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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Go. Home." (Criminal Minds, Blake)


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I've been watching a lot of Criminal Minds lately, and while I love the whole bunch of characters, the only one I've ever really crushed on is Blake. And yep, there are plenty of CM fics on here - amazingly well-written ones at that - but I found none with her sneezing. :lol: Just my luck. So I whipped up a little oneshot for my own enjoyment, and I figured I might just as well share it with you guys.


Alex Blake did not like spring. In fact, she hated it with all her heart and soul. Not to mention her nose. She wanted nothing more than to crawl up and hide somewhere for a few weeks, to keep her miserable appearance hidden from the rest of the world. She sat at the far end of the table during the run-through, hiding her face with one hand. Her nose was completely blocked and the relentless flames of allergic itch flared through it constantly, seemingly without caring the slightest about the antihistamines she had stuffed herself with.

“Agent Blake, are we boring you?” Hotch asked. She looked up for a split second and shook her head no. She felt curious eyes upon her, but refused to acknowledge them. Hotch was quiet for a moment, giving her a chance to explain herself, then went on speaking.

“The victimology shows they are all low-risk victims; middle class family fathers…”

Blake pinched her nose to keep the inevitable from happening, although she knew it was in vain. Her sinuses prickled as if they were stuffed with thorns. She held her breath to cut off the fuel to the building sneeze, and for a moment it seemed to work. The most urgent need to sneeze began to fade. She exhaled in relief, but found to her horror that she had celebrated too soon; the sensation returned full force. She gasped for air, filling her lungs to their full extent.


She knew they stared at her and she wanted to yell at them to just leave her alone, but her hayfever-induced sneezing fit had only gotten started and it would not back off until it was finished. Which usually was about the time where she would be a leaky, flushed mess who was good for nothing. It was torturous, not only because of the intense, ferocious tingle deep within her nose, but also because of the immense embarrassment it brought.

“Bless you,” JJ said. Blake was unable to respond. She cupped both hands over her rebellious nose and let loose with a painfully itchy fit.

“Heh-eSSCHOO! ESSCCHUH! HeeeRSSCHOO! Oh my Gohh… huhh… aaERRSCHEW!”

“Are you okay, Blake?” Hotch’s voice was concerned now. She waved her hand vaguely in the air while keeping the other firmly pressed to her inflamed, dripping, allergy-battered nose.

Ahh-all…heh…heeh-EH…! Allergies,” she sniffled. “I’m fine. Heh-eeRSCHHUH! EEESCCHHah!

“You are not fine,” Dave Rossi said as he handed her his clean, white handkerchief. “Do you take anything for it?”

“Please, I’b fide! Really! HaaYESCCHOO!”

Dave exchanged looks with Hotch. Agent Blake was so completely overtaken by her allergy attack she didn’t notice. Hotch sighed.

“Go home, Blake.”

“No, I… I…haaiESSHHHah!””

“Go. Home.”

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Love it! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif You're awesome, as usual.

I've tried to write stuff with Blake before. It just goes all wrong every time, even though I can get the rest of the characters right. Go figure tonguesmiley.gif

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I've never been a big fan of Blake myself, but this short little story truly captures the nature of what her character was. I also love the little bit of concern going on. Great job. :)

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Love it! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif You're awesome, as usual.

I've tried to write stuff with Blake before. It just goes all wrong every time, even though I can get the rest of the characters right. Go figure tonguesmiley.gif

Awww, thank you, you're too sweet! :heart:

Haha, she really isn't an easy character to write I realised, I took the easy way out and didn't make too much of a character interpretation! :lol: I hope you won't give up, I'd happily read it! ;)

I've never been a big fan of Blake myself, but this short little story truly captures the nature of what her character was. I also love the little bit of concern going on. Great job. smile.png

Thank you! :D She's a bit difficult I think, lots of armour and not easy to grasp, but that's the kind of character I think make the best fetish victims characters. :P

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