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Monster High Deuce Gorgon


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Deuce was missing from school, and his friends where getting worried. Cleo and Claud where the only ones who truly knew where Deuce was, everyone else thought he wasn’t feeling well, and went home sick. But the truth was, he was off taking an allergy test. Something was making Deuce sick for the past month, and he really was getting weak. Cleo noticed that Deuce was wearing long sleeves, and his hood was always up, he also didn’t pay much attention to her, it was as if he couldn’t focus. Claud noticed that during casket ball practice, he was having trouble breathing, He was out of breathe easily and he kept stifling sneezes.

(24 hour before)

Both of them confronted him after basketball practice, and he told them that he didn’t know what was wrong with him…

“Maybe you’re getting sick? You look pale bro.”

“You must be really sick if you’re ignoring me!” Cleo said matter-of-factly.

“I’m sorry babe…” Deuce put his head in his hand. “I’m going to an allergist tomorrow…”

“You think it’s allergies? I didn’t know you and any.” Claud raised an eyebrow.

“Well, it’s not news to me.Remember when Toralei had on this horrible thing she calls perfume, honestly it was soo last year’s model, and turned out Deuce was allergic to the plant it was made from… the Daphne” Cleo said checking out her nails. “maybe it’s Toralei! She loves to make us miserable.”

“I’t not her… I haven’t been near..her…hih… Hmpt. hmpt. hmpt…” Deuce stifled three sneezes into his wrist, hardly any sound came out.

“Gesundheit.” Claud said, looking worriedly at his best friend, he looked so miserable.

Cleo sat down next the Deuce and wrapped her arms around his waist. “My poor Deucy.” She kissed his cheek. He rested his head on her shoulder as she held him. Claud rubbed Deuce’s back then went to go get him some water.

“Deuce? I know this is totally unlike me… but i’m worried about you, and I want you to stay at my place, ok? So I can have my servants take care of you.”

“Cleo, thanks for caring.” Deuce kissed her cheek and sat up.

Claud then came back with Deuce’s water bottle. “here you go bro.” he tossed Deuce the bottle.

Deuce nodded in acknowledgment and caught it. “Can you guys not tell anyone about this. I’d rather keeps this under-wraps, ok? Or at least until I get back, and know for sure.” He side looked at Cleo, then Claud.

“I won’t say anything, Wolf’s honor.” Claud smiled and put his right hand on his chest and the left hand raised. Deuce and Claud did their secret handshake. (It goes something like this: Shoulder bump then a high ten… I think that’s it)

Deuce looked at Cleo, “I know, I know… I won’t say anything… But i don’t do… whatever that was…” Deuce smiled and kissed Cleo’s temple. “If your coming home with me, we’re leaving now.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her chariot. Claud waved goodbye, and Deuce struggled to keep up.

They both got into her chariot and sat down. Deuce laid down with his head in Cleo’s lap. Deuce’s eyebrows knitted, and nosed twitched for a second before his face relaxed. He sighed and turned into her. “I feel like Achilles heel…”

“What’s wrong?” Cleo played with ones of his snakes.

“I really need to sneeze… but it’s stuck…” Deuce whined before nuzzling further into her.

Cleo looked around the chariot and saw one of the fans, she has her servants use.Convinientily this one was made of feathers, and she knows how sensitive Deuce’s nose is. “If you’re desperate, I’m looking at a solution.”

Deuce turned around to stare at the fan, “Humph.” He sat up and grabbed the fan and handed it to Cleo.

Cleo held the fan in her hand, and gently moved a feather up and down his nose. It wasn’t working, so she also started around his nostrils. That’s when he started to twitch. His eyes where fluttering closed and his nostrils were flaring. Cleo kept moving the feather around, until his breathe started to hitch. Now his hand, balled up in a fist, was directly under his nose, his eyes where tightly shut, his mouth slightly spread, nostrils flaring even more than before, and his breathes where short. He took one last inhale… but nothing…

Exasperated, he leaned back against the seat. “This is torturous…” Cleo stood up and sat on his lap, facing him. “Cleo, I don’t want to sneeze on you.”

