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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Misery (Supernatural; Castiel [M])


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Alright, so I had every intention of continuing the other fic that I started, but once I got whiff of this prompt, I started writing and just couldn't stop. I have more parts to update after this one (seriously!) so will get onto that eventually.

This is just a lot of word-rambling. There's not a huge amount of sneezing in this first part, it's mostly just plot and background and a fuck ton of descriptions, so if you want a fic that's all sneezing and no plot, then maybe this won't interest you. There will be plenty more sneezing in parts to come, I assure you.

Anyway, this is inspired by the prompt that DeathNoteOwner posted, which is:

So I've always liked the scenario were our beloved ex-angel Castiel is now human and has his first sneeze and is confused by what a sneeze is and the causes of it.Also Castiel's first allergies are adorable for this confused new human.If someone could write a fic with Castiel sneezing for the first time and/or having allergies that would be great smile.png please and thank you.

I don't write allergy much, and when I do it tends to be a bit clumsy, but hey-ho, here we go.



He knew misery. He had witnessed mankind literally tear itself limb from limb on several occasions. He had experienced two World Wars and several smaller yet just as devastating wars. Humankind had this strange desire, almost animalistic impulse, to want to destroy one another. The irony was that it was usually as a result of the existence of him and his family. Religion had always been a topic of heated debate throughout history, but who was he to question man’s motives? However, watching his Father’s creations destroy each other so brutally had previously affected him more than he was willing to admit.

There was also the misery he had experienced upon the division of his family all those centuries ago, which had led to his brother being banished from Heaven, resulting in said brother becoming the infamous ruler of Hell. He would never forget the screams which reverberated around Heaven for weeks; he was lucky he had celestial immunity as many of the weaker soldiers in Heaven had been destroyed by those sounds. His Father and his brothers had been in such vengeful and wrathful spirits that their actions had been noted by some unique forms of man, known in today’s day and age as the Prophets – they had quite literally made their way into history books, boring the essence of a “Vengeful God”. That had easily been the most misery he had felt in his entire existence.

However, he had handled emotional turmoil – the thousands of years he had resided in Heaven had taught him a thing or two about dealing with such afflictions. He barely batted an eyelid at the genocide, rape and brutality of mankind these days. And while his family was still barely held together by the last lingering threads of its existence, he had also become accustomed to this, and it barely bothered him any more. Sure, he had an occasional relapse; he missed his brothers all being together, abiding their Father’s wishes and demands sent to them from above, behaving the way true Soldiers of Heaven should behave. Yet he had accepted that this was no longer who or what his family was, and he dealt with that accordingly – usually resulting in remembering what Lucifer had become, and that made him feel much better about him not still being in Heaven.

What he did have trouble dealing with, however, was physical turmoil. Castiel felt as though he had been demoted, his angelic abilities stripped from him in the most frivolous of ways. He had been demoted to human, and despite time passing, he was still struggling to come to terms with some aspects of being alive. Physical and emotional discomfort were the traits that he doubted he would ever adjust to. However, he was slowly beginning to embrace the positives of being alive. Whilst being human was tough and generally excruciatingly painful, the positive emotions certainly came close to outweighing the negative. Becoming human had been a painful and arduous process, resulting in many feelings being hurt. Castiel sometimes pondered on this expression and wondered how it was possible to have any feelings inside of him which hadn't been hurt at some point.

Physical pain was something which he was beginning to identify easily. Despite the short time that he had actually been able to feel physical pain, he had still experienced its unpleasantries many times before; hunting with the Winchesters had resulted in numerous bruises, abrasions and broken bones. He was slowly but surely becoming adjusted to the misery that being wounded beseeched him. He actually found himself more accustomed to being in physical pain than not.

The misery that he felt that morning, however, was unlike the misery he had suffered before. This was not emotional misery nor was it physically painful. It forced his chest to tighten, his fists to clench and his teeth to grind together. He couldn’t identify this emotion; the only comparison he had to it was the time that Dean decided to practice his one-man-band routine. In the car. Whilst driving. Each time Dean had pounded the steering wheel with his fists or screeched tunelessly, it had made Castiel want to do something to his voice box – though this feeling was similar, he couldn’t quite fathom exactly what it was. Anger was too strong of a word; he wasn’t angry, he was… annoyed? This was probably the closest description he was going to find.

As Cas battled with himself in his mind, he scrubbed at the underside of his nose with his knuckles haphazardly and barely sniffed, focusing on his present condition. There was a deep seated itch behind his eyes, making them prickle and fill with fluid, occasionally spilling over. This deep itch spread from behind his eyes to his sinuses, down the length of his nose and ended its journey at the back of his throat. He had contemplated trying to look inside to see if there was something crawling around inside of his head but he just decided he would ask Dean to look later. He found his fingers were permanently bent, ready to press into his eyes at any given moment when the itch fluctuated and became unbearable – which was essentially all the fucking time. A dull ache panned its way across his forehead, making his desire for sleep constant, despite the many hours he had spent unconscious. An uncomfortable fullness was permanent in his nose, making it difficult for any air to pass through it, regardless of the amount of times he sniffed and wiped. Castiel found himself pawing at his nose and sniffing every minute or so, but this brought him very little, temporary relief.

