneezy expedition may prove to be a problem.

Haha, yeah!

I'm curious to see where this is going. eee very cute clapping.gifwubsmiley.gif

sick eren and concerned armin is always nice

Thank you!

YESS an Snk fic!! Thank you! I love it!

I'm so, so glad you're enjoying it!!!

I can't describe how much this story is just pulling at my heartstrings <3 And seriously! There needs to be more AoT <3333 This is so well written and gorgeous!!! Keep up the amazing work!!

Aww, that was really nice. Thank you, oh my Gad!

Ooooh, this was great!! I absolutely LOVE your spellings. I don't think I've ever seen spellings like that before, which makes them seem very unique, and they seem very well in character!! Keep going, I'm excited to read more biggrin.png

Thanks. :D

Let us continue shall we? I don't know when the next part will be up. Hopefully soon!

Anyhow, this took some precious time, so here you are...

Mikasa’s various attempts to become part of the expedition resulted in total failure, the people chosen were purposely put together and she didn’t fit in the puzzle. Any attempts to restrain Eren from going simply made his determination to attend stronger. “Sickness is an obstacle.”

What shitty excuse to suffer for days on end.

The only real relief was that Armin would be attending, so there would at least be someone to look after him. Will he be successful? That is an unanswered matter. The fact that even Mikasa, the supposed strongest cadet was unable to restrain him probably meant that Armin wouldn’t be able to either. It wasn’t a low expectation or even a critique. It was just the blatant and simple truth.

And so that morning when the names were called to leave, Mikasa could only hope for the better. “Armin.”

He stood just a few feet behind Eren as they made their way to the horses. “Look after him.”'

Armin nodded, he knew how much she worried. “I-I’ll try my hardest.” Was the best he could promise.

“Eren!” She yelled out to him, now basically ignoring her blonde friend. After a pause in his walking and a loud sigh, put there on purpose, he turned around. Face basically painted with irritation and something of a red, scarlet colored nose. Ignoring his obvious desire for her to leave him alone, she ran up to him, removing a blood colored scarf from around her neck and wrapping it around him. He blushed, trying to yank it off before she looked up. “Take care.”

“Sure. Okay.” He just wanted to be left to fend for himself, he was past denying the fact that he’d come down with something. Now it was more a matter of not letting other people find out. Hey, it’s better than lying to himself.

Removing the scarf, but having the decency of still keeping it, he got on top of his stallion. Armin, following not long after. “See you.” He said.

Armin added. “Bye, Mikasa.”

And thus, the disastrous adventure the two would face had begun, slowly.

The purpose was pretty simple, get from point A to point B and get the flag, return and report. Looking around, Eren could note some familiar faces. Leonheart, Kierstien, Potato girl and Springer. The tall Ymir girl and others.

This was certainly going to be one Hell of a trip. What on Earth were they thinking when they put this group together?

It had come to Armin’s attention, that for the first time, he was not at the back of the line. But instead was his friend. He stopped his horse, glancing at Eren who had a distracted, somewhat lost expression on his face. “Eren?”

He muttered a indistinct curse under his breath before rubbing his nose. God, not now.

Only to feed the familiar sensation, horse fur and dust seemed to make their way past him, irritating his sinuses to a near unbearable point. “Hehh..he..”

Small breath bitching before he turned away from Armin. “He-CHiewW!” God not another one, “Heh…ha-CHIEW!” Fu-CHiew!” He earned a glance from a short girl with a perfect bun, Annie and an extremely annoyed eye roll from his arch enemy.

Okay, he knew he had to stop. But it seemed near impossible. His breath continued hitching. It felt as if he had been at a practical war with himself. He took a deep breath, bracing himself, “HMMPH!”


He regretted that completely. Armin looked down. “Bless.”

“Please don’d rub it in my face.” Congestion glazed his voice.

“Okay.” He agreed.

He sniffled wetly, cringing at the sound. He’d never been the class hero, but he hasn’t used to being the weak link either. It felt awful, both the illness and the position he was in. But he wasn’t near giving up. Ymir had slowed down quite a lot before she’d settled next to the miserable young man. “You look like shit.”

“Thankds.” He retorted, sarcastic.

“No problem, you shouldn’t have tagged along if you felt this shit.”

Armin’s eyes darted around, not wanting to intrude the conversation. Eren rolled his eyes. “You shouldn’t have commented.”

Ymir scoffed, speeding up considerably. “Hah…!”

Heh –Chiew!!”

“Hey,” Armin began with sincerity, “You.. .okay?” It probably made his friend twice as uncomfortable. But he had to ask anyway.

“Just dandy.”

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D'awwww :3 The characters are so in character, and I love where you're going with this!!!! :D Keep it up!!!

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