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Sneeze Fetish Forum

make you feel happy(Lupin.black) harry potter


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cold winter wind was blowing and every little thing on the ground was freezing sirius black was cold and

desperately hungry and thirsty but he couldn't even move because of the man slaying cold he had

"Remous is far away suffering in his own misery I can't expect him to take care of me" thought sirius.he sniffed resting his aching, congested head against the cool headboard .he somehow felt his face contorting in a pre-sneeze shape his breath hitching he blindly searched for his handkerchief and clamped it over his abused red nose.. nostril twitching he let out two stifled sneezes

hextchoo.....ahextch.it was a habit he couldn't stop even when he was alone. he sniffed deeply tried to clear his nose but the hankerchief was so damped and gross

"ugh... I wish rebous was here to helb.. I can'd even say the cleaning sbell correctly" he said with his congested voice

he felt his breath hitching again but didn't have enough time to grab his overused hankerchief so he sneezed openly toward his lap...heatchoooo.... started sniffing and rubbed his nose against the rough material of bed cover and moaned loudly his already chapped nose was only getting worse

he coughed in his loose fist and collapsed back in to the bed started sobbing for his misery

"why remous..... why you're not here"

TO BE continued........

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sitting in the jame's living room lighting up my cigarette inhaled deeply and pressed the palm of my hand against my forhead it feels so warm I don't know if I'm catching the nasty thing that goes around the country or it's just because of being emotionally cracked down I take a sip of my russian vodka which found it myself in some where dark down the basement have no idea who this belongs to but I assume an alone ,sad and betrayed man had bought it one day but didn't have enough time to even open it up voda taste so bitter and actually does no good to my aching throat only makes me cough deeply someone knocks at the door I lift my head up and say "come in" the door opens slowly and james appear he looks so tired, with his unshaved face he looks much older"so you are hidding here"he says I give him a nod "from what exactly?" he asks

"from what ever that reminds me that my fucking life is ruined" I try hard and fight back tears

"you have to hide from yourself then moony"

he is right I'm the one responsible for this ,for leaving sirius .for causing him and myself pain

I sniff and feel a tickle in the back of my nose trying to ignore it but making it worse I sneeze in the crook of my arm.. hextchooo

"bless you moony.you know I've asked a couple of guys in the town they say he hasn't showed up in a week and I'm so worried"

"don't be I'm sure he is alright maybe spending too much time sleeping with his new boyfriend"I fell like being chocked this sorrow is far beyond my strength so I finally give up and start crying james comes closer and hugs me

"shhh moony it's alright..your alright"

I push him back hard that he hits the sofa behind him"NO it's not alright I never gonna be alright" I shout out loud and being surprised by my hoarse voice

"I have seen him sleeping with my co worker the night that he was not suppose to be home" start coughing madly I sit down gasping for breath

"jesus moony you alright?"james comes near and helps me to stand up

"you are burning up man"

he was right it feels like being burned. my knees feels weak and I collapse having a blurred version of everything I close my eyes and say"how am I suppose to survive?"

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Oooooooooo I really like this so far!! You should continue, dying to know where this goes surprise.gifthumbup1.gif

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finally struggle hard and stand up feeling my stomach aching and my head pounding I stumble and grab the sofa to steady myself I gulp down and feel my throat is blocked moan loudly and feel tears coming down on my cheeks walking so slowly till I reach the bathroom

take a look at my face in the mirror I don't even recognize this creature who is staring at me with dark circles under his eyes and his pale skin almost yellowish." Is that me?" I ask " of course it's you idiot" some one answer. I startle

"who is it?" no replies " I asked who is it? who are you " touching my back pocket to make sure my wand is in it's place

everywhere is in deep silence so I think I'm hearing things ,touch my forhead can't tell If I have a fever grab a handful of toilet papers start to blow my nose with a gurgling sound coax out two sneezes: hextsh ...xitsh

" that's a hell of a cold you got there" that voice again. I bring out my wand and point it toward the toilet's door

" who the hell are you?I'm armed here" I yell out

" you are not gonna need it padfoot,cause if you hurt me you hurt yourself...."

that voice started laughing and I realize how much familiar is his voice and how near it is I feel chills in my backbones and start shaking violently feel my guts coming to my mouth and start gaging grab the sink edges and try to breath

" GOD HELP ME" I shout out


the voice shout back and I feel something slap my face hard and my head hits the sink feel something warm starts flowing down my face I close my eyes and something down inside me wishes that I do not open them again.......

