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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Helpless (Mario)


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Remember when I said I'd write something with Mario? Here it is(the inducing doesn't start untill near the end,though)

Coming home with red eyes was common during the spring,but Mario had it worse.His allergies seemed to always be worse.The medicine he had was his only form of relief,and even then they wouldn't always work,leaving him weak,sniffling,and miserable.

Today,his allergies became even worse,and tripping into a field of dandelions made them even more torturous.Mario stumbled home,covered in dandelion fluff,pollen,and snot.

"Bad day,huh?"Luigi sighed.He was asleep and didn't notice that Mario left.

"Not now,"Mario sputtered."C-Can I just-"

His already sore nose started to itch again."Huhh..." Luigi,sensing the urgency of the situation,reached for a nearby box of tissues that was just arm's length away.Mario grabbed about 2 or 3 of the sheets before exploding violently into them."Hiih-s'chiyu!!" Luigi gave his brother a weary smile."Looks like someone needs some rest.."he said,flicking specks of pollen off of Mario's spray-soaked shirt,"Come on,I'll help you up,"he sighed,wrapping his arm around Mario.

Helping his weak brother up a single flight of stairs took some time-Mario's nonstop sneezing complicated matters even more-but the two finally made it.

"Maybe you should shower.It'll help get some of the pollen off,"Luigi suggested.

"I-I guess so.."Mario weakly sighed,before unexpectedly shooting forward with a strained "Haah-s'chyu!"

Luigi giggled slightly."I hope you covered your mouth,"he teased. "Not now,"Mario mumbled,weakly shoving away Luigi's arm and stumbling towards the shower.

The warm water offered some relief,but spraying cool water on his face felt even better,despite being pretty unbearable if the ice cold water splashed onto his body.Mario even found himself jumping back when jets of freezing water hit his feet.

Mario collasped onto his bed,a thin stream running down his eyes.He was shivering-the AC must have shut off,and there was a fan going-and he didn't feel any better.Suddenly he grabbed a handful of tissues and buried his face into them."H-Haah-k'chyu!!Haah..haah..K'tchyu!!"

Tears were streaming from his red eyes.Moaning,he sat up,only to be knocked back by another "K'tchyu!!"

"I give up,"he moaned.Rolling over,he drifted off to sleep,ignoring everything.

When he woke up,the sky had turned a pale pink.His arms and legs felt rather stiff,and there were splatters running down the side of his bed,followed by a thin stream of snot running down Mario's nose. Rolling to his left side,Mario found a sticky note on his nightstand.It read, "You were shivering nonstop.Didn't have a fever,though,so just covered you up."

That explains the covers around him.

Mario stretched out slightly,only to explode into a violent fit of sneezes."K-s'chyu!!Heh-k'tchyu!!Huh..huh..Huh-s'chyu!!Haah-t'chyu!!"

The tissues in his hands were soaked and dripping,and were starting to stick to his hands.Weak and shaking,he stumbled to the bathroom to wash the mess off of his hands.

Mario splashed some of the cool water on his burning face.his eyes were still red,and now they were starting to puff up.His nose was practically numb,and the constant sneezing made him weak.

Suddenly,he felt a sharp itch in his already burning nose."Huhh..."

He snatched off nearly a yard from the nearby toilet paper roll.The feeling of the soft tissue paper made him shoot forward with a loud,strained "Huh-s'chyu!!"

He was almost knocked backwards.Feeling dizzy,he stumbled back to his bed.blacking out.

When he woke up again,the room was dark.Feeling cold,Mario decided to crawl under the warm covers on his bed.He weakly rolled over to turn on his lamp,spotting an unpoened box of tissues and a glass of water,along with another note.

"Out of allergy meds.Just going to the store right quick.oh there's some noodles in the microwave(ramen,your favorite .w.)"

Mario stumbled downstairs,finding the bowl of warm noodles in the microwave,like the note said.But he wasn't really hungry,so he took a couple tiny spoonfuls before setting them back in the microwave.

Realizing the splatters on the t-shirt he was wearing,Mario decided to change into some pajamas and call it a night.Being screwed over by hardcore allergies and all,that was a good idea.

Feeling numb,the warm jets of water had no effect on Mario's shivering body.He didn't feel the growing itch in his nose,so the sudden "K-s'chyu!!" took him by suprise.Alarmed,he whipped to one side,expecting someone to open the door.He thought it was someone outside-possibly Luigi-but after noticing the thick stream of snot running down his nose,he realized it was just him.

Then he suddenly started to shiver.He didn't realize the warm water shifted to cold,all he knew is that it just got so cold in here.

He was asleep for about a while when he felt another strong,sharp itch in his sore nose.Mario sat up and reached for the nearby boxes of tissues,bracing himself for the oncoming explosion,but it wouldn't come out.

He needed help,and fast.Hearing a voice downstairs,he assumed that Luigi was back with the medicine-and hopefully more boxes of tissues...

"Luigi..!!"he mumble-shouted.

About a second later,Luigi instantly rushed into the room,tripping over a shoelace but instantly regaining his balance."What?"

"H-Help m-me.."Mario was shaking now.

Luigi calmly went over to his desperate brother."In pain?"he suggested. Mario weakly shook his head no.

"Then what?Can't help you if I don't know what's going on.."

Mario lifted one hand and pointed to his sore nose."I-It's stuck.." he moaned. Instantly,Luigi started blushing."Uh.."

"Please..." Mario was to the point of crying. Luigi nervously rubbed Mario's burning nose,hoping to dislodge the sneeze.This works all the time on me..he thought.But no luck.

"H-Help.."Mario whined.

"I'm trying..!"

This time,Luigi noticed a feather sticking out of Mario's pillow.Getting an idea,he tore away the feather,expecting a small one...and instead getting a feather the size of his hand.He shrugged hopelessly and tried tickling Mario's nose with it,but nothing happened.

Knowing that he had to try something desperate,Luigi had to pull himself together,and deal with it.Slowly,he inserted the feather into Mario's left nostril.

Feeling the itch get stronger,Mario grabbed the handful of tissues he was holding earlier,and exploded violently into them."HAAH-S'CHAU!!"

The two of them both looked at each other awkwardly.The previous sneeze had left Mario extremely weak and shaking,but he gave Luigi a weak smile."T-Thanks,bro.."he mumbled.

"No prob."

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I'd just like to politely point out that any posting of fics or obs involving those under the age of 13 are not allowed.

Thank you :)

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Awesome story! I loved it!! biggrin.png I'd like to see a story about Mario and Luigi getting sick

Awe thank you.

And I wrote one with Luigi getting sick,its on my DA.

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I'd just like to politely point out that any posting of fics or obs involving those under the age of 13 are not allowed.

Thank you :)

I'm so confused lol. Has there ever been anyone to think these mustached plumber men to be under 13??? XD I feel like maybe I missed something.

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I'd just like to politely point out that any posting of fics or obs involving those under the age of 13 are not allowed.

Thank you smile.png

I'm so confused lol. Has there ever been anyone to think these mustached plumber men to be under 13??? XD I feel like maybe I missed something.

i am confused too.

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The two of them both looked at each other awkwardly.The previous sneeze had left Mario extremely weak and shaking,but he gave Luigi a weak smile."T-Thanks,bro.."he mumbled.

OMG, major Department of Redundancy Department. XD

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