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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My Own Illogic (Star Trek TOS, Spirk M/M)


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I can't wait until Jim is off his shift either. Please continue. I'm so curious as to how this is going to play out.

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Spock's cheeks were now a lime green. This is it, he thought, Jim is now going to leave and never speak to me again. I shall gather my belongings, request a transfer. Or resign completely...go back to Vulcan, complete Kolinahr, purge myself of this shame for my remaining days...

It had started after the end of the shift. Jim had followed Spock into his quarters to confront him.

"Alright, Spock, we need to have a talk."

Spock, at the time, had no idea what the captain was talking about, "What matters would you prefer to converse about, Jim?"

It was when Jim turned away from Spock and bent double with a "HA-schoum!" he straightened up and glared at the uncomfortable expression on Spock's face. "That."

Spock decided to say nothing. Lying was not his forte.

"Come on, Spock, I've noticed it for weeks. Whenever I sneeze you become...distant, more uptight and reserved. I thought I was the one you could be yourself with but when I'm allergic and sneezing you turn back into that uptight, logical Vulcan." Jim sighed, "I know it's gross, but sneezing...it's a natural thing and I can't help it! I didn't ask for my nose to be like this, it just is." he rubbed at the aforementioned nose vigorously, "And you knew about it before we got together, hell you commented on it during my first week here. You took me down to sickbay after I wouldn't stop sneezing after being in Sulu's lab, so why did you even get with me if you're so disgusted by sneezing?"

Spock blinked.


In what universe could Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise ever think that I was remotely disgusted by him at any point in time?

"Jim - I..."


"Your assumptions about my feelings towards your sneezing..."


"...as illogical as it is of me to say...could not be further from the truth..."

"Then what is it?!" Jim cried in exasperation.

Spock stopped, realising what he was about to confess. His deepest secret, his hidden vice, the very thing that could make his blood stop running before it crashed and burned like the throes of pon farr.

"Come on, Spock, I know that look...what is it?"

Spock took in a breath, "Well..." he felt his cheeks tinge apple-green. Jim was still staring at him, waiting for an answer and he struggled to meet his eye. "It is a deeply...personal thing..."

Oh hell, Jim thought, I've heard this before.

"Spock..." Jim stepped forward and touched his arm encouragingly, "it's me. You can tell me anything. I'm your boyfriend."

"I..." mahogany eyes met hazel, "...I do not find your sneezes repulsive in the slightest, Jim, it's the exact opposite..."


"Jim...I..." Spock stuttered, "I am...sexuallyarousebyyoursneezing."

"You, er - what?"

Spock flushed even deeper and Jim pondered on what he had just heard. That...made a lot of sense, now that he thought about it.

"Spock..why didn't you just tell me?"

Spock sighed, "I am aware there is a certain...stigma...regarding sexual fetishes."

Jim laughed, "Well, you of all people should know I'm not a prude, oh come here..." he reached out and hugged the half-Vulcan tightly, feeling a tickle rise in his nose, he rubbed it away and chuckled at the shocked and stunned look on his First's face, "And to think, all this time I've been wondering what I can do for you in bed. Turns out the answer was right under my nose." he laughed at his own joke briefly and smiled at Spock, "Logically, you should have known I would have - "

But the captain never finished that sentence, as he was abruptly cut off by Spock's lips.

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Awesome update! I enjoyed reading Spock's struggle with himself. And I love happy endings.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow...I've been neglecting this.


"So..." Jim sat on the edge of Spock's bed, "What do you...er, what do you want me to do?"

Spock was sat on his office chair, chin resting on his folded hand in thought. Truth be told he had no idea.

Jim had suggested it over lunch that day, he leaned over to Spock and mumbled, "Hey, you know that fetish of yours you told me about?"

A flush rose in Spock's cheeks, "Yes?"

"Well," Jim glanced around, "what do you say we...incorporate it into usual coital routine?"

A shiver ran through Spock. When Jim spoke in his vernacular it was arousing, but mentioning his fetish was even more so and definitely got him, as Jim would say, 'hot'.

Eyes darkening with desire, Spock murmured in Jim's ear, "I would be amenable to that idea."

So now, here they sat, in Spock's quarters. Nervous, excited, mildly confused.

Spock had fantasised about this his whole life and yet he was entirely unsure of what he really wanted. Would Jim induce a sneeze? Would he induce Jim? Would it happen naturally? Would it happen before or during the act? Would Jim be able to cover his nose and mouth if the latter were to be the case? Did Spock want Jim to cover? What if it was painful or discomforting to Jim? What if...?

"Do you..." Jim started, "what would you like me to do? Should I...? You know what, I think I'll start getting undressed and we'll take it from there."

Spock's voice was dry when he answered, "An acceptable course of action, Jim."

As Jim removed his shirt, Spock moved forward swiftly, planting a kiss on his captain's lips and wrapping his arms round his neck and shoulders, feeling their naked torsos settle together.

"Jim," Spock breathed, "we do not have to...include my fetish, if you do not wish to..."

"Spock," Jim placed his hands either side of Spock's cheeks and looked straight at him, "I want to do this. For you and for me - this makes your happy and honestly I'm getting pretty excited by it myself."

"You are?"

"Yes. And I think it's time the captain took initiative."

"Indeed?" Up went one slashed black eyebrow.

Jim smirked and reached over for the tissue box and tore one from the box and twisted the corner, "I learned this trick for when one just wouldn't come out. And believe it or not, it's happened more than I'd like."

Spock found himself wanting to look away as Jim inserted the rolled-up tissue into a delicate nostril but was unable to and was surprised at how quick the reaction was. Jim's nose flared immediately and he drew a sharp breath, "I forget..." he grinned clumsily, "...how qu-quickly this w-w-works....EEEHH'TSHUUUM!" he quickly withdrew the instrument and built up for another sneeze, "EEEHHHHSCHOOOUUM! Oh by," the captain sniffed thickly and let out a breath of laughter, "that was idtedse. It works quickly but leaves your dose ruddy. However, it is...good for...iducig bore - ah!"

Whatever Jim was about to say was interrupted by another sneeze and Spock tackling him onto the bed, "Are you going to sneeze some more, Jim?"

"You dow be," Jim smirked, "cad't stop once I've - TSSHHUUUUU!"

And Spock lost himself in his lover.

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