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Dauntless Don't Get Sick


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This story takes place during initiation, in.... I'd say kind of the a little after the middle of the first book, after they kissed for the first time, amd when Four allows her to call him Tobias. Also told from Tris's point of view, for any who would like to know without having to look for her name in the story. While I don't do very many sickfics, recently I've had some ideas on what to do with them and some stories only allow for illness to involve any sneezing whatsoever. Anyway, enjoy!


I stare at my plate and try not to think about home. It's times like this you both love the Dauntless and hate them, love them for their courage, their laughs, and hate them for their easy anger, their competitiveness. Cristina sits beside me, chatting it up with Uriah loudly enough that it's getting on my nerves. But I keep it in, wanting her to enjoy her morning. Will sits across from me, digging into a muffin and cereal.

"So," He says,"What'd Four say he had planned yesterday?"

"Beats me." I shrug and eat, staring at the entrance. He's not in his usual place today and I'm concerned for him; I know there was a Dare game last night because Uriah was invited with Zeke. At this point I'm not sure whether he's alive or not. So, I lean in and interrupt Cristina's conversation (Which happens to involve what she'd like to get for a tattoo) to ask him about what Tobias got for a dare.

"Four?" He says, like he's confused. "Oh, he was told to strip naked and get wet."

"But last night was maybe ten degrees!" I cry, a little surprised. He got that for a dare? Last night was unusually cold and I'm ready to march up to his apartment and check on him.

Luckily I don't have to. He comes into the mess hall and stalks over to the food, swipinh a few muffins and some milk. He comes and sits next to me, a scowl on his face. His nose seems kind of red and his eyes look a little bloodshot. I nudge his arm and ask what's wrong.


"I can tell something's up." I reply, looking at him. He bites into his muffin and shakes his head.


"Yeah, really." I try a grin. He returns it meekly, then turns his head and sneezes into the air three times. I pat his back, trying to look casual about it, like I'm just helping him out. Will stares, and Cristina halts her conversation. I'm kind of surprised; That's the first time I've ever heard him sneeze before. He turns back, rubs his nose, and continues eating like nothing happened.

"Bless you. Are you feeling okay?"

"Thank you. Yeah, I'm good."

"I was told you were dared to stand outside, naked, and be soaked." I say, picking at my food. Will continues staring, and when Tobias sneezes again, harshly this time, he chuckles.

"I think you're lying."

"I think you're irritating an instructor." He replies, glaring at Will. He backs down, shrugging.

"Your call. You're gonna kill yourself, though."

Tobias laughs, but starts coughing midway in. "I already killed myself when I joined this faction."

All of us freeze and quiet down, shocked at what he just said. Eric stands behind Tobias, his arms crossed. He never saw it coming.

"What was that?"

"What was...... Hah'ashoo!" Tobias's head snaps forward and he sneezes sharply, right onto the other man's food.

"That's disgusting! C'mere, I'mma teach you a lesson!" Eric lofts Tobias by his collar, dragging him up to his feet. Tobias puts his fists up, and Eric punches him in the stomach, causing him to double over. I let out a yell and stand, tackling Eric to the ground. Tobias's hands wrap around my shoulder and he pulls me up, off the one man I think- No, I Know- Is working against his own faction.

"Don't waste your strength." He whispers in my ear, before sneezing into his arm. I watch Eric struggle to his feet, smiling like he just watched some puppies get ripped in half. And he enjoyed it.

"Yeah. Don't waste your strength. Not that you had any to begin with....." He trails off and walks away, leaving the tray and spilled food for someone to clean. Tobias coughs and starts for the door. I follow, unsure what to do with myself.

I'll post more to tomorrow! :)

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Oh my gosh I love Divergent!! Can't way for more, love your writing! Keep it up, this is great thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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"What happened back there?" I ask, catching up to him. He freezes, holds up a finger, and sneezes sharply three times into the air before turning to regard me.

"Nothing. Eric freaks out over the slightest little thing, Tris."

"Are you going to live?"

He let's out a harsh laugh, and it echoes off the walls of the Pit.

"Well, that's a way of putting it."

I take his hand and press it between my own, caring and not daring to do it at the same time. This place is fairly public, but no one's here right now, either in the mess hall getting breakfast or still asleep, or passed out from drunkenness down by the chasm railing. Squinting, I see Peter and Drew, eyes closed and plopped on the floor like the Devil scraped them off his shoe.

They'll have rotten hangovers.

Another sneeze interrupts my thoughts, and I focus my attention back on Tobias.

"Really? Don't you think you should take a break?"

"What? A break?" He laughs forcefully this time, and I scowl a little.

"That's not what I mean. Don't pitch yourself over the chasm edge. Stay in your apartment and get some rest."

He scoffs a little, and I feel regected , but only for a moment. He can't keep up this Dauntless act for long, not the way he's sneezing constantly.

"I'm not gonna do that. No way. I can't afford to take a break. Who'll handle you guys?"


"Eric's a self-absorbed little rat."

He sneezes a couple times into the back of his wrist and I look on, hardly IG boring the pang of guilt I feel when he bends over with every sneeze.

"Glad you think that. I'm not kidding. I won't kiss you for the next ten years unless you stay at home today."

He looks at me, and I see I have him. Then I sigh and hug him, squeezing tightly.

"Look, I will, but the next month, how about it?"

He nods and slinks off to his apartment, sneezing and letting out rough little coughs.

We have to put up with Eric, but at least Tobias is back the next day, only sneezing once or twice and out of range of everyone else.

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