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I'm Not Sick! (Bring Me The Horizon)


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I woke up to the sun shining bright in my face. I was on a tour bus. Touring was always my favorite thing to do. I sat up, being careful not to hit my head on the ceiling. I looked at all the other bunks. Everybody else was sleeping, except for Lee. He wasn't in his bunk. I climbed down quietly and went into the small kitchen. I saw a note.

'Getting groceries. I will be back soon.


I set the note down and opened the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of orange juice. I poured it into one of the plastic cups under the sink. I sipped my orange juice quietly as I waited for Lee to get back. I felt a sudden tickle in my nose.

"Heh-ISHuu!" I sneezed openly.

"Bless you Oli." I heard Mattew mumble from the other room.

"Thanks." I yelled back.

I threw my cup away as the door opened.

"Hey Oli, for some food." Lee said excitedly and gestured to the big brown bag he was holding.

I fist pumped and chuckled.

"I am hungryyyy!" I said searching through the bag.

I grabbed some bagels out and put them in the toaster for me. Suddenly Jordan appeared in the hallway.

"I heard you got food?" He grumbled sleepily, scratching his neck.

"Yep!" Lee said happily.

Jordan grabbed one of the bagels as they popped out of the toaster.

"Hey!" I said angrily. He laughed and started eating. I groaned and grabbed the other one. After we were done eating and everybody was up, we went into the lounge.

"Chug chug chug!" Everybody was chanting at Matt as he chugged a carton of milk. Just like school kids. I felt the similar tickle in my nose when Matt was done with the carton.

"Hih-ESHeww!" I sneezed loudly into the back of my hand.

"Bless you ya ass!" Jordan said and threw a pillow at me.

The pillows corner hit me right in the nose. Fucking sensitive nose. Mg nose tickled. I pushed the pillow out of the way.

"Ha-iSHew! Heh-kISHew!" I sneezed sharply into my elbow.

"You sick man?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, just pillow hit my nose." I chuckled. But maybe I was getting sick. I wouldn't admit that though.

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It was the afternoon now. Tomorrow would be the first show of the tour. Everybody was in the lounge while I was sitting in my bed, on my phone. I felt a huge, huge, tickle in my nose. Nobody was in the room. So its okay to let them out. Then I heard somebody in the kitchen. Which is right next to here. Shit.

"Ha-chxgnt! Ishkxnkt! Ih-ESHnx! Kah-xgnt!" I let a rally of stiffled sneezes in my cupped hands.

I don't think anybody heard that. I grabbed a box of tissues and blew my nose as quietly as I could. I sniffled and tossed the was of tissues into the garbage can. My nose was turning a bright pink, I saw as I looked in the camera at myself. I rubbed at my nose, irritating it a little. It felt dry and hurt a little. I got down off the bunk bed and went to the lounge. The guys were playing beer pong, in the afternoon. Idiots. I smiled and rolled my eyes. It looked as if they were pretty much done though. They hadn't even noticed I had come in. I sat down on the couch and cleared my throat.

"Oh hey Oli. We were wondering where you were. We were playing one of your favorite games!" Matthew announced happily.

"Not in the middle of the day ya douche pants!" I said and playfully punched his arm.

"What's with your nose?" Jordan asked.

"Oh uh. Itchy?" I said and raised a corner of my mouth.

"Why is your nose itchy? Its the winter, so it can be allergies." Lee said.

"Can my nose not be itchy or something?!" I explclaimed irritably.

The guys shrugged. They still cannot know. I don't want them worrying or canceling the show or something like that. I hardly ever get sick and when I do its usually really bad and like gross. And I don't want the guys or fans to see me all gross. So I'm going to have to keep this shit all maintained. Ugh.

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Awwe cute,my prayers for "sneezes" from Oliver Sykes have been answered ! :)

Cool. I'm happy I pleased you <3

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:o a bring me the horizon fic? Wow you're now my favourite person! ^^

Not to mention this is great :)

Thank you <3

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I walked outside. I need some fresh air, to think. Maybe I should go get some medicine before I get really bad. Maybe I can make it go away. I went back in. I will just tell them I need to go to the gas station. I went into the lounge where everybody was.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the gas station. I really want some mountain dew right now and we don't have any." I lied.

They quickly nodded and went back to their conversation. I grabbed my sweatshirt and walked outside. I started towards the gas station. That was a block or two away. There were sudden gusts of wind. Which made my nose tickle horribly.

