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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Pollen Allergies (Chibi!Luigi and my OC)


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Yup,wrote this sometime.

Somedays,being small can have big problems.

It was springtime.The flowers were blooming,and the air was warm.Rocky, a young teenage girl,was running through a field of flowers,carefree and laughing.She was enjoying the springtime sunny day.

Meanwhile,her tiny chibi friend Chibi Luigi was enjoying the breeze on his face,despite the increasing amount of pollen sticking to Rocky's shirt. He was particularly calmed that day,because being in a shirt pocket meant being close to Rocky's heartbeat,which always put him to sleep. But it wasn't untill they got home untill the sneezing started.

Rocky,exhausted and slightly winded,gently set the tiny figure on her nightstand."Enjoy yourself,Chibi?"she said,running her fingers through her sandy red hair.

Chibi Luigi nodded.He didn't speak much.

Rocky smiled."Well,I'm gonna hit the shower right quick.Wait here,ok?"

The little guy walked around the nightstand.There was a small bed for him,Rocky's red glasses, her Smash Ball bedlamp,and a half-empty glass of water.He let out a small,happy sigh.But he started to feel a slight tickle in his tiny nose.That's strange,he thought.He never felt this feeling before.The feeling got worse untill he let out a small,strained, "H-hiih-k'tchiyu!!"

He fell back from the force of the sneeze. He felt better,but then the same feeling returned,somewhat stronger this time. He braced himself,knowing he'd probably get knocked over again,but--"Hih-p'tchiiyu!! Hiih-k'tchiiyu!! H-Hiih-k'tchiyu~!!"--He was able to balance himself this time.He lifted his tiny hand to rub his eyes,but he felt something running down his nose.He let out a small gasp as the slimy,clear stuff puddled into his hand.


He never saw this stuff before.But the same feeling returned. "Hiihh..."

Rocky returned from the shower,draped in a powdered lavender robe,her baby-blue cat ears slightly wet."Hey Chibi!"she beamed.


Rocky felt her cheeks glow."Aww!Chibi,I never knew you had such adorable sneezes!"

Chibi Luigi,relieved that the feeling went away,was confused by what she said."H-Huh..?"

Rocky giggled at his naivety."Aww,you're so cute.Come on,let's get you cleaned up."She picked up the messy Chibi and walked to her sink.

Chibi Luigi smiled at the warmth from her hands,but at that moment,he shot forward with a small "H-Haah-k'tchiiyu!!"

Rocky giggled."Bless you,cutie!"

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