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Too Tough for the Sniffles (F/F Glee Faberry AU) --part 2 posted!


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Hi guys! So I'm writing a new Faberry AU fic at fanfiction.net, and of course now I have to do a sneezy excerpt for SFF. The story at fanfiction.net can be found under my name (JewWitch) on that site if you wanna read it, but all you need to know for this to make sense is that Quinn is a 23-year-old undercover cop who is posing as a high school cheerleader named Dianna (lol) to find and bust a drug ring at McKinley High. She meets Rachel, joins glee, and sparks fly of course. Hope you guys will enjoy!



Too Tough for the Sniffles

A Faberry AU for SFF

Part 1


“Okay, that's sounding really good, girls,” Mr. Schue nodded, putting a hand on Brad the piano player's shoulder to stop him for a moment. “But you're still a little sharp, Dianna. Rachel, do you want to show her that vocal warm-up again, the one you did yesterday? I think that will really help.” Rachel nodded, and Quinn flushed pink with embarrassment and annoyance. She didn't need this hassle. She was supposed to be making a drug bust at this school, not prancing around the choir room singing show tunes. Sometimes being an undercover cop was not what she'd expected.

“I don't need any more warm-ups, I can do it,” Quinn snapped, rubbing her eyes as she stood up a little straighter, glaring at Rachel as if she'd been the one who accused her of being sharp. Rachel frowned; but it was a frown of concern, not a rebuke.

“Di, is something wrong? You don't seem quite like yourself,” the shorter girl said gently, putting a hand on Quinn's arm. The blonde girl shrugged her off.

“You hardly know me, Rachel. You can't say when I seem like myself or not,” she grumbled, wrapping her arms around herself with a little shiver, and wishing she could take off her stupid WMHS cheerleading uniform and put on a pair of comfy sweatpants and a hoodie. She'd been feeling chilled all afternoon, and hated being stuck in such a short skirt.

“Okay, fine. You don't seem like the version of yourself that I've gotten to know over the past few weeks,” Rachel huffed, a flash of irritation traveling across her face now as she stood up a little straighter and glared back at Quinn, not about to be used as anyone's verbal doormat. “So do us all a favor and drop the attitude, all right? Yes, it's not pleasant to be told you're not singing it right, but this is show business and we're not here to hold hands and sing kumbaya. We're here to win. If you just listen to Mr. Schue, you can be better, Dianna. I know you can, so don't say you can't. Can you do it right this time?” She crossed her arms over her chest, one eyebrow raised expectantly. Quinn glared at her, gritting her teeth.

“Yes,” She snarled quietly, crossing her own arms as they stared each other down.

“Girls, I'm not sure this is the best way to...” Mr. Schue tried to interject, but Rachel completely ignored him.

“From the top, Brad,” she instructed the piano player; and the entire team sat in their seats and watched silently as Quinn and Rachel transformed. Quinn opened her mouth first, and began to sing. All the chatter in the room instantly stopped.

“Like a comet pulled from orbit

As it passes the sun

Like a stream that meets a boulder

Halfway through the wood...”

They harmonized over the last line in the verse; and then they sang out together,

“Who can say if I've been

Changed for the better?

I do believe I have been

Changed for the better...”

They hadn't yet gotten to the point of working out the choreography yet; but even so, Rachel reached out and took Quinn's hand as she sang her next line, smiling almost shyly. “And because I knew you...”

“Because I knew you...” Quinn sang back, squeezing Rachel's fingers a little. Both of them were smiling at each other now, their tiff of a few moments ago already forgotten.

“I have been changed for good.” They sang the last line together, staring straight into each other's eyes like the rest of the room had completely disappeared. It only lasted for a second, though, because in the next moment the spell was broken as the rest of the group began cheering wildly.

“Yeah, that's what I'm talking about,” Puck hollered as he clapped, a bit of a leer on his face. “The Sectionals judges would have to be totally blind not to be into that.”

