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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Spring Fever in Stormwind (World of Warcraft, Male)


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Originally this started out as a drabble, but it wound up growing into more of a oneshot in length. I feel like I haven't wrote a fanfic to post in awhile, and it was fun actually doing that again. Recently got into world of warcraft, and though I play mostly horde, I've found I have a soft spot for a few lore characters on the alliance side as well. Especially the grumpbutt Varian, and Anduin who in my head is often a snarky source of reason. XD

But enough of my chatter. Onto the story, and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Slight warnings for some mild language.


Varian Wrynn did not have many weaknesses. At least as far as the physical went. Any one who had faced him in combat knew that he rarely gave an opening for an attack, and that just when it seemed his strength could endure no more, there was a small bit left to end the fight. Even in simple sparring he didn’t give an inch.

“Move your feet. Faster.” the king coached as he brandished a wooden sword, striking hard against the one his son held.

If the king had a weakness that everyone knew about, then it was the son that stood in front of him now.

“I think if I go any faster we’ll be dancing instead of sword fighting.” his son smirked. The teenager had grown a good deal over the last few years. Though he still had a slender form, he had gained some muscle as well, and was already nearly as tall as Varian. “Though at least that might give me the element of surprise.”

Varian rolled his eyes, a bit of bemusement on his lips nonetheless. It was hard to be even mildly annoyed on a day like this. The sun was warm on their skin, the sky was clear for once, and repairs were finally being made after Deathwing’s attack. The gardens in which they practiced were alive and green, and fresh flowers were being planted as well. Though Varian hadn’t paid much attention to which ones.

“Just promise me you’re not going to ask someone to dance on the battlefield.” as soon as the words left his mouth his eyes widened slightly and then narrowed. “I’m serious. Don’t do that.” he blocked one of Anduin’s attacks as the boy lunged forward swinging at him. He didn't think his son actually would, but sometimes it was best to air on the side of caution.

“On my honor, father. I will not ask someone I’m fighting to dance. At least not there and then.” he winked and Varian had to resist the urge to facepalm as he thrust his sword forward, nearly knocking the blade from Anduin’s hand. His son pulled back just in time, barely recovering but still managing to knock the blow aside. That was good. He was getting better at this, despite his rather rocky start in swordsmanship.

“Good. Watch your hand. I nearly had you that time.” Varian kept his stance strong, watching his son and feeling a light breeze play with the ends of his long hair, carrying the scent of the city and…

The king did not have many weaknesses. But there was one other one besides his son that was present in this moment. There was a sweet scent on the air that reached his nose, and he could feel the all to familiar prickling sensation beginning to take hold. The warrior king cursed the fact he hadn’t asked about what was being planted.

“Nearly, but not quite. You haven’t won yet.” the teenager grinned.

“Yet being the key word.” Varian smirked, though as his nose twitched it came out looking like more of a snarl. Anduin raised an eyebrow as Varian shook his head. He hated sneezing. It left him feeling helpless and vulnerable and right now he was not going to let some damn allergies push him inside on a day like this.

“Father, are you…” Anduin started to ask before Varian moved forward at rapid speed. If he could just think about something else then he could ignore the tickle building in the back of his nose.

“Don’t lose your focus. Right! Left! Back!” he barked out each direction as he moved, bringing the carved broadsword around in a swiping motion before up high in a slicing curve. Anduin had to jump to avoid the first attack and barely got his own sword up the second time.

The breeze seemed to be picking up and in the back of his mind, Varian was vaguely aware that the gardeners were probably moving closer with more flowers. What had started out as a light tickle in the back of his nose began to form into an itch deep within his sinuses that was slowly spreading.

He scrunched his face bringing the sword around again. Trying to rub his shoulder against his nose in an attempt to push back the sensation.

Anduin did not miss this action and brought his own sword up and around, trying to catch his father’s weapon at the awkward angle it had rested at for a split second. As well as get a closer look at him.

“G-good. Keep it up…” Varian’s words had a distinct catch to them as he blocked. He pressed a scarred knuckle to the underside of his nose as he used one hand to parry the next attack. The itch was getting worse. It felt like someone was twisting a feather inside his nostrils and no matter how he scrunched and fought he couldn’t get rid of it. He rarely could. Once that damn irritation found a way inside, there was usually only one way out.

Anduin dodged his other attack moving to the left before circling to the right with the sword to try and weaken his father’s grip. It held as Varian countered, but the real battle was being waged with his nose where he pressed harder against it. He took a ragged breath to try and get the sensation under control.

The prince pulled back, pausing in his barrage of attacks and tilting his head to study his father. A small almost bemused smile on grew his face as it dawned on him what was happening.

“You know you’re only making it worse.” he smirked, resting the blade of his sword in the ground as he leaned on it.

