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How you know you're in a relationship...(Destiel)

Voodoo huntress

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Alright…this is my first fanfiction for anything, EVER. I’ve just been reading the awesome stories for a long time and now I finally decided to contribute. I love various ships but my top choices would have to be Dean/Castiel and Dean/Benny. This will be a destiel domestic AU of some sorts.

So I’m super scared…but I hope you enjoy…

Castiel and Dean were sitting in content silence; Cas reading a book in his armchair and Dean lying on the couch, twiddling on his cellphone. Cas started at a small sound from Dean.


Cas frowned and turned to Dean, who was rubbing his nose.

“Oh no…are you getting sick?” Cas asked. Dean looked up and smiled.

“Nah, it’s just allergies. I’m okay,” He said and sniffled.


The next morning finds the couple in the exact same place, Cas reading and Dean lying on the couch.

HETCHOO!” Dean exploded into a tissue. Castiel was a little surprised at how much worse Dean had gotten in just over-night. Only a little, mind you.

“’Just allergies’, huh?” Cas asked without taking his eyes away from his book. Dean blew his nose and groaned.

“Shut up…” he grumbled in a congested voice, and threw his tissue in the waste basket.

Cas put his book down and reached over to feel Dean’s forehead, not surprised by the warmth he felt there. He sighed. Dean could be two things when he was sick. He could be completely stubborn and so stoic that a wooden plank showed more emotion. Or, he could be the world’s biggest, overgrown baby. Seriously. There have been tears before.

“HETCHOO! HEHCHOO! Caaassss……”

Overgrown baby it is.


“Hey babe? Can you bring me some Advil?”

Cas sighed and put his fork down and went up the stairs. Their bedroom was a sorry mess of tissues, cups and bowls, and one pile of goo on the bed. Cas calmly walked over to the nightstand and handed Dean the pain pills.

“Tha- CHOO! Ugh….thanks.”


“Caaaass…I can’t reach the remote….” Dean blew his nose and coughed pitifully. Cas put his book down, and handed Dean the remote that wasn’t even a foot away, his eye twitching. It was night time and Dean being nice and dosed up was especially whiny. Cas would’ve left Dean to fend for his snotty self a long time ago if it wasn’t for the fact that Dean would look at him from time to time, an apology in those bloodshot eyes. Cas smile dropped when Dean complained again.

“No babe, the other remote…*sniff*”


“What the hell??” Cas’s jaw dropped in disgust when he walked into their bedroom and saw their bed covered in a sea of white, used tissues. Dean, who was in the bathroom, stumbled in, wiping his nose on his robe sleeve.

“Oh yeah…*sniff* we’re out of tissues. Can you pick up some more? Thanks, Cas.” Dean lumbered out and when he sneezed into his hands is when Cas finally shut his mouth.

“Ugh…babe, you might want to hurry up on those tissues…”


“Thanks for taking care of me. I know I was a pain in the ass.” Dean said and kissed Cas’s cheek. Cas smiled and kissed Dean properly.

“’Pain in the ass’ is the biggest understatement of the century.” He teased, and then paused when he felt his nose tingle.

Ah…Atchoo!” Cas sniffed and glared at Dean, his look promising death in the near future. Dean gulped nervously and wordlessly handed Cas a leftover tissue box.


Well, there you have it…I hope it was okay…please let me know, this is my first time ever posting online.

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Wow wow wow :D

Your writing style is awesome!! You totally nailed Dean, and Cas is so innocent! ;-;

Would you continue it with Castiel sick? That would be amazing, but it's just a suggestion :P

Anyway, well done!! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow wow wow :D

Your writing style is awesome!! You totally nailed Dean, and Cas is so innocent! ;-;

Would you continue it with Castiel sick? That would be amazing, but it's just a suggestion :P

Anyway, well done!! :)

Your wish is my command! Look out for a 2nd part in about a week! (Midterms...ugh)

This is very cute! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading :D

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You do such a good job of conveying so much in so little words (something I need to work on, heeeee >w>) xDD

“’Just allergies’, huh?” Cas asked without taking his eyes away from his book. Dean blew his nose and groaned.

Oh, Cas, you sarcastic little ball of fun you <3

Cas would’ve left Dean to fend for his snotty self a long time ago if it wasn’t for the fact that Dean would look at him from time to time, an apology in those bloodshot eyes. Cas smile dropped when Dean complained again.

“No babe, the other remote…*sniff*”

Ahahaha! I laughed out loud xD I love the moment Cas takes to begin feeling all sorry for Dean, and then it all evaporates a moment later. It's amazing.

“Ah…Atchoo!” Cas sniffed and glared at Dean, his look promising death in the near future. Dean gulped nervously and wordlessly handed Cas a leftover tissue box.

Ahhhh, contagion <3 <3 And sneezy Cas >w<~

Lovely fic, my dear! I look forward to seeing more from you in the future! And welcome to the forum! <3

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You do such a good job of conveying so much in so little words (something I need to work on, heeeee >w>) xDD

“’Just allergies’, huh?” Cas asked without taking his eyes away from his book. Dean blew his nose and groaned.

Oh, Cas, you sarcastic little ball of fun you <3

Cas would’ve left Dean to fend for his snotty self a long time ago if it wasn’t for the fact that Dean would look at him from time to time, an apology in those bloodshot eyes. Cas smile dropped when Dean complained again.