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despite having a hangover I've wrote this partaxesmiley.png


I'm back again to that sinister day I know it's only my imagination or maybe not. maybe I'm really dead and this is my after life place to be, to suffer every minute of it.what ever this means I don't care anymore. I'm in the ministry of magic working my daily routine posting letters, writing answers spending my time in AUROR OFFICE pursuing and apprehend dark wizards.meantime moody is talking to frank longbottom about Lucius Malfoy " I don't know moody he has not being seen since last night,

I don't know if death eaters are planing to do something and if he is acting as their leader now" frank says . moody playing with his wand says"mmm I don't know either,I hope he has found a new hobby" and starts laughing madly, " but you can never be so sure about such things moody maybe he is hiding somewhere so he will be able to run a secret army" I say while trying to organize my mishmash paperworks which keep falling to the floor . moody twirls his wand and makes the jumble paperworks to go to their exact places , " you can also use thiiiis" shaking his wand in the air to catch my attention

I smile,"being everywhere with that muggle enthusiast ,weasley, gonna make you one of them" I grin,start to pack my stuff "you are leaving too early" Frank says " I know but tomorrow is siri's birthday I wanna go home and manage things" " aww you are so sweet I'm sure he will get super excited when he comes home" Frank says ,I'm going to answer but suddenly I sneeze : hectchoo..eschoo sniffing deeply searching my pockets for my handkerchief bring it up blowing my nose, meet moody and frank's shocked glares " what? I just sneezed it's quite natural"

" I just have not heard you sneeze before" moody says,I shrug " anyway I gotta go by guys see you tomorrow" I leave the room walking my way out of ministry the winter cold breeze brushing my face wish I have put on something warmer performing an apparate and arrive home in my surprise lights are on, I take out my wand start to get closer to the window to take a look in the house, window is open so I try to look to the inside when I see a shadow moving, then I hear hitching breathes : heh ... eh..hah.... after that five forceful sneezes : HEATCHoo....ahtchoo....iiish..iiishoo..aptchoo

I startle... this sneezes, I know their sound ...so siri is home... and he has caught a cold cause I know how his sneezing pattern changes when he comes down with something " I come in and bless you in thousand ways then make you soup and keep you warm" I whisper, don't want him to be aware of my presence wanna make him feel happy when he think he is alone and miserable so I open the door slowly, and careful not to make any noise I step in, close the door

" Bless you baby ,come back in the bed and let me get you warm"

this is not my voice ,I did not say this words ,some one else is in my home with him,sleeping in my bed with him.my eyes gets wide I open the door and run out I have no idea how far am I now, stop and gasp for breath that voice keep coming to my head"bless you.....come back to bed...." now I recognize that voice: IT'S LUCIUS MALFOY

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  • 3 months later...



It's hard to breathe, want to tear apart invisible rope around my neck , clawing and screaming though nothing could be heard I

Feel the numbness in all parts of my being which is caused by lack of oxygen my head gets heavy I bearly can keep It up, and there is

This awful smell , like coming from the hell, and that voice again

"Alright padfoot open your eyes and look down ,it's an absolutely amazing scene to see"

Not being able to say anything in protest I just open my eyes , where am I? it's feel like no gravity , feels like flying

"LOOK DOWN"the voice commands

I just obey, look down and see what seems like to be a corps with blood sheds on the floor where that creature is lying , almost felt bad

For him.........him? Did I just said him? Yeah a man is lying down there I observe him more carefully and can't help but notice the slender

And pathetic figure is shaking , he is alive....well if you could call that a living. ...... but he was definitely is not a

Corps , and his grip tighten around something like a wand ..... it's funny how his wand is like mine...the same features...... same color and seems to be made of RUNSPOOR FANG "BEST FOR THOSE WHO DEAL WITH DARK MAGIC" just like mine....mine?

Shit... it just hit me ...is That me?

"It's me....I'm dead...."I said that with trembling voice and surprisingly I don't feel like being suffocated any more the invisible rope is


"Oh siri ....don't be dramatic. ....you are not dead ...yet....but you will be if you don't let me in" he called me by my nick name only

Ramous uses my nick name he made it him self one week after our first date while both were lying on the beach he was

Fiddling with my hair and kissing my collarbone every now and then he came out with this crazy idea

"Siri....how obout this one"

"Excuse me? .what?"

"Your nickname. .....Siri.....you like it?"

I just burst out laughing "Siri? Are you sure? I mean do I even need a nickname? "

"YES YOU DO........I always wanted my things to have a nick name but never got a chance .....wanted a pet..." he said

The last sentence absent mindly , I cleared my throat "I'm not a pet...For your information"

He gave a nervous laugh and put a hard kiss on my lips "but you are my territory and I am about to mark you"

He whispered that in to my ear and made me chill , I just decided to be more cooperative and let loose

That memory brings a smile on my lips and that seems to annoy that damenned creature because he gives out a moan


"LET YOU WHERE? You are already in" I shout back "

"Deep down your memory to that night that you cheated on him"

No ..not this time I won't give up on my most embarresing memory ....no ...but what is this mad whisper in my ears .... AM I just about to.......

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