“Thank you, Noah, I happen to concur,” Rachel smirked with a little curtsy. Her smile firmly back in place, she turned back to Quinn and said, “That was simply lovely, Dianna. See, I told you you could do it!” Quinn just nodded vaguely, her eyes narrowing to slits as she stared into space for a moment, then cupped a hand to her face.

“Uhh'chxshh!! *Snfl*...thanks,” She mumbled, her voice sounding just a tiny bit raspy as she rubbed her nose on the back of her wrist.

“Bless you,” Rachel frowned, reaching out and pressing the back of her hand to Quinn's cheek. “Are you getting sick? That could explain why you were sharp before.”

“Jesus, Rachel. It was one sneeze. People sneeze sometimes,” The blonde girl huffed, jerking away from the other girl's gentle touch in a way she never had before, in the weeks of playful flirting since they'd met. Rachel raised an eyebrow in obvious bewilderment, but didn't say anything. Then the bell rang, and with a sigh, Quinn picked up her backpack and slung it over one shoulder. “I have to go to practice. C'mon, Kurt.” The fair-haired boy followed after his new friend, but he shared a glance with Rachel over his shoulder on the way out that clearly said, Yeah, something's up with our favorite blondie, I'll keep an eye on her. Rachel appreciated that; but even so, she had to physically stop herself from following after them and sitting in the stands in the freezing cold of mid-November just to watch their cheerleading practice, and make sure Dianna was okay. She didn't want to feel this way; she simply couldn't help herself. With a sigh, the little starlet turned and gathered her books.


Two hours later, when she knew cheerleading practice had ended, Rachel texted Kurt. How was Di? Does she seem ok? It only took a few minutes for Kurt to reply—he knew his BFF well enough to know that if he ignored her texts, they only became more frequent and voluminous.

Calm down twitchy, came the response. I think u were right that she is coming down w/ something. She seems rly tired. But she's goin home now 2 get some rest so u can stop worrying, k? Just work on that awesome solo 4 Sectionals!! wink.png

This diversionary tactic had no effect whatsoever on Rachel, who remembered the blonde girl telling her when they'd first met that her parents were divorced; her dad was back in Columbus, and her mom worked very long hours as an ER nurse at the county hospital. It was one thing to ignore a single sneeze on the way out of glee practice; but the idea of the blonde girl dragging herself home to an empty house when she was sick and exhausted was simply too much to bear. Jumping up from her desk, Rachel grabbed her car keys and a sweater, and with a shout to her dads down the hall, she was out the door.

Twenty minutes later, Quinn was awoken by the incessant buzzing of her alarm; but when she reached out to swat it and it just kept buzzing, she opened her eyes and realized it was actually the doorbell. With a cranky sigh, she crawled out of bed and stumbled to the door, ready to curse out whatever traveling salesman or Jehovah's witness had disturbed her rest. Her whole body ached from the strain of cheerleading practice; and on top of that, her throat felt raw and scratchy, and her head throbbed, and her ears were pounding like she'd just walked out of a late-night rave. Rubbing her eyes, she opened the door with a snarl already formed on her lips.

“Whaaat?” She whined croakily, surprised at how raspy her voice sounded. When had that happened? It took her a moment to stop rubbing her eyes and realize it was Rachel who stood in front of her, pink-cheeked in the cold November air, and looking at her with far too much concern in her big brown eyes.

“Oh dear, you are getting sick, aren't you?” Rachel sighed sympathetically, taking in the blonde girl's disheveled appearance, fever-glazed eyes, and the raspy hoarseness in her voice. “Come on, back inside the house. It's freezing out here.” She shooed the bewildered blonde girl back inside and followed after her. Quinn, for her part, wasn't used to being ordered around by anyone other than her police chief back in Columbus; but her head felt foggy, and it was hard to pull apart her real life from her fake life undercover as a high school cheerleader, and she couldn't think of anything to say for a moment as she allowed the shorter girl to steer her back into the rented house.

“Rachel, why are you here?” She croaked, blinking sleepily as the reality of the girl in front of her sunk in. “How did you even know where I live?”