“No babe, the other remote…*sniff*”

Ahahaha! I laughed out loud xD I love the moment Cas takes to begin feeling all sorry for Dean, and then it all evaporates a moment later. It's amazing.

“Ah…Atchoo!” Cas sniffed and glared at Dean, his look promising death in the near future. Dean gulped nervously and wordlessly handed Cas a leftover tissue box.

Ahhhh, contagion <3 <3 And sneezy Cas >w<~

Lovely fic, my dear! I look forward to seeing more from you in the future! And welcome to the forum! <3

Aww, you'll make me blush~

Unfortunately, I'm too busy to write more at the moment, BUT, I do have one other story that might tide you over! XD

Thanks for reading! :)

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Alright, I didn’t really know how to continue, but here’s a sort of epilogue. For an added bonus, some Sabriel. Very brief!

(PUKE WARNING: Don’t like, don’t read. Or just skip. Whatever floats your boat sweatdrop.gif )


Castiel moaned and cursed the day he met Dean. What?! If he never met that idiot, he wouldn’t feel so shitty now.

“Cas…I feel really bad for giving this to you.” Dean was leaning against the headboard while his sick lover rested against his chest.

Atchoo! Achoo! Deaaannn…” Cas groaned as the nausea increased. Dean winced and wiped the mess from Cas’s nose. This was terrible. While Dean only had a head cold, it seemed that the universe hated Cas and gave him the same cold that morphed into the flu. Dean tensed when Cas started to hiccup. He knew what was coming and helped Cas sit up.

“Oh God, move.” Cas shoved Dean away and ran to the bathroom. Dean sighed when he heard the retching start and grabbed the glass of ginger ale that was on the nightstand. He walked into the bathroom and put the glass on the counter.

“Cas? Baby? You done?” Dean asked quietly and tapped Cas on his hot cheek. Cas opened his eyes, revealing a murky navy, very different from the normal brilliant blue.

“I hate you so much right now…” Cas whispered, his voice shot. He drew in a quick breath and shot a hand up to pinch his nose.

Knnxt! Hh-KNNXT! Ow…” he whimpered, even the stifling scraped his raw throat. Dean felt another stab of guilt and wet a washcloth . He lifted Cas’s head by his chin and gently wiped his face off. He cursed when he heard his phone ring from the bedroom.

“I want you to sip on this okay, angel? I need to go get my phone. I’ll be back in a little bit.” Dean kissed Cas on his forehead and rushed to grab his phone. It was Gabriel.

“What do you want?” Dean snapped. He had no time for Gabe’s antics.

“Well hello to you to, Dean-o. Why the pissy mood?” Game asked. Dean sighed.

“I’m sorry, I’m just worried about Castiel. He has the flu.” Dean wiped a hand down his face.

“He got it to, huh? I was just calling if you had any of those flu meds that are like drinks?” Dean’s worry kicked up even higher.

“Sam?” Was all he asked.

“Yup, he’s out too. The good old-fashioned puke-your-guts-up, sneeze-your-brains-out flu. Nasty stuff happening over here. Hey Sammich? You still alive over there?” Gabe called out. Dean could hear a familiar loud sneeze over the phone.


Dean cursed.

“Dammit…Yeah, I have some meds leftover. You know, you do have a job. And money.” Dean pointed out. Gabe chuckled.

“Why would I spend anything when I have a convenient pharmacy for free?” Dean rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. Take care of Sam, you hear me?”

“Take care of my baby bro, and I’ll take care of yours. See you in a bit.” Dean hung up and walked to the hall closet to get the flu tablets and another box of tissues. When he returned to the bathroom, he was pleased to see that Cas drank some of the soda.

Ai…ah…Atchoo! Atchoo!” Cas sneezed into his sleeve and wiped his nose with it. Dean wrinkled his nose.

“Don’t do that, I have tissues right here.” Dean handed the box and medicine to Cas.

“It’s my nose, I do what I damn well please.” Cas muttered and blew his nose. Dean huffed and picked Cas up, carrying him and his prized tissues to the bed, bridal-style.

“Hey! I’ll vomit again, you dumbass!” Cas barked and coughed into a fist.

“Damn, you’re mean when you’re sick, you know that?” Dean placed his cargo on the bed and climbed in beside him.

“Don’t snuggle with me. I’m mad at you for giving me this death disease.” Cas grumbled and blew his nose.


“I still hate you.”

“Mmkay.” Dean placed a cool hand on Cas’s forehead. Cas sighed in relief.

“Maybe I don’t hate you…ATCHOO!

Thanks for that, babe.”



This is the last of this little story, but I am writing more! Be on the lookout!

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This is the last of this little story, but I am writing more! Be on the lookout!

Well, I am glad to hear that you'll be writing more... but Sam and Gabe is so freaking fantastic!

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I know I'm new to this but I'll be happy to do some prompts? I'm kind of at a wall here and I feel like writing

Hey! If you want prompts I've had one floating around in my head for ages but didn't really know how to get it out there. It's RPF if you're okay with doing that. There's a moment in the season 8 gag reel, where Jensen was quite sick and Jared was being silly and mucking around. I'd love a fic where Jensen is sick as a dog and just wants to finish for the day and get out of the rain, but Jared's in a silly mood and making the takes go on and on and Jensen doesn't want to tell him to stop because that's admitting weakness... I'd love that. No slash please :)

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