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Barry Allen Sick Day (for SallyHally)


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Barry woke up in his apartment to his alarm blaring. His head started to pound, he realized his nose felt itchy and his throat felt dry. He dry coughed and slowly got out of bed. He put on his work attire and ran to work. He ran up to his lab and started coughing uncontrollably. Detective West came in and ran to his side, and rubbed circles on his back.

“jeez Barry, you alright?” Joe said worriedly.

When Barry could finally catch his breathe, he fell into his chair. “yahh…hih…ya… I think I caught a cold.” Barry turned to his side, The world seemed to slow down as “Hatchoo. Hatchoo. Hicho, hichah, gachoo, hishh, hisshhh. Schoo, Tcshoo,…” the world came to the right speed as, “HAAAGHHH!” The sneeze was throaty and sounded like it hurt.

“Bless you, Stop using for super speed, it will only make it worse.”

“I only used it to get here.”

“Barry, I just saw you move so fast, you where a blur.”

Barry look confused at Joe, “Wait, just now? Is it possible I sneeze really fast too? I sneezed ten times, and you only heard one…” Barry fell into a coughing fit.

“Maybe you should go to star labs… I can cover for you here.”

“No, I need to work, If I’ve taken up all my “sick” days, The captain will fire me. Besides, It’s just a cold, not the plague.”

Barry began to look through a case that was sitting on his desk. Joe gave up, and walked out, “Barry, be careful, we don’t know how this effects…” He looked around, “your powers.”

“I know Joe, I’ll be careful.” Barry gave him a weak smile, and Joe left. Barry looked through the file and jotted down some notes. Judging by the size of the shoe print the male had to be a size 13, around 6 feet 6 inches, and a little over 250 pounds. The print was deep into the mud, and there was something else in it. It looked like blood.”

Barry walked down to the main station and went to Joe, he cleared his throat before speaking, “Hey, Do you have the evidence for the case?”

Joe looked up from his desktop, “I left it in your lab, Is it not there?”

“oh.. I wasn’t thinking… I must have… missed it…” Barry looked spaced and was leaning heavily on the desk.

“Barry?” Joe was getting up and before Barry knew it, he was holding him steady. “Are you alright?”

“what?… oh, ya… I’m fine.” Barry stood up straight and got out of Joe’s hold, “I need to go look for that evidence…” With that Barry left, leaving Joe, concerned, at his desk.

Barry finally got into his lab, and started to look around when a wave of dizziness washed over him. He grabbed the side of his desk and closed his eyes. It felt as if the whole world was moving but he was standing still, trying to stand his ground. The world threatened to throw him to the ground. He was starting to loose his balance, and fell to his knees. He kept his eyes closed and focused on his breathing.

He heard someone down the hall, coming for his lab. He opened his eyes and quickly sat in the chair. It was Eddie. “Hey Barry, How’s the case coming along.” Barry looked at his notes and told Eddie what he got from the footprint. “OK, anything else?”

“Umm..” Barry cleared his throat, “can you pass me the box?” Eddie complied and Barry looked through it, and finally found what he was looking for. “blood was found in the footprint. I just need to run some tests, see who’s it is.”

“Could it be the victims?”

“I don’t think so, Unless the victim is a dog. It looks like animal blood.” Barry had the samples composition on the screen.

“What, is the capture apart of a dog fight?”

Barry shrugged, and Eddie left to inform Joe.

When Eddie say Joe, he told him what Barry told him. “I have an idea where to go for this dog fight.” They got their gear and headed out, “Eddie, How’d Barry look?”

“What? He looked fine, same sweaters…”

Joe cut him off, “I mean, was he ok? Anything strange happen? anything that might say he looked sick?”

“Not really, I mean he looked tired.” Joe was silent for the rest of the drive.

Back at Barry’s lab, Barry was hard at work with the case. He needed to find out everything he could, but he was having trouble focusing, and his ever-present headache wasn’t helping.

“hih… Hechx.. hecho..acho. hitch. hikch…hitch. hpt. hpt .hpt. hkpt.. ktcho. choo….. HAAGHH!”

“Jeez Barry, bless you. I’m pretty sure the whole department head that…” Bary almost jumped out of his seat. Iris was standing in the door way, she was smiling and started to walk towards him.

“Iris, I didn’t hear you come in.” he cleared his throat and moved to face her. He put his hand up to stop her from coming too close. “Iris, I don’t want to get you sick…” He fell into a coughing fit and he put his head in his arms on his desk. His whole body moved with each desperate escape. He felt a hand on his back, as Iris rubbed circles.

“Poor thing.” She put her hand on his forehead and thankfully there was impending fever. “Maybe you should go home.”

“Can’t… no more sick days.” He pulled on his sleeves so that they went past his hand. “Eddie should be back in ten minutes.”

“ok, well I have to go, can you tell him to call me when he gets back?” Barry nodded, “Thanks! Feel better Barry.” With that Iris left.

Barry let out a sigh and coughed, he put his head on the desk, letting himself rest, until the duo get back.

Edited by peacelovehappiness1234
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have posted so many comments on this story I regret nothing btw but plllllleeeaaassse post more I NEED to know what happens 8D

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