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Like Normal Couples Do: HTGAWM Coliver Fic


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Hi all,

so this is some coliver fluff that;s been sitting on my computer. I am slowly expanding it, but figured I'd share the beginning with you all.

This maybe very OOC and not very cannon compliant, but what are ya gonna do?


It was the fourth night Connor Walsh had spent in Oliver's apartment. The first two nights they had mind blowing sex, exploring each other's bodies with eager hands, eyes, and tongues. The third night Oliver had been so exhausted from work that Connor resigned himself to a night of cuddling in his not-boyfriend's bed, not that he really minded. And last night, Connor and Oliver enjoyed sex once again, but also a nice dinner cooked by Oliver and a cheap movie on demand. It bordered on domestic.

Unfortunately, Connor realized waking up, it was the fourth morning he would be without his allergy medication. The pills were cumulative, so one or two days didn't matter much, but missing four was a whole different story. Even before he sat up, he could feel the congestion sitting heavy in his sinuses. His eyes itched, his ears itched and his nose itched. Still, he resisted the urge to get up and viciously scrub his face, knowing the second he did, all that snot would shift and he would be sneezing his head off all morning.That considered, he was eager to take his leave before Oliver saw what a sneezy, disgusting mess his allergies reduced him to.

He gently swung his lower body off the bed, coming to a seated position on the edge of the mattress. His elbows rested on his knees, with his head resting on his hands. Already, he could feel an intense prickle somewhere in the depths of his sinuses. It flared every five seconds or so, making him painfully aware that he only had so long to make his escape. He stood rapidly, rubbing at his itchy eyes harshly. All he had to do was find his clothes and get out without waking Oliver. It couldn't be that hard.

Spotting his pants in the corner of the room, he quietly padded over, holding his breath to stop it from hitching erratically. His eyes watered dramatically as he pulled his almost black pants roughly up his legs. It felt like his sinuses were vibrating, as he twitched his nose this way and that to ease the torture. It’s like I snorted my fucking iPhone, Connor thought sarcastically. Quickly, he gulped a careful breath through his mouth before buttoning his jeans; the tickle grew stronger and he roughly pressed his nose into his bare shoulder as he yanked the zipper up.

He could feel the congestion in his sinuses beginning to break up, beginning to drip and he desperately fought against the urge to sniffle. His face was beginning to turn red from holding his breath, but he couldn't breath in yet. Instead, he pressed a hand to his nostrils, grimacing at finding them slightly wet. He wanted to sniffle so badly, but previous attacks had taught him that would only make the reaction worse. Just find your shirt, Connor told himself, as his nostrils flared wide against his hand.

His shirt could have either been in Oliver's bedroom or living room. He wasn't entirely sure where he had lost it last night, too caught up in the feeling of Oliver's lips on his neck, back and chest. His hand pushed harder at his nose in a desperate attempt to quell the itchy sensations, he began tiptoeing to Oliver's side of the bed. Scratch that, Connor thought, He’s not your boyfriend; you don’t have sides of the bed.

Just as he was about to round the corner in search of grey cotton sleeves, the alarm clock's harsh beeping blared through the room, startling him into breathing in too deeply, through his nose no less. His breath was stuck in a series of helpless hitches, as his nose valiantly fought to find relief. His head tipped back as Oliver reached over to silence the alarm. Just as the beeping finally ceased, Connor lost the battle with his nose.

"hh'HH'HGSHCHKXZZ!" That one sneeze opened the gates for what Connor knew would be dozens more. Connor desperately looked around through watery eyes for tissues or his shirt, as Oliver reached for his glasses.

"Mmm...Connor?" Oliver asked, blinking blearily at him behind thick lenses.

"Y-Yehh...HH'HGTSCHNXJZ! GHGSCHZZXTSHH!" His hands clasped over his nose, as he desperately sniffled. Oliver's eyes were wide open, staring at his struggle. Connor ran.

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OHMYGOD SOMEONE ELSE WHO DOES COLIVER. And does it so, so well. And, hey, other than the timing it could definitely be in there - so don't stress yourself out, it's marvelous and amazing and *cuddles the laptop*

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