He had been sat on the edge of the bed in this motel room for over an hour, perplexed by the sudden change in his vessel's condition. He had not heard the Winchesters yet, and had no desire to wake them; Dean was not one to be woken, and from experience, waking him only resulted in foul language and the occasional personal belonging being hurled at him. Cas was so absorbed in his new-found suffering that he didn’t even notice the subtle movements coming from the other room. A sudden bang, shortly followed by “Sonuva bitch!” alerted Cas to the realization that the brothers were awake. Just as he rose to his feet, the tickling behind his eyes intensified, spreading throughout his nose; this was not something he had experienced before. The feeling caused his eyes and nose to spill more fluid than usual, and he found that his breaths were no longer rhythmic; they came in short, ragged gasps, resulting in his pulse quickening in panic. His head tipped back involuntarily as his eyes were forced to close, before his entire body was thrust forward violently and awkwardly with a powerful-


Castiel stood motionless, his eyes wide and brow raised in perplexion. His pulse continued to thrum inside his head, showing no sign of slowing just yet. His nose was leaking onto his top lip, forcing him to smash his palm upwards against his nostrils in a desperate attempt to retain what dignity he had left. He was unsure what had just happened, but despite the panic and the messiness, he somehow felt... better? Did he feel better? His face still buzzed with irritation, the itching and leaking of his facial orafaces still present, but that action had left him with a sense of relief he had never felt before. He was baffled by this revelation – he felt exactly the same as he did before the cataclysm, but the relief it provided momentarily outweighed the less favourable afflictions. He had to remember to that again should the itching become too extreme; it was much more effective than the constant rubbing his weak, mortal hands were providing. A sudden soft but firm thump on the door to his room startled him back to reality.

“Cas? You awake?” Sam’s voice crept between the spaces in the door, his voice low and still laden with sleep.

“Y-yeah, I’m… I’m combig.” The second the words left his mouth, Castiel shot his hand to his throat, his fingers pressing lightly around it. He was momentarily stunned at the sound of his voice; he would actually be surprised if Sam had even heard him. There was a heavy silence after he had spoken, Sam clearly lingering on the other side of the door as Cas held his breath, expecting the younger Winchester to enter the room to make sure he was alright. He wouldn’t blame Sam if he did – the sound that had escaped his lips was not something which any of them would have expected. He sounded as though someone had dragged a rake across his vocal chords and stuffed his head with something porous. And whatever it had been stuffed with was causing that panic-stricken feeling to appear behind his eyes and spread throughout his nose. His pulse quickened once again reflexively as the feeling escalated far quicker than it had done previously. Before he even had time to react, his body was thrust forward with the sheer force of the explosion.


Instead of feeling the relief that he had done previously from this single release, the tickling feeling inside his head only mounted, making it impossible for Cas to even open his eyes. Instead, he just stood in the middle of the room, arms out to his sides slightly as if to regain some sort of composure before his entire being was wracked by the onslaught of further expulsions.


The aftermath of the ordeal left Castiel bewildered and lightheaded. He stumbled forward and pressed an arm to the wall, the entire top half of his body leaning into it. His breathing came in short, steady gasps as he tried to compose himself. He swiped a hand under his nose in a vain attempt to rid his top lip of the moisture that was starting to trickle down onto there and wiped at his cheeks which were glistening with tears caused by the attack. He sniffed gently, but all that resulted was a thick gurgle. An exasperated exhale escaped his now parted lips as he slumped back down on the bed, defeated. He buried his face in his hands which reflexively started to rub at his eyes. He did not wish to entertain the idea of facing the Winchesters in this condition, despite the fact that they could probably help. He did have some threads of dignity left in him, and he wasn’t prepared to lose it all due to what felt like his vessel gradually deteriorating.

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Whyyy am I not an SPN fangirl??

I'm telling you dude, if I was I would be so all over this!

Your writing style is amazing, great job hug.gif

Edited by Satan
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Dude, the amount of love that I have for this story is tremendous. Also, the way that you describe coughing and sneezing for Cas is hilarious.

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You have no idea how happy this made my night!

Your writing is magnificent and the detail and and.....

Yes. Just yes :D

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Okay I am at work typing this on my phone so my reply will be short and crappy, but I could NOT WAIT TO COMMENT. This literally like, took my socks off. Coming after the crazy feels filled episode of last night, I nearly fainted when I saw this nugget of gold.

The Castiel here is perfectly rendered, with balanced amounts of fear, confusion, and pride, as well as just being so adorable my heart was overcome with pity and love QwQ~ i am going to have this topic on constant refresh waiting for the next part, because I am really looking forward to where to you take this Puddin x33

Edit: OH AND THOSE SNEEZE SPELLINGS. My entire body and soul approves~

Edited by BlackScatter
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He couldn't identify this emotion; the only comparison he had to it was the time that Dean decided to practice his one-man-band routine. In the car. Whilst driving.

:D this made me giggle like some maniac

Srsly everyone else already said it but WOAH your writing style is amazing!!!!! I hope you update soon

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YEEEES GURL YEEES. I love your writting Puds ! :) lovely. ! I'm so glad you took this prompt on,can't wait to read more! :)

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