“From the glee club contact sheet, of course,” Rachel shrugged, taking in the dim entryway of her new friend's house. “And a good thing too, as I see you are all alone as I suspected, and have no one to take care of you this evening. Where's the kitchen? I'm going to put on a kettle for some tea. You sound like you've been gargling broken glass.”

“Rachelllll,” Quinn whined, leaning heavily against the wall as the room began to swim slightly around her. “You...you can't be here. I can take care of myself, 'kay?” She rubbed her nose roughly on her knuckles, then closed her eyes as a chilly shiver ran through her, settling insistently in the back of her nose where it made her nostrils tremble in anticipation. “'Iiiihhsh!! 'Iihhshhew!!” She sneezed twice into the crook of her elbow, trying to shield the other girl from her germs in spite of her assurance that she was perfectly fine. Rachel sighed and shook her head, a small grin appearing unwillingly at the corner of her mouth.

“God bless you,” The dark-haired starlet smiled gently. “Come on Di, I promise I won't cramp your style, okay? I'm just going to make you some tea and unpack a few goodies. Then I'll leave you in peace to get some rest, all right?” At the mention of goodies, Quinn noticed the canvas grocery bag slung over the shorter girl's shoulder.

“What is that?” Quinn croaked, pointing to the bag.

“I told you. Goodies for your sniffles,” Rachel repeated, her voice both gentle and commanding, somehow. “Now come on, go lie down on the couch and I'll show you everything I brought.”

“You can't tell me what to do,” Quinn grumbled, rubbing her nose again. It wasn't running, but it felt so raw and ticklish, like her throat. “You're only eighteen years old.”

“Well so are you,” Rachel huffed, a little impatient now at how stubborn the other girl was being. It wouldn't have mattered so very much if she didn't look like the wall was the only thing holding her up. “And in the absence of a parent, I have made the executive decision to ensure you and your voice are well taken care of. Sectionals are in three weeks, you know. We can't have you croaking your way through your solo. Now get. On. The. Couch.” The tiny girl crossed her arms expectantly. Quinn groaned and closed her eyes.

“Ohhh...okay...” Eyes half-open, Quinn groped in the pocket of her hooded Ohio State sweatshirt and pulled out a somewhat crumpled tissue, cupping it snugly to her nose as the raw, itchy tickle overcame her again. “Aah'chxshht!!!” She shivered from head to toe. Rachel made a soft, sympathetic sound and ran a hand gently through the woozy girl's sleep-mussed blonde hair. “Aa....aahh...aahiiishiew!!” Quinn sneezed into the tissue again, rubbing her cold-stuffed little nose in the slightly damp cotton. She was very dizzy now, and leaned the side of her head against the wall with a little groan of misery.

“Bless you, honey,” Rachel said gently, taking a step closer to rub Quinn's back. She hadn't meant to call the blonde girl by the intimate nickname; but she looked so sweet and helpless, and Rachel had been holding back her feelings for weeks, and it just slipped out.

“Rachel?” Quinn mumbled meekly, all the argument gone from her voice now.

“Yes?” Rachel replied gently, putting a hand out and lightly rubbing Quinn's back through her sweatshirt.

“Are you...really only here 'cuz you're worried about Sectionals?” Quinn opened her hazel eyes and blinked woozily at the dark-haired girl, who smiled and leaned in to kiss her warm cheek.

“No,” Rachel said simply. “I was worried about you.” She reached out and tucked a lock of blonde hair back behind the other girl's ear, and they smiled at each other for a moment without saying anything. Then Quinn cupped the crumpled tissue in her hand back to her face with a soft, hitching breath.

“Hhih'tchxx!!” she shuddered as she sneezed, rubbing her twitchy nose absently through the damp tissue.

“Bless you Di,” Rachel hummed, leaning in and kissing her cheek again impulsively.

“I...*snfl*...I don't think I should've stood up, Rach...I can't find the floor now,” the blonde girl whimpered, eyes closed with dizziness as she leaned against the wall.