"Eh-kiISHew! EH-ISHEW!" I sneezed powerfully into my hands. I sniffled grossly and kept walking. I spelled my hood up to keep me some what warm in the crisp fall air. When I finally got there I opened the door to the gas station. It was nice and warm in there. I went to the back of the store where they keep all that unprescribed medicine shit. I grabbed a bottle of Nyquil and a bottle of Dayquil. Should be good enough. I shrugged and got a small package of tissues too. I brought them up to the register where I payed. 30$ for this shit? America is weird. I grabbed my items and got out of the store to meet the dry air. It hurt my nose and eyes. My eyes would tear up and my nose would run. I sniffled, trying to get the liquidy snot to stay up there. I got to the tour bus. I got inside, relieved that it was nice and warm in there. I took some Nyquil because it was 7:23 pm, close enough. I his the pills and tissues under my pillow and went back to the lounge, where the guys still were.

"Oh hey Oli. You get your mountain dew?" Lee asked.

"Yep. And I drank it all." I smirked proudly.

I forgot to blow my nose. I sniffles a bit. The guys seemed to notice.

"Its a little cold out there ay?" Joradan said throwing a foam ball at me.

I caught it and sniffled roughly. I wiped and my nose with the side of my hand.

"Yeah. Its really cold you shit head." I said playfully. Yep. Cold outside. That's what I will go by.

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Hello guys, I probably sound like a huge dick rn, but I mean, you guys like bands, and I have a band fan page where I made edits and shit on IG soooo... god, I feel like an asshole rn, but my fan page is @bands._.shit

Say hi if you want to or follow.

God I am bothering you all but I just wanted to put that out there. I only post band edits and stuff like that. If you get offended easily then you probably shouldn't go on there. Because I use a lot of strong language and a bit inappropriate


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I sniffled miserabley. It is 3:42 am. Everybody is sleeping but me. The medicine isn't helping at all. I'm trying to be quiet so the guys won't hear me. I am in the lounge, the farthest rooms from the bunks. I wiped at my nose with an already used tissue. I felt another sneeze coming. I pinched my nose shut tightly.

"Huh-kck! Hih-eh-knx! Ngx!" I stifled painfully.

I blew my nose quietly. I told you I was gross when I was sick. my hands were wet from the liquid that had sprayed out of my nose. I wiped them on my tissue, disgusted with myself. I have to be at a show in 13 hours. I should go to bed. I got up quietly and walked back to the bunk, careful not to make any noise. I climbed up to the top and layed in my bed. I had the tickle again. Too late now. My hands didn't come up in time.

"Hah-ESHEW! hih-ISHew! I sneezed loudly without covering at all.

"What the fuck Oli?" I heard from Matthew's bunk.

"Bless you." I heard Lee say.

"Ugh Oli. That was gross." Jordan said sleepily.

Matt just groaned.

"Sorry." I mumbled, embarrassed.

I had bit of spray on my hands that I attempted to bring up to cover my sneeze up. I cringed and wiped my hands on my jeans. I felt my eyes get droopy. Then I fell asleep.

Edited by Joal 555
as requested
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I woke up. My nose was so stuffed up. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I climbed out of the bed. It was 11:07am. An nice amount of sleep. I grabbed my Dayquil and popped a couple pills. I tossed it back up to my bunk and walked into the kitchen where all the guys were.

"Holy shit Oli. You feel good? You don't look good. At least we will have makeup at the show." Matt said, taking a bite of his toast.

"I feel fine." I lied, actually I feel pretty shitty.

"You sure bud?" Jordan asked, bringing his hand so my forehead.

I swatted it away.

"I am fine god damn it." I mumbled.

I wasn't hungry so I grabbed a bottle of water.

"Seriously dude, you okay? Have you seen yourself yet? You look really sick." Lee mumbled to me.

"I'm fine, I swear." I smiled.

I'm glad he cares about me though. But I really don't want them knowing about this. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. No kidding. I look horrible

My nose was red, my eyes had purple rings around them, my face was pale, and my lips were purplish. Matthew is the only one who has seen me sick and holy shit he knows it is totally not attractive. Sickness and I don't mix very well. I blew my nose with some pieces of toilet paper then returned to the guys.

"Holy shit I do look horrible. But I'm fine. Just didn't sleep very well last night. Really exited." I lied again.

No. Not right now. A small tickle came in the back of my nose.

"Heh-ishew!" I sneezed normally.

No spray or power. Just normal.

"Bless. You. For. The. Millionth. Fucking. Time." Matthew said.

He was obviously getting annoyed.

"Dude, Matthew, chill. Its not like he can help it." Jordan said, slapping Matthew playfully on the back.

