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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cold Winter Nights (Noragami, Yuki, M)


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I noticed there's a lot of stuff out there with Yato sneezing, but not so much Yuki. So here you have this cute short fic I wrote. Warning: cuddles and cuteness overload ahead. Proceed at your own risk.

In case you don't know what they look like

Yato: https://38.media.tumblr.com/3c68882085902e630f2586567c354648/tumblr_n6hrl1vr6g1rfoo17o3_500.gif

Yuki: http://33.media.tumblr.com/6a234e96fe26c51b9cbfb12524c53648/tumblr_mzo9wucNWa1ruk661o2_250.gif

Further reference: http://33.media.tumblr.com/bc74a34d47135d3518c8cc6d3fb2e284/tumblr_n5ujicr9ul1t2wbmao1_500.gif

Yato and Yuki had just finished shoveling an old lady's driveway. It had taken them four hours, but they did it. Yuki was getting a little tired of all the mundane, back-breaking labor filled jobs they were taking. Last night he had barely gotten any sleep because some guy asked them to clean out his attic. On top of all of that, it was freezing outside and had been snowing for three days straight.

Yato accepted 5 yen from the old lady and two fresh baked cookies. He tossed the other cookie to Yuki. Finally, some food. It felt like heaven sliding down Yuki's throat. It was all warm, gooey, and sugary.

They both wolfed the cookies down as they headed towards finding a shelter for the night. They would probably end up in another god's shrine, like usual.

The cold air started to burn Yuki's insides. He coughed a few dry, quiet coughs into his hand. Yato was surprised at how child-like they sounded. He was surprised in general. Yuki never coughed. Maybe he had been working the boy too hard. He decided to take the rest of the night off, no matter what. It would be good for the both of them.

"Hey Yato," he asked, "do you think we could rest for a little while?" he stretched his mouth into a silent yawn and kicked at the snow. "And maybe find some place warm?"

"Perhaps I could allow that. Only because I'm such a generous god!" Yato laughed and put his hands on his hips. He liked to pretend he was this almighty figure with such power. Yuki knew it was all an act though. He sighed, just happy finally get some sleep.

"If you're so generous why...w...'ikshn!" Yuki stifled into the open air. He seemed just as surprised by it as Yato. It had come so suddenly. The second one came the same way. "..hih...hk'shhn!" He tried to hold back a third and failed. "h'kshh!..uhg."

"Gesundheit. And cover your mouth why don't you?"

"S...s..ehh....heh..'KKShn! Sorry." He caught that one with both hands cupped over his face, pinching his nose. He pulled his hands back to find a small amount of snot on them. He made a face and wiped his hands on his pants.

"Don't do that!" Yato exclaimed. "Here." He handed him a little to-go box of tissue. Yuki accepted it gratefully. He blew his nose roughly.

"Anyways," Yuki said, sounding a little stuffed up, "If you're so generous why am I homeless and begging for food all the time?"

"You are my Regalia now! Which means we are one team. We generously give to other people so much. Generous people don't keep much for themselves!"

"Still seems like we could buy our own food every once in a while...hih'KSH!" He said, bitter as the wind that whipped their faces. He coughed a few more times, harder than before. "Are we close?"

"Yep!" They turned the corner. "Taa daa!" A shrine with three walls around it and an empty fire place appeared before them.

"Wow, this is so much better than usual." Yuki shivered at the thought of having to stay here all night. "How would we even light the fire? There's no wood and we don't have a lighter!"

"You're thinking negatively Yukine! Look! There's shelter from the wind, AND the snow. PLUS a cushioned bench." Yato excitedly ran to the bench and jumped on it a few times. He laughed vigorously to himself.

Yuki would normally be a little pissed off at the moment, but he was too busy fighting off a sneeze. His eyes fluttered and his eyebrows scrunched up. After a few excruciating moments and shaky breaths, he sneezed forcefully into his hands, "H'KSHN! hH'KKsh!...'KSh! 'KSh! 'KSh! i'ksh!..." He paused, still unable to rid the incessant tickling from his nose. ".....hih....ih..ih...h'KSH! ih'KSHn!..ugh."

Yato didn't even notice this fit. He was too busy scoping out the shrine. He thought about how he would build his like this when he became a rich and popular god. Yuki sighed tiredly, and lied down next to the bench. Maybe sleep would make things better.

Yato finally calmed down and flung back on the cushions. He put his arms behind his head and sighed. It had been a rough couple of days but Yato was feeling great. As a god, he wasn't affected by things like temperature and lack of sleep. He thought Yuki would be right as rain once they stopped working. Yeah, Yato thought everything was fine. Then he heard coughing from below.

He rolled on his side and looked down at Yuki. He was huddled into a ball, shivering slightly. He pulled his hood over his head but Yato could still see his face. It was flushed a deep pink and his eyes looked glazed over. Coughs racked his body for about ten seconds before he rolled over and caught Yato looking at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked the young boy.

"Yeah, I just need to sleep." He yawned, which only made him cough a bit more. Yato wasn't convinced.

"Come here." Yato patted the bench next to him. Yuki raised an eyebrow, but the idea of warmth outweighed his inhibitions. He allowed himself to be the little spoon. He was tense at first, but relaxed pretty quickly. The heat, combined with Yato's rhythmic breathing and heartbeat, made the whole experience very calming.

Yato thought about making some sly remark about his generosity, but decided not to. That might drive Yuki right back to the ground. So they laid there in silence. It's not like they hadn't had to huddle before to keep warm. Pretty soon Yuki was asleep, and Yato followed.

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!! thank you so much for writing this !! yukine's my favorite but nobody ever wrote fetishy stuff of him!! im so excited omg this is so cute and your spellings for him are really cute and!! thank you omggg

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Yukiiiiiiiiiiii~ <333 Precious baby~~

It's nice to see some Yuki love around here, and just in time for Christmas too xP You've really captured his character, and his teeny little sneezes are ADORABLE <3

Edited by BlackScatter
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  • 4 weeks later...

DawwWWW that was the best...cuddling together like that. Too sweet to handle~ Both their characters were spot on and it's actually a plausible scene for the anime :P

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