“You’re not going to turn me into stone, you’re better than that.” She then kissed him, full on the mouth, without warning. At first Deuce was taken aback, but then relaxed and kissed back. They where in full make out mode, when his nose started to act up. His breathe started to hitch, and he broke away from the kiss. “great timing…” she said sarcastically, as she got off his lap.

He bent away from her and sneezed into his hoodie “Hmpt… hmpt..hmpt..hmpt..hmpt…hmpt.. Helpt! Helpt! hih.. ampt.. hmpt.. tsh..oo… hih….hih….HEPSHOO!” The last one he couldn’t stifle and ended up turning his water bottle to stone. He sniffed and leaned back against the chair, arm over his eyes.

“Oh… my… Ra…I’ve never seen you sneeze so much…”

“I don’t think i’ve ever sneezed that much before. Hmpt..Gah… it never stops, does it…?” he asked rhetorically. Deuce coughed lightly, and unconsciously started to scratch his forearm.

Cleo grabbed his forearm, and turned it over, she gasped at what she saw, “You’re getting hives!”

“Deuce looked at his other arm, “Cleo, I only get hives when Narcissus bloom. They don’t bloom for another two months…Hetpt…”

“Wait… you said Narcissus…”

“uh… yahhh…Hept..hoo…ya… Why?”

Cleo ran out of the charriot and into pyramid and Deuce ran after her. Cleo ran into her room and closed her door, Deuce was stuck outside.

“Cleo, open up. What’s wrong?” Cleo didn’t answer. Deuce gave up and sat down in her ‘un-living room’ waiting for her to open up.

Inside her room, Cleo was looking through her perfume bottles and finally picked up “Narcissus”, her newest perfume…. “Nefera…” Cleo hissed under her breathe. The Perfume was a gift from Nefera, she must have known it would make Deuce sick. She never liked Deuce.

Cleo ran into her bathroom and washed off the perfume, she them opened an old bottle that Deuce gave her and sprayed some on herself.

She slowly opened her door, “Deuce?” she saw him sitting on the couch in her ‘un-living room’. he turned and saw her in the door way, and started to get up. “Wait.” He sat back down. “Deuce, Nefera got me a new perfume which happens to come from the flower ‘Narcissus’. She must have known about how it would effect you… I’m really sorry.”

For a moment Deuce just sat their, and that was starting to worry Cleo. “Are you mad at me?”

“No.” Deuce stood up and walked over to her.

“I’m not wearing it anymore.”

“That’s good.” He hugged her and kiss her head. “It’s not your fault.”

“Deuce, are you sure you’re ok, you look pale.”

“Just a little dizzy. If we are going to study, Can i lay down?”

“my poor baby.” Cleo kissed Deuce’s head and they both went into her room.

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Stoooooop this is PERFECT!!! Deuce is adorable, and I love your writing style!!! Keep up the amazing work!!! biggrinsmiley.gif

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Dude I remember when you wrote Rise of the guardians now Monster High, you rock :) I can't wait to see the next part :)

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry that I haven't posted in forever... been really busy... Here's part 2.

Cleo and Deuce walked into her room to study for their clawculous test tomorrow. Once in her room, Deuce flopped on her bed and put his arm over his face. Cleo sat on the edge of the bed, and called in one of her servants. “Go get my clawculous notes, and some water for Deuce.” The servant left, and Cleo turned to Deuce, “Are you sure you’re ok?” She lifted her hand to rub his head (Not sure what that’s called… sorry) but she flinched when she came into contact with his forehead. “Deuce! You’re burning up!”

Deuce sat up and held her hand, “I’m fine Cleo, really.” he tried to reassure her, but when Cleo had her mind set, there was no turning back. “come on, we have to study.”

“ugh… since when do I study.”

“When you can’t use your servants, and if you get lower than a C your dad will ground you.” Deuce said before falling into a coughing fit. Cleo rubbed his back until the subsided.

