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Skeletons get colds? (Mystery Skulls-Lewis)


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Okay guys so I've jumped on the Mystery Skulls bandwagon~ Anyhow, I think it'd be adorable for Vivi to care for Skele-Lewis and my headcanon is she accepts his heart before Arthur rips her away and thus she stays with him. Mushy mushy cutie pie antics ensue~ Also i'm currently at school so sorry if the first part turns out short.


Lewis couldn't remember the last time he'd been sick. He knew it was before the 'accident' as he calls it. He despised saying 'murder'. At any

rate everything he had left to be sore, was sore. He groaned and turned over in his coffin, coughing into his fist. His rib cage rattled

with each chesty cough. He threw open his coffin door and with great effort, levitated to Vivi's room,"Vivi..cand I come ind? I think sombthings

wrong with mbe.." A quirky voice replied,"Sure! Come on in Lewie!" Vivi was busily folding some laundry and with her usual sing-song voice

spun around,”So what’s up? Yikes! You don’t look too hot Lewis..” She placed her cool hand to his warm forehead,wincing at the warmth it

gave off. “I don’d feel so hod..I think I have col--Heh...Hhehstch! Hhetsch!--cold..*sniff*”,he had turned away in time to send a wet spray into

the air, also managing to extinguish his hair in the process. Vivi gave a sympathetic smile and handed him a box of tissues from her

nightstand,”You should be in bed..come on. Back to bed with you Mr. Sneezy~” He rubbed his eye,” ‘mkay..HehHhestch! HehstAHch! Oh mby

god..mby head’s pounding!” She rubbed his back as they treaded through the long and desolate hallway,”I didn’t think skeletons could get

sick! I mean..you have no sinuses...right?” He snuffled into some tissues,”I didn’d kndow either..*sniff* I guess I cand.” She seemed curious

but dropped the topic, favoring to mull it over in her mind instead of out loud. Once back to the large catacomb like room, she helped him

back into his large and detailed coffin. He leaned back into the plush lining with a sigh, the hole that was his nose leaking bright pink

mucus,”Vivi..cand you stay with mbe? I don’d wannda be alone. *sniff*” She nodded and sat beside him until he fell asleep, congested snores

escaping him. She felt bad for him and decided she’d try to make him as comfy as possible.


Should I continue?

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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Gonna keep going anyways. Eventually someone will read it. Here's part 2. Enjoy!


She carefully draped a blanket over him and murmured,”Okay Vivi..you got this. Can’t be that hard to take care of your dead

boyfriend..right?” She was snapped out of her worry when Lewis shot up, his breathe hitching. She hurriedly pressed her sleeve to his nose,

unable to locate where he’d hidden the box of tissues. He lurched forward, his hair erupting into the surrounding air, barely missing

her,”Hetshchoo! Hheystch! Hhetsch! Ugh…” It took him a moment to realize what she had done,”Oh mby god Vivi..i’mb so sorry! *sniff*” He

looked away and ran his ‘nose’ acrost his suit sleeve, leaving a thin trail of pink slime behind. She gave an awkward chuckle,”I-it’s okay

Lewie. It was a better decision than risking a snot shower haha! How’re you feeling? You look tired.” He coughed and groaned,”Bad..and yes

i’mb tired. And i’m tired of oozing sndot! I’mb really sorry you godda see mbe like this..I kndow I’mb probably really ndasty righd ndow..” She

pulled his face down to hers and kissed his forehead,”Not at all. Your sick, it’s not like you can help it. Besides it’s kinda cute when you

sneeze and your hair goes out~” He blushed a bit embarrassed,”Urmb..thangks I guess. Is id cold ind here or is id just mbe?” She wrapped

the blanket around his shoulders,”Just you i’m afraid..I think I have another blanket upstairs. Be right back!” And with that she hurried off,

leaving him to sniffle in the echoing catacomb. She took this momentary free time to relax a bit, why she was so nervous she didn’t quite

understand. Perhaps it was a fear to lose him again..even if it was just a cold and he was technically dead already, she still was scared. She

dug around in her closet, pulling out a large comforter and snagging a few pillows, figuring she would more than likely stay close to him until

he was feeling better. She hurried back down the hall after hearing his rattling coughs throughout the mansion,”Okay, i’m back! Here this one

should keep you nice and toasty.” She draped it over him, recieving a groan of relief and slight happiness,”Thangk you babe..I appreciade


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Part 3~


The room was spinning, his nose felt stuffy, and he was exhausted, but yet being doted on by Vivi kinda felt good. She had catered to every one

of his whims so far and didn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. He glanced down at her, she had made a make-shift bed beside his coffin

and was sleeping rather soundly. The picture of cuteness. He snuffled as the oh too familiar tickle began to build in his sinuses,"Oh god nod

ndow..eh--ESHtchoo! HehsHCHoo! *sniff*" He had quicklycupped his skeletal hands over his face and was grimacing at the aftermath,"Gross.."

Vivi stirred slightly but didn't seem bothered by his outburst, instead mumbling in her sleep,"Mmm..cookies.." He sniffled and rolled his eyes at

her babblings,"Mbeh..*coughcough* Ugh.." His golden heart beat slower than usual and was slightly discolored. He silently wished Vivi would

wake up and give him some attention..the way he felt right then, some TLC would be much appreciated.


Will finish later

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG i totally forgot to comment on this like last week but omG this is really cute ;u; Your sneeze spellings are totally to die for and I love the way he's craving her attention, it's sooooo cute ;o;

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I guess skeletons do get colds :) and I'm pleased with that. Lovely work ! :)

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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@Gronk LeStronk Haha its okay! Thanks! My headcanon is that he's a attention whore when he's sick lol I'm blushing harder than I should he right now xD

@DeathNoteOwner I guess so! Thanks!

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