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I'm Not Sick! (Bring Me The Horizon)


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It was 8:00pm. Matt was watching me now. Matthew and Lee were in the lounge and Jordan was getting medicine at the drug store. Tissues and toilet paper also. Because I had used those up about an hour ago. I sniffled, trying to sniff the snot back up into my nose. I have an headache. Whenever I sniffle I have to sneeze, but whenever I sneeze, I have to sniffle. Its a never ending cycle.

"Ha-EHKESHEWW!" I sneezed wetly into cupped hands.

I had made a gross mess in my hands. I kept my hands there and whimpered.

"Jordan will be back soon." He said and ruffled my hair.

I nodded.

"Canb you tell hib to get be sobe headache bedicine too?" I said congestively.

He chuckled at how I spoke and nodded. He pulled out his phone and probably texted Jordan. This medicine better make me good by tomorrow. Lee and Matthew walked in. My hands were still cupped around his nose.

"Do you have toilet paper or tissues? Oli uh needs them." Matt said and gestured to me.

"No. He used ours up a while ago." Lee said.

I whimpered again. I sniffled again. Another try at getting it back up. Mistakes.

"Ha-chxk! Ah-ETCHGXT!" I stifled.

"God damn dude. This is gross." Matthew chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. The others sat on the bottom bunk across from me. I was on Lees bed so it would be easier for me to get up and puke and all that shit. They are so nice. They are being around me while I'm being all gross. Some of the best friends that I could ever have. Then I heard the door open and Jordan came into the room. He looked at me without speaking, then tossed 3 boxes of tissues at me. I couldn't help but laugh. I pulled a bunch out and wiped the mess away and blew my nose, tossing it onto the bed.

"Your nose is red." Jordan said, cracking a huge grin.

"Shut up." I said hoarsly.

"What the fuck your voice?! How are you going to sing?" Matt exclaimed.

"Hopefully I will speak better by tomorrow." I said dryly and coughed into my lap.

"You hungry?" Lee asked.

"You know I can't eat. It will just come back up." I said sadly.

"Let's at least try." Matthew said and ran into the kitchen.

He came back a couple minutes later with a sandwich. I took it and ate it slowly. I finsished it and as soon as I did I felt my stomach starting to churn. I grabbed the bucket as my stomach lurched. I retched until all of it was out. Jordan looked as if he was holding his breath as he was watching me.

"Come on Jordan. He is one of your best friends." Matt exclaimed.

Jordan came closer and put a arm around me but I couldn't still fell his tense muscles. He probably thought I was going to sneeze on him again. I smiled at that thought, but then it turned to a from. Will I really be able to do this concert?

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"Oli, you should go to bed. You need sleep." Matt exclaimed.

"Fine. But its only 10:00pm." I moaned.

I had just taken medicine. My head feels better at least.

"I will sleep in your bed Oli." Lee said.

I nodded. I coughed into the back of my hand. I layed down. I heard somebody's phone ring. Lee answered it.

"Hello?" He said then gestured for us to be quiet.

'Its my mom, she thinks I'm with my dad not on tour' Lee mouthed. We nodded. But my nose tickled horribly at that second. I pressed my wrist tightly to my face and pulled the covers over me.

"H-kck! Hnnchk!" I stifled as best as I could. I came out and saw that Lee was still talking but was cracking a smile and staring at me. I must have made a funny noise. I smiled too. Jordan was still next to me, but cringing. Lee got off the phone.

"Sorry. My my mom wanted to know what I was doing. She didn't want me touring. And Oli, you sounded like a chipmunk." He laughed.

I put up my middle finger and made a pouty face at him.

"Oh shut up and go to bed." Matthew said and came up to me and smacked me right in the nose.

"Haha-ha-hih-heheh- ESHH!" I sneeze struggled out after Matthew pulled his hands away, obviously forgetting about how sensitive my nose is when I'm sick.

"Go to bed Mr. Sneezy." Jordan said and rolled his eyes.

"Fibe!" I said and grabbed a tissue and blew my nose, then tossed it at Jordan.

It hit him and he screeched. I chuckled and curled up into the blankets. I hope I can make it through the concert okay.

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I woke up. I could feel the thick congestion in my chest when I breathed out. I cleared my throat, which turned into a coughing fit.

"You okay bud?" I heard Matt mumble.

"Fine." I wheezed out.

I sniffled and pulled my blanket over my head. Ughhh. My body feels really shitty. I groaned.

"You sure you're okay?" I heard Matt mumble again.

"Yeah I'm fi-hih-heh-ine. HEH-ESHIEW!" I sneezed powerfully, I head bobbed forward and hit the wall.

"Ughh." I moaned.

"Bless you." I heard Matt chuckle.

"Shut up." I mumbled

"Do you need some meds dude?" Matt asked.

"Mhm." I said. I sat Matt get up and go into the kitchen

He came back with a bottle of pills and a cup of water. I gulped a couple pills down. But my stomach seemed to not even want pills. My stomach lurched and I put my head over the bucket. I retched bile and the couple pills.