“Ok, fine… But tomorrow you are going to see your allergist, or doctor, i don’t care who! You sound horrible and it’s scaring me!”

“Hppt…*cough* Cleo, I will. You still have to study. I’ll stay here and help you and when you leave for school tomorrow, i’ll get checked out ok?”

“fine.” Cleo kissed him, then went to grab her notes from her servant, “go make Deuce some tea, and bring me a coffee… this is going to take a while.” The servant nodded and went to do what he was told.

The two spend hours trying to study for her test, only interrupted by Deuce’s sneezing fits. They both fell asleep on Cleo’s bed, notes surround their bodies, like a blanket. They both woke up to Cleo’s alarm clock, a servant with a gong and a plate of breakfast.

Cleo woke up and sleepily grabbed the food and started to nibble on a piece of toast. Deuce was startled by the gong and woke up in a coughing fit. By the time it subsided Cleo had grabbed a glass of orange juice and was putting it in his hand. He drank from it gratefully. Cleo kissed his temple and went into he massive closet to get ready for school.

“Ok, first outfit.” Cleo came out in her usual everyday outfit. “what do you think?”

“You look grehh.h…. Hiptt… hPtt. hmpt…hmptt…hitptt..Hitcho..*sniff* ugh.. sorry, you look great.” Deuce cleared his throat and whipped his tearing eyes. “Hitcha *sniff*”

“you ok Deucie?” She gave him her huge puppy dog eyes that glittered with worry, “Maybe I should go with you? to see a doctor.”

“Cleo, I’ll be fine. You…” he got up and picked up her notes and handed it to her, “have a test to ace!” He kissed her forehead, and grabbed her bag. “I’ll call you when it’s over ok?”

“Fine, but We’re dropping you off!”

Deuce rolled his eyes and smiled, “ok. ok.”

Deuce and Cleo left her house in the chariot and brought him to his allergist’s office. “Call me as soon as it’s over, and text me what’s going on!”

“Alright Cleo, relax. I’ll text you overstep of the way.”

Cleo watched a Deuce went into the building and vanished from her site. When she got to monster high, she was too worried to pay attention to what was going on. Ghoulia was talking about something that had to do with video games or some op she forgot about, Cleo didn’t know. She kept staring at her phone waiting for Deuce to text her. She and Claude hadn’t told anyone about what was going on with Deuce and just told them that he had a head-cold.

It wasn’t until Lunch that Cleo received a text from Deuce. ‘Hey, doc said i’m fine. The reaction I had to the Narcissus is still in my system. He said i’m going to be sensitive for a while, but nothing serious. Just stay away from: flowers, perfume, anything shedding… blah blah blah…something about it going away on it’s own…’

’So are you going to come back to school?’

‘Ya, i’ll be there in 10… C U soon babe.’

Soon enough, Deuce walked through the doors of the cafeteria, looking much better than he did that morning. His nose was a bit pinkish, and he kept rubbing at it. Other wise he didn’t look sick at all. He sat down next to Cleo and wrapped an arm around her, “so, how’d you do on the test?”

“ugh… i don’t know… I think I did fine..” she rolled her eyes and looked at him, “What’s more important is, How are you?”

He let out a breathy laugh, “I texted you that i’m fine. I told you it was just allergies, i’ll survive.” He kissed her. From the table behind them, Toralai was listening carefully. She heard all about his visit to the doctor and how sensitive he’ll be for a bit.

“So, i should probably brush more fur again. huh.” Claud joked.

“Ya… But i’m pretty sure you’re fine. It’s not like you’re shedding yet.” Deuce got a slight kick from Claude under the table, and the three laughed.

Trolley looked out the window and smiled as a plan to make Deuce miserable came to mind as she eyed a lovely patch of new flowers the gardening club planted.

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  • 1 year later...

I totally forgot about this... thought i'd at least end it?? 


Part 3/3: Ending...


Toralai took a few clips of flowers from the garden and put them in her bag. She knew Deuce had Casketball practice soon. She sat in the bleachers after planting the flowers all over their locker room. 