“I’m not…making anything w-wor…heh…” Varian’s breath caught as he pressed his thumb to the side of his nose and forefinger to the tip. “K-keep…” he tried to urge his son to keep going, but the words were lost as he fought against the growing irritant. The breeze faded a bit, but it wouldn’t stop bringing more pollen with it and from the corner of blurry vision, Varian could just make out one of the gardeners coming closer; bulbs in tow.

“Hhh…heh…” Varian tried with all his might to keep the sneeze in check, but there were some battles even Stormwind’s great king couldn’t win. Especially when his son was aiding the enemy.

“You’re going to hurt yourself.” Anduin sighed, reaching out and trying to pull his father’s arm away. He couldn’t fully pull Varian’s arm down, but that slight break in pressure allowed more pollen to get through and that was it.

“Andu…ahh-hheh…hiiih-heh-hhhh…Varian’s head fell back, his nostrils flaring wildly as his breath hitched. “HACHKSXXT!”

Anduin jumped at the sound as Varian doubled over with the force of the sneeze, burying his nose in the crook of his arm. A flock of nearby birds took too the sky in startled terror and several people outside the gardens whipped their heads around too see what the sound was.

Varian only wished that was the end. But now that he had started, his sinuses weren’t going to be happy until everything was out.

“ACHSXXT!” he snapped downward again. “HECHXxxsht!” and again. “ECHssxxt! Hhchs! Hkkksx!” his eyes watered as the small sneezes kept him occupied before larger ones exploded nearly taking him to one knee. He found he had to stab the sword into the ground to use as a support to keep that from happening. “Da-dam…h-he…heh…”

The prince dug into one of his pockets, fortunately coming out with a square of white cloth and held it out to his father.

“Here. That might help until we get inside.” he said urgently.

Varian shook his head, still stubborn as ever. But only to a point.

“I don’t…nee….eh…” but it was clear he did and just as the next sneeze built he snatched the handkerchief and buried his nose in the soft white folds.

“HACHKXxschoo!” he kept it firmly over his nose as he felt Anduin take his arm and guide him inside. His head raising and snapping down all the way as the fit persisted. He could barely see where they were going through the allergic tears in his eyes. Finally once they were inside, and the scent at least cut off, Varian was able to take in a breath of air that didn’t bring more pollen with it.

“Hhh…HECHKSCHOOo! HACHkssxt! Hhih-Hiichkxschoo!” he leaned against one of the walls, the fit finally beginning to subside. “Ichso…Hetchsoo…Hxxts! Ugh…” he blew hard into the cloth, keeping it tight over his now pink nose, and cursing under his breath.

Genuine concern lined Anduin’s face as he kept a hand on his father’s arm.

“Are you alright? What brought that on?” he moved his hand to try and feel his father’s forehead, but Varian brushed it away.

“Ib fibe…” Varian’s voice was congested and scratchy. He blew his nose once more with such force it echoed throughout the stone hallway. In regards to Anduin’s second question, there was some red left on his face that had less to do with the fit and more about what caused it. “It’s just allergies.”

He hated the fact he had those. Some great warrior he was if someone could undo him by bringing a basket of flowers onto the battlefield.

Anduin blinked skeptically. They both knew Varian was the last person to admit when he was actually sick.

“Are you sure? Usually they don’t cause that kind of reaction.” he said. He had a few allergies himself, but his were at least manageable. Most of the time.

Varian nodded.

“I’m certain. It must be those damn mageroyal they’re planting.” he grimaced and a wry smile crossed Anduin’s face as he folded his arms. “What?”

“You didn’t check to see what flowers they were planting did you?” he asked.

“No. I assumed they’d be smart enough not to use those.” Varian’s eye twitched. It wasn’t known to everyone that he was allergic to the flower, only that he disliked it. But for some reason this fact seemed to amuse his son more than it should.

“Father, they weren’t planting mageroyal. I was talking with the gardener last week after you signed the papers. They’re planting peacebloom.” the prince explained and Varian’s eyes widened slightly.

Light damnit there was another thing out there that could set him off? On top of that, peacebloom? That was one of the most common flowers around here. The smirk on his son’s face also told him that Anudin had not missed the irony in something that had the word ‘peace’ in it, made him miserable. Up until now he thought only peace summits could do that.

“Wonderful. Maybe tomorrow we’ll practice the art of fire making.” he muttered grumpily as they walked down the hall towards the inner chambers. Part of him wasn’t just annoyed with the fact that his allergies had come back with a vengeance, but he couldn’t help being frustrated they had ruined what otherwise was a perfect day. Anduin and him did not fight as they used to, or at least they hadn’t for awhile. Though he felt he was still trying to rebuild their relationship. Time was running out too. Anduin was growing up faster than he could keep up with and he had already lost so much time. It wasn’t as if they had every day free to spend together either.

“I think a few people might frown on setting fire to the gardens. You know how protective Jaiyu is of his work. He’d probably turn a water spell on even you.” Anduin smirked, nudging his father’s shoulder.

Varian rolled his eyes.