"Well uh, Oli I don't know how you are gonna get better." Matt said sadly.

"I will get better!" I said a little too forcefully, breaking into a coughing fit.

"Oli, the concert is tonight." He said in monotone.

"I can do it." I said hoarsely.

"Okay." Matt said, obviously unsure.

I don't think I can do it. But I mean I'm not letting my fans down. Its cold in here. But I have all these comforters on me. The guys all gave me their comforters. So I was just a big bundle of blankets. I shivered.

"How the fuck are you cold, Oli?" Matt said and rolled his eyes.

Then he pulled me out of the bed.

"Concert is at 3pm today. Earlier. Its 11:30am right now. We need to wake the others and get ready." Matt explained.

I shook Lee and Matthew as Matt got Jordan. They all easily got up when I talked to them about the concert. I got into some better clothes. I noticed I was skinnier than ever. Hip bones were sticking out way too far. Sickness. Ugh.

"God damn Oli." Lee muttered, looking at my over exposed rib cage.

I cringed and turned away from him. Then we made it to the concert and got the make up done and stuff. But this make up was the most irritating. And the guys seemed to agree. While we were waiting the guys were all rubbing their eyes and noses. Ha. Feel the pain. It was the worst for me.

"God damn make up. My face was perfect already. Not they just want to make my face perfect again but all they are doing is giving us allergy problems with that shitty powelder stuff." I muttered and sniffled. The guys all laughed. God. I hope I make it through this concert.

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I walked out onto the stage. I can do this. I was fine, til the third song, when my voice kinda cracked and gave way a little. Just shit. But then worst of all. My nose tickled.

"And th-huh sn-snakes -sta-start to si-hih-ing. Huh-ESHIEW!" I didn't pull away from the microphone in time. The sound echoed as I continued on, embarrased. People were laughing and saying 'bless you'. Ugh so embarrasing. Now its the last song. Well let's just say my nose tickles a-fucking-gain.

"Let the-eh-em si- HEH-ESH! hih-ISHHIIEW!" I sneezed into the microphone the first time. It echoed across while I continued on, sniffling embarrased. I finished the the last songs. Good thing we don't have a signing today. The guys and I walked backstage and scrubbed all the makeup off of our faces.

"That was funny Oli." Jordan said smirking.

"Fuck off." I smiled.

He shook his head. I smirked and tapped my nose a couple times.

"HerrESHHIEw!" I sneezed towards his stomach.

His nostrils flared in disgust. He stuck his middle finger up and went over to Matt. Lee walked over to me.

"You still feel okay?" He asked.

I nodded, just starting to feel a horrible headache. I sniffled and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Does your head hurt?" He asked.

I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt his hand on my forehead.

"God damn Oli. We need to go get a thermometer or something. I know we aren't kids but what I mean like. You are fucking burning." He whispered. I nodded and walked towards the tour bus. Jordan was already on the tour bus.

"Hey." I sniffled, my nose was running again.

"Hi. you look ever sicker, even if thats possible. You okay Oli?" he asked uneasily.

"I don't know." I coughed.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My face was pale green, there was dark rings around my eyes, my lips were purplish, my nose was a dark shade of pink. I was sweating and hot. My stomach felt as if it was twisted up in knots. Ugh. I don't think I'm alright.

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Its the morning now. We had a okay sleep last night. I sniffles, my nose was running rapidly.

"Heh-ESHHH!" I sneezed wetly and openly.

"Bless you." I heard Matthew mumble.

"Thanks ." I said hoarsely and coughed.

All the beds were empty except for Matthews.

"Where is everyone?" I asked softly.

"They went out for breakfast." He explained sleepily.

I nodded. My stomqch felt like hell. I moaned and held it. It hurt more than last night.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking over to my bed.

"Stomach hurts so fucking bad." I groaned and whimpered.

"Well dude, i don't know what to do. Ya need some water or something." Matthew said.

I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut. Matthew got up and went to the kitchen. I felt a horrible tickle in my nose.

"Heh-hih-ISHHHIEW! HA-ESHH! ESHEWW! ISHHHIEWW! KA-ISHH! HIH-ESHHIEWW!" I sneezed into cupped hands, careful not to spray. Matthew came in.

"Okay Mr. Sneezey Pants, bless you times 6 and here is your water." He said and set the water down besides me.

I sniffled and Matthew grabbed me a tissue. My stomach still hurt like hell, and the sneezing made it worse. I gulped the water down. But my stomach didn't want it. My stomach lurched and retched up the water into the bucket. Matthew groaned.

"I'm fine." I said, barely a whispered and fell into a coughing fit.

"I feel like we should take you to the doctors." Matthew said slowly.

I nodded. I can't deny it anymore, I'm so fucking sick. I sniffled.

"They others should be back soon. " matthew said.

I nodded and curled up into a ball, holding my stomach. I coughed pathetically. Matthew rubbed my back. Why did this have to happen to me, and right now?