"Yeah." I said, sticking my tongue at Matthew.

He stuck his out back at me and left the room. I went back to the bunks. I grabbed my phone. My chest was filled with congestion. I did a couple loud, crackling coughs. I cleared my throat and drank more of my water. I set my phone down and went to see the guys. They were all talking in the kitchen still. I will not let them know.

Edited by Joal 555
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It was 3 pm right now. An hour before the show. They are about to put my make up on. I walked over there. The makeup artist stared at my face funny. I looked down, embarrassed. Its not my fucking fault. She gestured to the chair for me to sit in it. I did so. She aplied a bunch of powdery shit to my face. I held back a sneeze that wanted so terribly to come out. But some how I held it back.

"All done." The lady said in a weird accent. I got up and went to the private room where all the guys were.

"Hey Oli. See? They could fix your face!" Jordan joked. I rolled my eyes at him. I sat down on the red couch next to Matthew. They were watching some shit TV show. I felt a tickle in my nose. The same one from earlier with the make up artist.

"Eh-kishew!" I sneezed into my cupped hands.

No spray. Thank god. I pulled my hands away.

"Bless you!" Matthew yelled into my ear, surprising me.

I jumped.

"You dick face!" I yelled and hit him with a throw pillow.

"Dude, can you stop sneezing yet? God damn." Matt mumbled.

"Well I'm sorry that I have this nose, okay." I said sassily.

Lee fought off a smile.

"Is little Old sick?" Lee said in a baby voice.

"I'b not sick!" I said, congestion peaking into my voice.

I coughed congestively into my elbow. Making it easier to breathe again.

"That's gross." Matthew said, making a face.

"Can you not. Its not like trying to be gross." I mumbled to him.

"Can I feel your forehead Oli?" Jordan asked slowly.

"Fine!" I gave in.

He was just going to keep bothering me about it. Maybe I was be that warm, hopefully. Jordan brought the back of his hand to my forehead.

"Aye, you're actually not that hot. Just a cold." Jordan shrugged.

Little does he know about me being sick, the cold automatically changes to a horrible fever after a couple days of having a cold.

"See? Not sick." I smirked.

"Whatever." Matthew said and rolled his eyes.

What's his deal? I don't know. Whatever. The stage door opened. I guard came out.

"Its time for you guys to go on. You ready?" The guard said.

We nodded. Here we go. The first show of this disgusting tour.

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I walked out to the stage. I had greeted the fans. I got through most of the songs, but on the second to last one, The House of Wolves, I felt a small tickle. I tried fighting it. But I couldn't.

"Brick by brick by bri-hih-ick! The wa-hih-alls be-" I pulled away from the microphone. I pulled my face to the side.

"Eh-hISHew! ka-ESHew!" I sneezed into my open elbow.

I went back to my singing. Trying to ignore the fact that I just had sneezed twice in front of all my fans. I heard a couple bless yous and a couple laughs while singing from the midst of the noise of the crowd. I got through the last song sniffling. After that we all went backs stage and get ready for the signing.

"Bless you man." Lee said and slapped my back, smiling.

The others laughed. My face turned red from embarrassment. We all got ready within a couple minutes. I blew my nose so I wouldn't have to sniffle so much. We got out to the fans. They were all lined up in front of our table. I spent about 2 hours signing stuff. It was almost over. But I felt the gross tickle.

"Hih-ehISHew!" I ducked my head quickly into my elbow.

"Bless you." She whispered as I went on signing her piece of paper.

"Sorry, I've caught a bit of a cold." I said and smiled.

She smiled too and walked away with her signed piece of paper. There was one more person after that. Then we were done. We packed up and got into the tour bus. I went to my bunk and grabbed some pills. God I need these. I feel like total shit. Its 10:30pm. A decent enough time to go to bed right? Eh whatever.

"I'm going to bed." I told the guys.

"Dude, its so early. Why?" Matt asked.

"I'm tired." I yawned.

"OK. Good night dude." Jordan said over his shoulder. I went back to the bunks and climbed into mine. I soon fell asleep.

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Awwh sneezing during a performance and signing, more please!:)

Will do c:

I will have more of that later on <3

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(Warning vomit)

I woke up. My for head was sweaty. I had a horrible sick feeling in my stomach. I checked my phone for the time. 4:57 am. Damn. Why am I awake? Then that sickening feeling in my stomach increased. I climbed down from the bunk as quietly as I could. I went into the bathroom. I opened the toilet and went down on my knees as I felt my stomach heave. I grabbed the edges of the toilet and retched everything that's as in my stomach up.