“Well if there is someone here with a more frightening temper than mine...” he managed a smile, and as if picking up on his previous thoughts, Anduin continued talking.

“But you know, the day isn’t over yet just because we can’t spar in the garden. There are other things that we can do. I haven’t shown you some of the new spells I’ve been working on. I even came up with my own.” the young priest beamed. Once Varian would have snarled and rebuked his son for studying the light like he did instead of picking up a weapon. Now though, there was simply pride in his eyes when his son talked about his training.

“I would like tha…” Varian’s steps faltered as he felt a burning beginning in his nostrils again. What now? “HACHSKSsso!” he dipped his head down with no warning to bring either the cloth or his arm up and Anduin jumped a foot in the air. “W-hat the he…HEckss!” he pinned his nose against the backside of his fist as he turned a corner and stared in horror at what he saw before him. In the papers he had signed he had missed that some of the flowers being planted in the garden would also be used as decoration for the upcoming dedication of the rebuilt parts of the city. Peacebloom flowers currently lined the corridor walls as people moved to and fro carrying them in bushels and arrangements to their destination.


he sweet smell and pollen that filled the air was to much for Varian to even try fighting back his raging sinuses as he turned sharply, grabbing at the handkerchief again and burying his nose against it. Though that did little stifle the sound, drawing some attention.


“Err...on second thought, maybe we should do something away from here today? Or even take a ride away from the city entirely?” Anduin suggested weakly as he followed his father, fighting back a laugh.

“As long as…Hechtchsoo! Wherever we go…there aren’t any damn flowers!” the king sniffed.


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I feel like I'm hallucinating this story? UGH WRYNN. UGH BIG MANLY KING ALLERGY SNEEZES. UGH WARCRAFT.

I think you and I are going to get along juuuust fine.

A flock of nearby birds took too the sky in startled terror and several people outside the gardens whipped their heads around too see what the sound was.

I love and am cracking up at this line. And aww, I love Anduin being all concerned and Varian being hecka frustrated. I don't see enough bonding with those two :B

Lovely story, thank you for posting!

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Thank you thank you THANK YOU! This had me giggling and flailing like a child! :Pounce:

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I feel like I'm hallucinating this story? UGH WRYNN. UGH BIG MANLY KING ALLERGY SNEEZES. UGH WARCRAFT.

I think you and I are going to get along juuuust fine.

A flock of nearby birds took too the sky in startled terror and several people outside the gardens whipped their heads around too see what the sound was.

I love and am cracking up at this line. And aww, I love Anduin being all concerned and Varian being hecka frustrated. I don't see enough bonding with those two :B

Lovely story, thank you for posting!

I'm really glad you liked it. ^^ I had a ton of fun writing this story, and definitely want to do more with Warcraft characters. They just seem like a ton of fun, especially putting in sneezy situations. Getting to know his character more, I figured that Varian would be one of those people whose sneezes could clear a table or a small room. XD And nearly always give his poor son a jumpscare. I really love these two and exploring their relationship. And I'm a sucker for father and son fluff with them.

Again glad you liked it. ^^


Thank you thank you THANK YOU! This had me giggling and flailing like a child! Pounce.gif

Awww you're welcome! I'm really glad you liked it! I think I was a bit nervous posting my first sneeze fic, but I'm really glad I did. ^^

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Ooooo yes! I love Varian so much, he's awesome!! Thank you for writing this, there isn't enough fetish WoW fan fiction~

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/28/2014 at 3:49 PM, Twezz said:

Originally this started out as a drabble, but it wound up growing into more of a oneshot in length. I feel like I haven't wrote a fanfic to post in awhile, and it was fun actually doing that again. Recently got into world of warcraft, and though I play mostly horde, I've found I have a soft spot for a few lore characters on the alliance side as well. Especially the grumpbutt Varian, and Anduin who in my head is often a snarky source of reason. XD


Okay, I know I'm rezzing this thread and I'm sorry; but holy crap. HOOOOOLY CRAPBASKETS.

I never liked Varian.  I think he's a whiny tool who cries way too much about his (not so) tragic past ....and that might be bias because Thrall is my Bae. Whatever.  

So...I balked at reading this, because I just couldn't help but think "Varian?? Pshhh..."

Holy. Crapbaskets.  

The fight mirroring his holdback...unfff what is that if not pure art?!?

I love love LOVE the snark.  When Varian tells Anduin not to ask people to dance...perfect.  Hilarious.  Love.  (I'm a big Anduin fan too) And I just adored that he knew what was going on before the sneezing started.

When he was sneezing, I kept thinking "man it would be so hot if he stabbed his sword in the ground and used it to-OHMY PRECIOUS BOWTIE HE JUST DID IT!! WHAT IS MY LIFE!!"

All in all, I think I maybe just happen to not hate Varian as much as I used to...but don't tell my guild. 

Thanks for the amazing story. *fuffs loudly*

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