“It's okay, sweetie. Lean on me, I'm right here,” Rachel murmured, taking one of Quinn's arms and wrapping it firmly around her shoulder.

“'Kay,” Quinn agreed weakly, opening her eyes a crack so she could see where she was going. “I'm...I'm sorry I was bitchy. I just...don't feel so good.”

“Yeah, I know,” Rachel agreed gently, a little bit of a smile reappearing on her lips now that she was finally getting the other girl to listen to her. “It's okay Di, I'm not angry with you. I only want to help, you know.”

“Yeah,” Quinn agreed, too exhausted to fight the other girl's kindness anymore. And besides, the idea of someone actually tucking her in and making her tea was, at this moment, simply too good to refuse. The fact that it was someone she'd been fantasizing about kissing for the last month had absolutely nothing to do with it, of course.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Dude. You have this amazing skill to put Rachel and quinn into like any scenerio under the sun and it's always abaolutely amazing. I remember the walking dead plus surprise glee characters, and now Quinn is an undercover cop like it's 21 jump street xD and it's still SO freaking amazing. Loving it. Is there more?

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys! sorry it's been a while, but here's part 2. ps-- reminder, this is set in an AU world where Quinn is an undercover cop, and Rachel has no idea. Rachel thinks Quinn's name is Dianna Anderson (lol) and that she's a new transfer student at McKinley. enjoy! smile.png


Too Tough for the Sniffles

Part 2


“Here you are,” Rachel cooed gently as she put a mug of steaming tea in front of Quinn on the coffee table, and sat down next to her on the couch.

“Thank you,” Quinn rasped softly, sitting up from her position slumped against the couch cushions and picking up the warm mug with both hands. She took a little sip, and then another, sighing and closing her eyes when the warm tea ran down her throat. Rachel watched her quietly, irrationally overcome with the need to soothe and protect this girl she hardly knew.

“Hhuh...h-hhh...” Quinn's sleepy eyes narrowed as her pink nose trembled and twitched. “Uhh'chihhew!!” She sneezed helplessly into her tea, holding the cup tight with both hands.

“God bless you, poor little thing,” Rachel sighed, stroking Quinn's long blonde hair back while Quinn put down her tea and reached for another tissue, giving the bottom of her sensitive, itchy nose a firm rub.

“Ugh...thanks,” the blonde girl groaned miserably, massaging her pink nose through the tissue. It wasn't running much, but it tickled intensely, right along with her raw throat. “I...I don't usually get sick,” she explained sheepishly, her voice growing raspier by the minute.

“Well I guess you're making up for it now, aren't you?” Rachel teased gently, slipping her hand from Quinn's soft blonde hair to her flushed forehead. “You've definitely got a fever, sweetie. Here, I've got something in my goodie bag for that...” Rachel bent down and rooted through her canvas grocery bag, coming out with a bottle of extra-strength cold medicine. “Aha! This will make you feel so much better.”

“Rachel...you really don't have to do all this,” Quinn sighed, accepting the little cup of red medicine, but not actually drinking it.

“Yes, we've established that,” Rachel said drolly, only half paying attention as she continued to unpack her goody bag: cough drops, special throat tea, more cold medicine, and a little jar of Vicks Vapo-Rub. “Now take your medicine, Di. You're not getting rid of me that easily.”

“Ohhh...okay,” Quinn huffed softly, putting the little cup of medicine down on the coffee table as her free hand flew to her pink nose, massaging it lightly through the tissue again as the cold-ridden nostrils swelled and opened wide. “Aahhhchu!!” She pushed the tissue hard against her pink nose as she sneezed; it felt good to have something to sneeze into, but the persistent tickle still wouldn't be dispelled. “Aah...” She rubbed the tissue up and down against the pink root of her nose as her eyes slid shut again. “Aahheshuu!!! *Snfl.*”

“Bless you, bless you,” Rachel hummed sweetly, rubbing Quinn's back as she gave a dry cough, the tickle having shifted from her pink nose to her itchy throat.