"Oli, what the hell are you doing?" I heard a sleepy Jordan say from the doorway.

I jumped a little in surprise. I didn't answer. How could I? He raised an eyebrow as he stared me down. My body was still bent over the toilet, my forehead had beads of sweat and my stomach heaved once more, retching anything that it could get up.

"That's nasty." Jordan yawned and walked back to the bunks.

I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet and washed mg mouth out. I looked pale in the mirror. I washed my face. The real sickness is really setting in. I feel all shaky. I slowly and weakly walked back to the bunks. I climbed up, hitting my head on the ceiling. I didn't care though. I just wanted to sleep. I collapsed into mg bed and coughed weakly. My chest is full of congestion. I curled up, a little ball of heat and fell back asleep.

I woke up to the sound of the guys yelling and laughing, as usual. I sat up, I have a horrible headache. The pills won't help though. I climbed down from my bunk. I stumbled to the lounge.

"Good morning sleepy head." Matt instantly said and ruffled my hair when I came in the room.

I chuckled and plopped myself down. Maybe Jordan had forgotten last night. But Jordan was looking at me. His brow was furrowed, he was looking me up and down and he was biting his lip. The back of my nose tickled. Ugh. Perfect timing.

"Heh-ESHeww! Hih-ISHHu!" I sneezed wetly into my elbow.

"Bless you." Matthew murmurred as I sniffled.

Jordan unexpectantly put the back of his hand on my forehead. I tried pushing it away but he managed to keep his hand on my forehead.

"Oli... You are fucking burning." Jordan said skeptically.

"I was hot last night." I answered with a smile.

It was true, but it was only true because I was sick. Who knows that he will do. But I'm pretty sure he doss know.

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I am laying in my bed. I feel like total shit. I refuse to eat anything. I pulled the covers up to cover my neck. I sniffled and my breath hitched unexpectedly.

"Heh-HAESHEW!HUH-ESHEEUU! ISHCHUUU!AH-AHESHU! AH-aheh-eh- ah-" Lee walked in.

"Is it stuck?" He smirked.

I nodded, breath still hitching. He walked over to me and tapped my nose. That worked.

"HA-HA-HAETSHUUU!" I sneezed powerfully into my cupped hands.

Lee chuckled. Matthew came in after that.

"Oli stop saying you aren't sick because I know that your fucking sick." He burst out.

I sat up and nodded slowly.

"I can do this Matthew. Don't worry." I smiled.

"Okay. But tell us if you need anything." Matthew said. Well. They know now. So I don't even know.

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Tomorrow is another concert. Ugh. Matthew was sitting on my bed, getting me anything I needed. I wasnt helpless, but they wanted to rest me as much as they could.

"You need something Oli?" Matthew said.

"I'm not helpless." I said, coughing a little into my blanket.

"We need to atleast try to get you better for tomorrow Oli." Matthew explained for like the 20th time for me.

I rolled my eyes and sniffled.

My nose was starting to run. Matthew grabbed a tissue and handed it to me. The snot tickled my nose.

"Huh-ESHHEUU!" I sneezed wetly and openly.

"Okay uh. That's gross." Matthew cringed.

He handed me a tissue and I blew my nose. He got up and left. Then Jordan came in.

"Hey uh. Matthew wanted to leave so I guess its my turn." He said and looked at the tissues scattered around and a bucket by my head.

He made a face. He has always been scared of germs. I smirked. This shall be fun. Jordan wasn't looking. I took a bite of my toast that I have been refusing to eat. Actually. I ate all of it. This should scare him. I was right. It is a couple minutes again. Jordan is just staring at me awkwardly. My stomach hurts really bad. I felt I stomach heave. I turned over and pulled my head over the bucket. Jordan jumped up and sat a couple more feet over from me, looking disgusted. I wiped my mouth. He was still making a face at me. That didn't care him enough. I sat up. I pretended to be scratching my nose, but really I was rubbing the edges softly to sneeze. It started to tickle.

"Heh-HEHISHEUU!" I sneezed openly right onto Jordan's shoulder.

"Ew! Nope! I'm done! Ew! Lee! Its your turn!" He yelped, running out of the room.

I laughed. Lee came in. He realized what happened and started laughing too.

"Do you need anything actually though?" Lee asked, putting a hand on my thigh.

Lee has always been nice and sweet.

"No I'm fine." I smiled and sniffled.

"You need a tissue, that what you need." He said and grabbed a tissue, handing it to me.

I blew my nose and threw it to the end of the bed. I just hope I can make it through the concert tomorrow. I am not canceling

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