She watched as Deuce, Cleo, Draculara, and Clawd walked into the gym and smiled. She meowed to her sisters, “This is gonna be good.” 


“honestly, She thought I was wearing Fuchsia!” Draculara gasped, “I know! It was totally Cranberry!” 


Deuce looked confused and looked for Clawd to help, but he was nodding along like he totally got it. “What’s the difference?” Deuce Sheepishly asked, rubbing his nose. 


“Ill let that slide, because you don’t feel well.” Cleo scoffed, “fuchsia is a lighter pink. TOTALLY, last season!” Deuce pushed his sunglasses up and Cleo side-eyed him, “I really need to order you some proper sunglasses. No wonder you don’t know the difference!” Deuce nodded along, hoping she’ll take that excuse and continue. 


Clawd sniffed and looked around, “Do you guys smell that?” 


“no,-” Cleo rolled her eyes,”- We don’t ALL have wolf senses.” 


Deuce could feel his nose itch and he stopped dead in his tracks to pinch his nose, “hih…HIH’mmptxt.” He sniffed coughed into his sleeve, “sorry.” 


Cleo went over and took his arm again, “my poor Deucie!” She kissed his cheek, making Deuce blush and continued walking. 


They had to separate to change into, the girls into cheerleading, and boys into Casketball, Uniforms. Once they were changed, Deuce started to feel light headed and his nose was on fire. He kept stifling sneezes into pinched fingers and Clawd had wrapped his arm around his waist. 


The girls came out and immediately ran to the bleachers, were they sat. “Deuce! what’s wrong?” Cleo had taken Deuce from Clawd and had him lean into her. He was stifling sneeze after sneeze into his chest and his hand. Cleo didn’t mind, this wasn’t the first time. She tried to calm the snakes down, but they kept hissing at someone else in the bleachers. 


“Meow!” Toralai laughed from a couple rows up, “Something wrong?” 


“You did something!” Clawd stood up and growled at them. They hissed back and Draculara stood up too. Clawd sniffed the air and spotted the flowers around the gym. He watched as Toralai brushed her fur and let it fall into the stand. With how sensitive Deuce was, how could he not loose control?


Deuce turned away from them all and took a few steps away, hands cupped to his face. He couldn’t stifle any longer, “HEH’TSCHIew!” a ball that was resting on rack turned to stone. his breathe was hitching and he tried to rub his nose to get rid of it. He could feel the cat hair itch his nostrils and his eyes closed with the inevitable. “hiiih.. HIH’TSCh’ue.” he coughed and while someone’s gym bag turned to stone. 


Toralai laughed from the bleachers and her sisters soon followed, “awww. He’s so cute when helpless.” he purred and walked towards him.


“Dont!” Cleo tried to warn her put her sisters hissed and shut her up. 


“Meow.” he walked next to him and looked him over. His snakes hissed at her and she made a biting motion towards them. 


“hih..” Deuce turned away from her and rubbed his nose, “gooo..hiiih….hiiih.” He sniffed.


“What was that?” she smirked and stepped closer. 


“Stoooop…”  He bent over with the sneeze, “Hah’TSCH’IEW!” the beam from his eyes hit the wall and came back at them. It hit Toralai and turned her to stone. She let out a strangled Meow. “Sorry.. tried to warn you.” He coughed and pushed his glasses back up. Eyes still bright green. 


“Should’ve listened!” Cleo sang as she walked to talk his arm, “let’s go Deucey! You need some fresh air.” She glared at the now stoned Toralai and walked out. 


The sisters ran to Toralai and picked her up. Humiliated they ran from the gym, while the others laughed.


“Serves her right.” Said Clawd, “you ok, man?” 


“Ya, I’m cool.” Deuce kissed Cleo. 


“Stone cold.” She smiled and kissed back. 





I know.. I ended on a pun.. sorry not sorry. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
On 9/30/2017 at 8:23 PM, Pheonix_Mandrill said:


I'm glad you liked it! <3 I do love a good pun. 

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