“Ugh...sorry,” the blonde girl croaked miserably, taking another sip of tea before slumping back down against the couch cushions with a woozy sigh.

“Don't be sorry,” Rachel smiled softly, picking up the little cup of cold medicine again and cuddling up close to Quinn, touching the cup to her bottom lip. “Just take your medicine before I have to resort to force.” Quinn chuckled weakly, then took the cup from Rachel's hand and quickly gulped it down.

“Blech,” the blonde girl grumbled.

“Good girl,” the little starlet smiled, pulling the soft afghan up more securely around her friend's shoulders, and kissing her unexpectedly on the cheek. They both smiled shyly at each other for a minute; then Quinn raised the crumpled tissue back to her quivering pink nose, holding it an inch or two in front of her face as her head fell back.

“Aaah'iiihshoo!!” She sneezed desperately into the tissue, squishing her poor little nose into the crumpled cotton.

“Bless you,” Rachel said sweetly, handing her a fresh tissue. Quinn just nodded vaguely, unable to form a response as she cupped the new tissue snugly to her pink nose.

“Hhuhchshh!!! 'Chxshh!! *S-snfl*...” She sniffled desperately, her nose finally running a bit after the string of cold-ridden sneezes. Unbelievably, the tickle still remained, and she wiped and jiggled her pink nostrils a little through the now damp tissue.

“Bless you, poor little thing,” Rachel cooed, wrapping both arms around the sniffling girl now, and resting her chin on Quinn's shoulder while she blew her nose. “You're going to feel better once the medicine kicks in, I promise.” She kissed the blonde girl on her warm cheek again; and Quinn, too feverish and ticklish to be shy anymore, finally stopped resisting.

“Okay,” she croaked softly, her voice raspier than ever. “Rach...I think I...*snfl*...I need to lie down now...” Her head fell back against the couch cushions, lifting her pink nose up into the air so her swollen nostrils pointed straight ahead as she held the tissue in her hands in helpless anticipation. “Hhuh...hh'chiiishhxt!!!” Her nose still tickled, even as she sneezed. “Aah'chhew!!”

“Of course, sweetie...bless you...here, you can lie down on me, okay? Just rest, and I'll keep you warm and cozy.” Rachel pulled a cushion into her lap, and patted it encouragingly.

“Thadk you,” Quinn murmured, too woozy now to object as she collapsed limply into Rachel's warm lap. She felt the shorter girl pull the afghan up around her, and then the touch of cool hands running through her hair. “Ohh...that feels good,” She sighed happily, wiping her nose in the crumpled tissue again with a weak, wet sniffle.

“Good,” Rachel smiled softly, continuing to play with Quinn's soft blonde hair as she reached for the remote with her free hand. “Now, let's watch some trashy TV and order some comfort food for dinner. Do you like Chinese? Some hot and sour soup would do wonders for your sniffles.”

“Awesombe,” Quinn yawned, coughing weakly into her crumpled tissue. Half-asleep, she reached out and wrapped one hand around Rachel's knee, holding her close like a giant teddy bear. “You're...*snfl*...you're staying?”

“Try and get rid of me,” Rachel grinned, leaning down and dropping another impulsive kiss on Quinn's forehead. It was nice to have such a good excuse to give the blonde girl so much attention...even if it was only for a few days. After that, the little starlet supposed she'd have to make a move, for real. After all, sniffles and sneezes didn't last forever. But maybe, just maybe, if she played her cards right...the kisses and cuddles just might.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Dude, awesome continuation! I'm assuming the next part will be in Quinn's POV, yes? I can't wait for the plot to progress; I actually really like it in this fic; great job!!!!

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I'm always hesitant about reading AU fabrics, but you have a knack for looping everything around, not only to make it work, but to make it flow. I love reading your stories.

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ooh I love this :D so funny in the first part when Quinn wasn't thinking and said Rachel was 'only 18' xD I'll have to read the story on fanfiction for sure! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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