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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezing Princess (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin - Christa)

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Hello again ^______^

I checked the last days the Fanfictions btu I noticed that there are not as much AoT /SnK Fanfictions as I want ><

So I decided to write my own ^__^

Since I am a big fan of Crista (I love her she is way too cute *___*) she will take the main part to my fiction.

If there are any mistakes in time or grammar I apologize from the begin blush.png

So here we go, have fun <3

The 104th trainees corps had the day off and because it was raining way too hard they spend the day inside Dorm. First everyone was bored but then Sasha came up with an Idea. From her Pillow she removed a feather and smiled wide at the others. “We could play a game, we will tickle each other and see ho long it will take until someone will laugh!” It didn´t take long and everyone was discussing about who will start or which place they should tickle, and in the End it was Eren who just pouted “As long as nobody will tickle my nose do whatever you want!” From this Moment the Idea reached a whole new Level. “I doubt we can tease such cold persons like Mikasa or Annie...!” Connie sighed and indeed he got a deadly glare from both of the girl, they were inside the room too but Annie didn´t seem interested in anything and Mikasa was just close to Eren, like always.

Rainer and Bertholt watched them slightly amused, they didn´t bring themselves inside the game, they were just curios about the results.

Now everyone was looking at the blonde girl who blushed softly “I...don´t think this is a good Idea....I actually never reacted to feather so....” “Oh don´t worry!” Sasha grinned again and fast turned to her small bag “I always have a small can of pepper with me! Ya know...if we find something delicious to the woods!” Everyone sighed, this was completely normal for her....

Ymir took the feather from Connie and grinned down at her girlfriend. “Come´on....don´t be a coward!” She wrapped one arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, with her other hand she brought the feather close to the cute face of Christa who tried to pull back but of course the tanned woman was stronger than her. “Please no....” She murmured and closed her eyes when she felt the soft tickling that immediately started after Ymir teased her nose. It took some Minutes until she found the right spot, then suddenly her breath started to hitch and her nose quivered softly until she let out a high pitched, very girly “Echoo...Echoo....Echoo!”

She blushed madly after and would prefer to hide somewhere. “I am sorry....I always need to sneeze 3 times....I...” She felt the tickle to return and fast turned to let another rapid fire triple escape “Echoo, Echoo, E...E...Echoo!!!!” Fast she rubbed her node but still could feel the tickling sensation inside, just didn´t dare to tell the others since everyone was looking at her.

Connie grinned at Sasha “See? I told you it´s girly! You said she will sneeze us away!” he grinned and Sasha pouted madly because before she said if Connie will win this bet he can have a part of her dinner.

“Guys she isn´t done yet!” Jean said and pointed at the girl that had again a lovely pre-sneeze face. Right before another fit would escape, Ymir placed her finger under the small nose of Christa, made the tickle inside to vanish. “Enough now!” “B...but Ymir...” She murmured shyly, as soon as she removed the finger, she could feel the build up again, it made her crazy because she knew now it was stuck “I...I need again...but....I...I can´t...!” She gasped and rubbed her nose madly, tried to attract the next sneeze. “Just ignore it, so it will go away!” Connie seemed to bored already, he turned to his own bed and moved on his back, started at the ceiling. “B...but...I ca..aahh...an´t....it´s....tickling m...m....me....eehhh!” Christa looked at Ymir, a silent begging for help. The taller girl sighed and took the feather again first stroked the skin directly under her nose, it seemed to make the tickle to grow but not enough for her to sneeze again. “okay okay let me inside it!”

Carefully she put it inside the left nostril, twisted it a bit, it seemed to bring her over the edge but only on the first sight “I....It´s so...so ticklish....oh ple..eh...eh...eehh...please!” She gasped and narrowed her eyes but only let a disappointed sound out “It´s gone...!” She sniffed and sighed deep.

“And now? What shall we do?” Ymir seemed bored too but it was just her actual attitude, inside she was really interested to that cute behaviour of the little girl.

“I told ya´ use my pepper!” The brown haired girl offered Ymir the spice and Christa hid to her pillow “But the powder will be everywhere tot he room!” She murmured ashamed, still rubbing her nose in a desperate try to remove the tickle. “Oh no I have a better Idea...!” Ymir grinned and opened the jar and just dipped the feather inside “And now let´s the show begin!” Fast she put the feather back to Christa´s face and the blonde girl made big and surprised eyes because of that intense burning inside her nose “Oh...oh my god....this...is worse...this will made me....will....ma..ah...de me...s....snee....echo! Echoo! Echooo!” She didn´t even had time to cover her mouth, she accidently sneezed directly on Ymir and she wasn´t even done yet “M...mor Sne...eezes! E...Echoo! Echoo! E...E..Ehhh...EEchoo!”

Her small body bend over when she had the final build up. “This....this is gonna be...huge....I....oh my...I....Eh....ehhhhh....ehhhhhh!!!!" She had a fake start and fast grabebd the feather from Ymir to induce herself "EEEECHOOOOOOOOOO!” The last one was the biggest and it made her actually fall over but Sasha just jumped up in happiness “I WOOOOON! So I will get all of your dinner Connie! Thank you Christa!” She grinned wide and hugged the little girl tight only to cause with her long, brown hair another small fit “Eh....You...you are welcomeeee....Echoo...Echoo...Echoo!”

Soooo....I hope you liked it blush.pngblush.pngblush.png

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You know, that was actually really cute! At the beginning I was wondering how these characters might end up doing something wacky like this, but then it all made sense. Sasha would totally come up with something like this.

Always nice to find another Attack on Titan fan. Definitely excited for chapter 63 of the manga this week!

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You know, that was actually really cute! At the beginning I was wondering how these characters might end up doing something wacky like this, but then it all made sense. Sasha would totally come up with something like this.

Always nice to find another Attack on Titan fan. Definitely excited for chapter 63 of the manga this week!

Thank you a lot! I noticed some mistakes, but I don´t now if I can edit my text now, I gues I was too nervous since this is my first Fanfiction :)

Oh yes, I found the new chapter as a raw Version and I can´t wait for the translation! It´s so exciting!

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Enjoyed reading this although I have to come clean and say I have never read nor watched any of Attack on Titan rolleyes1.gif Some great teasing build-ups in your writing :D

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