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I feel for the sick lad. He's hit with the full nine yards, but atleast he has mates there to help him and make him feel better :)

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I held my breath, hoping it wouldn't hurt. It hurt to breathe. Matthew seemed to noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"Hurts... To breathe." I wheezed and broke into a coughing fit, hurting more.

I let out a gust of air and them held my breath again to relieve myself from the pain. I held my chest.

"Well shit Oli. I will call the guys." Matthew said and pulled out his phone.

I nodded and sniffled.

"Huuh-ESHIEW!" I sneezed, burning my lungs. I groaned in pain.

"Ay Lee, you need to hurry up so we can take Oli to the hospital. He is really sick. OK, bye." He called Lee.

"They will be here is 20 minutes. You be okay for a little bit longer." Matthew said patting my back.

I nodded and coughed, hurting even more. My eyes watered. About 20 minutes later the guys got here. Jordan went and told the tour bus driver to take us to convinient care.

"Come on Oli, you gotta get up." Matt said, hoisting one of my weak arms onto his shoulder and helping me stand up.

Jordan nervously put a shirt on me. Still that phobia shit. I coughed shakily right onto Jordan, without meaning to.

"Sorry." I rasped as he cringed.

He nodded, still disgusted. Matt and walked me into the place and the others went in before us. Matt let go of me and I plopped myself into one of the chairs. The guys were talking to the guy at the desk. I put my hands to my clammy forehead. I was sweating a bit. I probably look like shit. I sniffles and sighed. This is embarrassing. The sighing hurt. Does everything I do hurt or something? I groaned as Jordan came up to me.

"I wouldn't go by me." I whispered.

"But you're my mate." He smiled and ruffled my hair.

Is he high? What the hell. I smiled back. He sat next to me and the guys sat in the others chairs around the room. Well. This is awkward.

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(Skips to time in the doctors whatever hA)

I sniffled as Lee explained everything that was wrong.

"Seems like you have pneumonia. We will for sure though." The doctor said and pulled out some doctoryish stuff.

He stuck a thermometer under my tongue. It beeped and he pulled it out.

"Well uh Oliver, you have a high fever of 104. I'm going to check your heart beat, throat, breathing, blood pressure, and nose still." He said and put a weird thingy around my arm. Wtf is this. Mkay.

"Okay. Blood pressure is fine. Now let's check your breathing. Bend over. And take a deep breath." The doctor said as I did so.

I took a large struggling and shaky breath.

"Breath out." He said with his hands feeling my back.

I did so but it turned into a hacking cough.

"Stand up. Let's check your throat." I stood back up as I opened my mouth up for him. He stuck the weird stick thing on my tongue.

"Throat looks irritated. Let's check the heart." He said, holding his stethoscope.

He pressed it to my chest.

"Sounds fine. Let's check your nose." The doctor said.

He looked at my nose, which was kind of awkward.

"Looks irritated. Well your breathing and high fever definately show that you have pneumonia. I will give you a prescription." The doctor said.

"Um what if he has to play at a concert any time soon. Will he be able?" Matt asked nervously.

"I suggest not, but I can't control him.". The doctor said, eyeing me down.

I shifted uncomfortably. The guys and I left convenient care and went to the pharmacy. Must be kind of weird having a tour bus in a pharmacy parking lot. Lee and I stayed in the bus while the others went in.

"Sorry. For all this shit." I mumbled weakly.

"Its not your fault, Oli." He put his arm around me.

I nodded.

"Hih-hih-ISHHIEEW!" I sneezed away from Lee.

"Bless you." Lee mumbled.

My hair had fallen in front of my face, tickling my nose again.

"Heh-ESHH!" I sneezed away from him again.

Lee noticed what was wrong and laughed. Then he pushed the hair out of my face. My face turned red in embarrassment. The others came into the bus and gave me the pills. I swear to god if these don't work.

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I have another concert tomorrow. Short fucking tour. The last one. I can o it though. The guys were all eating. I'm just alone in the bunk room. Still sitting on Lee's bed. I could hear the others laughing in the kitchen. Why did I have to be sick? Especially this and right now. I coughed grossly into the back of my hand. The pills had made it hurt less to breath. Still a little pain though. My throat hurt. I can keep water down if I really try. I took a sip of water and swallowed it hard. My eyes watered with the burning but soothing sensation the water brought.

"HerrrETCHH! Heh-ESHH!" I sneezed into my sleeve, out of no where. It was getting dark outside, I looked out the window. I sighed and layed down on the bed. Just then Jordan came in.

"Hey dude. Thought you might be lonely." He said and sat on the bed right next to me.

"Why are you by me? I thought you are afraid of getting sick." I questioned.

"Well, everybody gets sick, and you are one of my best friends so I mean I don't really care anymore." He said, smiling at me.

I shrugged and chuckled.

"What?" He said and pouted.

"You are funny." I said and threw a pillow his way.

He dodged it and rolled his eyes. He put his hand on my forehead.

"Fever is going down a little." He smiled.

"Yay!" I shrieked too excitedly.

He stared at me weirdly. I gave him a stupid smile and laughed. I will be good enough for tomorrow I know it.

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