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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Y u do dis? (MarioXReader)


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To be clear,Mario does stifle about once.Also he does get allergies...for the first part,anyway.And a fair amount of nose blowing.Enjoy...!! :)

"I'm bored..."

You and Mario were waiting on a bus one warm May afternoon,leaving from a matinee movie.You stretch your arms and tentatively wrap one around Mario."Mario,I'm sooo bored..."you whine.

"Calm down,"Mario sighed,pushing you away with a finger."If this bus would come here faster,then we wouldn't be here so..."

He stops mid-sentence,suddenly taking in shallow gulps of air.You wonder what the seafish is going on untill Mario shoots forward with a strained "K-s'chyu!!",sighing weakly afterwards."Sorry..Either allergies or I'm coming down with something..."he said,rubbing his now cherry pink nose.

You moan,wanting excitement and fun.And that's when you realize-you already found a ticket to excitement.Noticing a patch of flowers to your right,you quickly snatch up a handful of them,and suddenly turn to Mario. "Hey!!"you shout,startling him.


"...I got you some flowers,"you say,shoving the bouquet before him.Blushing,Mario smiled shyly,then deeply inhaled the flower's scent. "Aww,thank you.."he sighed."B-But I can't take them because.."

"Why not..?"you say,

"I-I'm...hiiyhh...hiyhh...Hiyh-p'schyu!!--Extremely allergic to flowers.."he moaned,sniffling.You smile and hand him a napkin(which fell into the flower field next to you and was now tinged with pollen).Mario feeling somewhat better,blew forcefully into the pollen-ridden tissue,only to feel another itchy feeling."Oh no..."

You smile,waiting giddily for another action-packed explosion,untill Mario places his finger under his nose,which was now a cherry red."I-I'b sorry.."he moaned,sniffling. "I thigk by allergies are startigg to flare up..W'd better head hobe..."

You frown,all the action of the moment gone.

"[name]...Sorry about what happed earlier...I keep forgettigg I have severe polled allergies,add I always edd up feeligg sick...But the flowers were beautiful,add..."

Waving indiffrently,you throw a magazine you were reading,disgusted and sickened by the amount of fashion in there,wondering how did that even get here.

"It's alright,"you sigh,noticing something in your hair.Pulling it out,you notice it's a feather.You stare at it for a while,wondering what to do with it,when suddenly-


You shoot up,alerted by the sudden sneeze.You turn to see Mario tentatively rubbing his nose."Ughh...I thigk I'b gettigg sick..I deed sobe allergy bedicide.."

Sighing,you get up and head to the medicine cabinet-if they have one.Checking for anything labled "allergies",you poke around untill you find a box of allergy medicine.

"Hey Mario!"you shout.


You run downstairs,hiding the feather in your pocket."Where's Luigi?"

"I thigk he's asleep..Why..?"

"Well one,I wanna know where he is.."you say,flopping on the couch next to Mario. "And two,you need to blow your nose." You shove a box of tissues to him."You sound like the stereotypical sitcom kid."

Taking the hint,Mario snatched up 2 or 3 of the soft tissue papers and blew forcefully into them."Thanks.." he sighed.

You scoot closer to him,fingering at the feather in your pocket."So..."

Mario ripped open the box of allergy medicine."Now what..?"

"I need some excitement in my life.." you say.

Scooting closer,you pull the feather out of the pocket. "Let's have a little fun." Pinning him down to the couch,you smile mischievously and pull out the feather.

"[name],w-what are you doing..." Mario nervously squeaked.

You lightly brush the feather across Mario's nose. "[name],s-stop..!" he sputtered,feeling the tickle getting stronger and stronger."Haah,,haahh.."

Seeing this,you start tickling his nose even harder,untill Mario shoots forward with a loud "H-Haah-s'chyu!!"

"Oh,Mario.."Your heart starts racing as you insert the feather into Mario's left nostril. "N-No!Stop..!" Mario cries. "T-That one's r-really sensitive..!"

"Come on,you know it feels good!" You giggle and tickle more intensely as Mario struggles to pull your arm away,which ends up pushing the feather even farther into his nose. The sudden intensity causes Mario to go into a wet sneezing fit. "K'schyu!! Heh-p'tchyu!! Huh-t'chyu!! H-Hiih-k'schyu!!"

You notice the stream of snot running down Mario's nose and mustache,connecting to one of several splatters on your shirt.

"S-Stop..*snf* Please..."Mario whined.

"Never!"you giggle.You wiggle the feather around in his nose,causing Mario to sneeze loudly."Haah-t'chyu!! Hiih-s'chyu!!" Several small blasts of spray dotted your face.

Mario,sniffling loudly,tried to pull away,forgetting that the feather was still in his sensitive left nostril,which causeed him to sneeze wetly. "H-Haah-p'tschyu!!"

The sudden spray hitting your face causes you to indignantly wipe your face with your sleeve."You look so handsome when you sneeze,Mario."

"I don't feel handsome.."he moaned sickly.

Mario,feeling weak,tried to remove the feather,but it still made him sneeze. "Huhh-p'tchyu!! H-Hehh-k'tchyu!!"

You hear light footsteps coming down the stairs,along with a soft,quiet yawn.


You ignore the voice and continue to tickle Mario's nose,untill you see a glimpse of a pair of sleepy,soft blue eyes. Luigi,yawning sleepily,childishly rubbed one eye."W-What are you doing..?"

"It's not what it looks like," you sputter. Mario,feeling sick,tried to pull himself up,but the feather in his nostril made him sneeze loudly and wetly."H-Haah-p'tchyu!!"

"Bless you,"Luigi mumbled sleepily.You smile and pat him on the head."You're cute."Apparently liking it,Luigi smiles and lets out a low,pleasurable "Mmm..."

"O-Okay...Y-You go back to sleep now.."Mario sighs weakly,rubbing Luigi's head slightly.

"I don't wanna.."Luigi moans,ovbiously very sleepy. "I'll handle this." You say,rubbing Luigi's tummy.

"That tickles...!"Luigi giggled sleepily.You slow down and be more gentle,eventually replacing Luigi's giggles with a soft,sleepy,moan,and then another soft yawn as he wraps his arms around you and dozes off,his gentle breathing warming your chest.

After carrying Luigi upstairs,you pin Mario back down and continue to tickle his nose. "N-No...![name],p-please--Haah-s'chyu!! H-Huhh-s'chyu!!"

After a couple more hours of sneezing,you decided to stop,removing the feather from Mario's beet-red nose.The feather,now soaked and ruined,left a trail of snot running down Mario's nose as you removed the feather.Mario,now breathing heavily,had tears running down his eyes. "[name]..." he sputtered.

"Yyesss..?"you say,helping Mario sit up.

"W-Why...you d-do...this..?"

"Two reasons-One,because you have the cutest sneeze," you sigh,discarding the spray-soaked feather."and two-the action." You rub Mario's burning and sore nose.However,this causes him to let out a wet "H-Hiyaah-p'schiyu!!"

You smile and hand him a tissue.

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