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Bee-utiful Human Life(SPN,Castiel)


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So hi ill be writing a Castiel fic because I couldn't help myself,enjoy:) Prompt:Frolicking in colourful meadows full of flowers and bees was one of Castiel's most joyful things of his angel life but he soon learns that as a human the bees are not his friends anymore. ------------------------------------------------- Dean and Castiel were having a picnic on this sunny Tuesday afternoon in a medow that Cas had found in the forest. Since there wasn't a task at hand at the moment,Sammy slept in the bunker while the ex-angel and the eldest Winchester had a picnic. All was going well until Cas wondered off to play with bees. ------------------------------------------------------------- The blue eyed man bent down to get closer to the black and yellow fluffy insect then it landed on his finger.Castiel smiled and said "Hi friend,I'm gunna call you Deany" Cas chuckled ,but then as if rejecting his new pet name the bee stung the new human on his finger and Castiel screamed in pain. Dean cursed "son of a bitch" then ran to find Castiel. He found Castiel on the ground, slowly breaking out in hives and loosing oxygen by the second. Dean scrambled to find an epipen and thanks to Sam's allergies he found one in the glove compartment of the impala. Dean then jabbed the epipen in Cas' thigh and hoped he'd be alright.. ------------------------------ Tbc?

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